Joe Rogan Experience #932 - TJ Kirk
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Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 1,263,449
Rating: 4.5254412 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, podcast, JRE #932, 932, Joe Rogan, MMA, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship, comedy, comedian, stand up, jokes, funny, The Amazing Atheist, TJ Kirk, Deathsquad, Freak Party
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 1sec (10021 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2017
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hah, Joe's impression of Alex Jones is on point.
I honestly don't give a shit what he sticks up his ass... or rubs on it. People are into all kinds of different shit I'm not into.
So much hate for TJ. I like the guy.
Tj's right, crowder is a pussy since he's turned down numerous debates, he's a wannabe intellectual like a shitty bryan callen with more conservative bias and less self humility. He can make a good point from time to time, and low hanging fuit fill his whole political schtick, milo was atleast edgy.
Jamie get my hair clippers
I only lasted a few minutes before I stopped watching. Started the video again and he's telling weird stories about a cook at IHOP and Joe looked as disinterested as me. Who is this jabroni?
WARNING : lot's of gross pictures below ...
This is what happens when you talk shit about TYT but make friends with Steven Crowder. You end up watching his videos and believing his lies.
Steven Crowder assaulted a union worker, the local law enforcement confirmed this that's why Steven Crowder couldn't press charges on the guy he accused.
The guy he assaulted didn't press charges because he beat up Steven Crowder for us all to see after Crowder did a sneak attack and tried to run away.
All the MMA training didn't mean shit against that old union guy.