John Hagee: The Eye of God Is on Israel (Full Teaching) | Praise on TBN

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you just remember this find out what god wants done and do that because if god wants it done he'll fund it he'll send the people he'll make the crooked way straight he'll move the mountains he'll drive your enemies out in front of you he'll put his angels in front of you to be your escort and behind you to be your rear guard no one can touch you and no one can stop you god said he that keepeth israel neither slumbers nor sleeps god placed his reputation on the preservation of israel as the mountains are around about jerusalem so is the lord round about his children forever and whenever we are now in the third day of the prophetic presentation of scripture we are anticipating the rapture of the church at any time we are in the last days and this uh moment in time in history gives us the recognition that god has all of the players in perfect position israel is not just surviving israel is prospering israel is fulfilling every prophecy ezekiel ever made about them a man who couldn't possibly get to be president became president donald j trump i mean when he first started people thought he's doing this to advertise his hotels wow and his products and then he it caught on and the american people put this man in office and he made promises that he was going to recognize jerusalem that he would move the embassy he would break out of the iran deal those three things by themselves plus the making of the golan heights the sovereign property of israel sent a message to the world that america and israel are connected together with an inseparable bond and that an attack on israel would be an attack on the united states of america that has not existed in my lifetime that's why all of this happening in such a short period of time when you consider prophetically the bible says a day with as the lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day when you have that much happen that fast that's what you call chain lightning prophetic fulfillment that's happening on a scale that's unprecedented in the history of mankind my grandfather only saw one prophetic sign in his 50-year ministry my father in his 50-year ministry saw two that was israel going back as a state and the six-day war where jerusalem was reunited to the state we have seen prophetic power manifested in the past 12 months that literally has reshaped what's happening on planet earth wow the first thing that you said there jumped out at me not that the rest of it wasn't good pastor i'm just saying that the first thing you said to me okay was that that it's because of the integrity of god of god yes and when you when you let that sink in for a second that was poignant okay that got my attention what we're seeing today are are you know i mean kufi christians united for israel now 5.7 million participants and members these types of things are really so that we can be a part because god said right it's it we're just helping fulfill what god said and being a part look and we're not even we're not making anything happen we're just in alignment with what god said that's exactly right you know in 19 i went to israel for the first time in 1978 and i came home the first year and tried to put something together with a group of 20 pastors and it failed miserably in 1981 i had the first night to honor israel in san antonio and really actually thought i'd only do it one time but whenever we received such hostile opposition such as a bomb threat when we held our first night to honor israel i told my wife diana i said look if these thugs think they can shove us around they've got a second thought coming we're going to do this until they get used to it so we started doing it on television and the idea spread and it caught on like wildfire across the nation um i i went from town to town encouraging pastors to do it but they did it that's the point yeah they they did it and the it continued to spread and then in 2006 i called 400 of america's leading uh pastors and radio television people and you know university christian university presidents together and asked them if they would be willing to join in christians united for israel and what we would do we would be a national grassroots organization that would go to washington and impact national policy on behalf of israel and the jewish people that if uh a senator or a congressman should become crossways with israel over an issue that was of concern to us like the city of jerusalem that we would fill his office with emails and we now have our people organized by region by state by city by voting district if a senator would do something that's contrary to the well-being of israel we can put 000 emails in his office in a 24-hour period that's very impressive to a senator who's running for reelection and therefore we have become a voice for israel that never existed and we have been instrumental in the last 12 months to pass major bills that have saved the american people hundreds of millions of dollars in tax dollars because we've blessed israel but it's impacted the the american economy itself basically the way that this is working here is god said that you know to i guess all the way back you go back to abraham you know that this will be the area the to your descendants and your children's children we walk through abraham isaac jacob joseph the captivity into you know into egypt and then the wilderness and then finally getting into the promised land and disobedience and obedience and disobedience and obedience but but basically god then took and created another oath with david said a descendant of yours will sit on this throne jesus was the fulfillment of that but some of the old testament prophecy just keeps it was a it was a covenant forever so when god said it here's the here's the issue you're not fighting against israel or the jewish people you're fighting against god so if you take on a position let's say you know a country in europe is is is in disagreement with with israel they're just always going to be wrong because god said it established it as a fact and you're ebbing and falling in the rise of powers and countries and and civilizations are are just hitting up against god's word and covenant set as fact is that basically what causes international intrigue all over the world you're bumping into god's word basically god is totally in charge of planet earth and it's going to go down just like he wants it to go down and he said that israel is the apple of my eye that means the pupil meaning if you abuse the jewish people you are sticking your finger in the eye of god which will always get his negative attention and he said that i am the defender of israel and he has promised the jewish people that once they