Joe 90: Season 1 Episode 1 - The Most Special Agent (Full Episode)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] yes he is Sam the big rat the big rat the brain impulse Calvinist cope record and transfer with respect Mac I find it hard to believe that it has the capability to describe it has Sam you'll see odd Joe good now we can begin is this it dad this is it you know what to do now Sam I have recorded my brain patterns on that reel of tape so electronically it now stores my knowledge and my experience in a moment I'm going to transfer that knowledge and experience to little joke okay dad I'm ready relax Joe don't answer me just relax relax completely [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right now what is the storage access time of the French see 3400 computer the answer is 5 nanoseconds is that the correct answer Mac that is the correct answer [Music] lack it's been a long interrogation but I just want to ask Joe one more question okay Sam but then I think we will call it a day right Mac now Joe we've been talking now for over an hour about the C 3400 computer my last question how many transistors are used in it that's easy none pulsed light beams and integrated circuits make them unnecessary ha Mac it's incredible just incredible well Sam as far as I'm concerned it's just a dream come true how long will Joe retain all this knowledge as soon as we remove the electrodes he'll be back to normal [Applause] [Music] it all seems like a dream dead how did I do you did just great Joe well Sam what do I ask convex computers tell me how much is this invention worth [Music] you know MEC every time I emerge from that Laboratory of yours I'm surprised to find myself in an old English cottage that's the way we like it Sam a combination of the old and the new you're asking how much this invention was worth now look do me a favor will you before you mention this to another living soul give me 12 hours how do you mean Sam I've got an idea how this could be used to produce a greater benefit than I'm sure you ever visualized 12 hours Mac is it a deal it's a deal well no yes right now but is it that urgent sound okay Sam if you think it's important well it'll take us a couple of hours mm-hmm goodbye Uncle Sam must think it important calling us out this time of night yeah it must be tell you to do is big rat Oh tied [Music] [Music] okay we'll go over this once again professor one-world intelligence will buy what do you call it the big rat - no one outside these four walls will know of its existence three it will play a vital role in maintaining world peace I'm confused will somebody please explain to me how this crazy scheme supposed to work okay professor let me describe what could be Joe's first assignment file number 90 it contains what little information we have on the Russian MIG - four - this aircraft is the fastest and most heavily armed in the world today we have nothing equal to it in the West we have no weapons that can stop it and so the Russians have the capability of striking and destroying us at any moment they choose now question how does your boy and the big rat help to maintain world peace answer by capturing a MIG - four - and revealing its secrets to the West thus restoring the balance of power now this is how we would do it a Russian pilot has agreed to hold a press conference in London we'll be there John Woodburn National Express have you flown to make two for two and if so can you describe its performance to us I have flown the MiG two for two many times as a matter of fact hey this is our man magnet program he's flown the to four too many times developed are you sure we're gonna get this recording I'm so sorry concealed antenna is right over his head it's a team of 8,000 the entire program was scheduled and monitored by a computer [Music] now Joe Uncle Sam and I are coming home okay see you in a couple of hours I think you know the plan Joe Mac has managed to record the brain patterns of a Russian MIG 242 pilot now he's going to transfer all that captured knowledge to you are you ready yes Uncle Sam I'm ready good luck son now you know what to do just relax [Music] you [Music] [Music] now listen Jo WI n has provided you with some specially made equipment first a pair of glasses built-in are the electrodes that your father normally connects to your temples that enable you to use the knowledge that's been transferred without them you'll be Jo but when you're wearing them you'll have all the knowledge and experience of a Russian jet pilot next of pistol especially made for you it's small light and will fire 200 times without reloading a small portable transmitter and receiver link to WI n satellite network will enable you to talk to macro myself from any part of the world okay Jo you now WI UN's most special agent Uncle Sam it's terrific Jo this may seem a strange thing to say to wi ends most special agent but we have a long journey tomorrow and i think you ought to be getting to bed oh no yes no thanks Uncle Sam for the glasses and the gun and that's other thing but if I'm a special agent don't I get a page of course you get a badge joke [Music] gentlemen today is the first time that foreign correspondents have been allowed to view the two for two at close quarters as you know the details of the two for two are a closely guarded secret and since you are all experts on aviation with one notable exception where is he professor MacLean where is your boy if you will exercise a little more pace well a contrary to what you have