Joe Dispenza - How to use Your CONSCIOUS MIND | This Will Leave You SPEECHLESS

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Hello guys, how are you today? I hope you are not affected with these global coronal crisis. Today we'll talk about conscious mind and how to use your consciousness. Maybe you'll find this helpful. It would be great if we could use our focus our feelings and thoughts to create what we desire, right? Scientific experiments are showing us today that this is the one and only way to create your reality. Let's listen to Joe Dispenza and learn how to do that. Subscribe and hit the bell button for more videos like this and leave me your comment below. So, this is one particular researcher says - well, who do I know that you know, that knows how to pay attention really well? So he gets on the phone he calls a Dalai Lama and he says can you send me your 8 best guys I mean I want to study these guys and and I want to see what happens in their brain when they're focusing on a single minded thing like compassion or divinity or unconditional love now these guys by the way had over 40,000 hours of focus meditation they spent over 40 years practicing while you were laying on the beach they were focusing on single-minded thoughts and then they said let's take a control group with just a group of people that that are just average people and we'll use the monks and we'll teach him how to do this thing called focus concentration but what science is now called paying attention by the way the average human being loses their attention span six to ten times a minute how good's our observation that's why only few subatomic particles actually pay attention to our mind so he said okay we're gonna hook these guys up to these brain scans particular ones called aegs and aegs measure electromagnetic frequency that the brain admits and so they took 256 electrodes and they covered their whole entire head can you picture these monks you know what the things and then they ran to all the all the feedback into a computer that created a holographic picture of the brain and they were able to begin to measure brain activity you guys with me so they said to these monks you know be your normal self they took eight of them be your normal self and then they said O'Kane Ellison you guys pay attention that compassion just close your eyes and pay attention to compassion the moment they did that all of a sudden a frontal lobe lit up so much that the scientists had never seen that type of activity in that part of the brain now then they took the control group and they said alright you guys pay attention to one thing and of course what happened my back hurts how long is this gonna take I don't really want to do this am i doing it right I wonder what my kids doing I gotta buy dinner you know all that stuff and guess what happened to their frontal lobe man nothing nothing now in one particular monk there's a part of the frontal lobe on the left side which is really the happy spot in the brain and this guy's left frontal lobe was so ignited that the scientist said this guy's got to be the happiest guy in the world they've never seen activity like this before but then the scientists began to think about this and what they said was you know maybe paying attention and concentration and observation is a skill just like tennis or golf and you can improve it if you keep practicing it now think about this the brain is the instrument that we use it's the machinery for us to process thought how many people will accept that and it also has some automatic processes that will give that allow us to function but for the most part it's the greatest area in the body where there's the greatest number of neurons clustered together and where you have the greatest number of neurons clustered together you have the greatest intelligence so the brain is the central clearinghouse of intelligence mind by the way is what the brain does mind is the brain in action it's the brain at work when we can measure a working brain we're studying mind you guys with me six to ten times hello you guys with me so mind is when the brain is in action so when we're using functional brain scans and we're studying how the brain works we're studying this concept called mind you understand then here's my question if the brain is the instrument for intelligence or processing thought and mind is what the brain does if you can improve the way your brain works who's doing the improving and it's that nasty 13 letter word called consciousness that's the only solution consciousnesses are self-aware free willed individual that is really not the body is not the brain and is not the mind as a matter of fact consciousness is what manipulates the brain to produce mind you understand that the brain processes 400 billion bits of information every second you know that I said it in the movie but we're only aware of about 2,000 of those 400 billion bits of information and you know what those 2,000 bits of information have to do with three things and only three things the body the environment and time that's it you know there's your back hurt you have a headache are you tired is it too cold in here it's a too bright in here is a too dark in here you like the way the person smells sitting next do you even like the person next to you how long is this guy going to talk before we can break and that's where all of our self-awareness is on it's only on the body the environment in time and yet billions of bits of information is being processed by the brain now when we can take consciousness self-awareness and move it away from the body the environment and time we no longer have to live by the laws of the body the environment in time and when we're able to do that we begin to open the door to walk into the quantum field now it's true I've been studying spontaneous remissions of diseases it's kind of been my interest for the last seven years people that have had cancer and diabetes and emphysema and endocrine conditions thyroid conditions heart disease high blood pressure high cholesterol levels rare genetic disorders that even medical science didn't have a solution for and these people all of a sudden became healthy and they weren't all Roman Catholic and they all didn't believe in the same God they didn't they weren't all vegetarians they didn't not all of them used crystals as a matter of fact none of them did they didn't trust the astrology charts none of that was in common amongst these people there were four things that I found in amongst every person that had a spontaneous remission for major things and two minor things Joe is asking a great question here if we can improve how our minds work who is doing this improving we are far more than this body we are pure consciousness that can be seen or explained we can affect matter with our focus there is intelligence connected to us that works with us we are the part of that intelligence we just need to learn how to use it let's go on the first thing that was caught in common with every person that had a spontaneous remission was that every person accepted and believed that there was an intelligence that lived within them did you hear I said within them that somehow was giving them life there was some spiritual aspect of themselves that didn't exist where does religion always say that is didn't say that they said there's unconnected to some mind that's so much greater than my mind I'm