came out of their gentile graves from the diaspora and they were gone for 1875 years and they came back to the land of israel he said once they come back into the land of israel for the third time they are never ever going to be replaced or displaced again and my eye is on the city of jerusalem this is a quote from the bible night and day and what god has said he will fulfill right now like never before he is blessing nations that bless israel and he is cursing nations that curse israel and those nations that you read about in ezekiel that are going to pull off in the future a land invasion of israel god is going to wipe them out because they all have an anti-semitic past with a 20-foot chalkboard in 40 minutes i could prove that beyond any shadow of a doubt god almighty has said it is my time to bless israel and the jewish people and if you want to do something that i will approve and will bless and it has to do with israel it will happen people say how did you ever get this going i said i just got it started wow and once it got started i had to race to catch up with it because it just kept growing and now we have cufi canada we have cufi uk brazil last week we started cufi brazil it's something that is that is going around the world as people are aware something very special is getting ready to happen and the eye of god is on israel he is the defender of israel and the jewish people and it's a wonderful time to be alive to watch the might the miracle and the muscle of god make his will happen on the face of the earth brother hagie you almost kind of stumbled into this that's an interesting thing that you know any organization that ends up with you know approaching six million members in the united states is usually born out of a think tank and a few a few million dollars yeah and so the idea that any organization anywhere with that kind of membership usually isn't something you just stumble into so two thoughts came to mind first this was just meant to be this is just something that breathed upon meant to be uh you know it reminds me of of tbn you know you've been a part of tbn since the 70s and you know we bought one tv station with one camera and you know it was just meant to be and and it just grew so radically and never a bank involved and all that kind of stuff so the the kufi organization uh that you have led and now your wife is leading uh with you was just meant to be two things um is there a way to go and and and and what would be your thoughts to our viewing audience there's every person watching has some desire in their heart you know you went to israel for the first time in the 70s is that correct 78. i was there maybe in 1975 for the first time and uh and and something got placed in your heart this was a night to honor israel this small event you said you were going to do it once okay how do is there any advice how many years later now almost 40 years later for people that are trying to figure out if there's something that they've got in their heart to do that is going to catch fire and explode or some vain imagination they're they're following or trying to push forward i'm often asked by young pastors young preachers how can you be successful in the ministry how can i really be successful and i said it's very very easy you just remember this find out what god wants done and do that because if god wants it done he'll fund it he'll send the people he'll make the crooked way straight he'll move the mountains he'll drive your enemies out in front of you he'll put his angels in front of you to be your escort and behind you to be your rear guard no one can touch you and no one can stop you if god wants you to do it and i have to tell you that christians united for israel has been that it has been awesome at what god has done okay but let me just tell you something i've been to several events with you over many years and i've heard you sing and you're not a singer you know to you know much because i've also now yeah yeah but i've also stood very close to andrea bocelli oh yeah yeah you know he's he's you know comparatively speaking you're a preacher he's a singer okay i mean i know and so the the idea that you might have wanted to be an andrea bacheli you know singer as opposed to this you see look you love music and you sing you know you you see what i'm saying you could have pushed forward what the destiny of god happens to be yeah so how is there you you breezed across it pretty quickly find out what god wants okay how do you find out what god wants uh i i believe first of all that you live according to the dictates of the word of god and you are a righteous person because god is not going to anoint nor make a way for an unrighteous person you make sure that your motive is not your motive it's god's agenda humility is something that the american ministry doesn't have a lot about but when you are really doing the will of god and you're doing it in god's way and your objective is to love people to graciously treat people to present the word of god as the answer for the troubles that the people in our nation are having god will cause the winds of heaven to come into your life and fill the cells of your ship and drive you with a speed to the destiny that god originated for you to have from the day you first breathed breath on planet earth beautiful you know i i love that because i think a lot of people including myself um think about what am i supposed to be doing for god you know what what what you know i don't have a big vision for a ministry or whatever but god just wants you you know and if we sell out just to god that okay all you want is me then i believe that happens i believe then you get into his and then the doors open and it might not be that i just laid out this big plan that i need to do all this for god to count or to be important or it's just god wants us to be his i think you made a great point though because you didn't plan with a think tank kufi into existence build this big thing but you're dedicated and sold out yeah i mean it's a big thing i mean this is one of the largest organizations in the united states certainly christian organizations and it just kind of here we sit every time i see you and i see you fairly often another million people are joined and so the you know it it is an organization that's meant to be but it's wouldn't it be great if we could somehow have you know every idea of god every thought of god fulfilled with a passionate person driving something that we got rid of all of our own agendas and that we just started pushing these things that you had wind in your cells it would change the world literally it would uh a person has to reach the point that he is willing to do the will of god to the crucifixion of his own will the idea that simple little prayer not my will but thine