John Dobson - " Come, see the Moon! "

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come see the moon come see the moon here come see the moon we got it at high power looking at the moon come see the moon come see the moon I'm seeing the moon yeah come see the moon that's the way the moon would look one hour before you landed on it we're looking at the moon holy moly as I always say the exterior decorator does know they were what makes the tops of your telescope it's you're it doesn't track things across the sky photography because it's not equatorial no vitória planes you need to know it doesn't do that yeah so you can't put a clock drive on it on well we could but we don't do it this runs on yogurt and eggs I hate the ogen and eggs so how how big across are those craters that we're looking at generally like the bigger one all right I'll show you one thank you here okay the one you're looking at is bigger than his biggest Texas all right now you'll see three dark smooth areas in a row three dark smooth areas in a row we dark to put it yes I see that the middle what is this here tranquility that's as big as our again Wow if you had a picture of Oregon that big could you see Portland I never minded foot prints I would think yes no you could moons aw craters there's nothing on the moon that's not a crater that's part of your goodness can you explain how this works it works fine the light comes down through here and it's a mirror there's a mirror in here so look at the front end look down the front end there's a concave mirror there the light hits that and then hits this little mirror here it comes out into here as I always say the exterior decorator does lovely work oh I needed this right now this isn't like ice cream you can have as many servings in your when the bright part is getting fatter is waxing waxing when the bright part is getting thinner it's waning so it waxes from new to full it wanes from fall to new now the reason you can see the mountains so well is because the sun is shining on one side and not shining on the other side look again you'll see the mountains are living on one side and shady on one side that's why you can see them when the moon is full you can see the mountain they live on all sides never saw this before now you belong to a minority [Music] what language you know besides English Beijing Noah Mayo what are we looking at each other we're looking at the moon at high-power crater no it's not all one big crater it's millions of craters but this one with this Greek mountains around like that that crater is big enough to put Texas in the hole only the shady side is cool how can they look at it you're looking at it one in one 30 seconds a light comes from the morning like that actually two separate zero you know no it's not complicated more complicated the way you think it is because you think something's moving around like that and nobody ever saw anything doing that there aren't any photons but in any rate the way we usually see it if they're two moons quarter of a million miles out there and it takes the light 130 seconds to get here that's the way we usually see it that's the way we usually talk about it but you know what somebody told me the other day the universe is mostly hydrogen and ignorance now you see that ridge of mountains that long ridge of mountains that's the edge of a crater the crater is big enough to put Texas in the hole those mountains as high as the Alps really yeah but when they see the moon they are shocked the public is so shocked when they see the mountain animal one of the reasons we do this is so that can people can see beyond their genetic programming your genetic program you say oh these are clouds oh that's blue sky between the clouds though these are trees and these are plants and these are flowers and these are bees and these are people and these are dogs and these are cats all those things are covered by your genetic programming but when you look through the telescope and see the mountains on the moon damn it all you're going as shut up they have nothing to say about it and they have nothing to say about Saturn's rings and they have nothing to say about galaxies or any of that stuff you see so you see when you let people look through a telescope they at least have a way of seeing something from a standpoint which I have not had before these are the main talks I know we're in Vermont but they're the main tops
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,619
Rating: 4.9793816 out of 5
Keywords: astronomy telescope dobson john dobson a sidewalk astronomer moon space astronomy
Id: UTF-uUDb500
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Sun May 20 2018
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