John Dillinger’s First Bank Robbery - New Carlisle, OH

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[Music] there by the skin gage and roadtrip rich and we're here in New Carlisle Ohio which is the historic spot of public enemy number one John Dillinger's first bank robbery okay and what happened way back which is sign here Ritchie no says June 10th 1933 which I believe is incorrect 21st 21st and what is significant about that is John Dillinger was in in Indianapolis jail for eight and a half years before this okay but it wasn't for bank robbery it was for a little strong-arm robbery of like a drugstore back in the day and it was in jail where he met up with the likes of Harry pierpon and a couple others where he learned the art of bank robber and you know what happens when you're in jail for that long Lanning stuff yeah you start well besides avoiding but stuff here you're thinking about what you want to do when you get out so if you think about June 21st a couple of significant things about that one you're talking the beginning of summer you're ready to have a good time by the way everybody check out the haircut on road trip here it's a new man he lost the mad scientist look it's wrong for the doc down okay but it's June 21st summertime you're just out of jail and what's June 22nd there's first day of summer alone that is John Dillinger's birthday so this particular day was John Dillinger's last day of being in his 20s he's turning 30 the next day a second man I want to party hard all right I need some money I need it quick so him and his gang of less than professional bank robbers came to this spot here new Carlisle and they place to getaway car couple blocks down the street here a little further down the street about a block or so up the street and this is now but cannibals here is now not as many candle robbers his bank robbers so maybe that's the key thing but they had a tip that behind the bank that there was a window that was always cracked open okay and my theory on that is you've probably got a somebody working in the bank who was cheap you know how toilet paper is now with the Kovach stuff didn't want to use his own toilet paper took a dump every day I worked before he left right I mean you probably do that don't you yeah I love Matt yeah company suited well he cracked the window didn't want everybody knew he's taking his and it came back to haunt this Bank so Dillinger's and his boys snuck through the window laid there all night until the next morning when the bank open and when the tellers and the customers came into the door here they ambushed said hey 20 got at him lay down keep your mouth shut open the safe the guy tell her who was supposed to open the safe was struggling with a combination one of Dillinger's cohorts was kind of a Stalin let's let's put a slug in it Dylan Dillinger was the only one that supposedly remained cool about it okay said hey he's fine just open the safe buddy got it open they got around ten ten grand or so which which was a lot of money back then and then they jump behind the building through the window that came in their getaway car came roaring down this street which was 71 then it's a state route 571 now they ran behind this lady's house here got in their getaway vehicle and sped off westbound excuse me eastbound on 71 and to kind of thwart any cops that might be chasing him they threw a bunch of nails that they had purchased out behind their vehicle so that anybody following him would he get a flat tire thus a clean getaway John Dillinger was suspected of using a girlfriend who lived in Dayton's apartment as the base of his operations for a while today we're gonna see if we can find that location all right we're in downtown Dayton now we're doing a little research trying to find the home of Mary longnecker who was the girlfriend of Dillinger she was the sister actually have a prisoner that Dillinger was in jail with and started talking to each other and they hooked up and somewhere we're looking for a 324 West first Street in downtown Dayton this is a picture of Mary and John which was probably taken at the Chicago World's Fair that's right Dillinger took vacations in between robbing banks [Music] 330s that building right there 3:30 so yeah must be so the boardinghouse that was here back in 1933 is now appears to be a parking lot the finest Police Department in the nation the Dayton Police Department was alerted of mr. Dillinger's presence in the area it seems that Dillinger's girlfriend Mary's landlord turned them in the Dayton police arrested John Dillinger and this ended the Dayton portion of John Dillinger's criminal career
Channel: The Tolle Road
Views: 6,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john dillinger, new carlisle, dayton ohio, roadtrip rich, dayton dave, public enemy #1, the tolle road, tollevision, crime in dayton, bank robbery, 1933 dayton ohio, 1933 new carlisle, stroll with tolle
Id: GjKoXwTpoNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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