Joe Rogan and Pete Dominick Debate Gun Control

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the Joe Rogan experience yeah and the justice system is obviously that's a really interesting thing to talk about in constitutional law is a fascinating thing for people studying this idea that we argue about the Second Amendment like let's let constitutional lawyers I think discuss a lot of those things and we should all understand that and be curious about it but I would the our Constitution is also silly like let's remake everything like let's have that conversation it was so much better that we can do have a serious conversation about what kind of guns and bullets people can have not the thinking I have more that they can't have like that's the conversation that's where we should be right now everything gets regulated everything there are trade-offs in healthcare there are trade-offs and everything but Americans now are so divided they want everything that they want but that compromise is something that we don't do as Americans much less in in government that's that's preposterous the Democrats that demand purity or or anybody that is doing that you don't agree with me you're wrong hold on that's not no you're really you have any relationships with people in your real life like that like my wife and I don't agree on about a lot of stuff but I love her is my ID or her both we've talked about before they're on teams and you want your team to win so you state why why do you want your team to win the natural thing with human beings all right what I'm saying about the gun thing the most [ __ ] up part about the messiness of the gun thing is that even if you made guns illegal even if you said you can't have any bullets you'll all go to jail there's so many guns you're not getting them all it's not possible because more guns and there are people which means there's more than 300 and what thirty million guns there our country alone it's absolutely great most important point in the discussion that's a nutty number man you really stop and think about that number you're like what is that real but you don't really stop the behavior by necessarily creating certain laws about why someone might behave a certain way and shoot people that's not going to necessarily change what you do is you do limit the access to certain types of weapons and around ammunition right well the real question is why would someone do that right that's the number one question not like women it's a harder question to answer the easier question answer is make them less accessible yes if the people who have problems we can't solve if you could make them less except the president gonna blame like I mean to get political but like that there's no data on the video game argument that there's no data on that well the video game argument is interesting because I've had soldiers bring it up to me including Dakota Meyer yeah I heard that conversation I'm willing to have it I mean I don't I don't think it necessarily makes sense that people would act out in a certain way that's horrific because of video game but if they were already inclined to violence to begin with maybe they already had a [ __ ] short-circuit and then they get desensitized to violence in movies and violence and video games does that have an impact on them I'm not the guy to answer that question whether or not has an impact on it is variable it is variable that I think merits discussion I don't know if it's truly no I don't think it is because I don't figured me it merits discussion well let me make this point then you decide if you think a merits discussion okay the violent video games have played at far higher rates in Japan and they don't have the gun violence we have it's a good point they have a very different culture though the way you don't have access to guns that's true that's it that you can also have a lot of they've had a few months out it's the access I did I've shot guns I shoot guns I get the eye I have nothing but respect for hunters I grew up in a hunting community but I mean I don't know I don't think that there's much passed the conversation about access accessibility to guns that can fire that many rounds that quickly killing that many people I don't think we have to get rid of those somehow but I agree how do you do it yeah you're that's the most important point is already 330 there's more guns and there are people so what do you do so by the way I think you buy as many as you can back for sure you spend a whole bunch of taxpayer money just helped by the way there's a ton of people in a bind right now that have a rifle like oh my god I'm not gonna be a lift forward my insulin let me get rid of this a k47 to live another month you buy some guns back it's a good expenditure of money and then melt them down and turn them into furniture for people so if you wanted to do that without changing the Second Amendment like you just have a buyback where you just offer people the opportunity to make some money by giving their guns up well the Second Amendment has been interpreted wrong by the Supreme Court in my opinion I mean it doesn't say that people should have until 2008 it didn't say that nobody thought that that people should have a personal right to guns till the Heller case but so I don't think you even need to talk about the Second Amendment I think just people just need to agree that these guns shouldn't be sold the ammunition to talk about the Second Amendment I mean it's it's a big commerce because people can have guns you can have guns you just can't have these guns anymore no more those ones you know all these guns no restrictions anywhere right and they work City you can have a handgun yeah they work you can't even I don't think you can have a you can have a switch plate in New York City hmm yeah Cyrus Vance the the DA there is like it's terrified that they're changing the federal government's change in law because he knows that those gun laws in New York work really well and by the way people always make the argument well they have those gun laws in Chicago there's a ton of violence that's because Chicago's in the board of Indiana it doesn't have them guns go across the border just fine that's the gun laws work they work well Chicago is also in the middle of a bitter drug war well yeah I mean that's where the violence is coming from but we should people should have less accessibility to those types of guns like every other civil society in