JOBS IN UK for International Students - Busting myths about the Job market in UK

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there is a general Trend out there in the market that UK does not have enough jobs UK does not have jobs UK does not have jobs in this video I have farun with me who has helped multiple International students get jobs in the UK so he will be decoding the entire UK job market what all International students need to know if they're planning to come to UK and what all are the mistakes International students do so if you're planning to come to UK make sure to watch this video till the end and if there are any questions that you want to ask me or Faron go to the comment section put your questions and we will be answering all of those questions so sit back and relax and make sure you tell us what you think about this video I've gotten every job every bus opportunity cuz of following up multiple times opens the doors for all of these top jobs right now I'm here in Canary Warf which is the financial district of London what your background is and what you're applying for I should see that within a few seconds I shouldn't be spending more than that you haven't got time my friend get to the point quick fast so I wanted to understand from you what do you think about the job market right now in UK I hear on the internet that there are no jobs no jobs every student hears that so what do you think about are there jobs in UK there's many jobs in the UK man it's all about sourcing the right jobs so I mean I've seen from experience that most students are not really aware of like how to Source the right jobs they're just applying for any and every job if you Source the right jobs there's enough jobs in data analytics um sales as well so yeah there's enough jobs here it's more about like sourcing them effectively what do you think students are doing wrong when they're applying because all over the Internet you can see so many reals people saying no jobs no jobs what do you think students are doing wrong great question I get asked this a lot so I'll just summarize this in three points the first biggest mistake they're making is they're applying too late so usually most Indians and pakistanis and you know International students they come here they they move here they got you know they St degree they have fun and then after they graduate they start applying big big mistake never ever do that that's the first mistake they make second mistake is once they're applying they're applying for any and every job my friend you've got a business degree you're applying for data you're also applying for marketing you're also applying for sales you're also applying for banking you're never going to get get a job that way you need to have Clarity on the jobs you're applying for third biggest mistake is so they apply they finally figure out okay I want a banking job and they apply and they apply and they forget about it and they never ever follow up you're never ever going to get a response my friend if you apply for a job and you don't send emails and messages out to people in the company hireing managers and other employees in the company you need to follow up multiple times for each job that you apply to so these are the three biggest mistakes I I see students make from my experience how often do you see students not following up oh my God man way too often I think 95% of students that speak to me um they say for appli for the job I haven't heard back I was like when did you apply they say applied 10 days ago and then I'm like okay cool have you followed up since then they're like no but they haven't got back pretty much every student especially the ones from India and Pakistan they apply and they just expect the employer to get back to them pretty much everyone applies and doesn't follow up to answer your question they don't understand the power of follow-ups I've gotten every job every business opportunity because of following up multiple times it's literally a superpower what would be the best way to follow up well you should follow up every stage application process so you should follow up the day you appli send a message to the hiring manager on LinkedIn also send an email as well then what I tell my students to do I've helped over 50 people get jobs over the past 15 months or so I get them to follow up once every five days for 25 days so follow up five times within a month of applying for every job that you apply to and I get my students to also track all of their applications on an application tracker on a Google cheet so that you're on top of each application so considering someone is planning to come to UK does having work experience help them how important is having work experience 100% but actually cavia then I'd say relevant work experience really helps you so like every student I've seen go a job that's come from India let's say sriti for example she got a job in this International um education company as a marketing executive she worked exactly as a marketing executive in this International Education company that was based in India so if you got work experience and is relevant Bingo you're going to get a job even if you haven't got relevant work experience but you've got some work experience and you can still talk about the transpar skills in the interview you're still better off than someone with no experience so to answer your question work experience is very very very very important and really helps when you're looking for jobs here in the UK so if someone is planning to come from India to UK right now they probably have five or six months left and or probably they in UK right