just stated my boy is an expert on aviation at this moment he is probably climbing into the cockpit and a few moments from now he will fly it away then he'll battle his way through your air defense system and take the aircraft to England where its secrets will be unraveled all right professor MacLean very funny and now tell me where is your boy [Music] Samuel pooja 90 airborne over well done Joe now the Russians are bound to launch other aircraft and will try to shoot you down remember Joe you've got the skill and the knowledge of the finest pilot and the Russian Air Force they'll be no match for you okay Sam I've got the picture that's right control one of the correspondence has stolen the me too well control it wasn't a man it was a boy yes a boy aged about nine [Music] you are trying to tell me that a nine-year-old boy climbed into the cockpit of the world's most advanced aircraft and flew away yes commander I will give you one final chance do you still persist in submitting this ludicrous report but it is true commander dismiss the man just leaving my office place him on the close arrest I will deal with him later [Music] professor McLain please accept my government's apologies for this incident I have arranged for you to be escorted to the airport in time for you to connect with your flight to London Thank You commander you've been most courteous by the way professor where is your boy well commander I should think he's just about halfway between Moscow and the Russian border flying a MIG two for two [Laughter] [Music] Thank You base five one three this is Moscow air defense system alert all ground to air missile stations yes Sam Luger from Joe 90 okay loud and clear Sam I'm approaching the Russian border my instruments tell me that I've got three make two four twos on my tail they're about 200 miles behind me so I'm going to turn and shoot you down with air-to-air missiles over the Joe isn't that kind of dangerous red one and the red two this is red leader bandit has turned to intercept standby air-to-air missiles [Music] standby to fire missiles five seconds [Music] [Music] [Music] they can't really stop me now so they may try Braun to air missiles and that's just what they're doing saying they're throwing everything they've got at me I can't chance it I'm going to attack the base okay Joe you're the expert [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay Sam missile base completely destroyed this is a great aircraft now look Sam I'm approaching the Russian border now have you obtained clearance for me to fly across Europe sure I've obtained clearance from now it's a clear flight all the way to England the authorities over here want you to land at Manston in Kent fantastic it's a meet two for two all right and I got the message from central control I just couldn't believe it but they're dead right okay radio the armored vehicles to close in we can't take any chances [Music] [Music] I'm at vehicle one to control tower there is no pilot it can't have got very far search the area and bring anyone who saw the landing up here for interrogation [Music] now let's go over this once again you were very close to this aircraft when it landed yes sir that's right sir now when the aircraft stopped you say the canopy opened the pilot jumped out and ran to the airfield perimeter is that right yes sir now think very carefully what age did you estimate the pilot to be as I said before sir as far as I could tell he were about nine year old nine years old and then you say when he reached the airfield perimeter he jumped into a waiting car that's right sir that's just what he did and now I expect you'll tell me that the car rose into the air and flew away as a matter of fact sir that's exactly what did happen [Music] well you pulled it off Joe a MIG 242 completely intact in the hands of the West oh boy what an achievement yeah it was so exciting but you know something I'd rather fly with you that's my boy and so mr. McClane that was the sort of operation that could be handled by your boy Joe with the assistance of the big rat of course we all know there is no such aircraft as the MiG 242 and indeed there is no conflict between Soviet Russia and the West I simply made up that little story to illustrate the sort of thing Joe could do to help us if we had your approval you love mr. Weston although Joey's not my real son but we know Mary died that boy has meant more to me than know all that no boy ever had a better father would expect me to risk his life just try to see our side are the guima claimed the opportunities here to prevent war find some of them to save you and my girls life can make new discoveries just hold it will you think of the potential match but Joe is so young you won't regret it Mac I hope not Sam I hope no thanks Joe can I do it dad can I work with Uncle Sam I suppose so if you're sure you want to but don't come crying to me if you get hurt thanks Ted thanks Uncle Sam mr. Whiston can I ask you a question oh yeah sure Joe what is it when do I get my badge right now Joe ninety right now [Music] you
Channel: Shout! Studios
Views: 503,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joe 90, gerry anderson, the most special agent, Shout Factory, 90, special agent, joe90, episode 1, full episode, SUPERMARIONATION, super agent, HD, Shout, DVD, Bluray, TV, season 1, Movie, Freaks and Geeks, My So-Called Life, Sports Night, MadTV
Id: boL2xqSrhTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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