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the theology of creation creation is a theological issue not a scientific issue theology is the only source from which we have any information about creation any study of creation must come in the framework of theology because it is a word from God theology by the way used to be called the queen of the sciences it was called the queen of the sciences because in the final analysis the ultimate reigning truth is theology biblical theology the revelation of God in Scripture trumps all other sources of information and knowledge and so for centuries creation was a theological issue not a scientific one and then came Darwin and Darwin confiscated the subject of creation out of the realm of theology and tried to put it into the realm of human knowledge and did no service to mankind if we want to understand creation if we want to understand origins if we want to understand how the universe came into existence and everything that is in it we have to look at theology not science and the source of theology is the Word of God in which God speaks the Bible is not theory the Bible is fact the Bible is reality the Bible is truth no matter what subject it addresses but particularly with regard to origins since no one was here when God created we have only his eyewitness account and when the Bible speaks with regard to creation or when it speaks with regard to origins it speaks truly it speaks factually and scripture begins in Genesis 1 and 2 with a very straightforward account of the origin of the universe and the earth and everything on the earth scripture opens with one very clear unmistakable statement it is this Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth that is not an ambiguous statement that is not an unclear statement that is frankly not a statement that needs any explanation pre Darwin no one was confused by it in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth from there the first chapter of Genesis proceeds to tell us that in 6 24-hour days God created everything that exists it is so simple and so clear and so unmistakable that even a small child can understand Genesis 1 but as simple as even the first statement in the beginning God created the heavens earth is it is at the same time an illustration of the profundity with which God speaks in simple language in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth child can understand it and yet in those simple clear unmistakable words there is massive massive profound data Herbert Spencer a non-christian scientist hailed as one worthy of many prizes in science died in 1903 his greatest achievement Herbert Spencer was that he discovered the categories of the knowable that is to say he determined that everything that exists fits into one of five categories this was hailed as a massive massive cataloguing of realities Spencer said everything fits into one of these categories time force action space matter and he was hailed by the scientific community Genesis 1:1 in the beginning that's time god that's force created that's action the heavens that space the earth that's matter everything that Herbert Spencer discovered in 1903 or before that was in the first verse of scripture the Bible says that God created everything and in saying that the Bible gives us all the categories that exist and he did this out of and from nothing that is with no pre-existing material and he did it in six days now because the Bible is so clear about this in Genesis 1 and then giving us an even further and more detailed look at this creation rehearsing its elements in a broader way in Chapter two you face a test at the very outset of the Bible you're not going to get past the first verses of the Bible you're not going to get past the first verse in the Bible the first chapter in the Bible the first two chapters in the Bible without facing a test and the test is this do you believe the scripture do you believe the scripture that is the test no one gets past the opening verses of the Bible without having to face the test of whether or not that person believes the Bible to be the authoritative Word of God do you submit to scripture Genesis 1 is your first test
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Views: 20,012
Rating: 4.632184 out of 5
Id: eYbb6tmU5Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2015
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