John + Ashley: Wedding Film

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love isn't what you say love is what you do if you research the definition love it is defined as the intense feeling of deep affection or great intense and play and pleasure in something baby I'm in love with you I've been in love with you sent emali Bassam I love your smile I'm in love the way you walk I don't know what your scent I'm in love with you touch unload we breathe no longer just sold [Music] - my husband John today has finally arrived and I'm so grateful and thankful that you chose need to be a lifelong partner well here a day at our wedding that's so many emotions running through me scared I'm nervous [Music] more so than anything and joyful I'm excited I'm happy to be in here on this day in this building marrying the woman of my dreams so guys I would like to say thank you to each and every one of you part of my special they were our special day oh my god you guys each of you as a token of our appreciation for you sharing in our special day when I met you I truly met me too I remember the day I first laid eyes on you I knew there was something special about you as our relationship grew I fell deeper and deeper in love with you it was so scary because you are literally everything that I had prayed for it and here it was right in front of me thank you God for answering my prayers I look forward to spending many many years with you and making many many memories I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart and nothing or no one can come between us I love you and I can't wait to see you when I walked on that to your mother and your father I want to say thank you guys for raising this woman and daddy I want to reassure you that I'll provide for and protected just that you have nothing to this day and mom I want to say thank you she wouldn't hurt was a good example a woman should be I tell you guys you're a weirdo but I got it from here in the good book Genesis 2 verse 24 states therefore man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife and they should get become one in the flesh I don't have the flip I don't have the pleasure of separating from my mother for my father in the flesh but I know that they're here I know they're here a spirit saying that's my baby I know those souls are in heaven rejoicing that the man that they raised found a woman that loves him unconditionally just as they did you're an organ in my body if you fail I fail I will always support your dreams and aspirations but everything and everyone has given up on you always know that I'm always standing right beside you they my love it's a day that we always remember I'm so happy that you chose me to spend less time I put the love we share is like no other I can't imagine life without you without you you're everything that I have prayed for anyone thank you for loving me for me and a selfie Peyton as your very own I hope you I hope you like your yes I love I love you [Music] [Music] you're absolutely beautiful you absolutely fell again and absolutely love everything about you so to say the least I pray that you like the arrangement that I got you but also Brennan has a bag that contains four gifts it gives all number one to four okay give no one is a as a diamond encrusted heart and I want you to be able to to be able to touch your chest and also remember that I'm always in your heart I'm always close to your heart that you've always got a piece of me with you at all times give number two is the film that you told me that you want about a couple months ago which is a culture from I absolutely love their freaking and on your special day I want you to smell as beautiful as I'm certain that you look give number three which is a picture frame which obviously I have put two of the most memorable moments of the day up to this situation in those frame that later I want you to replace with from this beautiful day if number four if number four is a tiara I could imagine life without you [Music] just hate me to places no one else only you can tell what's going on when I hear your name smile up on my face it's a matter the time or the place you make him I could love you far when I'm feeling down ain't wanna be let me sing about a love your conditioning I thought to be patient with you I thought to always tell you that you're beautiful I fell to be your strip when you're weak and I promise to be your words when you can't speak I promise to always hold you when you cry and be that way if it to your finger.i I thought a love honor respect you and only you for as long as we both shall live I love you today tomorrow in eternity Ashley John having a witness your vows of love to one another it is my joy to present to you all gather here as well as man and wife you may kiss your bride [Music] mr. this is John [Music] I'm praying for you guys praying for the best you know y'all gonna love each other through thick and thin and I'm just happy that I'm here to witness this holy matrimony baby one for you I wanna be where I am today and I know if it weren't for me you won't be where you are today in relation to our profession we love what we do we got big goals and big plans that include you been by his side if you don't push gonna be the best man he can possibly be I'm coming out to you and then he don't push you to be the first person that you can be I'm coming out the end [Music] I'm happy for y'all today probably your brother from the motorman and on continued to be happy with life look and [Music] [Music] [Applause] I love the passion and the love y'all have with each other I'm glad actually found true love I'm glad you found your love I just want to say y'all these guys first stay positive [Music] [Music] and I won't try to keep this passion that I have for each other love because the storms work on roads with love but good job stage one if I tell y'all the fame that me and John went through on the stairs for when we was coming up in the car business you will be amazed the way we push each other I hated to lose against John he hated to lose against me I used to tell you that [Music] know what seen in there so having a day in my life I'm some I enjoy like straight hair everyday air got talking get my black ring my pocket [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Media Reflections
Views: 371,009
Rating: 4.9086785 out of 5
Keywords: John and Ashley, wedding film, wedding cinematography, black love, bride and groom, Wedding videography, black weddings, amazing vows, panasonic gh5, panasonic g7, panasonic gx85, wedding movie, beautiful weddings, luxury wedding
Id: 70keveIs04M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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