John Witherspoon Talks Kat Williams & Kevin Hart Beef, Biopic & More With Yasmin Young

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Hey I'm Yasmin young and I am here with the legendary I mean this guy has had one hell of a comedy career and you've seen him on your television screen probably seen him on stage you've seen them in films John Witherspoon thanks for having me thank you thank you very much in this beautiful town cold hey you're from Detroit though so you see about us 20 years ago so you don't keep that with you that cold no you got 75 ingrains today oh so nice I'm so jealous oh so where is green and brews a broom right so okay you know we've seen you all over you have such a immense body of work you know you worked on black Jesus you were no Friday worked on everything yet only darkest cartoon boondocks you know what's next for you where do you go well we actually I had a job on ABC but I couldn't do it because ABC didn't want to be a second position lift back Jesus so I learned another year old black Jesus I have to contract me continue with my one year left on the country okay black G so we're cutting out a lot of money Wow I couldn't make triple the money so do you have any regrets about that yeah how was you could've done both right but they wouldn't be leaves they won't be made these to me for okay can I see if they had me working for black Jesus right so uh you know it's just good news I mean is that is not bad news it cuz I'm working right true carryovers knocked up that big of a deal okay we're speaking of working you know a lot of people were kind of almost like bashing but critiquing Chris Rock for hosting the Oscars because of all the controversy this year with no black nominees I mean you've worked in film since what the eighties right 60 70 since the 70s so do you think that it's the same better or worse since when you started in film as far as Hollywood and diversity well it's all actions basically the same it doesn't change not going to change you'll get people isn't regular doing is black been doing it but I hadn't every I don't care about giving trophies away right a little cash right mama done it and if mama could have been if you happen at hosts and you feed em chicken hey I would hear goddamn everybody wants to be kind of a baby true absolutely I never watch that type of stuff I don't you want to be ET a wolf and you know what though at the end of the day when you think about it it doesn't matter because look at how long your career is very have no interest in an award show so does it matter that of the day my thing is a paint shake can clear them the bank I'm happy well I know one thing about them that you are an Aquarius so I I get that money we love that cat that's what I think I bedroom count my money but it shows own okay I gotta do I know you worked on the Richard Pryor show anyway long ago so Mike Epps is playing him in the biopic Oh whoo if you can pick right now to play you would play you in your biopic cuz you know what it's gonna come well one thing about that Richard Pryor sure why I hope they do it because everybody has been picked clean this Richard branch I mean Marlin Lane was going to play and by listening guys in town tomorrow he's on there like big black comedy show they have here tomorrow things tomorrow I can't think of the name that but six other people haven't uh have been pointed out to be Richard Pryor I don't even though it's gonna ever happen I hope it happened I mean I don't really care who that no they don't care well what about your by okay who would you like me you if I'm gonna bid I don't care my seller that be giving jobs your son do like comedy and acting on his own JD Witherspoon he's on didn't deal with it YouTube and stuff he hasn't shown you okay so he does a lot of stuff so he's taking you know what you've done is comedy and taking it to the newer lineal level where yeah yeah media what he called him addictive it's all over social media so you are you on Instagram Emily's the graph instantly yeah I think I have a paycheck yeah I get paid for but he is um he's the new faces of comedy we did a scene in LA for a new face of carbon for CBS okay he was on there I was proud of him oh yeah did you give him advice didn't I call you and ask you know yo you know do it dad you gotta go under he told you but he's a young guy they playing young right after he's only 27 26 right um but uh he's um going out for carpet for TV shows or commercials and stuff like that what idea what I would like what I'm right Joe are you trying to start asking you for advice when I told him you know just go do it and don't think about it you get it you get it junket you just keep on moving yeah you don't want to say that worried but did I do well right they go when you walk in that door if they want your true you know exactly what they want okay so so talking about you know comedy and in your body but obviously you like stand-up because you're here in Buffalo you're gonna be a helium comedy club what do we get from your stand-up comedy that's different than what we see on the screen well I play myself no matter what I do the which is good for me a lot of people wouldn't get on screen you got to play a character when I'm gonna screen that famous please everybody I don't have to change they just pay you to be John within me pay to me get that paper be myself which is great for me when I'm granddad on the boondocks cartoon myself right I'm when I'm on Friday with two ice cube and uh I was myself and with Tracy Morgan on this show I was myself I'm just a mechanic right but I was facility let's go pay myself what they had to play can't wait and let it play something to do on a bike right see I play myself I'll be playing I'll repay myself I don't I don't know how to play anything that's why I dig this but he picked me they want me to be myself so obvious be funny because every you know film and television show that we've seen you on your hilarious and you always and it's never you don't have to try not have to try don't have to try you're just naturally funny just you know that timing is key and they let me uh add life and if it's something out of the movies up right they let me am right which is very easy for me but bad was total tough about that is when you go back to reach you right you know what you see ready down joining okay so you mention Katt Williams you know him and um I guess kind of Kevin Hart are beefing over I don't know exactly what it's over I guess it's I don't know exactly what it comes from but how do you feel about that too young guardians or you know doing their things should they even be worried about beefing or should they be worried about the check I can't I can't uh I can't believe that they have time to sit around and talk about each other right and I saw Katt Williams on my wouldn't be Twitter i mighta sorta Twitter of Facebook I don't know talking about Kevin Hart I said when did it start right yeah I can figure it out either I couldn't just busily working too hard yet all my meet me in a ring and reason it's in a ring brain to microphone are you talking about I think I think Kevin Hart mentioned for say you got twenty eight million dollars I guess maybe cap was mad at some runaway manna keep working with that will you let me know Kevin Hart is making a little out of money right yeah every syllable everything everything you know I'm proud of both up right but I don't know why they would be beef day so maybe they doing that so people can go see them and when they had another place right controversy controversy sells no sales alike yeah so I don't I have no idea I don't know one day if I was kind of I wouldn't say no I wouldn't say nothing right yeah we wouldn't be only one beat was not enough to for beef right but I wouldn't say anything back to him right I should god bless you god bless you Mirko cash this Jane bring back our row and bring them bring that de phantom around again I cannot keep it up with people I know she invited beef with me right you never hear me baby buddy I would be I don't clear damage about your cooking show oh yes I will cooking show on YouTube called cooking for poor people somebody's been cooking for 40 okay so talk to me about some of the dishes that you're cooking well that's bad thing this is when you're hungry everything tastes good and truly so I cook up just cheap stuff I had one sure was two fried egg sandwiches you eventually you're going to fry well that's how you know she really loves yeah yeah you and I recommend when with the dinner a tall glass of Thunderbird why will you grew up with would you love lemon tension so that is yeah no no we had a lot of tiny sandwiches I don't know about this chicken feet and right shake it right chicken feet nobody knows about that now anyway so you boil the chicken first then you fry it you don't rice in there in a pot and you'll mix them together so what's the YouTube channel so we just search a job with it janab Allah spoon forward slash cooking for four people okay that's it come right up I and I could get on the food never because I don't have a shirt on Anna Anna and shorts up oh I love it I'm gonna go watch it with this interview well thank you so much and we are looking forward to seeing you on yes helium comedy club here but low and you're here all weekend long Friday service right all right Georgie Freddie Sam yeah a new Sunday morning and three shows on Saturday me they working you but I said yes you know they had a new show I said yes but I think I would drinking tea lady the gentleman comedy film legend job with a spoon right here Buffalo your boy
Channel: 93.7 WBLK
Views: 283,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Witherspoon, Black Jesus, Boondocks, Richard Pryor, Kat Williams, Kevin Hart
Id: 9Ym6J1rCZAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2016
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