Joe Brrr freezes the Kingdom (AFC Championship Game) | Bengals vs. Chiefs | NFL Turning Point

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we're playing the game we dreamed about thrilling the critical moments from championship sunday he flipped it forward it's intercepted including the chief's dubious decision tackled inbounds and the clock runs out that was a big play i think that was really the turning point in the game and cup coming up clutch again touchdown the cincinnati bengals are headed to the super bowl the rams are the nfc championship [Music] [Applause] haven't we been here before well yes we have for the fourth straight season the chiefs were hosting the afc championship yes sir feel the juice baby feel the juice in kansas city there's nothing they like with juice more than fresh meat i said no accident supposed to be here sin no accident as a kid we didn't dream that it is now we're living the dream time to take full advantage hey believe in yourself believe in your teammates believe we understand that we face let's go on and do what we got to do baby it seemed like this unlikely bengals chief's matchup may have been over in no time third and one at their own 47-yard line they give it off on the trap play burton trying to fight for yardage he is really close they're gonna say fourth down and no measurement in the biggest games no time and no time outs can eventually change everything they haven't thrown a red challenge flag but they do burn a timeout looked like he got there easily didn't he and right there he's past the 48 yard line he's challenged it he's just throughout the red flag well yeah they're going to win this challenge he got it after reviewing the play the runner made the light again it'll be first and then at the 48 yard line andy reid called a timeout prior to challenging so by rule he has been charged a time-out because that preceded his challenge the challenge for cincinnati was holding down the chief's offense hey bowl up boy let's go 11th play of the drive no score mahomes fakes a handoff looking [Applause] dart and an even better catch by tyreke hill the extra hustle by tyreek hill came all the way across the field the back of the inline to make an amazing catch look at that throat wow it's the bullet hill in his career when he has scored a touchdown kansas city is 21-0 you're not losing this game dawg you think we're going to stop we're going to keep going we're going to keep doing it every possession hell yeah way to work boy way to work not all the excitement i'm nervous that's hot we're good we're straight let's go back to doing what we do straight on their next possession the chiefs stayed a step ahead of the bengals defense mahomes throws it deep down the sideline and it is caught on the run hardman with the catch what a throw by mahomes failure would it be great boy this is a track team hardman can fly hey mark ng7 87 rolls the shoulder now in trouble now moving to his left back to his right wiley gives him a block to try to keep him alive now he fires late for the end zone right side counting on the touchdown patrick mahomes is incredible today two touchdowns on scrambles and two great receivers finding the void and making the catch [Music] [Applause] right now they're almost undefendable [Applause] when the teams met back in week 17 cincinnati responded by unleashing jamar chase who set a single game rookie record with 266 receiving yards through one quarter of the afc championship chase totaled only two yards on two targets [Applause] but they like this on me now brother i can't get outside at all cornerbacks played outside technique on me and satan was running on top of me pretty fast you know early chief safety tyron matthews shaded toward chase's side on almost every play here's chase he's one-on-one they're gonna have to get a safety over there jamar chase cannot handle it off his right hand and tyron matthew pumps his fist in the air that's the play that went for touchdowns in cincinnati in week 17. say it says three by one or two by one right and number one backside i ain't gonna be able to help y'all strong because i was on that hatch and he still threw that ball number one after cincinnati failed on their first drive of the second quarter kansas city positioned themselves to take a 21-3 lead only one team the 2006 indianapolis colts overcame that deficit in the championship game chelsea breaks a tackle kelsey slams on the brakes and jesse bates goes sailing by the 100th postseason catch for travis kelsey [Music] mahomes throws it is caught and it's a touchdown mccall hardman patrick mahomes sent michael hardman in motion bengal's cornerback eli apple couldn't keep up the corner 20 right there the reason he's late is because mahomes just looked him off the thing about this kansas city chiefs offense talk about speed speed can stretch you vertically it can also stretch you horizontally in their regular season matchup the chiefs scored four early touchdowns before being held out of the end zone for the entire second half all right remember what that felt like last time one two different than this last time one two different than this dog make sure we stay on that gas max stay on that