John 4 - Samaritan woman - Water at the well City Harvest AG Church Bangalore

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but my Jesus needs you he comes to you for a divine encounter and if you give your life to God he has the power to turn your life upside down because that's the power of the gospel chapter four was one two three now Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that he was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John although in fact it was not Jesus who baptized but his disciples now you must understand that Jesus came into the ministry in a background where John the Baptist was already preaching repentance and baptizing people it was a dark period from Malachi to Matthew four hundred years that people had gone into sin and there was no way that God was speaking to prophets and people were thirsty for God and John the Baptist preached repentance and the Jews who repented had the baptism of repentance John the Baptist had a quite some disciples with him and when Jesus came to Jordan to be baptized by John Jesus John said behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world then John baptized Jesus and lo the Jesus started his public ministry way to walk it is a trek or it is a mountainous region is to go up and down in the scorching heat of the Middle East by the time it was half noon noon hot Sun on the top very tired from the journey Jesus reached Samaria and he sent disciples to by foot all the twelve disciples he sent them to Byford because he knew that there was a divine encounter waiting for him by the well of Jacob in psy car and Jesus the Bible says in John chapter four verse six Jesus tired as he was from the journey sat down by the well you see John is portraying the humanity of Jesus over here one of the purpose of John's gospel is to show who Jesus is and he was a human in this world here we find the humanity of Jesus displayed he became thirsty tired probably he had cramps in his leg and he became so thirsty and sweating he's asking a water to a Samaritan woman even as you sit here listening to the Word of God I want to tell you that my god understands your physical weariness and tiredness he knows your pain and he knows your sicknesses that you go through and he identifies with you when you suffer in your body can I hear an amen amen humanity of Jesus now the stage is set for an amazing encounter John chapter 4 was 7 when a Samaritan woman came to draw water jesus said to her will you give me a drink will you give me a drink now in Jesus time men work in the field whereas the woman worked in the home so to draw water for the home it was a woman's responsibility so the woman would meet in the well it was a time of fellowship for the woman and they would discuss certain things can't take the well back a water back home and that was a common custom what is fascinating about this passage is that this woman comes in the noon usually the woman who came to draw water from the well in Jesus time came in the in the evening when the Sun had set and in the evening cool they used to come and have some time of fellowship why would this woman come at noon when no one is there if you read the Bible she did not have a good testimony she had five husbands and the five of them had divorced her and the man that she's living with now is not her husband it was a living relationship so she did not want to face the stigma of the people or people questioning her about a life or the sin that she was living in and to avoid people she just used to come in the mid afternoon where the Sun was so hard so that she don't have to face the society I want to tell you my dear child of God there are people whom who don't want to face society maybe you have not achieved anything in life maybe you are you there is some shame in your life and you feel that people are talking wrong about you but my Jesus needs you he comes to you for a divine encounter and if you give your life to God he has the power to turn your life upside down because that's the power of the gospel amen praise the Lord now looking at Jesus going to this woman can tell us what is the mission field for a believer you and I are called to be the children of God we have a mandate from God that's the Great Commission to go into all the world preach the good news baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you jesus said to his disciples and we being the disciples now we have the same mandate let me ask you a question how many people did you speak the gospel to in the year 2015 you met people on the bus in the car in the stations maybe railway station or Airport you traveled alongside some people how many people did you share the gospel to we have a mandate from God we are responsible to take the gospel to the uttermost parts of the world starting with Jerusalem that's our immediate neighbors okay so what is the mission field for a believer if you want to know how I can share the gospel this is a message for you number one is the unreached people groups the Samaritans were unreached they never used to the Jews never used to go through even through Samaria how can take the cover of God to them and Jesus sensing that they are an unreached people group Jesus went into their world taking the gospel of the truth of God amen when you look around you find so many cast people people from different religion people from different States still unreached villages unbreached with the gospel and you and I need to develop a burden somehow either support a missionary or NGO or or find out an area and support someone who is doing work over there and we need to find out unreached people group like Jesus and partake be a partaker of the Great Commission of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can I hear an amen amen number two immoral generation this woman had five husbands and a sixth man that she's living with is not a husband now listen to me the Samaritans followed the first five books of the Bible they had the first five books and the history comes from Sanballat who rebelled against Nehemiah and his people as they're building a wall and he established a prayer in Mount Gerizim in Samaria taking the values out of the first five books of the Bible okay and this lady from