John Daly Reveals TRUTH About His Son

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John Daly has traded his Troubled Youth for a calmer retirement life thanks to a son that's a lot and nothing like him John Daly II seems to be golf's old Bad Boy's second chance at life and there's so much about their colorful relationship and little John himself that golf fans don't know who was his mom where did he learn to play golf did JD really clone himself the life of John Daly the first is like nothing you can imagine it's a dystopian mural that makes you wonder if the artist is truly a genius or a sadist with skeletons in his attic Daley was basically riding an F1 car at Breakneck speed straight down the path to self-destruction and it was on that turbulent trip he crashed into Sherry Miller like every pack of cigarettes he held Daily's marriages burned out in seconds Sherry Miller was the fourth woman Long John convinced to be his wife in the space of 14 years he might have been lacking in the character department but the boy had game two years after their marriage Miller gave birth to Daly's third child and his only son on July 23 2003 but as was the pattern with Daily's life at the time the happy music of the baby's cry was soon drowned by another call of controversy the week Miller and Daley welcomed John Patrick Daly II Miller and her parents got into some terrible trouble with the law seeing that his in-laws and wife faced serious charges John Daly quickly cleared his famous name he said he knew nothing about Miller's involvement in the alleged crimes and suggested a guilty verdict in the Mississippi Federal Court might bring his journey with wife number four to an end but something else threw the wrench in the works an argument at a restaurant became a bitter fight between the couple during the 2007 Stanford St Jude Championship although the police never found the steak Knife Daley claimed his wife had attacked him with the couple eventually called it quits in 2010. and probably because daily could hardly be trusted with himself Miller got custody of seven-year-old John Daly II not for long though some months later a jury in a Tennessee Court found Miller guilty on some serious charges Little John had missed nearly 30 percent of his school year and Sherry Miller was handed three days behind bars for contempt of a circuit court resulting from her divorce proceedings her unreliability along with reports of her interference with Daily's court-ordered visitation rights gave Daley full custody of his little boy John Daly II had missed a lot of school time and there was nobody better to help him catch up but wait for it Daddy daily with the help of his girlfriend at the time Anna kaladakis Daley homeschooled his son he juggled full-time parenting with an itinerant life that had him waking up in different countries as he tried to resuscitate his dying golf career in 2013 Daley tweeted working hard on tour and homeschooling my son makes me a busy man life is good hashtag on the road and no other words could caption the essence of that period of their lives better Daley would sometimes cut his practice rounds to make time for mini John Daly's education and in no time they were moving through the grades he told the independent when I was first granted custody before last Christmas little John could hardly write or read in just one year I've got him through two grades he was so far behind because his mother never got him through school he missed 84 days of kindergarten so they held him back and then he had already missed 25 days of first grade I've had to teach him every day and I've got him through his first two grades in a year that's because I've given Littlejohn a structure he knows he has to do it of course Daley didn't immediately turn over a new Leaf but you could see how watching over his child can make him rethink his life's choices it was one thing he couldn't gamble with since we are talking about choices do you have one when your father is John Daly when you are John Daly Jr there's bound to be some golf in you of course old daily is far from being the greatest golfer of all time courtesy of his aversion for discipline still everybody knows he was the best on the field when he played at his best and when Big John saw that swinging spirit in Little John he sent him to bishopsgate Golf Academy the International Junior Golf Academy in Florida where he learned the fundamentals of how to do his daddy's job Little John might have learned a lot from the coaches at Bishop's gate but this was inborn in his days as a junior golfer he almost made some fantastic golf history when he entered the headlines for sharing the 36 hole lead at the dye National Junior Invitational at Crooked Stick in Carmel Indiana why was this special victory at that course would have made him the second daily to taste Triumph on the stage of his father's life-changing PGA Championship victory in 1991. Little John didn't win in Carmel but he made his mark on the junior circuit and won the ijga player of the year in 2021. and when it was time for college young Daly showed how much he enjoyed walking in his father's golf shoes he chose the University of Arkansas from where he dropped out in 1987 to try his luck in the Pro game with two majors a host of international victories and an unforgettable name he surely found a lot of luck on the way Daley might not be a model father but for a man with his background he raised a fine boy and he never misses the opportunity to express his pride in his boy talking to Joe Buck and Michael Collins at Southern Hills Daley spoke about his love for the Arkansas Razorbacks golf team and his son's prospect on the college team about his boy he said I'm proud of him for the way he works at golf and the way he works at school he's just a great kid I thank the Lord every day I got custody of him because I don't know what would happen if I didn't it's interesting to think of the older John Daly as the guy he became but maybe wisdom does come with age he's fallen and gotten back up all his life like a toddler that never got the hang of walking but considering his childhood it's a miracle he didn't totally fall off the rail in his in-depth interview with graham bensinger Daley dug deep into his past and shared some gruesome childhood Tales this was him trying to describe his father my dad is um he's just It's just tough his father wasn't just tough on him he also once tried to kill him yet in his own words his mom was an angel I look at my mom as just being an unbelievable woman to put up with some of the things that my dad did then I look at my life when things were bad with all my wives they were just gone when things were great man they were right there by our side when things were bad gone he told benzinger however from his dark past Daley has been able to make some light for his son ahead of the 96 Invitational at St Petersburg Country Club Little John told the Press how he's changing the narrative he tells me to do the opposite of him and I'll be just fine he said but not at the 2021 PNC Championship where they needed to move in tandem the dailies had played in several editions of the pga's highly rated father-son tournament and their partnership finally produced a victory and it was a record-breaking one too even Daley's bladder cancer couldn't stop him and his son from carting 27 under par to beat the 25 under put up by Tiger and Charlie Woods about the win Daley said it's just one of the highlights of my life to be able to play in a PGA Tour event with your son and win it's pretty daggone special you know what special bombs no not those ones JD seniors explosive personality was not the only thing that attracted golf fans to him it was also his knack for nonchalantly throwing Fireballs down the Fairway Daley would grip it and just rip it to golf fans in the 90s he was Bryson dechambeau just with a louder wardrobe and a volcano under his mullet there's 37 years between him and Junior but Daley II is putting a different kind of distance between them in 2020 his dad told golf subpar podcast he's become one hell of a ball Striker and he's hitting it past me now which I'm okay with but we still go at it he's playing the same tease as me now and we're having battles the dailies are not only having battles but also splitting checks in April 2022 Hooters announced their name image and likeness deal with the pair of dailies the deal was long overdue considering Big John's long history with the international restaurant chain I've seen my father's great relationship with Hooters over the years and I'm proud to continue my family's association with this worldwide brand Littlejohn told his over 130 000 followers on Instagram by the way John Daly Jr or Little John will be a fire moniker if he ever decides to do some emceeing on the side dailies are kind of expected to be unorthodox anyway if you enjoyed this video about John Daly Jr check out the video on the screen now or the one we posted below we're sure you'll like that one too see you there
Channel: Golf Plus
Views: 610,087
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Keywords: john daly, john daly interview, john daly swing, john daly profile, john daly in depth, john daly golf, john daly son, john daly drunk, john daly pga championship, john daly jr, john daly funny moments, john daly song, john daly drive, jon daly, john daly drinking, john daly gambling, john daly golf cart, john daly best shots, little john daly, john daly son pnc, best of john daly, john daly son golf, john daly hooters, john daly nil deal, john daly stories, pga, golf
Id: VoRTC1zmNPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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