John Force a Cheater? (You Decide) U.S. Nationals 2009

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you can see that one position that has to be filled and it is in funny car and to fill it with robber heights name he will have to win this semifinal going against his well John Force take a dive so to speak to help you out and make it automatic that you get into the top 10 I don't know what happens I'm so busy I'm gonna be back there mixing his fuel I feel like a service station attendant but I don't know what goes on he's the boss he does what he does I go out there and I Drive I do what I wanted to leave the fixes in Lane choice John Force took the right lane first time any fuel car with Lane choice is taking the right hand side doesn't doesn't bode well you take a look at wind piling left lane nine to three now I agree the lanes are relatively even but when everybody with Lane choice is taking the left lane in fuel you put yourself in the right lane and you want you need your other driver to win it does not look and at the top end nervously pacing congratulating Cruz Pedregon Cruz was telling John no matter what you're always my friend so John decided he'd plant a kiss on his cheek I think it's a crying shame that you know that that there are teams out here they're allowed to manipulate the outcome of a race I think that more stress should be placed on that of course you look to the fact that Robert Heights taken on his owner and Robert needs that round to get past your brother Cruz but what could the NHRA do about something like that I was there for eight years so I understand what the concept is I hope the cameras go over there I hope they take a close look I would bet money that John's car will probably smoke the tires I know John won't like that John I apologize but I just call it the way it is when they started that team when Tony petri on because I said on the negotiations I had an opportunity to possibly drive that car and that car was originally set up as a test vehicle and it was set up with as a castle test vehicle and if the situation came up we're basically tony had to take a dive he was going to be he was going to do it to take one for the team it's a little bit different now there is a rule against that although it's how to enforce it is a little bit a little bit sketchy at best as you look down the side of this race car there's so many sponsors that all deserve a a chance to run for the championship but one guy up there showed me respect and that was Cruz Pedregon when I beating Shoji's a champion he shook my hand and he said what will be will be and he shook my enemy walked away and I came back we're going to race that's where we're going coat Roberts out a better car all weekend he's low et but I got a good car I'm going on but I said unless you hear both sides of the story here not ing God girl first party I'm suspect just by the lane choice right now it doesn't bode well remember when John Racz asking the final round Atlanta when she got her first win I mean went up there he was dead laid smoke tires in the final you know then that was both Castle cars I think it's really hard to do this when you have two different sponsors on the team John Force he's orchestrating the whole thing Cruz is watching on you know I gotta give these guys credit cuz remember Tony and Cruz and brainer they raced heads up in the second round Tony was already locked into the countdown he could have helped his brother but they raised heads up and totally took the win which hurt Cruz in the long run as we as we can see so Cruz Pedregon who is the reigning Series champion may not make it in to the playoffs it depends on this run right now Wow well not only does he get off the line poorly Robert Hite takes the wind but John force gets right over to the wall well there wasn't a person on the in the whole pit area thought that wasn't going to happen you know force you know force cheats he manipulates the outcomes of these races and he should be ashamed of himself but he got to hand it to those guys they stepped up and we didn't but you know NHRA should look a little hard with that but force has a history of doing that so he did with my brother for eight years I'm pretty strong word well and I don't blame Cruz I mean it was still a different situation when when Tony drove us both both of our Castle cars it's a little bit easier to do that when it's the same sponsor but I believe Cruz I believe the fix was in the fact that John took the right hand lane how often do you see him just drive that thing right to the wall I mean you know the left fronts up the right front still on the ground that car should not have made that movement he was dead laid he had a 209 light Robert just went out there his 143 he was making sure he didn't read light so I mean I think it looks obvious who's said that you cheat that you manipulate this sport what's your take you want me to throw stop it Cruz I'm not going to play that game or his brother or anybody else I race and we do what we do and I went out there he had the quickest car of the weekend I went after him and I smoked the tires but you know what I can't lose either way because I got the car in the countdown and that's what Auto Club and Ford paid me for so if that's his opinion god bless him John let me ask you about why was why did you select the right lane weave that's the lane that I ran the best down Gerald that's the lane that left I think it was the left lane that I rattled first round and had to pedal it and actually just one in the right so why do I want to go back to what I can't get down is there any more questions out there I know it's coming from the 10 the god bless you you gave a great show for the fans and so did we might get kicked or am I saying anything it's not true my kid you tell me if I'm doing it up you ain't going to do that to me try talking me like you have other people up don't you think I'm afraid of you I buy it are you providing more right yeah you just no I knew you never tried me but you can't want me to save you come on I'll say it right to you you want me to tell you the truth we apologize for the language live coverage at all this is the Mac Tools US Nationals man until emotions run high as it is but wow you perish yourself oh don't play that game with me that your brothers can graduate what my brother getting to do it does you don't do hey Jon after eight years I think I'm a title to say something this sport of drag racing is about the people it's about the fans that pay money and should be a legitimate sport you know hey I know that John's a little he gets a little sensitive you know I've got I've got eight years in the bank with John Lydon I'm not in your letter championship with it won a championship John was very very good to me that's not going to change anything I've got a soft spot in my heart but I made it I made some comments about some cars that just smoked the tires when they're getting down the track now it can happen to anyone but you got to keep in mind I was there for a long time so unfortunately for John I know what's going what bothers me is people that talk behind your back that go on the internet to say stuff people that go on TV and say stop won't say it to your face and then they walk by you in the stage lanes when they get beat and they want to mutter it under the words and you say what what did you say say it to me have a little spine okay so that's where I go on these issues because you know what I've had to listen to Schumacher talk about me and Tony pets are gone and I've just had enough I'm standing up for my rights these are my race teams I do what I want to do but they have to stay up there and be called names by him because my kid whipped his ass he'd been whipping her all year and she finally gets down there once and he can't even let us enjoy it he's got to ruin it I've had enough of him he was my friend he ain't my friend no more okay he wants to fight let's see him fight this old man out on the racetrack the road to the finals as we look how they came through to get here Robert hight not downing and Bob Kafka then gone forest that's how he got here actually for its hood well at first he took on Matt Hagen and then Jeff Arend and Tony Pedregon well and you have your number one and two qualifiers coming into this final round Robert number one asking number two they ran pretty even in the early rounds asking me that great pass in the semifinals you look at a C's final round average in the end final rounds reaction time average I'm trying to say the only times he left first was in Houston she wanted you know 92 to 97 but she's had very good lights here today she's been very consistent I can guarantee you the nerves are there I remember my first ending I was a nervous wreck I had great lights all day and then the last in the final round gets milk Billy Meyer I had a had a mediocre reaction time because I was a little bit too nervous but she's done a good job to this point Wow fire Ashley first hunt the wind how good is that Jen's gonna cry his little girl just won the US Nationals in a fuel funny car
Channel: XERB1090
Views: 1,137,562
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Id: HB3BqQ65nbc
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Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2012
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