connected to a force that's so much greater than me a will that has so much more will than I have and loves me more than I even love myself and they said if I could just make contact with this intelligence it would do the healing for me that makes sense so what they said was they said you know I'm riding on the back of a giant and I just got to learn how to whisper in its ear now I want to demystify this a little bit okay because when we talk about spirituality or spiritual you know laws everybody all of a sudden has no imagery in their brain to be able to process that right it's nebulous but so let's demystify that do you know that that intelligence gives life to every human being on this planet it gives a lot it holds order in the universe and you're connected to it it's the same intelligence right now that's keeping your heart beating your part your heart pumps pumps over two gallons of blood a minute over a hundred gallons of blood an hour it pumps over a hundred thousand times a day through 60,000 miles of blood vessels three billion times in one lifetime no repair no checks it does it independent of your moods your likes your dislikes your opinions it continuously gives you life now are you thinking about doing that or is there some order intelligence doing it for you it's the same intelligence that's digesting your breakfast and breaking down proteins and carbohydrates and fats into simple products so that can be reassembled for regeneration and we don't even think about that so you and I free-willed individuals get a free ride and something loves us enough to continuously give us life it's the same intelligence by the way that's making 10 million cells every second because you know you lose 10 million cells every second woops you just made another 10 million were you thinking about that or something loving you enough to give you life and that in every single cell in your body out of the hundred trillion cells one cell goes through a hundred thousand chemical reactions a second now multiply that by a hundred trillion and if you don't think that we're connected to a greater mind I hope you need to rethink it and that there are little enzymes that zip through your DNA there's 3.2 billion nucleic acids that make up DNA in one cell as a matter of fact geniuses if we took one DNA you know the whole strand of DNA out of one cell and we straightened it out it would be 6 feet long you have enough DNA in your body to go from here to the Sun and back 150 times so they said something has assembled Who I am it's got a greater mind than I do because I don't know how to do any of this stuff and it's got a greater will than I do because I don't think I can keep my heart beating more than a few seconds without thinking about my visa account and it loves me enough to put up with me and they said I gotta just surrender I gotta get out of the way enough to let this thing do it for me I just got it directed and then get out of the way that was the first thing they had in common the second thing they had in common is that they all said this you know my thoughts or my attitude you know an attitude as a cluster of thoughts pasted together my attitude created my condition you know I've been a victim for the last 15 years I can't I could never get over it and it's worked really well for me to get what I want or I've been an angry person and I've hated my parents for the last 15 or 20 years and I got to stop that it was actually me and who I was being that created this state of health that I'm in you with me now do you know that every time you have a thought you make a chemical and if you have great thoughts and unlimited thoughts or happy thoughts you make chemicals that make you feel happy or good and if you have negative thoughts or bad thoughts or contracted thoughts you make chemicals that make you feel bad that make sense so imagine right you you you have an insecure thought what's the next thing that happens you feel insecure right now here's the bad news the moment you start to feel insecure the next thing you do is you start to think the way you're feeling which then makes more chemicals so that you can feel the way you're thinking and think the way you're feeling and we get caught in this loop between thinking and feeling this is the human drama and what ultimately happens listen to this is that feeling becomes the means of thinking and what that really means than geniuses is that mind is now immersed in the body you're not thinking as a mind you're not thinking as a conscious being you're thinking as a body because body is determining the outcome based on a feeling so we call that a state of being so the person can't think any other way than the way that they feel so they wake up in the morning and they feel bad and they start to think bad and then they start to feel bad and they spend the whole day perceiving their day based on a feeling now the body should be the servant to the mind when this happens now it's the mind that's the servant to the body quantum laws still apply absolutely which means then that the person can only live out their genetic destiny nothing new will ever happen by making sense now the third thing they had in common is that they all said this you know what I have to reinvent myself I got to become somebody else I can't be this miserable victim for the rest of my life I got to become somebody else now the moment they did that they started to ask themselves some really important questions questions that most people don't have the time to think about questions like what would it be like to be a happy person who do I know in my life that's happy what would I have to change about myself to live in joy who in history do I admire that was great and at what point did I lose it and believe this is Who I am and you know the moment we ask those important questions guess what part of the brain turns on frontal lobe you know why because when we're running automatic programs that determine who we are we're using the rest of the neocortex it's all based on Association memory when we stop those automatic programs it's the moment you ask those important questions the brain puts the brakes and has to reassemble a new way of firing to produce an answer to that question different than the way you've always thought Joe explains everything very simple I really hope you can benefit from this knowledge I know I can't accept that you're more than your body except that you're connected to infinite intelligence that makes your heart beating become the person you want to be right now in this moment don't be yourself become somebody else focus on it always then just render to that intelligence and see what happens for more videos like this subscribe and hit the bell button so you don't miss it leave me your comment below and have a great day
Channel: Good Vibez
Views: 14,155
Rating: 4.9060206 out of 5
Keywords: conscious mind, how to use conscious mind, conscious mind reprogramming, living consciously, joe dispenza consciousness, consciousness, how to use consciousness, subconscious mind, conscious and subconscious mind, joe dispenza, conscious mind and manifestation, joe dispenza subconscious mind, conscious mind vs subconscious mind, what is consciousness, dr. joe dispenza, dr joe dispenza, joe dispenza 2020, This Will Leave You SPEECHLESS
Id: r6npwG-DzDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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