her background of her religion she knew that immorality adultery is sin she's divorced five times how can an Old Testament man give a certificate of divorce according to the law they came to Jesus with a question Moses gave the certificate of divorce so under what circumstances maybe she was married the first time and she went out of marriage probably to her lover spended that night or two with him and came back she was caught she was divorced she went back again to the second marriage she kept on probably I am I thinking in my imagines probably the same man that she loved and one day she slipped out and went with him they boast again third time she went out of a relationship she was divorced again four time she went out on for relationship covenant of marriage it was the game publicly discouraged fifth time she went with her lover she was divorced again now she decided in is enough even if the world doesn't permit me even if it is against the law I am going to stay with a man of my choice and she is staying with him what would we do in such a time when we find a person living in the depths of immortality who doesn't want to change we would definitely avoid such people not Jesus if you think that some people cannot be reached because of the sin you and I are wrong the love of God can penetrate any deepest sinner and that's the speciality of the love of Jesus Christ amen every sinner everyone who is neglected by the society needs Jesus Christ and that's why he came into this world they are our mission field and when you say the gaze and when you see the lesbians and when you see so much of sexual employer impurity and live-in relationship increasing we are not to go away from them but we need to take go to them with the gospel of Jesus Christ that can transform the life somebody shout an amen amen the third mission group is a non spiritually people non split no spiritual interest talk about atheists there are people that you can find that they have absolutely no spiritual interest neither do they follow their religion or are they willing to hear the truth and this lady was one among them I believe that when she had this fire five divorces and going through this living relationship she had almost become an atheist he doesn't want to do anything with even her own religion and Vivi we shut out such people who don't believe in their own religion nor any religion nor open to the concept of God and we shut out such people and tell them that okay they will not be reached but not God God even wants such people and there is nothing like the power of the gospel that can transform even an atheist to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ amen now as Jesus is taking his purpose to this woman and how her hearts met and boughs down to the gospel gives me a sample on how I and you are to share our faith with a wicked generation outside number one is to take initiative we need to take initiative of our own to find out unreached people groups people who don't have Jesus in the lives and initiate a conversation with them Jesus took his own initiative came all the way from Judea send his disciples away who could be a hindrance they are Jews and they would oppose Jesus probably to talk to this woman send them away to buy food how many disciples does it take to buy food he said all the twelve away who needed food Jesus are the disciples the disciples needed food because when you see the Gospel of John later when they come back with the foot is Jesus eating the foot no my foot is to do the my foot is to do the will of my father that's what Jesus said so he didn't need food and even when he was thirsty he didn't do it he didn't do a miracle see when he did miracles for people snake but not for his own knee he sent the disciples away so that he can have some private time with her to share the gospel he didn't need food he took the initiative to come to Samaria he took the initiative to build with this lady to share the truth of the kingdom of God and that's the initiative you and I ought to take and he starts the conversation in John chapter four verse nine telling asking the woman give me over seven will you give me a drink will you give me a drink by coming to the Samaritan woman and asking her for a drink Jesus has acted against all religious and customary boundaries set by the tradition because it was not customary for a man to talk to a woman in public and Jewish people would not even talk to their family members in public and that was a respect between the men and women and respected families secondly Jews had nothing to do with the Samaritans and Jesus broke out every traditional hindrances customary traditions that was created by the people of his time and he went out of his own initiative to share the gospel with a woman who is living in the deepest sin that we can ever think of amen take initiative every time we travel in an auto or a car or a BTS or a flight there are people sitting next to us who have been unreached with the gospel and if you don't start a conversation maybe you can end a 16-hour flight without talking to the person sitting next to you who will initiate we the children of God have to initiate and Jesus found something common in this woman to initiate will you give me a drink that's very simple as it is can you give me some water to drink there's a conversation that is initiated and what is Jesus doing the second thing after initiating a conversation secondly he is offering the mercy of God to this sinner John chapter four was 10 jesus answered her if you knew the gift of God and who it is that asked you for a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water now look at the approach he's using his physical thirst as a platform to ask her and start a conversation and when she looks at Jesus he is turning the table around and he's identifying her as the one who needs water and he's identifying himself as the one who is the giver of living water you see the mercy that is offered now it takes wisdom it takes discernment from from scenario to scenario from people to people on how we tell them the mercies of God you understand Jesus took this water turned it around and told women it is you who need your thirsty and I am the one who provides water and it is