now so what are some of the skills that you would recommend person to pick up great question so there's two types of skills that every student needs when you know when they're looking for graduate jobs one is soft skills and one is hard skills I've seen students lack both right hard skills I've seen us from Pakistan India we usually pick them up either University are the two courses but soft skills are the ones that we are missing out massively so what I mean by soft skills is can you communicate effectively can you work in teams can you collaborate and can you deal with the different type of stakeholders it's more of like when when I say soft skills I mean how do you deal with people and most Indians are really good at dealing with people back home but as soon as they get here and pakistanis as well for some reason we just can't relate with the average person in Europe or in England we need to be able to feel comfortable around them and make them feel like we will be part of the team and not be awkward so like a really small example of soft skill is can you build report on a call so whenever you jump on a call or you jump on an interview call is over zoom in England usually first few minutes of report building and they're kind of small talk so in England obviously Sunny now people love talking about the weather so if I were to jump on a call with anyone that's based in England especially if they're in London they're like oh wow have you seen the Sun the weather's so amazing the sky so blue it doesn't feel like England it feels like feels like Portugal and like the first few minutes of a 30- minute call will just go go about talking about the weather that's kind of a skill on its own that's building report that's that kind of that's building report that's that's a soft skill and most students lack that or if you're so that's like on a zoom call but but let's say you're actually going to an event right in person and you meet people there soft skills and like small talk is all about saying oh yeah I like your your your hoodie there like my friend has the same do you get it from Cambridge it's like that store in Cambridge it's like building that report in most students that me usually I've seen a lot of us are very timid and we're very shy um when it comes to actually bonding with westerners and you shouldn't really think that you think like we're here we have an equal opportunity we're just as good as them and we should really focus on basically being likable I teach my students to be likable and usually I've seen my best students are the ones that are really likable you know if I really like working with them they usually really good at you know impressing employers as well so very important that you understand the importance of soft skills and being likable because that's what's going to get you hired as a graduate you know because most of you guys are freshers that are watching this right now at this same point so let's suppose someone is studying right now in UK he's completed his education how do you think that person can stand out like he is planning to apply for jobs how can he stand out so this person has already graduated from UK University he's right now graduating or graduated yeah I mean one way to definitely Stand Out is to actually build a person brand on LinkedIn and I'm actually doing a master class on this over the weekend but I've seen my students who've been the easiest to get into jobs were the ones that were active on LinkedIn they would get many interviews because think of it when a company in the UK gets an application they look at two things two CVS one is the the Old School CV the one page or two-page or PDF the second thing they look at is the candidates LinkedIn I've been in recruitment for full-time a year and a half when I was recruiting graduates for these tech companies I would look at both their CV and Linkedin so you're just B based off of your LinkedIn if you can make posts that get got Garner attention um that are high quality that provide value it shows your person that can actually be valuable to people at scale so like mad has like over half a million followers and like millions of people get value from mad's um content that is a skill itself and I don't think Morad would ever ever struggle if he were to apply for a job in the UK purely because that's his personal brand online that exists right so I recommend students as well that's one way to stand out there's many ways but think in this dig age LinkedIn has also got a very generous algorithm um like Instagram is pretty hard so make use of it and also LinkedIn the bars below as well 30k on LinkedIn is like 300K on Instagram because like there's not many people with like you know 30k it's kind of like easier as well to stand out I'm pretty sure you see so many rums in a day what mistakes do you see in a resume first mistake I see is obviously most CVS that I see are for freshers or people looking for graduate jobs so they might have some experience so first mistake is they mostly have three to four page CVS huge red flag you're applying for entry level job your CV should not be more than one page Max second and very easily avoidable mistake is grammar mistakes and punctuation mistakes and formatting errors just bad hygiene on your one piece of paper that matters the most takes one hour to fix all the errors and if you're lazy you can get take it to your smartest friend and get it fixed so I see that a lot so first is long CVS second is formatting and grammar mistakes and the third reason is lack of clarity like are you what job are you applying to my friend why is why have you got six lines at the start