Joe Budden Names Rory, Ebro & Nadeska as MOST IMPROVED | NORE Of Drinks Champs As LEAST Improved

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let's go most improved podcaster to the most the one who fell off this year I put Flo for most improve yes Flo was ass he like a couple years ago he was just his stutter he didn't have like a didn't he get a teacher a coach yeah he got a coach spech this got this [ __ ] got a speech therapist now so it's like he's talking normal and think just overall comfortability on the camera and like I just I actually watch his YouTube channel yeah a lot more the biggest thing too is like uh not only did he is he like improving his speech and like his stutter he also made content that worked for him you know what I'm saying because he's still the same from a year ago in terms of like his his Persona his his speech his speech when it's live when it's live but when he but he's developed a content to where it's it's flush it's he can cut it and edit it that's why I put him up there and you know homie too so [ __ ] it damn I got I got a um most improved okay what's Up DJ Vlad has kind of turned into be something different this year to me no no no I'm with from a journalistic standpoint the Tupac [ __ ] tweets about random artist I'm not going to say no one's name right mm he he's become someone different to me now that's a that's a great point I actually agree with that yeah cuz I mean he solving crimes crime [ __ ] to a different level he merged true crime in hipop podcast I was thinking of him when we were thinking about the gossip I was thinking about Vlad when we thinking about the gossip but it's not really like he don't really play into it he don't play into it but he'll get he'll get the mom [ __ ] that like the guys up and tell you all the old stories yeah you know what I'm saying so which is just as good as him doing it he's he's he's a good facilitator of the gossip yeah but he's not gossiping as much he's not gossiping Vlad is a good one uh that's good for most proof for sure l yachty i put l yachty up there too I like even though he he started off good so it's like most improved but he he still made thatview the whole podast impr whole podcast thing in general is all new this year for him yeah so it's like he came in strong and every episode gets better so yeah yeah and watching him like go back and forth with Act was actually pretty good because he was able to like push back on a lot of what a was saying and sometimes I was like you got of got him there y I'm not shout out to his co-host him and his co-host mesh really well Mitch Mitch I think his name is bro it's like he got the right person the first time for sure you know what I'm saying those two together I never I have no idea I've never seen that dude they could have been friends I think they might be friends you know what I'm saying but it's like oh this is perfect I like both of these [ __ ] you know what I'm saying together it works it's easy to get along with [ __ ] when you want some of the most fancy couches I've ever seen [ __ ] they look like they on lifesized like a jungle gym or some [ __ ] yeah crazy couch is crazy and he got and he got he got coach KMP over there on there too you know what I'm saying like I haven't seen it yet but I when I saw the I said [ __ ] what you even got them I know Cole would do it Cole chilling you know you know but uh yeah coach KMP yeah I need to watch that interview and he had him on that origami ass [ __ ] yeah uh most improved anybody else got a most improve I'm trying to look I Roy bone Roy's gotten better yeah Roy's gotten better can can you say with some excitement you sound like you was praying on this down this stinky [ __ ] my efforts the [ __ ] is progressing despite my despite my effort got better and and for most improved I'm going uh Ebro nesca and Loki their chemistry as a whole has jumped out this year they gotten so much better okay so shout out to them that's a good one too Eon nesa and lowkey they have a podcast or a show podcast that's a podcast yeah it's uh Apple music sponsored or it's on like the beach radio thing well I guess it's on I guess it's in the podcast section I'm assuming [ __ ] it's Apple so it's on playlist wherever they want it they got the push cheating asses they got that sty P everything you can use you know what I'm saying um I put funny Marco up there too I put more than three for most improve well I got like a couple honorable mentions but yeah go ahead for the most part it's uh yeah just L yachty who' I say first um I [ __ ] forgot to get start I got more than three they get that much better for yeah you get the point uh but nah least improved though who stay wait AJ who you got is most improved Pro um I think I said mine already but I can't remember oh yeah we said them all already but for for leas improve does lease improv mean like they got worse or they just didn't get what it mean because those are two different things I put I didn't even think of that does it mean I got worse or they just stayed the same least improve decline okay well so then I'm I interpreted many different ways I put math for least improve just the [ __ ] hasn't really improved at all so I was just like [ __ ] it throw this [ __ ] in the boat but I I I genuinely I try to like Math's podcast but it's just hard no I like math and then he always has like Styles P why would watch I think EXC is a little bit older older like a lot of the producers and [ __ ] they have on there people from our generation I really like the show but I like the show but it's just something I'm I'm battle mat I want shout mea too man mea Mecca's good on that show I don't think he's