gas five certain moves of the game kind of you know made it feel like you know week 17. hold on not yet not yet hey hammer down the hammer down right we celebrate later let's four quarters hey we remember we remember we got to get back into this game we got three timeouts so we're not in two minute mode yet just urgency out of the huddle i never feel like we're out of it but you know obviously 21-3 isn't exactly the most exciting position to be in bengal's in no hurry the clock is running 124 left in the half borough in the gun burrow back to throw short pass caught by p-ride p-rhyme down to the 30. sideline 25 20 15 10 5 9. this bengal team everyone for kids they were down in the first time they played in week 17 and then the big play to chase brought him back and that's chase though with a big block [Applause] we gave him last time dog can't do that hey we gave him last time we can't do it can't do it don't give him no momentum man no i always gotta get stopped from that red line too bro huh you gotta stop in the red zone let's go we got two timeouts two timeouts hey let's go let's challenge them let's go man in this half right in the divisional round against the bills the chiefs needed only 13 seconds to march 44 yards down field for a game-tying field goal the chiefs will call their final timeout isn't it ironic that 13 seconds remains with 13 seconds left in the first half of the afc championship kansas city stood in the red zone closing in on a three score lead and the game's turning point come on defense gotta step up right here man now the chiefs have to be careful here without any timeouts gotta be smart mahomes rolling left and intentionally throws it into the ground with five seconds left in the half are you gonna kick the field goal how close was it to you guys kicking the field goal there we had enough time for another play but i've got to get one that's open in the end zone it almost makes you think this has to be a pass play if you run it and do not make it you will not score from the one yard line with five seconds left in the half crowd loves it as they will give mahomes a chance to throw a quick pass into the end zone [Music] kill catches at the six and gets tackled inbounds and the clock runs out quick to talk about a very questionable decision by the kansas city chiefs the decision to throw that ball behind and not to the end zone is so big we called a play that we were trying to get someone over the middle quick i was supposed to throw the ball away i got a little greedy there and try to give to tyrique you can let two people out there it looks bad but uh if we had another chance i thought i would have went for another play again as brilliant as andy reid is he overthought it there i was hoping we could get the ball in the zone i probably gave him the wrong plate so i'll take responsibility for that one on mccole hardman's touchdown the receiver in motion escaped from eli apple this time apple kept his eyes on the shifting tyre kill and tracked him down and the margin is 11 just as it was on week 17 when the chiefs went to the locker room up 11. when our defense makes that play and we're down 11 just like we were four or five weeks ago against the chiefs eleven going into halftime we we knew that we were going to be able to go in that game that stretch right there we scored a touchdown and our defense prevents any points from being put on the board and i think that was really the turning point in the game [Applause] we knew at halftime all we got to do is just be us and just grind it out and and that's what was able to do we got to believe boy do all the little things while the defensive stop before the half gave cincinnati hope it was joe burrow who helped the bengals claw their way back into the game burrow gets away from a hit now it throws to an open target caught at the 40 by chase gamer i had a feeling that they would you know double jamar and double one of our other guys um and that leaves nobody covering me and i kind of knew going into the game that i was gonna have to make some plays with my legs chris jones got him around the legs and he was able to escape jamar did a great job of getting open for me he was double teamed and then go chase does as good a job as anyone extending plays and continuing the run to get the foot back to spot the thrill he just finds a way to make plays when there isn't a play to be made makes my life much easier burrow's effort enabled cincinnati to close the gap and it is good and the bengals have pulled within eight but we're right there i promise you get us that ball back let's go come on get us that block back we're going to come out there and score [Applause] snap the homes passes deflected i'm kicked off the bengals have the ball and the bengals get a take away let's go joe let's go joe defense was just making plays at the right times you know they've been doing it all year we've been coming on those guys i mean we always say tips and overthrows got to get them tips it to himself that's the first takeaway of the game huge play by bj and he steps up and makes a huge play if you're one-on-one with that safety i'm just gonna throw it up you have to become a db you know whenever we