John Wick 3 TTI STI Combat Master 2011 Reviewed By Taran Butler

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all right so what we got here is the 2011 combat master this is the gun featured in John wick chapter 3 every movie with the wick series to try to go next level with stuff in the previous movie at the Glock 34 great gun 24 rounds 9 millimeter the director is a phenomenal fighter weapons handle the whole thing he wants the best in the best in movies checks the house key so we built this gun through STI together with the ideas I had for it the white ambi safety is the combat master cuts that's our new fiber-optic front sight on there oversized mag release button mag well grip job all the stuff shooter ready 175 first shot was 93 11 split 17 split the gun like you've not used to a gun like this coming out of the box that trigger that light it's like a race car you're used to driving a Honda Accord and all the sudden you're in a farthing ah ah I had a Vegas PD and SWAT out here just a little while ago and they shot unreal this thing but they were like getting pulled along by the guns horsepower it's just the gun is just sick it's a 5.4 inch barrel shoots soft I'll run it some more shoot some little groups with it or something just super accurate gun I love it stupid dummy man just awesome one more let's see the slide locks Timmy out flight lost last shot they redesigned this the slide locking situation for years SGI and infinity couldn't get a gun to slide lock it lock with one left of the magazine super annoying finally they redesigned the ledge brought it down more locks open last shot to use it an IDP a different divisions like that on the 2011 it's a beefier stronger platform it's got a fully ramped barrel so it could shoot nine major all day launch the top shooters out there like max michelle and nils and all these badass desk talkers all the top shooters will shoot nine major or thirty super comfortable is the same thing to win competition they come out of the box was under a two-pound trigger Wow which is unheard of for a gun with what I hate about most custom guns is they're not ready to go out of the box and that was even STI four years up until about five years ago they finally said enough we got to have a gun that just ready to go and when I got involved a couple years ago to do the wick thing I'm like dude I want to get a gun that's just done it's ready to go I don't want to buy it send it to some cool gunsmith replace extractors and triggers do a trigger job and blend the beaver till and then a thousand dollars later yeah you know it's it's ready to go and don't get me wrong there's great gunsmiths out there and there's other good companies infinity makes a phenomenal gun also in the movie the ammo was different it's not just your generic 9-millimeter which is like the ball ammo there or a hollow-point version it's a 9-millimeter major what a 9-millimeter major is it's just a big-ass 9-millimeter it's longer and it's got more powder in it so in the movie it's 125 grain bullet going 1425 feet per second which is pretty gnarly yeah so we'll show you the difference we'll shoot the regular 9-millimeter first on the left water jug pretty good you know I wouldn't want to get hit with that here's a 9-millimeter major yeah so it's a lot more velocity a lot more stopping power you've got a gun that holds you know 24 rounds pretty awesome set up a shooter ready standby [Music] I love this gun and this gun loves me cuz I don't shoot anything like it we do offer a little more than your typical combat master we do the silicon carbide grip offer a bigger mag well and we'll flatten your trigger a little bit which is nicer silicon carbide the bottom that to me makes the gun just that much better but just give me the gun out of the box a little shred anyway with it congratulations tearing because you not only do you make the best looking stuff but there it's specific for wood you're the best you're best of the best [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,301,370
Rating: 4.9087753 out of 5
Keywords: john wick, john wick 3, taran butler, jade struck, sti 2011, sti, 2011, uspsa, 3 gun, combat master, taran tactical, tti, babayaga, keanu reeves, pistol, shooting, competition shooting
Id: Cjcxp2VGadQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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