John Deere 1025R: Every Day Uses With Some Creativity.

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foreign cabins I mentioned in last week's video that I was going to be going back to Northern Ohio and talking about some projects that I did let me reposition that camera a little bit all right that's not too big the next project with Southern Ohio we're waiting for the foundation to cure for a week and then we're going to have delivery day so that's going to be pretty interesting a lot of interesting videos coming up on that delivery day then actual loading onto the foundation and then all the prep work afterwards that is still going to be needed to complete this project but in between running back and forth to Southern Ohio to back to Northern Ohio and this time I've got the RV down here as you can tell I got the generator going and I got that propane tank to go with it that propane tank weighs a ton and I hope by the end of this week that I will dwindle a little bit of propane to make it easier to Lug around but I'm glad I'm able to use it a day like today I use it most of the afternoon because I needed the air conditioning it's very hot in there was about 90 degrees inside but anyways while we're on the subject of that generator I had a little project at home that I was able to involve JD I wanted to change the oil in that generator was getting to be about 25 hours of use and that is the time that they want you to change the oil at least with this Furman according to the manual I actually watched a little YouTube video that Furman put out about changing the oil and they wanted you to put this weird pan underneath it and then you had to tilt it and then try to drain the oil out of it put new oil back into it and it's all pretty much cut and dry but I really did not care about trying to find a cookie sheet or something to put underneath that generator trying to tilt it trying to get the oil out it just seemed like it could become very messy I could ruin a good cookie sheet I didn't want to run out and buy a special pan for it and my oil pan is about four or five inches tall and that wasn't going to work so then I started thinking well could I set it on a table top on the edge of a workbench or something and try to put the oil pan underneath it just seemed like there was a chance to create a mess that I just did not want to deal with so then I started thinking to myself well wait a minute how can I get JD involved with this so I ended up taking the Furman generator I had JD inside the pole barn I brought it around front to the loader bucket and I slide the generator on the loader bucket and this way I could put the generator at any height that I wanted I was able to put it up about six seven inches high enough that I could slide my normal oil pan that I use for draining oil out of my vehicles in the tractor and I didn't have to worry about any special cookie sheet that I had to put under there then you basically just pull out a little rubber grommet that allows you to drain through a little rectangular hole in the bottom of the generator I was able to tilt it with the bucket and lean It Forward get all the oil out cleanly put it into my oil pan put it all back together put the oil back into it use the loader to put it back onto the ground and it just made the job a lot more easier than it seemed that it had to be on the YouTube video from Furman so that was a neat little project just to have JD involved and from now on I'm going to keep that in the back of my head when I have to change oil on some of my other Machinery like that so that ended up being a nice project it went a lot quicker and it was a lot neater I thought it was going to be so JD was a big help there and I did spill a little bit of oil on the bucket but nothing that a rag couldn't wipe up now while we're on the subject of oil changes I did buy a new John Deere lawnmower for down here last year it might even be a year and a half ago I can't even remember now if it was last year or the year before that but my other one crapped out I got frustrated with it just ran into town in the Marietta picked up a new lawnmower and now that also needs an oil change too I have about 12 and a half hours on it and they actually want you to change it at 10 hours and that one has the Quick Change 30 seconds so just to pass along information to you if you're thinking about buying one of those lawn tractors or lawn mowers riding mowers 30 second quick change filter on it that has oil already in it so basically you untwist the old oil filter put in a new one already has the oil in it you take a little rubber cap from the new one that you had and put it on the old one and I'm still haven't decided where I'm going to recycle this shed if I have to dump it out somewhere or if I can take it somewhere with the oil still in it but anyways does it take 30 seconds it took me a little bit longer than 30 seconds to do it I add a little bit of rough time twisting that off so much so that I thought I was going to break something but I ended up getting it off getting the other one back on so it probably took me more like three minutes from start to finish instead of 30 seconds kind of neat the only thing that I dislike about it is the price the price of the filter when I first bought the lawnmower I think was around 44 or 45 dollars and I could get them at Home Depot that was when I originally bought the mower about a year and a half ago or so and now those filters are around 55 dollars pretty pricey to change the oil on that riding mower if you ask me anyway it's simple and it makes it easier to do it's so simple that it will probably make you change the oil more often because it is so easy to do and it's not going to take up a good part of your day but the price is a little expensive now another little project is we put in a concrete pad in front of our pole barn and we put concrete inside the pole barn and I had thought that we would probably do a good portion of our driveway this year but now with the project going down here in Southern Ohio we're putting this new house on the foundation the price of it and kind of tying up our funds for a little while I don't think we're going to be able to afford to put that Concrete in like I was hoping to so I think we're going to have to push that off to maybe next year or the year after that but in the meantime I did have some gravel sitting around and I did want to put some around the base of the pad that was poured in front of the pole barn and I was hesitating putting it in there because I thought we're going to get the concrete for the driveway but since we're not going to do that I wanted to feather out some Stone around the edge of that pad to make it easier to pull my trailer get other vehicles up and on that pad the tractor even the tractor itself one time I was backing into that pad and I had my quick hitch on and it was in the lower position and it actually rammed into that pad and put a little ding into it which I wasn't too happy about so I was able to get some Stone from my little Reserve pile down the driveway and dressed it up a little bit made it look a little bit nicer and easier to get up and down there until we do decide to put some concrete in that area 20 minutes later so I mentioned buying that new lawnmower well I still had the old lawnmower and when we started tearing down the old cabin down here the old lawnmower was kind of pushed off to the side underneath the overhang of our shed now under that overhang is a bunch of scrap