John MacArthur | Direct and to the Point

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let's begin in luke 17 verses 20 to 25 going back to this passage done that several times now luke 17 20 now having been questioned by the pharisees as to when the kingdom of god was coming [Music] he answered them and said the kingdom of god is not coming with signs to be observed nor will they say look here it is or there it is for behold the kingdom of god is in your midst and he said to the disciples the days will come when you will long to see one of the days of the son of man and you will not see it they will say to you look there look here do not go away do not run after them for just like the lightning when it flashes out of one part of the sky shines to the other part of the sky so will the son of man be in his day but first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation we have just experienced an inauguration the inauguration is an event designed to mark the ascent of ruling authority it is by design to be as public as possible to demonstrate to as many as possible the significance and power of the ruling authority we hail democracy in our country we have spent countless dollars countless lives countless years trying to turn other countries into democracies like us now it may shock you the bible doesn't advocate democracy the bible doesn't mention democracy the bible doesn't comment on democracy the bible doesn't define democracy there is no place in all of the bible where you even find democracy there is no country revealed in scripture where it existed it is never affirmed by god [Music] now i told you last week that i do not believe as a christian that i can support strongly freedom of religion [Music] because that would be to violate the first commandment right have no other gods you say well doesn't the church need freedom of religion to move forward no in no way does any political law aid or hinder the church of jesus christ we are a separate kingdom jesus said my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world my servants would fight we would fight if the kingdom were of the world to make sure we got our space in the world but this is not a kingdom that is part of this world this is a kingdom of another world the church does not need help from washington or any other government when jesus said i will build my church in the gates of hades the gates of hell will not prevail against it he assured all the forces of evil that would be relentlessly against the church the gates of hell would never be able to thwart his purpose i think we need to be reminded that the world not just in its social perspectives but even in its political perspectives is never intended to be a friend of the church or an ally in any way listen to the words of our lord in john 15 18 if the world hates you you know that it has hated me before it hated you [Music] if you were of the world the world would love its own there's the issue if you decide that you love the world you can wiggle your way into it and draw out some level of affection but because you are not of the world and i chose you out of the world because of this the world hates you if you are who i chose you to be you will be hated by the world that does not thwart the purpose of god for his church in the world we don't need laws we don't need politicians for christ to build his church and remember the word that i said to you jesus said a slave is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will also persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also [Music] you're tied to me by the way he who hates me he said hates my father in john 16 33 in the next chapter he said in this world you will have tribulation told you last week we lose right now for now in this world you will have ellipsis pressure tribulation but he said i have overcome the world the end of the story christ wins and we win in christ but losing now and winning then has nothing to do with any political help so here's another surprise to add to that one the bible doesn't recommend prefer or even discuss democracy the ancient world had kings no other form of government appears either in the old testament or the new testament kings were a common grace we talk about god giving common grace and government is common grace to bring order to society we understand that but do you also understand that the most common common grace of governmental character is a monarchy in fact so common were kings that we find in the old testament no nation under any other kind of government so normal was it to have a king that the epic tragedy of israel in the old testament was that they wanted a king like all other pagan nations was israel a democracy never what was it it was a theocratic monarchy and god was king yahweh was their king the covenant god was their king as i just read to you in exodus 15 the lord yahweh was israel's king forever you would think that would be enough right isaiah 44 6 and isaiah has a lot to say about this isaiah 44 6 thus says the lord the king of israel did you hear that thus says the lord the king of israel and his redeemer the lord of hosts i am first and i am the last and besides me there is no god verse 8 of that same chapter he says is there any god besides me i know of none [Music] so the king of israel is the one god [Music] in isaiah 33 22 we read for the lord is our judge the lord is our lawgiver the lord is our king he will save us that was the confession of the people listen to the response from heaven isaiah 43 15 i am the lord your holy one the creator of israel your king and in malachi 1 14 god says i am a great king so great a king was he that he was feared among the nations there's only one god in the universe and he in his mercy and grace gave himself to a people the jews to be their king what an astonishing privilege right so they brought it with the ark of god from the house of abinadab which was on the hill and ahio was walking ahead of the park of the ark meanwhile david and all his house of israel were celebrating before the lord with all kinds of instruments made of fur wood and with harps liars tambourines castanets symbols this is like coronation now god's coming back they're going to re-enthrone god in the place where he belongs verse six when they came to the threshing floor of nakan azam reached out toward the ark of god took hold of it for the oxen nearly upset it started to topple off the ark so azza reached out to study it look at verse 7 the anger of the lord burned against azer and god struck him down there for his irreverence and he died by the ark of god let me say something you better be careful when you put your hand on god i thought of that in that inauguration you can say whatever you want to say but when you touch the ark when you place your hand on the throne of god because god is enthroned in his word and you place your hand on the word of god and pledge to do the very things that blaspheme his name you talk about a high risk action all azza did was what he thought was showing some respect god doesn't want your respect he wants your obedience don't tell me that you advocate the slaughter of babies in the womb don't tell me you want to destroy masculinity femininity marriage don't tell me you want to fill the world with lgbtq people in leadership you want to justify transgender activity don't tell me you you want to invite more muslims in who represent a religion from hell and then put your hand on the throne of god you can make any pledge you want don't mock god
Channel: Heart of Worship Channel
Views: 82,195
Rating: 4.9279146 out of 5
Keywords: christ, jesus, jesus christ, God, bible, scripture, worship, hymns, prayers, bible study, bible devotionals, christian, christian growth, heart of worship channel, heart of worship, heart of worship YT channel, john macarthur, john macarthur sermon, grace community church, evangelicals, new testament, old testament, preaching, worshipping, worship hymns, expository preaching, 2021 election, 2021 inaugeration, Hand on the Bible, Swearing on the Bible, john macarthur on biden
Id: 1cnx-lrlWkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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