John Trudell on Becoming Human

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just for the camera what's your name and and where are you from my name is my name is john trudell um i'm california i know that humanity is not living in balance with nature it's not happening i mean it's and actually it's more than a little out of balance humanity is actually at this point almost going against nature it's beyond living out of balance but i also think with humanity going against nature that there's a small percentage a small number of human beings that are behind this and driving it and imposing it upon just humanity in general in going against nature what does that do to the survivability of humanity it reduces yeah it reduces the opportunities for human beings to continue to participate in the evolutionary reality indefinitely it's bringing a definite conclusion to the ability of the human beings to participate in this evolutionary reality you know it's and because it's going against nature or the earth i mean you know i mean actually in actual terms you know what what the industrial man is doing is is murdering the life support systems murdering the water the air murdering the life that gives us the ability to have life you know and that's really what we're faced with we can call it poisoning the water or whatever you know but in the end it's it's it's like an act of murder genocide in a way why don't we know that by murdering water we murder ourselves what about man is it that we don't get that well i think as human beings we live in a technological perceptional actual reality where a part of that technological reality is that the civilizing processes it erases the memory of the human being erases the memory from the human being of being a human being it's almost like a spirit a severing a severing of our connection to any spiritual reality and and once that has been imprinted into the consciousness of the human beings see then i think that's what makes these other things possible it isn't that we're as human beings we're bad it's not nothing to do with our badness what it has to do is that there's a program going on that literally feeds off of the being part of human eating our spirit all right and in order for all that to happen then these imprinting things have to happen to our consciousness and a part of that is to re erase the memory of the human being about being a human being see so we no longer participate in reality perceiving reality as human beings we participate in reality as feeling as either like we're oppressed culturally ethnically gender wise class wise but we participate in reality from the eyes of being victimized and very fearful and insecure we don't think like human beings but that reason for that is because there's been a deliberate suppression of our memory of that identity who is suppressing this and where is that coming from you talk a bit about a few can you elaborate on that well i mean i don't have any names well maybe a couple might jump to mine but but on this planet there's an industrial ruling class and this industrial ruling class is the smallest percentage of human beings on this planet and this industrial ruling class the govern the government's the governments that are created are created to serve the needs of this industrial ruling class and one of the needs of this industrial ruling class is they create these governments and and to some degree these religions all right in these economic systems as a way of controlling the mass of human beings that they're feeding off turning you know and uh but it's this industrial you know what's the percentage of people that own 60 of the resources on this planet then then we're starting to get to who who they are they do have names how can we deprogram ourselves think more and believe less you know i i um and i don't know i'm not going to call it deprogram ourselves it's to me it's really an issue of how do we recognize ourselves you know we need to recognize that we're human beings recognize that we're human beings and and our connection to the reality of power is in that identity human our bone flesh and blood our dna were literally made up of the metals minerals and liquids of the earth where shape we're part of the earth we're shapes of the earth like everything of the earth and we have being our being our spirit you know and that being comes from from our relationship to the sun sky universe because i mean sunlight is literally like the sperm that brings life to the water-bearing wound is the earth so this is our being is connected to that and all things of the earth have being because we all have we're all made up same stuff just arranged differently and have the same relationship to sun sky universe being we need to so our the reality of our relationship to power and purpose so to speak is in that identity and now so how do we recognize and re you know get back to that identity i don't have a specific i don't have a specific answer but the closest i can say to it is that is that if we would a part of recognizing of ourselves is that to recognize our intelligence and understand the value of our intelligence because as human beings our ability to access the reality of our power is in through clear and coherent use of our intelligence see our intelligence that's the portal how we we manifest an access to our relationship into the reality of power as humans is through uh through the use of our intelligence but we've been imprinted and programmed you know i mean basically where we're at now in the evolution of human beings we're basically in a period of time in this in this industrial technologic world where the majority of the human beings participate in this reality based upon their fears and their doubts and insecurities so their perception of their inabilities so all that was imprinted in there to make us not recognize ourselves and you know and and to understand the power and recognize the power of our intelligences let's say through our fears and our doubts and in our insecurities how bad can we make ourselves feel and how does that affect the people around us well that's power that's our power that's a manifestation of our personal power but we've been imprinted to use it in this kind of a way but so we do have power it's in how we recognize it and choose to direct it and use it so i would say the first step to this is like recognize the value of our intelligence and the power of our intelligence because i think that any any person or people that would be concerned about saving the earth and saving creation and have this type of an awareness i i think that it's i think that a necessary component to that is to give thanks to their however one perceives the creator give thanks to the creator number one for life and number two for the gift of intelligence to show respect for this maybe because we need to show respect to our intelligence and maybe it's a part of our thanks that we give on it on a con on a daily basis in a ritualistic way because we our intelligence to me i mean it's like our imagination our creativity our thoughts and in our understanding or misunderstanding and in our actions is what we manifest and i think that it's time for us to understand look at recognize and attempt to understand the value of our intelligence because whatever struggle is ahead of us if we are to participate continue to participate in the evolution evolutionary realities human beings it's going to take clear and coherent use of our intelligence to do it generationally collectively individually but it's that's what it's what is going to take everything that has ever been done to create these emotional distortions in us has been done to keep us from using our intelligence clearly and coherently now so so how do we de-program or get back i mean it goes back to the very basic you know we need to recognize ourselves we really need to recognize ourselves then we can synchronize