get the ball and have an opportunity to score you know the offense is going to do it joe gave me the opportunity to get the ball out there and make a play throws it into the end zone for chase he leaps he's got it touchdown outrageous two plays before maybe we ran a similar route and it was like a comeback on the previous play the chief's defense correctly anticipated that jamar chase would run a comeback route where the goal is to run straight up field and suddenly come back down and receive the ball close to the sideline he be yanked me and i come back down sensing that rashad fenton had a grip on his jersey [Music] chase didn't finish the route so you know i just told them next time just call just run a favor and just throw it up to me i mean joe burrow saying my guy's bigger and stronger than your guy basically took the ball away bullied him well the bengals cash in on the interception by mahomes the bengals will go for two and try to tie it here wide open he's got it and the bengals have climbed back from a 21-3 deficit to tie this [Applause] believe in each other championship football that's over here folks the bengals got to the afc championship on the strength of joe burrow's arm but as the fourth quarter began it was his legs that continued to keep cincy's super bowl hopes alive third down and seven gets away from a sack scrambling left being chased gets away again running up the sidelines and gets the first down unreal joe burrow how about that athleticism sneaky athletic he made a comment last night he's gonna try to rush for a hundred yards and then you know he realized he didn't have enough yards rushing again he's gonna try to get him all in the fourth quarter so when the game's on the line he's gonna figure it out you know and whether it's with his feet or extending plays again he's able to escape trouble and he runs for a first down i didn't really run a lot against in the first game so going in i kind of expected them to you know not really account for that so that was a big part of my mindset coming in if you know one and two weren't there you know try to make a play with my legs he's not geared to run around he's not geared to you know get 60 70 rushing yards a game but he made a couple third down scrambles today that kind of lifted their team looking over there joey b take over there joey this is a 52-yard drive it has the distance [Applause] [Applause] after stalling for most of the second half kansas city finally moved the ball deep into bengal's territory but cincinnati's defense stiffened holding mahomes and company out of the end zone on third and goal from the nine here comes the rush mahomes way back in the 25. the chiefs fall on it at the 26. and this makes it a much more difficult field goal try it will be a 44 yarder placement is down buttker's kick is good and we are going to overtime okay okay let's go win it like last week against buffalo kansas city won the toss and took the ball what were your thoughts when they won the toss well they were they were tired you know our guys were tired and and stretched then so we just needed one more possession of those guys all we got all we got right here [Applause] [Music] third and ten 24-24 ty and ot he's going to be fast hey the bengals send three cover with eight mahomes deep down field for the cheetah it's deflected and intercepted by long belt the bengals come up with an overtime interception and now could win the game on a field goal man just knowing that guys who they gonna go to who 15 go fine is 10 and 87 just knowing the situations and uh man that's where you try to go to tennant at the end of the game and um and jesse broke it up and i just finished off just running to the ball man just going out there just making plays for the guys [Music] [Applause] i knew the safety was going to make it a play you're making a run at it um but i just gave my guy a chance and i mean it got tip tipped uh i get played by one safety and it fell right into the other dude's hands look at jesse bates reach in that's the play it's perfect technique perfectly timed no p.i whenever you have a guy like tyreek running and he has to step on someone give him a chance to make a play and uh let's say like eight times out of ten he makes that catch and so it didn't work for us today but uh that's a play that i would go to again if i had a chance [Applause] four years ago he was a senior in high school now the bengals super bowl chances rest on his right foot here we go here we go just like last game just like last game let's go to the bowl the kick is up it is good [Applause] dude [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] two years after having the number one pick in the draft and starting 0-11 the cincinnati bengals are headed to the super bowl for the third time in franchise history let's go there love you bro awesome dude we're not done no not enough not at all the afc super bowl representative has been determined and as the bengals players themselves would say it is us
Channel: F is for Football
Views: 174,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gup0q-SbVRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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