made like an actual effort to be a better interviewer and I think you know just me feeling that that's why I just threw him in there you know what I mean they fair but yeah so well in that case you got to put Nori in them up there too for sure they're not getting better at interviewing they just getting drunker yeah they're doing the same [ __ ] they getting more [ __ ] up they haven't fun and I'm not hating on it but it's just it's not progressing yeah but sometimes drunker works it don't have it could be a recipe for disaster but sometimes if you catch the right level of drunk Nori could be it was annoying for me but but the thing about that show I wonder is like you don't know who a person is when they're drunk sometimes so you have a guest on you get them drunk it's like what kind of interview are you going to have you know what I mean because some people aren't great drunk that's true you know what I mean some people are worse drunk yeah most people and I think the ones you could tell the ones there's quite a few who know that they don't need to get drunk they they be like chill drink water please yeah there there's there's a lot of interviews where they're not they're not peer pressing them into drinking at all they're like I'll take two I take two three shots Max but you know rehab I got to chill yeah you know what I'm saying I got my chip that does make seem drunker sometimes it does when stay sober so you kind of need to match that energy but they them [ __ ] are still going they don't give a [ __ ] nory's my man though he's living life what time does what time does Nory shoot that show cuz I like you know anytime you get drunk like before like 2: 3 in the afternoon it's like the day is like I think it's usually later okay cuz it's like got long day any set time oh really oh really like they really on Miami's when noads last time I did Nory I got there at 10:00 a.m. and he said he hadn't slept damn like he was out all night clubbing partying and came straight in from the strip club and did the inter so it's like he supposed to be drunk what he smell like if you're not lit right now like lit is the only thing keeping you alive yeah they moov really off of that time is a construct [ __ ] yeah Jesus and it's Miami so I mean I got somebody coming later I'll do a midnight show if I got somebody coming like he just is moving with the flow of the town time is relative you said you said Rory was the most improved you didn't mention maul m like where's Maul you did I think there was a reason now we here yeah like despite his efforts so would that mean Maul is like the least improved okay well yeah that I don't know get me buddy Jesus I'm just trying to start a conversation I mean [ __ ] I'm not talking I'm talking to everybody other white man behind the camera but I'm saying like if Jo if one of them is improving specifically [ __ ] I haven't listened to it enough to like to say what I can say is I chimed to the top of the why don't you listen to it because it wasn't enjoyable and I said like the reason I put him in the comedy section for a moment is because you can tell they're still trying to be funny even though it's not necessarily comedy podcast so you can tell they're still trying to be funny so that's why I said they're not the funniest earlier because they just weren't good at it but toward the end of the year I chimed in like maybe two weeks ago I watched a full episode I actually got all the way through without stopping it all the way I was like this is they've gotten better for you to hold my attention at this point any little bit you've gotten better you said this like your gag so what I've said though is like with the Rory Maul podcast is they start off hot they get cold and get icy in the middle and then they end off hot you know what I'm saying so it's like contract year yeah when they first got their like situation or whatever the [ __ ] started off hot the skits were fire then there was never a reason to tune in the entire middle of their podcast and now that shit's ending [ __ ] got lit again the most entertaining part that I've ever seen from mul was when he was going at uh Alex's sayfe I said [ __ ] it's lit you know what I'm saying like this [ __ ] is lit and then the next week he was like never mind and you start having Battlers about being a real [ __ ] I said Hey listen [ __ ] you which one are we doing I'm tuning in if you if you keeping that energy at least bi-weekly I'm starting to tune in now because I can't just Rory can't carry both of y'all you know what I'm saying but if you kept that Savon and Alex energy at least by just give it to me every two weeks you know what I'm saying yeah you know what I'm saying but yeah if you're gonna go back to just being hey I could just kick it on the couch [ __ ] it man I'm not watching this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I'm just I'm good we'll see think extra cool [ __ ] is podcast not not speaking about him specifically period yeah we talking about Dynamic personalities like there is an opposite of that yeah and I think it can jump off the camera if you let it yeah for sure for sure it's hard to hide that [ __ ] cuz when we here like we here it's going to expose itself yeah see I was kind of thinking for the most decline I almost wanted to put Gilly in there not really though and the only reason I wanted to put Gilly is it wasn't podcast related it was like IG and live related so it don't count it don't count can't let what you do I'm just like the amount of videos that we got just like I hate all the IG live videos I'll be like Lord Jesus please stop doing this you know what I'm saying like the one where you just like the whole