a gift of God for whoever asked if you receive you receive the drink that will give you living water amen so what is the gift of God what is the gift of God living water what is living water I would simply call it as salvation living water salvation is a gift of God and you look at your script over there the text in John chapter 4 was 10 if you knew the gift of God you see salvation is a gift and who is it that asks salvation need to be asked for you see how Jesus is beautifully putting how one receives salvation and you would have asked him and he would have given you living water what is it salvation the worldly religions will tell you you you do this you do this you do that and probably you may receive this but Jesus tells you no matter what your background what your immorality what your caste who accepts you who doesn't accept you you know that it is a free gift if not based on your circumstances may not based on your sin you believe you are and you receive the gift of living water that is salvation for those who ask and believe in Jesus amen let anyone who is thirsty come to me and bring what Jesus has to offer is living water which is simply called salvation for those who believe as a free gift that comes in Jesus Christ can I hear an amen church amen this woman is trying to figure out what is this stranger talking about I don't understand anything was eleven sir the woman said you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep where can you get this living water look at the strategy he's initiated a dialogue with her with a woman who did not want to talk to Jesus now she's thinking that I want this water but you don't have anything to draw water and how can you give me that water it was customary that people when they traveled in olden days they used to carry a bucket or a item that can draw water from a deep well they'll sweat wells were dug in different places and when a traveler is weary he would put down this a picture or whatever he brings along and he takes the water quenches his thirst takes rest and then moves on the journey and she is looking at this traveler Jesus Jewish traveler and he's offering her living water and she's looking at him that he doesn't have a bucket and the well is almost 100 feet deep how can you give me the water I I am interested but how you don't have anything to give me the water and she doesn't stop a question there she proceeds further in verse 12 are you greater than our Father Jacob he's telling don't you know Jacob he traveled this way through cycle and when there was no well he dug a well and He gave His life stocks water and he gave his children water are you greater than Jacob that you are going to do well but you have come alone and and alse and how are you going to give me that water are you greater than Jacob who are you why by what means can I get that living water you see I'm talking to you two things at a time one is the exegesis of what Jesus is talking to her and one is through that process we are telling how we can reach out to an unreached world initiated the conversation mercy offered dialog has began you understand what I'm telling you now Jesus is proceeding further he is giving us her blessings that is promised in the word of God for the one who believes in ours John chapter 4 was 13 to 14 jesus answered everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again but whoever drinks the water I give them will never indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life now Jesus is not just promising water he's promised promising her an endless supply of a well of water that springs up from the time she ours into eternity well and a spring of living water amen what is this is telling you see the spring a spring is always full of life it flows it's not stagnant water is fresh there are aquatic animals in that spring if you look around the spring there are fertile land and green grass and trees that produce fruit in season and everything is fruitful about that spring and Jesus is telling women hey I can give you that water but what water I can give you is a double blessings in your life because that will start a spring of L from within you and wherever you go you will be blessed wherever you go you will be fruitful in this world and if you continue to believe that spring will give unto you the eternal life you will be blessed in this world you will be blessed in the eternity to come and Jesus is offering her the blessed promise of the word of God for a man who believes in Jesus Christ amen all those who have the spring operating in your life come on give a mighty hand of praise to God because he's made me fruitful he's me made me over a tree planted by the streams of water and I have eternal life waiting for me amen this made this woman little interested was 15 the woman said to Jesus sir give me this water a spiritually indifferent woman at the beginning of the conversation in a few minutes time melts down and boughs down to the great gospel that Jesus had to preach and she's opening up a sinner is opening the heart till give me this water I mean it that I won't be thirsty again and have to keep coming here to draw water she's interested now she wants the living water but her mind is playing the games she's looking at this man with a stranger for her until now and he's telling that he is not come with a bucket he's not come prepared to dig a well but he's offering something that can quench my thirst for a lifetime I want it but there is no way he can give it because he doesn't look to have anything that can give me living water and she probably takes a picture and puts it to her side and she's probably during this conversation I can imagine that she's walking back to her city and Jesus stopped by and commanded her was 16 he told her probably as she was living go call your husband and come back say I can give you and you are going away because you're doubting me you want it but you doubt but now you're going even you're going you come back I'll wait for you how beautifully God waits for us how many times we have rejected the gospel but then our sweet Savior waits by that well to give us that living water he said I'll wait you go but when you come come with your husband the word husband would have