John C Maxwell The Rule of 5 As Never Before Seen

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thank you thank you very much you may be seated good afternoon is it great to be with you my goodness you um i know you know this and you've been here for the last few days at the convention so i know you know this but you happen to be part of an incredible organization do you understand that i have seen a lot of them and i've taught and worked with a lot of them and i can tell you i have never seen an organization take off like you have taken off i mean you you are on a rocket ride aren't you huh and it's exciting to be with you and and uh with nick and ryan and blake and the and the team and it's just it's just great and i'm delighted i'm delighted to share with you this afternoon and what a great group that we have here um let me get acquainted with you okay my name is john nice to meet you what's your name nice to meet you nice to meet you uh margaret and i have been married for 43 years we have two children we have five grandchildren you are all way too young to know what grandchildren are you are one but you haven't had one yet but let me just explain this to you so when you have grandchildren you'll understand this grandchildren are god's gift to you for not killing your children trust me how many of you have teenagers do you have any teenagers all right okay i just want to speak on behalf of your teenage children let them live because there are days aren't there days when you know shall i you know shall i let them live let them live because if you let them live there'll be a day they give you a grandchild and when they give you a grandchild you'll hold that baby in your arms that baby and you'll say my goodness this is the smartest most beautiful baby in the whole world and nobody has to tell you you know that and then you'll ask yourself a question you look at this beautiful grandbaby and you'll say why did intelligence skip a generation i was uh i was at a large convention speaking and i told that story and i forgot my son joel was in the audience and so i was i was sad i walked back to the green room and he was waiting on he was waiting on me i mean he was waiting on me and i said joel you know about the grandchildren that little story i said you know i was just kidding you know about intelligence giving a generation he said no daddy said it's okay in fact he said i think you're right i said you do he said yeah i said i thank you right he said in fact just last week grandpa and i had that very same discussion i um i brought this with you i want to i want to read one more quick thing and then we're going to we're going to we're going to have some fun and learn a lot about leadership today i i'm i turned 65 this year and you're way too young again to understand this but i but i got a long way to go my dad just turned 91 and my mom just passed away two years ago they were married for 66 years and uh so but but anyway i i so i'm going to explain life to you i love this i love this i i this i'm going to explain life because we all ask questions about life and how do we fit in and what's our purpose etc so on this card here in fact it's a very important card it's laminated when anything is important i laminate it okay and i'm going to read this to you and this will explain like in fact look at your neighbor and say you are about to understand life go ahead and tell them that right now tell them all right in fact look right back at him and saying it's about time okay on the first day god created the dog god said sit all day with the door of your house and bark at anybody that comes by i'll give you a lifespan of 20 years the dog said that's too long to be barking give me 10 years i'll give you back the other 10 and god agreed on the second day god created a monkey god said entertain people do monkey tricks make them laugh i'll give you a 20 year life span the monkey said how boring monkey tricks for 20 years i don't think so the dog gave you back 10 years so that's what i'll do too okay and god agreed on the third day god created the cow god said you must go out in the field with the farmer all day long suffer under the sun have calves give milk to support the farmer i'm going to give you a lifespan of 60 years the cow said that's kind of a tough life you want me to live for 60 years let me have 20 i'll give you back the other 40. god agreed on the fourth day god created man god said eat sleep play marry enjoy your life i'll give you 20 years man said what only 20 years i'll tell you what i'll take the 10 years that the dog gave you back in the ten years that the monkey gave you back and and the 40 years that the the call the cow gave you back that makes 80 years okay okay god said you've got a deal so that is why the first 20 years of our lives we eat sleep play enjoy ourselves for the next 40 years we slave in the sun to support our family for the next 10 years we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren for the last 10 years we sit on the front porch and we bark at everybody that goes by you've just had life explained to you i was on the phone i was um i was up in san francisco i was doing some work with the condoleezza rice and we were doing some uh video shoots and things and and uh yesterday or i guess it was day four yesterday i got on the phone with with your leaders and and we talked about this meeting today this time and after after talking to them and and hearing from them and again i want to say what a great company you have what what great leaders you have again i know leaders i know leaders and and i i say this very uh i i i say this with with reflection as i have as i've met your three guys they're they are the finest sharpest young leaders that i have ever met that's a fact that's a fact yeah that's really fascinating and and and trust me i meet a lot of leaders and i i hang with a lot of leaders in fact i just kind of do that for a living and uh and we're i'm looking forward to this year i was just talking to all three of them back there for a moment and and this year i'm gonna have the privilege of spending the year with them in a mentoring relationship and i'm very excited about that i am i i i'm very excited to be able to pour my to pour what i know and what i've learned and my life into them and uh they're so they're so good they're so eager already so so that's fun so we were talking on the phone and and uh when i finished talking to them i did what i do often i i travel do a lot of speaking but i literally um i just wrote out my lecture i've never given this before okay i just set out and i said i know exactly what i want to teach you and and so it's kind of fresh it's new it's not a sugar stick okay it's just what i know that i think you need to know that will help you be a better leader to be more successful because my desire is to really uh take you to a whole new level leadership wise and so what we're going to do let's call this um let's call this teaching since i've never given it before let's call this teaching the rule of five for leading the rule of five for leading and in a moment i'm going to explain to you how the rule of five works which is in itself tremendously life-changing but what i'm going to do today is i'm going to i sat down i was up in san francisco doing some writing for the last two days on on on another book and i sat down and i i wrote this out i wrote this out and and i want to give this to you
Channel: Freevishake
Views: 4,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john C maxwell, julio solla, vislalus, visalus leader training, the rule of 5, developing leaders around you, mentorship
Id: bH-7jMv52SQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2013
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