Drake rundown and now Drake you you're saying I won't do it it's like [ __ ] nobody it's not happening bro just I don't like seeing [ __ ] B like that it's like it looks like it always looks like a I got to get my man Joe on the podcast at first but then 6 months later when Joe doesn't come is man I told that [ __ ] don't come anyway it's say I don't want know [ __ ] no bro you it both you've been chasing for 6 months don't try to sugarcoat it act like you turning [ __ ] down now you know I don't like that [ __ ] at all you know said you was ugly anyway at least like khed based off the stories that I've heard khed has no [ __ ] shame he will chase you for five years and get the feature at least keep the same energy you know what I'm saying that's honorable yeah don't make it don't come back later like I don't need that [ __ ] you have to be a humble beggar yeah you got to be or if you're going to be a [ __ ] you got to be [ __ ] about it yeah you really got to go bro so that's the that's what I don't like podcast wise I don't have nothing to say about that but just in terms of the whole ask yeah just just asking for interview the IG lies but that's a thing for me anyway too like when a [ __ ] has a podcast and this goes for everybody I hate when [ __ ] be kind of giving it up on like IG live I'm like what the what the [ __ ] are we doing you know what I'm saying wasting yeah like I don't like that [ __ ] either you know I'm saying yeah that's how I feel like if you trying to give it up [ __ ] [ __ ] that live you're not making no money from that like it's going to get [ __ ] lit tonight and then now we have no reason to tune in like the cam [ __ ] worked out because he was like I like to keep these two things separate so that's why his live thing worked out and I was like I can understand the the separation between work and play he said the reasoning yeah he said the reasoning you know what I'm saying said don't got nothing to do with this yeah it made sense but it's like said M don't give a [ __ ] but the [ __ ] that like uh but the [ __ ] that like a lot of people do that play a lot on live and stuff like that they're saying [ __ ] would apply to their their next episode and they're wasting the views and the clicks that they could get was and they're wasting the conversation because the push back and whoever else is with them or whatever you're so excited to get on there and it's like [ __ ] monetize that [ __ ] stop getting you giving these [ __ ] the free game we screen recording it and putting that [ __ ] on YouTube and we making money off your [ __ ] yeah I was say I disagree keep doing that [ __ ] we eating off of that all the lives yeah and you got and you do it a little bit too like when you go to the spaces I'll be wondering that but you still don't pass a certain level on the space you're not you're not passing a certain level you you keeping that hot [ __ ] for here if I'm on Insta live it's for the y'alls of the world it ain't for me I ain't about to say nothing for me same with the spaces I might give him a little juice but you just got to you're not going to take time out of Disneyland with your family to talk some [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] go on live in black out it's like what the [ __ ] that's what I love about Adam I will say that Adam tell you take a walk listen I was doing something but I had to come and share my thoughts on this Adam gets most improved because his rants sucked in the beginning of the year talking about just him himself they was still just him and himself by time we got the Disneyland at him he was strategic they were getting better they were getting better cuz it was like he was saying [ __ ] and it was just like oh their podcast has gotten worse he's focused on other things he's focused on his outside jum as a whole has got worse yeah it's kind of crazy like What's happen 100 is really man yeah if that show ain't there yeah if that show ain't there it's rough you could throw that whole [ __ ] in the that's a fact that's what I was saying all of it as a network yeah as a network as a company as a crew it's a fact just that's the that's the last one cuz sharp don't bring the numbers like he used to no nah where they used to be yeah that's what I'm saying sharp would come in sharp wouldn't even hang out in the office he would come in drop a video in 7 hours and be at 250,000 now he drops a video 20,000 in 24 hours it's like nobody gives a [ __ ] anymore you know what I'm saying so it's like they have an identity crisis they do they are they do well they lost their their P they their lost it they got to ref that now yeah yeah now he's trying to a lot of shuing going C [ __ ] my wife and I mean cool but a well produced show could have been on VH1 yeah did you did you watch I loved it uh this [ __ ] was hilarious and um yeah go ahead n you do it shout out Little D he won the show but he's a Riley native brother you feel me in that [ __ ] we was in that [ __ ] yeah for sure [ __ ] for sure Team all over the country you know shout out to yeah my milbrook [ __ ] my w field man shout out c yeah man yeah that warmed my heart for sure oh man all right so I mean I think we done nothing all right let's go over to this next one man I don't know where we going
Channel: Menace Material Entertainment
Views: 3,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The 3 Oak Podcast, AJ The Menace, Menace Material Ent, Podcast Network, Celebrity News 2023, LOI The Show, no jumper, joe budden podcast, hip hop news, hip hop news today, hip hop news daily
Id: 0QDzbDJaArg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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