wood that we're going to make some hunting blinds probably sometime this fall but I had to get rid of that lawnmower so we had the room on the trailer when we were taking a lot of things out of the old cabin and bringing it home temporarily so I brought the lawnmower home and then I was compiling a nice big scrap pile and I was keeping that about halfway down the driveway just so it wasn't a nice sword us and no one else could really see it unless they drove halfway down our driveway to look at it I accumulated a good amount of scrap and I wanted to take it to the scrap yard I ended up using the forks to move my lawnmower that up pretty easily to lift it up and get it up on the pickup truck foreign [Music] that I removed from an area that I thought we were going to use for the chicken coop but then when we had our zoning issues that all changed I didn't really need that fencing anymore I ended up thinking that that would just be a nice piece of scrap also it probably weighs about 120 130 pounds kind of big and bulky to move around and I was able to use my brush Crusher to originally move it down a driveway to put it with the rest of my scrap pile and then I was able to use JD to load that back into the truck once I got all the other scrap in there so I got a good load of scrap took it to the dealer and I think it all in all it weighed about 800 pounds when you have a big load like that I had a little bit of everything I had parts of tin roof I had the fencing I had the lawnmower just all kinds of scrap metal that I put in the back of my truck I took it down to our scrap yard and weighed it it was about 800 pounds and for this price that they give you for the price of steel they basically just give you a flat rate for steel if you were able separate stuff and let's say it was all copper then they'd give you a rate for copper or they give you a rate for some other type of metal but since it was a mishmash they just give you probably the lowest price of what steel is and I ended up just getting 50 bucks for it we also ended up pulling a 10 gauge solar wires that I had laid in conduit that I ran from the old shed to the pole barn when I took out the big stump and then laid in the conduit and buried that and I put a little string in there to pull that wire it was a little tougher than I thought because I had already had some rigid underground Romex running through it that was that was taking power from the shed and just giving me a little bit of power into the pole barn but Karen and I were able to pull that through I got some solar panels up on a roof but I'm probably going to do a little bit more projects with the little stronger solar panel I'm probably going to try to put a little bit larger wattage up on our shed and one thing that bugs me on nice sunny days when I don't need to be feeding or charged in my power stations or running anything in the pole barn that those panels could be producing a little bit of power so I might have a little project video further into the summer that talks about on how you can take advantage of using that unused power when those panels are just sitting there doing nothing and trying to maybe feed it back into your grid and save a little bit on your electric bill so that's just some of the projects that have been going on in Northern Ohio I also got a large tilling project that I'll probably be showing you in a couple weeks after we get back to a couple more projects down here in Southern Ohio so but everything has been working out pretty good I really like the logistics of things right now we've been using the RV down here this is the third time I've brought it down and I usually bring it down for about a week the company's been very nice to try to do things on consecutive days so it's not like I'm sitting around waiting with a couple days in between so I can come down here for the week and they usually have something happening every day of the week for me and then I'll come home on a weekend bring the trailer back home there was one time where I just had to come down here for a couple days so I just got a cheap hotel and Caldwell but so far the logistics for me has been working out great because I can run the UTV back and forth that's like my morning work vehicle to go to work next door they've been nice enough to have me stay in the field here the neighbors have been letting me use the field which is working out good the RV is perfect for me with the the water supply and the black tanks I can last a week and still have stuff to spare I usually take a shower every other day having a generator now with this propane is really been nice because I want to use that propane up when I return these tanks I don't want to give them any propane back that I already paid for the evenings have been pretty good here even though the temps have been getting close to 90 and a little humid in the daytime it's been dropping down in the mid 50s at night so I can shut the generator off I can open up the windows like sleeping in a tent here in the owls hooting at night and everything like that it's worked out good so I can keep tabs on things document things for you guys show you what we're kind of going through if somebody's going to go through the same type of thing it's always helpful to get as much information as you can and I enjoy sharing that because I know there's other people that are interested in it they're interested in how they move these large halves of homes and get them onto a foundation do they crane it do they roll it a lot of people are interested just how the process is when you're doing a home like this you know there are some unique situations not every piece of property is always the same so we have the unique situation of having that little Hill that goes up and we have a little bit of slope where the house is sitting we have the unique situation of where we're going to get the water from same thing with septic so I like sharing these projects I hope that I can pass along information that maybe might spur an idea for somebody might save them a little bit of money might save a little bit of time help them decide like maybe well I don't want to do this or I'm going to do some of this myself or I don't want to do any of it or it's just not going to work for us type of thing but all in all everything's worked out good it's the shower night tonight so I'm going to fire up that generator and get the hot water heater going and get a little bit of warm water take a shower there's not much going to be happening next door here so I'm going to pack up the RV in the morning while it's still cool and try to get home leave about 11 o'clock here in the morning get back home have a few more projects at home to do and then they'll probably be doing some work here in about three days so I'll kind of come back down and I think by then I might be able to just stay inside of the house rather than bring the RV down and roughing it without any utilities in the house but at least they have a place to sleep so that's going to do it for today I appreciate everybody watching hope you enjoy and subscribe to these videos click on that little bell when you want to know when a new one is coming out and uh keep an eye on us take care everybody [Applause]
Channel: A Tale of Three Cabins
Views: 7,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Deere, 1025R, cabin, 1023e, 2025r, 2032r, 2038r, Kubota, compact
Id: 6aSFrNsLVtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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