be done whenever god put adam and eve in the garden he said i've got one rule don't eat the forbidden fruit of this tree and they broke that one rule and were driven out of paradise and then he started with noah's generation and noah's generation became so ungodly he drowned the whole world and started over with eight people in the in the ark and then he found a man named abraham and abraham was willing to put his son first he said i want you to leave your country leave your father leave leave leave and come to this very special land and i want you to take your son to a special mountain i will show you and he tied up that young boy that was somewhere in the 20s and he was a 120 year old man and that boy submitted to his father and laid on a stone altar and god said an angel of god stopped him and god said now i know that you will honor me and that you will obey me and boy he poured out his blessings on abraham and from that day the seed of abraham has blessed the nations of the world because one man was willing to do the will of god at any cost wow pray for our audience just for a second just just those that have a desire in their heart we're sitting here with you know with somebody that stumbled into an organization with 5.7 million people god's wind was in the sales of that absolutely and there's just pray for that pray for the audience there's there's there's ideas and and things in people's heart now they they love it when the old guys pray for him we've had a lot of experience if you're watching this telecast wherever you are whatever your circumstance in your marriage with your children with your business with the church that you're trying to start with the ministry that you have with the crisis that you're going through with a health condition that's out of control i want you to understand that there's a god in heaven thank you lord who knows exactly how you are he knows who you are he's numbered the hairs in your head you are not forgotten and you are not abandoned and the lord of heaven right now is fully aware of your need and he's saying if you will ask i will deliver if you will seek me you will find me so i want you to extend your hand toward the television screen right now while i pray this prayer to god on your behalf father in the authority of jesus name i come to you now on behalf of the thousands of people who are extending their hands toward the television screen as an act of faith that you will hear the cry of their heart you know the petition of their soul you have heard their voices you have seen their tears you know the trial they're going through i ask you god to bring a healing force to every sick body i ask you to send a power that is supernatural into the life of every parent trying to reconcile with their children i ask you god that every pastor who's watching who's discouraged in the work that god has given him will be supernaturally empowered by an anointing that will cause his church to flourish as he does the will of god for every person watching this telecast who is blessing israel i pray that you bless them exceedingly abundantly above all that they can ask or imagine because you are god who has infinite power infinite knowledge unlimited ability and we in faith believing release that power in the benefit of every person right now who is seeking the goodness of god in this prayer amen amen what a beautiful renovation by the way they did the capitol building and the dome and you know this is a beautiful studio that we get to use while we're here in washington d.c some we're going to be back in july we want to talk about i've got a couple more questions on israel as we kind of get near the end of what we're talking about but a lot of people that you know know you from television you don't spend a lot of time uh in the pulpit um you know showing your sense of humor although sometimes it kind of comes popping out every once in a while [Laughter] but i just can giggle sometimes just looking at you tell me something funny that happened in church along the some 40 years you've been no 50 years right wait wait wait wait wait no it's a hundred years first year oh no okay go ahead what 60 first 61st year lord have mercy really 61st year of ministry yes so we we've a lot of us have heard the dramatic story of a guy coming and shooting at you with a gun and all that kind of but you gotta you got one or two little funny stories you could throw before we get back into the serious stuff of israel and iran and all that kind of you know rockets poised at israel and all that stuff um [Laughter] i'm flooded with which one to choose the end result here when i was in i just finished building my second church and it would hold 750 people i had a wonderful man of god derek prince to come to my church and you know i went to an assemblage of god bible school that taught us that demons did not function in america but they were in foreign countries got it and they they thrived in ignorance and superstition and that's why they were over there and i raised my hand in that particular class and i said uh you believe that demons are in mexico oh absolutely i said what keeps them from crossing the rio grande and getting into texas and he said well you're out of order we're moving right along he didn't have an answer for that and it didn't you know i was a i was a young guy 19 years of age so i i thought i was going to be an evangelist all my life and it would wasn't really relevant so why press it but when i became a pastor at the age of 26 i had a theology that was not that was not uh suitable for what real life was wow what i was facing in real life wow and i i sought out derek prince because he had a very biblical teaching on demonology i invited him to the church and there were a group in my church there were devout pentecostals he said if he comes we're leaving the church and that there was a group of people that didn't know him and uh but when brother prince finished the first two nights of teaching the word of god he was he was british he was a professor at oxford and he taught the word of god in that way but it was so it was so rich and so good we just drank it in he taught two hour sessions and the third night he said now i am tonight going to pray that god delivers every person in this audience from demon spirits listen to this brother he said the first is going to be witchcraft and he started praying and 10 women jumped up and started screaming like a fire truck i mean it just in your church i'm standing on the i'm standing on the platform and i mean it was ear splitting at the same moment uh a 24 year old uh young man came running down the aisle swinging his hand and he knocked the communion table off and he ran up on the platform looked like he was going after brother derrick and three of my ushers tackled