Joe Rogan Cold Plunge | Ice Bath Discussion on the Main Health Benefits

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how important is the plunge pool or is that just a trend is that Zumba for today no it's real it has without a doubt it has great physiological and mental benefits I do it every day wow it sucks today was hard because it was up late last night hanging out at the club got home the alarm clock went off I'm like [ __ ] and it's it's like in a room no it's outside which is nice because it's hot out so at least I got some sun on my face while my body's freezing and it is just it's hard it's and how long are you in three minutes and but you get out and you're like this is amazing you get out and immediately you get this Rush of endorphins this Rush of norepinephrine and the dopamine and it lasts for hours this is a 200 200 increase in dopamine that lasts for four to six hours and it's not just like your body's saying thank you for getting her out of there it's uh that probably has something to do with it yeah um it's cold shock proteins it's your body responding to this imminent threat of death so it produces these anti-inflammatory proteins oh wow it's really good for you and and not just and it's great for your endocrine system it increases your testosterone when you do that and then work out right there's studies that show that but it's great for your mental health your your mental a lot of people that have anxiety and suffer from depression they've gotten off meds because they've started doing daily cold plunges yeah yeah I would totally be open as long as it wasn't cold yeah it's a [ __ ] struggle man but you know but it's only three minutes the thing is it's like three minutes passes in normal time so easy when you're comfortable right now like we can go through three minutes and it's nothing you just gotta just go through it just go through the three minutes it's only three minutes it sucks but while it sucks you just deal with it you just breathe and deal with it and then after three minutes you get out and immediately you feel amazing like wow like if there was a drug that you could take that gives you the feeling that you get right out of the cold plunge it would be insanely popular if there was like a mint that you could pop in your mouth you'd get from a [ __ ] gas station everybody would be taking it you know all these kids are on vape pens because they get a little oh they get a little lightheaded and get a little high you would take that pill the the post cold plunge pill every day you'd feel great it would be great for everybody but it's not a pill it's a [ __ ] arduous difficult routine it sucks but it's only three minutes it's not that big a deal just get in there [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] say [ __ ] you know 360 times right take a bunch of breaths and it's and so yeah yeah but that you know then you got to get an ice maker sauna is great for you too well you don't have to get an ice maker you get one of these machines it just keeps it cold all the time oh wow yeah they have these cold plunge machines like we have one here it's called a blue cube we have one at home it's called The marasco Forge and it's 34 degrees the water is just above freezing you get in there and you just [ __ ] suffer for three minutes and you feel great
Channel: BlueCube Cold Plunge Tubs
Views: 38,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BDB-z-jHjf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 10sec (190 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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