John Cleese in conversation with Eric Idle at Live Talks Los Angeles
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Channel: LiveTalksLA
Views: 2,631,210
Rating: 4.879705 out of 5
Keywords: John Cleese (TV Writer), Eric Idle (TV Writer), Monty Python (Musical Artist), Monty Python's Flying Circus (TV Program), Monty Python And The Holy Grail (Film), Live Talks LA, Live Talks Los Angeles, Comedy (Film Genre), So Anyway, Alex Theatre (Venue), Ted Habte-gabr, Crown Publishing, Talking, Chat, Film (Media Genre)
Id: KnpY46lOTX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 59sec (4619 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 22 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
That's hilarious. Great find OP.
Hilarious, but incredibly true and sad. "We arrived in Auckland in July, 1864."
The fact is New Zealand is very, very far behind in a lot of simple things.
91% of homes in the UK have central heating. 5% do in New Zealand. FIVE PERCENT.
New Zealanders think it's alright when they have damp, drafty, cold homes in winter...see the Dunedin housing crisis and the introduction of a home warrant of fitness pilot program in Dunedin that was announced a couple months ago. Go to Canada, the U.S., Western Europe....I have literally never stepped into a home in those countries that was located in a town or city that did not have central heating.
It truly is 1864 in this country in so many ways.
The Pythons' comments about Kiwis who go abroad and then come back to NZ and are appalled at the conditions in NZ is true. New Zealanders who think a lot of these conditions are alright haven't seen the average living standards in other western first world countries.