flashed her entire life before her because she doesn't have a husband now all the husbands that she had known is divorced her and rejected her I think he felt like a knife being poked into her soul and probably she stood and she turned back to Jesus and was 17 I have no husband she replied but she replied without revealing her life to Jesus but she has been convicted in her heart about the sinful and the wretched life that she is living that brings me to the fourth component on evangelism first is to start initiative second is to offer the mercies of God and dialogue with that person and thirdly it is to offer the unparalleled blessings that comes with a child of God and if you sign up a person to to believe in Jesus at that time he is not a full convert he's not a full believer because you cannot show a person only the gladness and the rosy picture of being a believer in eternal life and tell that you believe in Jesus there is something missing in such such discipleship on Jesus because they have left out a major thing that happens to a person when they know Jesus Christ that is the conviction of sin amen no one can turn to Jesus just knowing the goodness of his of his presence and the eternal life only a person can turn to Jesus if there is a repentance and turned around he knows the sin that he has been born and the finality of a sin and if unless there is a turnaround there is no salvation in a person because Acts chapter 3 was 19 and many other scriptures say repent and turn to God not just turning to God not just receiving the living water salvation is not complete without repentance our faith is not complete without repentance and this woman knowing the Samaritans Bible or the Old Testament the first five books she knew very clearly what Jesus was speaking she Jesus was speaking in a very subtle language without taking words and pricking her conscience that she is wrong and exodus chapter 20 was 14 in her Bible it says that thou shalt not commit adultery and she's convicted of a sin so she doesn't want to tell the entire truth and she says in verse 17 I have no husband she played it very safe because she doesn't have a husband now she's staying with someone else right now Jesus said to her you are right in what you say you have no husband now something to be noted here is that there is a mega shift in the conversation between Jesus and this woman it all started with a cup of water and Jesus started offering mercy living water wells of water spring of water that leads to eternal life and when the sinner is brought in front of confrontation of of her sin there is not a single word of mercy there is not a single word of blessing there is not a single word of living water Jesus is in fact telling her until you change your life and repent and turn around I have the living butter but you will not be able to receive even a drop of living water you need a repentance and conviction of your sins that is repentance I want to talk to you brothers and sisters who are already in Christ we are on our way to heaven but how is our life is there a hint of sexual immorality is there an adulteress lifetime lifestyle in my secret life that no one knows God is telling you are interested you wanted but I can sorry I'm a holy God I can't even part with a drop of that living water with you repent and come back to me a sinner's heart is bowing to the gospel she feels convicted she thank God she doesn't run away from God and she poses another question to Jesus who is 20 our ancestors worshiped on this mountain now listen very carefully the moment a sinner is brought to light about his sin or her sin the next question that the sinner poses is a question of worship you understand what I'm telling you the first question the sinner asked after being convicted of the sin is the matter of worship what is worship is a matter of the heart it's not all this keyboard and it's all medium to worship God but true worship is a matter of hot turning to Jesus living obedient to Jesus and she's telling our ancestors worshiped on this mountain but you Jews claim their place where we must worship is in Jerusalem where do I go to worship God I need repentance I need to get right with God but where do I go do I go to my ancestory mountain or do I go to Jerusalem I need to be right with God I am convicted of my sin I'm uncomfortable Jesus I want to worship but where do I worship which church can I go to what place what mountain what ritual what ceremony jesus answered her in verse 21 woman jesus replied believe me how can you worship God believing in Jesus asking Jesus believing in Jesus God is really going very deep this morning with the Word of God and I can see how the Word of God is opening you don't have to go to that mountain you don't have to do this ritual you don't have to do any Homa or any any sacrifice you can worship God by believing in Jesus Christ believe me a time is coming when you will worship the father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem worship is not about any place Jesus is telling worship is not about any ritual worship is not about anything that you can give but believe me Jesus was indeed telling a profound prophecy over here it's telling that this mountain of your forefathers and Jerusalem is not the place to worship he's talking somewhere early ad 30 and he's talking about a prophecy that unfolded in history in AD 70 where the Jewish rebellion rose to such a level against the Romans that they marched through the city of Jerusalem destroyed the city they went into the temple where this lady was telling the Jews worship and they went into the temple destroyed the temple the Bible says and history says not a single stone was left on one of the other and from there they marched all the way to Samaria went to the Samaritan temple slaughtered thousands of Samaritans and destroyed even that temple and Jesus was prophesying it's not in that temple it is not in in the mountain temple where you worship and Jesus said it was 22 you Samaritans worship what you do not know we worship what we do know you people are worshipping in blindness you don't know but you're worshiping but we are worshipping what we do know what is it the Old Testament law we are worshipping according to the law