with a professional summary that says motivated and energetic individual who loves spearheading teams and cross function environments literally in two lines you can say I'm a recent graduate or you can say I'm a recent Finance graduate from Kings College London looking for finance analyst roles the right to work in the UK that's two lines that's what I get my students to write in their summary and they usually get over like five interviews in one month just by like a very short crisp direct to the point summary so if it's not clear by looking at your summary and your experiences what role you're applying for then my friend your CV is a waste of time because I've spent eight seconds and I don't even know what you're going for you can really clearly see the CVS my students have it's very clear that looking for finance anal Ro roles worked in this investment analyst worked in this Finance analyst role has got this CFA has got this MC in finance very clear why they're applying for it needs to be very clear and coherent what your background is and what you're applying for I should see that within a few seconds I shouldn't be spending more than that you haven't got time my friend get to the point quick fast at this point I want you to think about it for a second but I want I want you to tell some stories about your current students and put them in a bracket where this was what they were doing wrong and when they corrected this this happened I want you to give me actual any St I love that I I've got like a a a perfect story I've got the story of Aisha who from Pakistan she had a four PID CV she went to Russell GP University and she came to me she said Faron I'm not Landing any interviews I've been applying for like almost a year and I was like Aisha you go to a top university how have you not landed an interview she's like I don't know have a look at my CV I saw her CV she had a four page CV with purple and like black and light gray colors and it was absolutely horrendous we fix to fix it fixed it to one page fixed the formatting Chang the colors only we had black that's it um and she went from zero interviews in a year to three to in her first month and the first company she actually done to interview with she got a job at World 50 and her B salary is like 30 something K now she got promoted and with bonus she's walking with 50k in her first year that's how powerful it is how your fix TV that's one example right arti another example from India she's from Mumbai she worked at the big four and oh she had exp had she had experience in Mumbai at the big four in India and now she didn't want to work in the big four count is she wanted to work in a client facing role we changed her CV and we highlighted all of her client facing experience that she did in India the big four and then she landed 25 interviews in one month and she got to five final rounds and eventually now she's in a junior account manager role where she travels to UK she's also going to Europe across Europe in March and April so this month she's going to be going amram and stuff as well um and she was struggling for like six months to even land in interviews because she was applying for client facing roles but her CV didn't really show the right she was the right fit for client facing roles so as soon as we made it clear that she worked in sales roles and account manager roles and CLI facing roles she started getting interviews it's all about relevance right you can have all the big four experience on your CV but if you're apply for client facing rules they don't care similarly you could have all the client facing experience on your TV and you're and and if you apply for the big four they won't care it's all about a game of relevance right um and AR is buing it right now she's got a really good salary well so you think uh right now the biggest mistake that students are doing is only pertaining to the resume what do you mean by that is there any other mistake let's suppose a person has perfected their resume if they're still not getting interview calls what would you recommend to that like it's a picture perfect resume what do I do in that getting interview calls I mean great question man great question mad you're very good very good at like I'm so sorry for no don't worry man I mean actually it's a great question question because it's good that you asked it because let me just clarify that CV is one part of your application uh material so there's your CV then there's your cover letter then there's your Ary strategy you can get two of them right out of three you still might not get an interview there's some instances where you get everything right you still not get an interview inite so you got to get everything right consistently can you tell me a bit more about your outre strategy so when I see outre strategy you got to be connecting with the exact person or the hiring manager that in charge of the role that you're applying for on LinkedIn and I tell my students not just to reach out on LinkedIn but also get their email using Apollo which is there's many prospecting tools you can get it for free and also send them an email with your cover letter within 200 words so if you send an email and a LinkedIn message and you send your application in and then you follow up once every five days you're either going to get a rejection or an interview and remember a rejection is also aw because at least in limbo way better than not knowing and what do you think about starting a business in UK you used started a business in UK how what how was the experience I think UK is very very business friendly I think um if you want to start a business in the world