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this satellite dish it enables you to pick up tv programs from all over the world and jill shires wrote to us and asked us to play a joke on her husband john so we secretly arranged for such a satellite dish to be delivered to their house but it wasn't this size okay here's john now ready to take delivery of that mammoth satellite dish let's see he gets his wires crossed okay hello mrs oh hi we're just about finished shortly she's at the dentist i saw your wife briefly today she's the lady that ordered it let's see what sort of reception she gets what's going on oh no but it's meant to be about this big worldwide transmission here what's your order i've got a balance of 2850 to collapse we're just i'll just show you exactly what it entails can you try and tune it into someone's show mr showers what we're actually going to offer him for this yeah sure i just want to show you this clarity of picture because we can what's oh look that's that's probably zimbabwe i think i'm look at this transmission once more just come and have a look at this transmission come on look at the transmission sir please i just want you to have a look at this guy's run over time we've got to go yeah i know we'll be with you sorry we just got a bit of problems well you know that we want money i told him it was a mile too big what's wrong with it it's too big isn't it yes we have the signature here we have the signature here if they don't want it then we'll take it away they've got to pay the mileage right and all the overtime and we've come down from edinburgh come on what do you want to do i want it taken away it's got you've got to pay for it can we get that can we get it for all your expenses just get it away what do you think what do you think of jill who's spent months keeping this a secret from you months she did it she did it because she loves you funny way of proven it weren't they terrific we'll be back in a moment with more surprises till then stay tuned
Channel: jshiers2009
Views: 341,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: johnshiers
Id: PHVPu0tVt58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2009
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