the world come on this is like but it goes back to what you were talking about before like that drugs if they were legal you wouldn't have that sort of a drug war right for sure it's the root of most of the violence in the inner cities and in obviously in Mexico yeah it's black markets it's the illicit drug yeah they're making tons of money on that what is the second amendment exactly as it's written can the right to bear arms shall not be infringed so how do you think that the supreme court misinterpreted that that in the que in the 2008 alle case everybody should just I would plug the work of Erich Segal who said well regulated militia being necessary to purity of a free state come right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed yea those commas get argued by constitutional scholars for a day yeah the Supreme Court didn't decide until 2008 that Americans had a right to have their own weapon that's such a crazy statement like when you read it it's so interesting because you we're going back in time trying to figure out how people in 1776 thought about guns and whether or not that applies to us because if it doesn't apply to us we have to think on 1789 we if it doesn't apply to us we have to think well then who gets to decide like one of the reasons we decide as a society on on any of one of the reasons why it's so integral I want to believe one of the reasons why it's so interesting to read these things is like we have for whatever reason when things get written written into stone or carved into a stone or written onto a document like the First Amendment like the freedom of expression we that is that we we have it so we all agree on freedoms we don't want to change yeah freedom of speech freedom of expression whatever we don't want to we want to hold on to that we want to keep sure I deserve all humans doing the Second Amendment the right to have a gun that's our law we got it written down look look it's written there so they'll study these ancient words like scrolls like to go over these zeroes and look at the commas and look at the words yeah shall not be infringed upon what did they mean I think that's fascinating it is it is fascinating but I think that they didn't mean this Joe I think that how could they say they didn't and the the whole gun thing is a racket to make money that's what that is it's it's a way you sell fear like are you I mean home invasion is any family's worst fear but it doesn't happen very much nor does kidnapping nor do a lot of these crimes at all my halaqaat our generation of parents is helicopter parents terrified of everything not that's true that's not letting their kids go outside you you're right come on thinking that your kid's gonna get kidnapped you don't know anybody okay who had their kid kidnapped your but you're generalizing cuz whole of Asians do happen sometimes right but that's not how we should make laws we don't have to exist like everybody's gonna kidnap your kid or everyone's gonna break into your home but I'm saying those islands is that sometimes it's real that's why people want to be able to have guns because sometimes someone can break in your house and people have defended their house and their property with guns short but it's a it's is it a way is it a realistic threat or is it something that that the gun industry creates these amazing ads and scares the [ __ ] out of people oh come on man's crimes real look whether the crime is real it's certain memories so real I think the the clear point is the reason why we have so many guns in America is because there's so much money to be made off of them I think we could absolutely limit them and regulate them and have a thoughtful conversation I think that's where most most people are at although I hate that generalization there's something to that but there's also something to the reason why we have so many cars people are I'll have that conversation we'll get rid of all the cars okay well I mean we're not that's wrong to us why should we get rid of all the cars do you not like freedom or do you want you have a better solution you know I don't have a better solution but if there there should be one or I think that we are killing ourselves with all the cars the pollution is table you can make them electric yeah that's fine I think I would be fine if there I have a Chevy Volt since 2012 I have solar panels I'm trying to be the change I want to see in the world if I'm coming off as a complete hypocrite and all of it I eat meat and I do all kinds of things I think have a thoughtful conversation about guns and why they're each part of our culture and not another culture the way that other cultures and countries regulate their weapons that the problems that they have our problems sure we talk about mental health but the problem with that conversation that people don't want to have is everything costs money that's what you have to pay taxes paying taxes is the price of civilization what does it have to do with mental health you have to pay for people to help people run can't advocate in government Republican or Democrat for the this is what unfortunately Trump and Republicans have advocated let's get mental health solutions to the violence let's do that in everybody's behind that except they cut the Obama care programs that funded until health it's just you can't do you have to spend the money providing mental health it is a problem it should be addressed but it's not the main issue is definitely the guns and the bullets in them well the main issue is the person that's capable shooting people with the guns of the bullets now it's 2000 the bullet under the bullet are inanimate objects without a person pulling the trigger we're talking nonsense here they're not gonna just shoot themselves the main problem is similar to the main problem is some issue it will unlock the gun I'll shoot people right we agreed we both agree there's problems with having no eye but don't you think the main problem is the person who actually shoots me I think that in every other country in the world they don't have this problem cuz they don't have the gun that's my where I start and end on the argument ok why is that they might they might that might be the case that they don't have the guns but there are places that do have guns and they don't have a lot of mass shootings Canada is one of them right now they don't have the type of guns we have up there have a lot of guns they do but they don't have a K 47s with