UK is one of the most friendliest places ever it takes one hour to incorporate your company complet one hour everything everything one to two hours I mean you get the documentation done one one hour and then by 24 hours your name is on the government website so literally that's how fast it was for me and it costs like 20s if you go for really cheap service or 100 pounds depending on the address you get but I was up and running within 24 hours of getting my company name registered with the UK government that's how fast it is very very business friendly honestly I'm also planning to set up my company in UK so this actually helps a lot uh okay in terms of people who are getting jobs are there any specific qualities you feel like are different from people who are not getting jobs I think I touched on this a second ago man but sadly it's not all about the hard skills most people that get the jobs are likable they have the soft skills 99% I'd say 95% are the people who are likable and they train themselves up as opposed to people who are already trained up but they are not likable UK employers they hire especially at The Graduate level if they're hiring an international student they're hiring them most likely because they like them and they like their attitude obviously you have to be competent but if there's one thing that's more important out of your personality and your heart skills is personality for graduate roles obviously if you're going for director role then your experience is much more relevant but if you're going for if you're a fresher for ENT level roles they're going to train you up anyway so they're going to Only They they'd rather train someone up they like than get someone in that they don't like that's trained up so listen that again guys repeat that in your head 10 times and what do you think is the best way to reach out to employers I mean obviously biased because I obviously my I live on LinkedIn I would say LinkedIn the best way because every employer when they think of getting Talent they think of LinkedIn and when they post a job advert on the Internet it's usually on LinkedIn so they're going through their DMS to see which appic can message them so the best way would be LinkedIn second best way would be email but definitely wouldn't recommend Instagram or um or YouTube or whatever you know LinkedIn or email but number one LinkedIn and also make sure when you're messaging on LinkedIn your LinkedIn profile is optimized so your picture is your head is in it mostly it's in the center the background is clear there's no grammar or English mistakes or punctuation mistakes on your whole profile your education is laid out properly I have a whole LinkedIn master class I can send it to you guys but very important that your LinkedIn is very high quality no little mistakes that you make on your CV because if you have little mistakes you're not going to get a response and it's probably because they looked at your LinkedIn they wasn't they weren't impressed now I'm going to ask you the most important question how do we land a sponsorship job oh the million dollar questioned so there's two ways to get a sponsorship job the first way is to get it right after after graduating and the second way is to get on The Graduate Visa the two-year graduate Visa work at a company for a year year and a half and then transition to a skilled worker visa sponsorship Visa most people follow route number two only a small minority get sponsored right off the bat and the reason is you only get sponsored right off the bat if you're going for engineering roles data roles or if you're mid or senior level so 90% of students have to get a job work in it and then earn sponsorship through their hard work working dedication and it's this sounds like risky because most people are like but for what if I join the company and they don't sponsor me and I work with them that's a risk you got to take you need to believe in yourself that you're going to add so much value that they're going to be desperate to sponsor you and I've seen many cases of students from India who joined companies at 2122 and they've worked so well that the companies are now getting sponsorship license just to sponsor them and that sponsorship license will then lead to a PR because they're going to get them sponsored for five years three years you know so very important you understand that it's very possible to start on the grad visa and then down the line within two years get sponsored what was your question again sorry go on what are some of the hacks that you would give a person probably join some sort or some other sort of hacks are I mean a hack I can give you based off of eight International students I would say it doesn't have to be a startup but a small and Media siiz company or a startup so difference between and a startup is startup grows really fast usually tech companies um since they're growing so fast they would rather pay the 6 to 10K to retain you so keep you in the company by sponsoring your Visa then going out back in the market hiring someone in training them up and then you know living with the risk of them not being good enough and leaving and also startups are smart right they get interal students in generally because they're a good deal and they know that even after spons agreed agreed they're a good deal you get like you get Talent that's worth 80k or 100K that a British would take that you get them for like 50% or a fraction of the price right so it's actually financial and it's a good financial decision to hire International students from the employers front but most employers see as too risky to make investment that and also