Joe Rogan Experience #852 - John Anthony West
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Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 1,975,263
Rating: 4.6832604 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe Rogan, MMA, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship, John Anthony West, Ancient Egpyt, Sphinx, Great Pyramid, Cairo, Egypt, JRE #852, 852, comedian, comedy, jokes, stand up, funny, podcast
Id: bGu7MLp574A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 54sec (11154 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I did a little research into CPAK and it doesn't seem particularly legit. It's put on by "The Binary Research Institute" and lead by this guy, Walter W. Cruttenden. The stated purpose of this organization is to "fund research regarding the hypothesis that the Sun is part of a binary star system."
Based on everything I've read, axial precession is established science. It's easily verifiable (even using primitive tools and methods) and Astronomers and Mathematicians have been accounting for Earth's axial precession for ages.
Lmao Dumbfuckistan I'm stealing this
"Are you familiar with the term dick pic?"
Just before the 10 minute mark, West says there is a theory there is a dwarf star in our solar system that is causing the precession.
Umm, why haven't we seen it? We as a civilization would've seen or felt something like this already. It's hard to trust the rest of what he had to say if his premise is flimsy at best.
Btw, I watched Magical Egypt and loved it, but c'mon.
So what's you guys' read on this dude and all the other "alternative history" guys Joe has on?
It's like they always say, "It sounds so fun so I want to believe" but whenever I do even minimal research into all these theories they just fall apart. I feel like they're taking actual facts and twisting them to make some very unfounded claims. And then if you refute them they go use the whole "Mainstream acadamia doesn't want you to know" argument.
Why doesn't Joe invite some actual anthropologists on the podcast? He could ask them about stuff like this, or just talk about the field. It's dope as fuck if you really start thinking about the kind of world are pre-history ancestors live in. Probably more interesting than bringing a geologist on to debunk this guy and Randal Carlson's theories.
"that looks more like the face of an NBA basketball player" had me fucking rolling! No ill intent, just an old school dude.
At 30 minutes, did Anthony not admit that at a young age he wanted to go against the grain of conventional wisdom? So his research, from the start, was through this biased lense?
This guy is bat shit crazy.