John Paul Jones with Lenny Kravitz 1993
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Channel: Mark Zep
Views: 722,883
Rating: 4.8649993 out of 5
Keywords: John Paul Jones, Lenny Kravitz, MTV, 1999, Led Zeppelin, Are You Gonna Go My Way
Id: Ougf2ZIoqww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 30 2014
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Did somebody bass-boost it, or was it already loud (to force everybody to listen to that awesome shit)?
I remember seeing this great performance in my dorm room during my freshman year at Penn State. Time flies. Didn’t realize that JPJ was playing with Kravitz until it started. That is such a great song and JPJ makes it even better.
That was one of the, if not the best MTV music awards ever. I think Pearl Jam played with Neil Young that night too.
Just an all around talented musician. I love John Paul Jones
Such a killer Zeppelin-ish tune.
That is one of the few songs in history that could pass as a Led Zeppelin song.
The guitar work is great but I can't stand the lyrics. Sounds like something a 13 year old Hendrix fan came up with.
JPJ is clearly the king here though