they also feel like they wouldn't fit in culturally that's what I've heard they feel like the biggest mismatch is cultural fit and especially London they will hire loads of international people but usually the international people will be very like westernized and like went to International schools think about cultural fit like how could a person fit into the culture because I've seen Indian students when they go to UK they'll stick with Indians in fact to a Next Level if Gujarati student goes to UK he wouldn't meet Indians he would stay with gujaratis if a student from Punjab is going he'll stay with punjabis what do you think in that case and where did you live the truth is you're right I've seen this with most International students that come here like at I went University which is I went there for undergraduate it's well known for engineering and and finance and in our course over there we had 150 students and we had like five six Indians five six pakistanis five six Malaysians five or six Greek people five seven French people and then some Chinese 10 20 or so Chinese and the truth is guys that we all were in our own Pockets we W mingle with each other and we spent three years together we didn't even we just see each other won't even speak to each other so but I've seen the best students were the ones that were try mingled so I realized that the best students who were at JP Morgan at Goldman sack at KPMG Deo inventure Capital private Equity they' be mingling a lot with other people that were from International backgrounds so I saw that when I'd come to London for networking events so bear in mind bath is like 100 miles west of London similar to Oxford is like 100 and something miles north of London and um I'd come here and I'd see like the mingling of like how people are very comfortable with International people and people from different backgrounds and I brought that back to my university and that's why in the first two years I was only with first year was only with pakistanis second year pakistanis and a bit of Indians from Delhi thirdly I was like I want to keep my friends I don't want to get rid of them because they're they're fun and I enjoy spending time with them and we help each other and we have a good family like environment but I also want British friends so during my degree in second year I got close to a Chinese guy but he was kind of very British because he moved here when he was 12 and when he moved here when he was 12 he made loads of British friends he had no Chinese friends and he was like hey mate I've got a spare room in my house um I want you to move in with us and that was gamechanging year of my life I moved into that house I had four British people that I lived with three British people in one this Chinese half British because he was there for so long and I honestly like my whole understanding or the way I bonded with British people changed it's I just got so good at it I understood what their jokes were understood how they think understood how they hang out what they do before they go Pub what they do when it's a Friday their whole mindset around how they think then on a personal level connect with them so I started humanizing them this is one of the biggest advice that I give to students that as soon as you land there don't be in that Silo don't make Indian friends only in fact that's the worst thing that you can be doing you can have them you can have friend or two there but you're going there to have a new experience you're going there to have a new life at least make sure that the connections that you're making are cross borders and when I say cross borders that does not mean Pakistan Bangladesh that means every everyone other than the people who youve already been surrounded with yeah exactly 100% so um 100% make Indian Pakistani friends but try and get people from across the world as well South Americans American people British people trust me you learn so much more about not just them but yourself as well because you realize how different your culture and you are and it's crazy how especially if you're in a city like London or New York or Sydney where it's very International especially London and New York you realize that holy there's a lot of flaws we have in our cultures similarly have flaws as well and we all know the cultural differences around like how people eat how people wash and clean and sometimes they're true as well but similarly you also realize how we're different as well you know our hygiene might be different to people in the west and it's important to like see that to understand their perspective it's not racism it's you know it's usually rational you know okay so before I close it before I wrap it up I wanted to ask you one question uh what do you think if I if you had to rank it from 0 to 10 zero being I I would never visit I would have never taken this path again of coming to UK studying and then getting a job and starting a company to 10 being oh this was the best decision of my life honest opinion 0 to 10 what would you rank it then without a doubt why is there so much neg negativity on the internet why are there so many reals that come on my feed I imagine there's negativity around people not getting jobs and the UK can not being a good place to come that kind of stuff right yeah truth is is it's hard to get a job but it's also the fact that people aren't really using the right strategies so their CVS aren't formatted properly they're applying for any and every job then they're not following up then when they land interviews they don't restar the company they don't restar the interviewer they sometimes join from their phone um they