Job Interview in English? Here are 5 Smart Questions to Ask.

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hi i'm anne marie with speak confident english and welcome to you're confident english wednesday lesson i know that you come here every week to learn how to be more confident and fluent in english so that you can use it in your real life to open new doors and new job opportunities and if that's true you will probably need to do a job interview in english so whether you are actively seeking a job in english now or it's something that you hope to do in the future i want you to be a hundred percent prepared for every step of the job interview in english i want you to feel confident so that the only thing that you need to do is get the job that you want let's imagine that you just finished a job interview in english and you did a great job because you prepared you knew all about the company and the job position you knew exactly which questions in english to expect and you even prepared for them note i have lessons on all of these things for you and you can find links to those in the online lesson today but then you come to the end of the interview and the interviewer asks you this question do you have any questions for me what are you supposed to say should you ask a question in a job interview and if yes which questions should you ask that is exactly what we're going to talk about in today's confident english lessons so that you don't feel nervous or stuck or unprepared when that happens to you in your job interview in english so first let's discuss should you ask questions at the end of an interview yes you should absolutely ask questions at the end of the interview and here are three reasons why number one it shows that you are serious and well prepared for this job interview and you really want the position number - you can ask some questions that will help you decide is this a really good fit for you is this really the job that you want or the company that you want to work for and number three it will make you memorable if you ask smart questions you will impress the interviewer and when they are thinking about all of the people who interviewed for the job it will be easier to remember you and that's what you want you want them to remember you and be impressed and think that is the person I want for this job so let's look at five smart questions that you can ask at the end of a job interview so that you impress the interviewer and look prepared ready to take the job that you want the first two questions are similar to each other and both of these questions will help you to understand the expectations in the position they'll help you understand what defines success in this position how can you be successful and it will help you identify whether you have the right skills the right qualifications and qualities that will help you to be successful in the job that you want so these two questions are number one what did the previous employee in this position do to succeed in this job so that is all about what are the expectations and what will help you be successful what will define success in the position question number two you can ask the interviewer what qualities or characteristics do you think are necessary to be successful in this position so this is where you can think about what are your unique qualities and strengths and skills and do they match with what the interviewer it says question number three is what job growth opportunities are the for this position or how will this job evolve how will it change over the next three years this question lets the interviewer know that you are serious about working for this company and you want to stay with the company for a long time you see this as a career opportunity and most interviewers are looking for someone who wants to stay with the company so this is a great question to let that person know that you're thinking long term about your role in this company in question four we actually have two slightly different questions that you can ask the interviewer to get his or her opinion question one what do you like most about working for this company and question two how did you get started working in this company or how were you successful in working for this company these questions give the interviewer an opportunity to talk about company culture the values or what it is like to work at this company imagine if the interviewer has nothing positive to say about working for this company even if it's a dream job for you maybe you want to think again about working for a company if the interviewer has nothing positive to say so those questions give you a great chance to find out exactly what it's like working for this particular company and finally question number five you can ask the interviewer do you have any questions or concerns about my qualifications for this position this gives you one final opportunity to show your strengths your characteristics your skills that make you the best choice for this position and with that you have your five smart questions that you should ask at the end of a job interview in English now that you've finished watching this video please make sure to go to the online lesson where I've given you more formation about these questions that you can ask and I have a challenge question for you that you can share in the comments I would love to hear about your experiences with job interviews in English or your biggest fears of job interviews in English thank you so much for joining me and I'll see you next Wednesday you
Channel: Speak Confident English
Views: 19,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: job interview in english, american english (language dialect), how to interview for a job, job interview questions, interview questions, job interview, interview for job, a job interview, job interview answers, how to interview, interview tips, job interview english, english interview, best job interview, interview, learn english, english lesson, questions to ask in a job interview, job interview tips
Id: aDZDjBpIhd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
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