Joe Morello Lick

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what's up everybody this is Justin Barnes and I want to show you a Jill Morello lick that I recently worked on with a student of mine it's based off of a paradiddle diddle it's fairly easy to play but what makes it hip is the accent pattern and where we're gonna place it in the time so first of all let's discuss where it's from it's from a live video that's on YouTube pretty easy to find I'll try to link it to this of the Dave Brubeck Quartet playing take the a train and my student was watching it because Dave Rebecca just passed so he was kind of just checking out some some Brubeck at the moment we've been talking a lot about vocabulary so as it was playing they may eventually go into halftime and they are trading and in that halftime section Joe Morello plays us a hip little lick and so I thought like it's easy to grab if you know how to play a paradiddle little it's very easy to execute but it sounds super him so quickly let's go over the paradiddle diddle it's just going to be right hand only parroted a little to review that sticking it's just fairly simple to play so but again what makes it hip is not only the accent pattern but also where it's placed at the time the accent pattern is hip but fairly easy to play because it's alright so just accent every right now where it's placed at the time is also hip so if it's going by and a half time let's say at a pretty slow tempo about one two three four so if it serves as a double-time lick when the time is going by at these quarter notes then we're gonna write it out as sixteenth notes just because it's fairly easy to read that way so the lick it is going to start on the e of 1 1 e and a 2 e and a 3 E and a 4 E and a 1 e so that will be where we start our paradiddle diddle well play a few of them in a row until we loop back around to the top of the next bar so it sounds like this one E and a two E and A three E and a four E and two three four and A one so it's fairly simple lick now Joe plays that and then he moves on to something else but we're mainly concerned about just that little snippet of information that little lick and seeing how much we can get out of that so that's obviously a double-time licking a slow tempo so I can play that same lick this is now 2 & 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 so it's just going to start on let's start on the end of 1 if we play it as like a medium up tempo obviously works at multiple templates we can obviously do it as has a double-time lick at any slow ish tempo we can obviously also play it fairly easily at a fast tempo so it works it works either way remember that the hip part is is that it starts on the offbeat either the e of one and at a slow tempo for if we're thinking of it as a double time way or if it's a medium up-tempo then it's gonna start on the end of one by all means figure out a bunch of other ways to use that re voice it around the kit I have a whole series on how to take a single lick and stretching it out and turning it into a whole bunch of other licks that eventually becomes your own vocabulary that's based off of a single lick or phrase by all means run this kind of lick through all that see all the different ways that you can use it and above all just have fun with the lick and and see all the different ways that you can place it into the music picture already playing
Channel: JazzDrummersResource
Views: 24,025
Rating: 4.9823008 out of 5
Keywords: jazz drum lessons, drum soloing, jazz drum soloing, jazz drum licks, justin varnes, jazz drummers resource, joe morello
Id: baIsH8VddZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2013
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