John Deere 4640 Horsepower Discovery

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well how y'all doing today boss man's out there working we're going to turn up the 4640 now this is a controlled environment we're going to recirculate there and everything else says that we can only get into b2 pulling this big old land off a little old end off but he wants to he has to gear down to be one going up the hill so we we're going to try to get them up into on up into sea range possibly road gear um we're going to throw about a thousand force to it a little bit of propane injection and everything else we'll show you what we're doing here in a second [Music] [Applause] all righty to do this job you're gonna need some basic hand tools and a little bit of knowledge but uh we're gonna cut this right here this just lets us know that nobody's been into it since the last fuel shop if it's ever been into before and i recommend you do it remember the freaking motors warm it's a whole lot funner than everything else and you're going to use 10 millimeter pretty sure there it is 10 millimeter trying to work around y'all let y'all be involved and everything if you hear me pausing it's just because i'm trying to figure out what i want to say new to this whole video making series but i'll be right back i'm going to go get some brake clean cyclo brake cleaner about the best thing other than john deere brake car but i ain't paying seven eight dollars a can for it i'll pay two of that stuff we're gonna keep track of all of our bolts that we take out we're gonna take off this little back plate over here now this little android i don't think y'all can see it but it's just out of screen here i've already played with that just to give them a little bit better boost fueling under low boost situations trick pump into doing what we wanted to this tractor came from upper ohio it's gonna live down in here on at the bottom of sand mountain for a little while just off of 117. for the rest of its life it's going to stay down here for a good little while i think oh boy we're gonna let all that we're gonna catch all that oil we got a drain pan down there and i've mentioned it's best to do this while it's warm because you burn yourself and everything else it's just great fantastic fantastic now there's a little right there is o-ring for that so there's no gasket make or anything on there so don't have to do all that we're going to get this plate out of the way so we can get in there real good golly oh warm warm get that all cleaned up everything else all right so i don't know if y'all can see but that's the screw three turns is lots of fuel three turns we're gonna go two see what he likes about it any more than that and you uh well i interesting stuff happens any more than three turns interesting stuff happens it gets expensive of windows and blocks get made and well inspection holes it's it's interesting stuff so we're gonna we're gonna there's a set nut on there let me get y'all in here closer there's a nut on there you have to loosen that and then you'll screw it in three times if you want or two like we're gonna do where y'all can see there you go there you go all right let's loosen this up we gotta release nuts loose we're gonna know where we stand with it our notch is sitting on a uh 11 degree on the clock and we're going to rotate it just a little bit we're going to do this here pull your dipstick out make sure you don't drop nothing down inside there that'd be a bad day wouldn't it yeah okay all right so there we go we're at half a turn one half a turn we're at two all right now we're gonna put that nut back on there yes i cleaned the dipstick before i even put it in there y'all didn't see that oh all right put that on there i'm gonna shower down on that nut don't get it too tight now you just want it snug it's just all aluminum in here okay just snuggish don't ask me what the torque is snuggish is cause i've been doing it for a hot minute or two and we're gonna take our plate we're gonna put her back on make sure that o-ring's in good condition put a little bit of oil on it let's seal off there nation good luck oh listen it always helps if you do this the day after you smash your thumb inside of a case combine changing out the fingers on the front of the head of the bean head always helps just remember that get all these up here and we're going to do this i think boss man said something about hitting a hammer getting the hammer after one of the rocks that's inside the land off so we might film that for you too a little bit of b-roll action austin's probably going to be editing this and asking himself damn my little my older brother talks a lot all right get this all done up here tighten this back up use your 10 millimeter not a sponsor but it's a gear wrench a little bit of product placement there for you you're welcome i do recommend these things ex-wife got them for me oh good days not really good days but we will reflect on that one uh some other time she took all my money now she didn't is well just like say that be like an old-timer be ungrateful to the world better and everything else we ain't like that i just prefer she don't ever eat at my dinner table again yep we got them all snuggish up there we're gonna clean all that and we're gonna go run it and let y'all see some footage of it she ought to be rolling the coals all right boss man did a good one on this one so had to get out bertha now bertha is a eight pound sledge on a quarter inch wall tube welded on there so we're gonna see if we can take care of it i'm right in your way or you're right my way one or the other [Music] let's hope y'all can see right there [Music] [Music] do [Music] oh [Music] get this bit back where it needs to be or attempt to anyways okay if you need me we're about to roll some footage of the 4640 pulling [Music] [Music] so and b4 here we go [Music] that's how it's done with 30 minutes of knowledge from an expert on youtube [Applause]
Channel: Dipstick Garage
Views: 10,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JncYi20NlKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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