him right there on the platform and at that exact moment those pentecostals in my church that were so uh objectionable to the theme of demonology being taught they were running out of the church leaving and i'm i'm it i just started laughing until i cried i said i've got to wide world of wrestling going on right here i've got the olympics going out the back door and i've got 10 women screaming here and i don't know how this is going to end praying and i mean they that they shut up all at one time and that it lifted and he went he prayed for about an hour and when that hour was over uh there was an anointing of the holy spirit that filled that church i mean it was like the wind of pentecost wow it was it was physical you could feel it and that congregation began to rejoice and there was a joy celebration quite unlike anything i'd ever been around in my ministry and the bible has a corollary to that that said and when they'd preached the gospel there was great joy in that city and i thought we have heard the gospel what year would that have been that would be 1972 or 3. my goodness no eric was a very very dear friend to me all of my adult life because my dad was a dedicated pentecostal and he thought that subject demonology was absolutely something i should never ever get around i said but i have people calling the office saying i mean secular people they're not christians there's secular people saying i feel like i have a demon spirit and you just don't say well call somebody else yeah you know if god has all power then we should have a then we should have a supernatural power that has that answer so uh i mean the church just started exploding inside in in size and we went from 750 people to six months later 1500 people and it was i mean it was effortless the joy of the lord was in that church so it it taught me that there's a lot of things you don't know if you just let god get involved in your life and not be afraid to follow him nothing is impossible here just let it happen you know it's so simple the jesus said apart from me you can do nothing but through me you can do everything everything wow and people only understood that yeah and could get themselves out of the way and let it happen you're uh how old are you brother i'll be um i am 79 right now so you you were a contemporary of my father's yes you have built one of the nation's largest churches and multi-campuses now and all that your television ministry goes all over the world uh this kufi organization 5.7 million members so you're one of the leaders you knew my my mom and dad understood what you understood yes there was just that was just god speaking to paul and jan in 1973 that resulted in tbn sitting here if you don't fight against tbn you're it's it's you know it i mean it's just it was just god's voice we kind of understand that but you understood that knowing my mom and dad didn't you whenever uh the body of christ in america heard there's a guy in california who has christian tv can you imagine that because about half the pentecostals in america were preaching against television yeah you know they called it television and they can tell where the devil lives in your town because his tail is sticking out on the roof that would be the antenna oh my gosh yeah most preachers had a small tv with rabbit ears so they could watch it without their church members knowing i got it but you know i told my dad and i was a teenager and then i said you know it would look like if paul said he preached the gospel any way he could we would find a way to get on there well your dad started television and people were were energized by that and then when it started going to i think phoenix was the next station from there went to miami yes sir i mean there was an energy that moved across this country we are taking america back to the word of god i mean people were thrilled to death with trinity broadcast network because it was it was a supernatural work of god the baptist denomination tried to start a television network with all of their millions and with all of their thousands of people miserably failed and here were two people in california that were just knocking it out of the park tbn then went worldwide and it is worldwide right now but it was two people that really submitted their hearts and lives to the will of god and let it happen yeah and look look where we are so we sit here some 45 years later now and you'll you'll understand and our viewers i think can understand this if you want a television network to go all the way around the world you need about seven or eight satellite transponders and there's a few technical things that you could debate about delivering in c band and ku but but roughly if you want to signal around the world you can do that with about seven if you add up the the family of networks of tbn we basically are on over 100 satellite transponders so we have 30 networks in 16 languages 24 hours a day and it started with that one little channel that you were on back you know in a little rented studio area there in santa ana california and to sit here with you is is just a comfort because you represent that comfort uh you know and that age i mean you your hair reminds me of my dad's and the whole thing and so we're glad you're still around i am too we're glad you're here so you need uh we love you pastor i love you too you're amazing i thank you and your wonderful husband for continuing the legacy you your mother and father started uh because had you not picked up the mantle the network would have scattered been sold to a secular something and because of you the dream of your daddy and your mother lives and they're both in heaven shouting hallelujah thank you every day the sun comes up because you you you have the mantle and tbn is still flying the flag preaching the gospel and it is now what it was intended uh by brother paul preach the word and soul soul souls uh shake his white hair until it fell in his face at tbn our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of jesus christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you we couldn't do it god bless you
Channel: Praise on TBN
Views: 402,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john hagee, john hagee sermons, john hagee ministries, john hagee 2021, john hagee live, john hagee sermons 2021, john hagee healing scriptures 2021, john hagee revelation, john hagee powerful sermon, end times, the rapture, second coming, rapture, end time events, israel, israel end times, john hagee healing scriptures 2022, praise tbn, praise, tbn, tbn praise, matt crouch, laurie crouch, tbn praise the lord, P7R7A2I7S7E3, 7721473, EEJTKF123, 123TBN123, 8T2B6N, eye of god, vision
Id: C459XJUq8jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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