all the other things in a much more synchronized way what we're talking about and it's just really powerful as you're saying that i i would love to know from your point of view what there's two it's a two-part question and one's a down the darker side which is i'll do the darker side first i understand do you believe um that we're approaching a bottleneck or you know title of this film was the 11th hour and a lot of people we're talking to believe that if certain things aren't done quickly that you know a lot of people will lose their lives just from natural catastrophes and things like that do you believe that we're at that point from what you see and if so how do we get out of this situation you answered that a little bit in your last question but well no i don't believe anything right i don't trust the word or the concept i think it's much more realistic to say either i know or i don't know or i think because for me when i mean just i have to do this i can't open it you know what to believe thing it means it's like i'm not being why don't i just acknowledge i don't know you know and when it and it's uh and then and and and think about things see i think we should say think in terms of i think this rather than i believe this you know i think we'll activate the coherency system a little bit and about the bottleneck and the thing you know in the race to midnight it's after 11. you know and and what can be done about it because it's it's not that nothing can be done about it but again this comes back to how clearly and coherently we use our intelligence because i think that number one there's no revolutionary solution to anything that we're dealing with there may be revolutionary stop gaps but there's no revolutionary solution it's about we're a part of evolution it's an evolutionary reality so there's an evolutionary solution i think to head this to head into the direction of this thing this bad that is coming i think that we have time i think that it can be turned around in two generations but it's going to take clear and coherent use of our intelligence to think our way through this not to emotionally react to the bad guys because the we emotionally react we end up doing the same old stuff over and over again and and the bad guys just get better and better that seems to be a historical reality but also a part of that historical reality is that every rebellion that goes on our cause may be just and right and all the good you know all the pretty flag stuff right but in reality but in reality in every situation we always we were emotionally reacting by trying to challenge their ways by their rules we weren't thinking outside of the box you know and but we've been programmed not to think outside the box because we've been programmed not to like ourselves and be insecure and this and that so not trust certain abilities that we have now so we have to get past that i think that it's you know it's if we can just seek to be as clear and coherent with our intelligence as we can and and within two generations see we because that will create answers and solutions to problems that exist that have no answers and solutions but again it's about to use you know to be as clear and coherent as we can not emotional reactionary isn't but clear coherent responsible initiated response to what is going on and and you know because we have be prepared for this because there's going to be a lot the way that it's headed now there's a lot of dying coming tremendous amounts of dying because the planet is overpopulated the resources are dwindling that that industrial ruling class you know they want what they they want to keep what they have they're on a very they're on an anti-life destructive course with with the future you know so for that industrial ruling class and the dwindling resources environment we're talking about and in the overpopulation they need to purge this planet of huge tremendous numbers of the human population and they're going to do it all right i mean that's what they're setting it all in motion now see so that's where it's headed and this is why to me it's what it's very crucial because i don't i don't think that time is against us time is an ally the real issue is are we times ally will we take the responsibility to use our intelligence clearly and coherently not be overwhelmed by the idea or say how do i do that but just head in that direction to think things out because because when you get to the realities of power the illusions authority as an illusion of power the state and all this and that all right all right then we're always outnumbered there but if you if you look at the reality of power and say the reality of power is in clear and conscious clear and uh conscious conscientious thought clear and coherent thought then we outnumber them it's just a matter of us getting to that point where we recognize that we recognize our own value we're in a system that has devalued us and see and and the trick of the devaluing was it got us to devalue ourselves one last thing unless you want to have make any other statement i have one last question does anyone have anything my all right i want to make one statement all right it's about the no no it's about the math of the iq and um we know george bush isn't intelligent enough intelligent enough to think up all this mess but we keep blaming him so what does the math of the iq say about our intelligence it's my puzzle that's a good point well there's one other thing because you're so good on this and i and it's an easy question but i want you on camera for the answer i have two more questions do you think it's a moral obligation to protect the planet in future and protect the evolutionary process that we're on no i don't think it's a moral obligation i think it's a spiritual responsibility it's it's our responsibility thank you yeah a spiritual responsibility the last thing is we're compiling at the end of all of these interviews a message to let's say that a generation 50 years from now or 100 years from now what would you like to say to them given what you know about the world right now if they were able to watch you use your intelligence clearly and coherently think thank you just like how how you came to where you stand in your ideas say that again how do you have you come to this place in your life and your ideas have you have what path brought you to this place i went crazy when i was about six right and never could synchronize it never could really synchronize with with the normal and the same i mean really i mean because i look at the life to normal and the sane and the typical they're powerless they feel powerless they feel overwhelmed you know and me i i kind of went a little crazy about that age because reality changed for me and i went out and i lived i lived my life how i lived it no big plan just i lived it the way i lived it at any given moment and i've learned what i learned from that living you know i can't take i can't take any credit for anything you know i just i mean i'd like a lot of things i'd really like to take i mean i think i would like take some credit for a lot of it but i'm not sure that i ever really know what i'm doing you know so i mean that's really the best i could answer that it just turned out the way that it turned out but i but what i did learn from all of that is and i'm not i'm not you i'm nothing unique or anything like that i just some kind of a way stumbled on some of the abilities that we all have and i just stumble upon them and meet within me in my own manner and fashion you know but i mean um yeah no i i just was born went through every day till i got here to this spot thank you thank you thank you very much
Channel: TreeTV / N2K Need to Know
Views: 44,450
Rating: 4.962769 out of 5
Id: 180vRsMmqNI
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Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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