unlimited rounds they don't have that's crazy guns they're awesome I get it do you think there are more or less limitations to what firearms are allowed to have I believe the Canada I believe the Canada Canadian gun laws are far stronger more regulated just tried something some some really recently Trudeau announced something that was going to severely limit this is very recent move severely limit the type of firearms you could have including things that can have multiple rounds and chambers and certain types of guns that are used right now as hunting rifles and so it was a big pushback about that this is really obviously there's always a find that the conversation about like like the freedom like the the Second Amendment to me is it's just your interpretation fine whatever your interpretation is is that's what's interesting it's a health care issue and they and they it's so extreme it's really if you want to know the answer to health care is you should talk to public health experts they have those answers they have the research but but we'll hold on what research on one well they don't end up research on they don't have enough research on gun violently then I'm talking about if you want to know the solutions for what is impacting and creating death by any measure accidental death right but we're talking about gun violence right healthcare professionals have the solutions to gun violence I think a lot of healthcare solution I think I think certainly surgeons have argued for why certain ammunition has destroyed the inside of the the body and unsurvivable I think public health officials have argued certainly pediatricians all argue this idea that you can't ask a parent if they have a gun in the house because the gun lobby is against that because they're building this conspiracy that the government is going to track your gun that's terrible your pediatrician has to ask you do you have a pool where do you keep the poison where are the guns because god forbid you know you're not responsible enough are educated enough to know that that kid might accidentally get that gun and it happens all the time there's a rule against that yeah public health officials and doctors and physicians are pretty much on the same case with this issue these guns and mental health I think experts too I don't know maybe there's a large disagreement and if there is I'm happy to be wrong about this or any dumb [ __ ] I've said well what you're saying is that these public health officials would be able to make these guns less lethal by banning certain types of ammunition because it's destroying people and checking to see if the parents know if they have a gun or where the gun is or how its treated how it's locked up like that they shouldn't I mean how do you feel like public officials public health officials yeah could have any impact on that well public health experts are you know their entire sponsibility keep people safe from right sickness and my band look so the helots if you have any bullets at all they're lethal right so do you want to have bullets that are less lethal I think that could be a law for sure why not lethal yeah it to human bodies yeah we shouldn't be killing each other with bullets all time a bullet will stop anybody a blunt ER but whatever it is I don't understand the arguments about ammunition but the point about well you broke it up that's why I brought it a fine public health experts will look at what is creating sickness and death okay car accidents what I'm saying to you is that I think it's disingenuous to say that public health officials have an answer to why we're having so much mass violence I don't think anybody has an answer I think we're clarified and I think we could say it's if they didn't have guns he wouldn't be able to do it and you're right and I could say if we these people weren't mentally handicapped or filled with shouldn't say handicapped melted mentally compromised filled with all kinds of demons all offensive demons also different medications that are [ __ ] with their judgment maybe yeah abuse all sorts of spirits in childhood there's a lot of factors sure no one no one has any idea why someone who is abused and who's [ __ ] up is capable of making that leap we have some thoughts on it that's all we have some thoughts on it and we talk about it endlessly and yeah yeah you're right if no one had a gun there would be no issue with that you wouldn't be able to mass shoot people but would we still have [ __ ] up people that are lashing out trying to hurt people I think we always will but we have misaligned mental health we have to fun no one's on research yeah a lot of people are no I'm not I think you should I think we should not only should become people the way we thank mental health we it should be a top priority yeah I think we should think about having four hour work days being mandatory done I think we should help people I think you know they just didn't experiment Microsoft did in Japan in fact and they found that a four hour of four-day work week rather increased productivity by 40 percent yeah I think a lot of people I don't maybe this is their culture or maybe this is a specific instance the type of people that would get a job at Microsoft but you know what what you're dealing with for most people is beaten down shells that are touched by all that together go back to the gun argument argue for the 4-hour workweek and any other type of benefits that civilized nations around the world especially in Scandinavia have studying that culture is really interesting and what they do yeah and and you realize that there's any number of things that you can do to help people and how do you you have to be able to fund those solutions and people don't want to do it right people don't pay more taxes but they also have a distrust and the way the government spends their money so I met catch-22 I'm sorry even if they wanted things to be better they don't trust the government to spend their money like if you work hard and you make X amount of dollars the government says a fair argument but there's not a bet necessarily a better way fine I give your that argument but there we have to come together it's I agree this is how we're gonna spend money on the fire department on schools and so on yeah well no one's arguing [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: 8Be4s0n6Zhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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