for salvation is from the Jews that Old Testament worship was until the revelation of the Messiah we worship what we know because the salvation for the entire world has to be a Jew of Messiah born in the Jewish race and that worship is only until the Messiah is born yet a time is coming and has come now he's telling the Jews were worshipping in the temple because the salvation is from the Messiah that was a true worship but now the time has come but you don't have to worship in Jerusalem you don't have to worship in your mountain which you are worshipping ignorantly but then now the time has come where true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth for they are the kind of worshipers that the father seeks amen verse 24 God is a spirit and it's worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth that's the monumental text in the New Testament about the matter of worship that worship is not in this mountain worship is not in that mountain worship is not what you give worship is not what you clap these are all that can aid you to worship worship is a matter of heart and heart that is obedient and that believes in Jesus and that heart that worships God in spirit and in truth what is the spirit what is the truth the truth is the Word of God if you read the Word of God you find the revelation of God over here God is not a man he's not a mortal he's an immortal God so when a man believes in Jesus and takes his word that is a truth and reached the Word of God the truth of God is revealed who is God is there in the scripture and when that truth is revealed to you God is a spirit your heart boughs down to the Word of God and you start living according to the Word of God you start obeying the percepts and the commands of the Word of God and that's true worship the Bible says not coming on a Sunday morning and worship it's all part of worship but true worship is a matter of heart when we read the Word of God understand the Word of God obey the Word of God work according to the Word of God that is the worship that Jesus takes amen coming back to the story John chapter 4 was 25 to 26 I know that Messiah called Christ is coming when he comes he will explain to us everything she is worshipping she is bowing down to the gospel her revelation is increasing what is your revelation about Christ anything more than what you knew about him last week that is worship the more you know about Christ the more he reveals himself to you and she's telling now I know the Messiah the Christ is coming and Jesus said was 26 I the one speaking to you I am that Messiah I am the Christ when a man truly responds to the gospel by believing and asking and then reads the Word of God and bounce down his heart and works according to the percepts of the Word of God Christ is revealed into that person that is transformation that is worship amen praise the Lord now look at this revelation whom did it come to it didn't come to the Herod's palace he didn't come into the into the Sanhedrin where the where they were debating about the scripture he didn't come in the temple where they were doing the sacrifices he didn't go to the Pharisees either he didn't go to the disciples also oh it went to a sinner who changed her heart responded to the gospel and she's understanding the revelation of who Jesus is in a lie if you are willing to know the depths of God he is willing to take you to deep depths it's a personal encounter that you and I have must have with God amen praise the Lord now I wanted to see the transformation now is the accountability of the gospel you receive the gospel amen if you have the gospel with you can I hear an amen amen we are all bearers of the gospel we received the gospel we are walking by faith now what is a responsibility come to was 28 to 30 then living her water jar the woman went back to the town and said to the people come see a man who told me everything I ever did she started proclaiming somebody said proclaim who claimed you have received the gospel you have the mandate to proclaim the gospel could this be Christ they came out of the town and made the way toward him was 39 many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for saying for the saying of the woman which testified he told me all that I ever did she has said to them surely this is the Messiah he told me about my sins all that I ever did and he told me I believe the Messiah many of the people of a city believed on Jesus because of her testimony you don't have to know deep truth you have a testimony yes or no church yes God wants you to use your testimony to talk to the people Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman if he had ignored that woman that entire generation would have Samaria Samaritans would have not heard Jesus if you ignore a person that is traveling beside you you don't know the impact of that person maybe he can bring an entire country to revival and whom is God counting on you and I amen was 40 to 42 so when the Samaritans were come unto Him they besought him that he would tarry with them and he abhorred their today many more believed because of his own word and said unto the woman now we believe not because of died saying for we have heard him ourselves and know that this is indeed the Christ the Saviour of our selves amen this is what we are supposed to do how beautifully the love of God transformed a woman in the most bit of disgrace changed her life gave her the living water brought her to true worship you stir the first missionary you
Channel: City Harvest AG Church Bangalore
Views: 30,822
Rating: 4.7483444 out of 5
Keywords: john 4, the samaritan woman, samaritan woman, jesus and the samaritan woman, women in the bible, women of the bible, women in bible, john chapter 4, john 4 commentary, woman of samaria, jesus and samaritan woman, jesus and the samaritan, Samaritan woman at the well, samaritan, bible message, ag church, bangalore ag church, bangalore church, pentecostal church, bangalore pentecostal church, anointed church service bangalore, anointing church bangalore, church worship
Id: rOxFhK05UKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 56sec (2456 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2015
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