John 4 - Samaritan woman - Water at the well City Harvest AG Church Bangalore
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: City Harvest AG Church Bangalore
Views: 30,822
Rating: 4.7483444 out of 5
Keywords: john 4, the samaritan woman, samaritan woman, jesus and the samaritan woman, women in the bible, women of the bible, women in bible, john chapter 4, john 4 commentary, woman of samaria, jesus and samaritan woman, jesus and the samaritan, Samaritan woman at the well, samaritan, bible message, ag church, bangalore ag church, bangalore church, pentecostal church, bangalore pentecostal church, anointed church service bangalore, anointing church bangalore, church worship
Id: rOxFhK05UKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 56sec (2456 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2015
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