can't build rapport they're making mistakes at every stage of the funnel of the application process and then they're saying I'm not getting a job so yes it's harder now compared to when I graduated five years ago or so but I'd like to reiterate my point that there's still hundreds of Indians and pakistanis and Bengali getting jobs every day in this country they came from exactly where you are so it's excuses it's harder but it's still possible in fact if you look at it it's harder also the people that are now getting jobs usually they're so good that they end up getting sponsorship and then PR so think of as it's harder but the outcome is better as well and also now with the all these Global Visa schemes like the UK has introduced a high potential individual Visa scheme and the Australia has one as well and Ireland has one as well even if you work for in the UK for two years and you don't end up getting a license there's so many opportunities to move laterally to other First World countries like Canada or Australia or Ireland or New Zealand or Germany that you will be better off than if you stayed back home from a pure Financial standpoint and obviously your mental capability wise you'll be a completely different person because you've met so many interesting people so yeah answer your question there's a lot of hate on the internet for people that come to the UK but the truth is there's a lot of success stories as well and I see them day and day out I feel like success stories uh don't scream so much and Ne negativity negativity attracts like this someone posts there are no jobs and everyone is like oh and they start panicking but then someone is getting a job after a degree they're like oh yeah I mean he did a degree he deserved a job so no one's talking about the success stories but everyone is talking about the negative stories as a result you just feel like that's because many of my students have also ended up finding jobs so it isn't like there are no jobs but the negatives are way much more louder 100% the truth is that it's easy to not do the right things and not get a job and it's hard to do the right things and get a job with hard and difficulty comes big reward as well depends on are you are you willing to put in the fight through the yeah are you willing to put in the effort to get the big outcome I'm not sat here on the ninth floor of this beautiful building with all these banks around me because it was easy for me you know it was hard and I'm sat here in my office as a business owner because I worked hard for it so anyone can achieve what I've achieved I don't think it's impossible but I do think it's hard but it's like anything in life anything worth getting is hard let's leave it at that thank you so much man thank you so much for taking out the time seriously it actually wor man I really enjoy this you know I actually loved having this conversation with Faron because generally what happens is there is a general consensus that the market is really bad but no one is talking about the good side of it and while making my decision I'll keep in mind that UK still has a one-year master's degree which can be better because in 2 years master's degree you'll be out of the workforce for 2 years in UK you'll be out of the workforce for 1 year you'll get a 2-e post study work visa that also is interesting next thing would be UK has some of the best universities in the world and is also known to give out scholarships so all these points considered UK can still be a very attractive destination and considering that the cost of studying in UK since it's just a one-ear degree can be lower than studying in us or any other country what is right now happening is if there is a student who goes to UK and finds job they don't talk about it because it's normal they went there to study look for jobs got the job they don't talk about it but when someone goes and does not find job they talk about about it a lot as a result you get to hear the negatives you don't get to hear the positives which there are most certainly people are getting jobs in UK to add to this discussion I would also want to say that I will be moving to UK also in this September only to study yes this is the first time I'm saying this live on camera but the thing is there are jobs right now in UK in USA in every country but for people who are not working on their skills and are not applying for jobs in a correct manner obviously there is a correct manner to apply for jobs they're not finding jobs anywhere not even India not even in UK so the thing is you have to make sure that your profile is good you work on your profile you learn skills you make your resume in a good way you reach out to companies in a perfect way and that's why all these educational videos are very important for you now if you're planning to come to UK watch this video in which I talk about top 10 universities of UK all 10 universities of UK here this video click click click click
Channel: Murrad on Run
Views: 42,167
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Keywords: Jobs in UK, International Student in UK, Student life in uk, Part time jobs for students, Part jobs in uk, Part time jobs in london, London jobs, Jobs for students, Jobs in london, Jobs uk, Uk jobs, Uk jobs for indians, uk tier 2 jobs, Tier 2 sponsorship jobs in uk, Tier 2 visa jobs in uk, Security gaurd jobs in uk, Warehouse jobs in uk, Airport jobs in uk, Restaurant jobs in uk, Delivery jobs in uk, high paying jobs in uk, jobs in uk 2024, murrad, study in uk, jobs in uk
Id: 0Qgj35K6Pz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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