Job Interview ENDING Mistakes! The Things You Should NEVER Say At The End Of The Interview!

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how many candidates are interviewing for this job so why do you think this is a bad question how many candidates are interviewing for this job well simply because this is not really your business right this is the company's business [Music] hey guys in today's video i'll be talking about the job interview ending mistakes or the things that you should never be saying or asking at the end of a job interview so you've had a job interview with the hiring manager and you've had a chance to go over the job description and how your skill set and your background matches the job perfectly but now it's the end of the interview and you're wrapping up and you want to sound powerful you want to sound confident and you want to avoid sounding needy or desperate for the job because although the hiring manager wants to know that you want the job they don't want to sense any desperation because when they sense the inspiration it just means that you're not confident in your skill set and that you're a perfect match for the job so today's video is focused on the things that you should never mention or ask at the end of a job interview as well as the tools and the tips that will make you sound powerful that will make you sound confident so this is the topic of this video so stick around [Music] welcome to another video guys if you're new here my name is bill hannah and i'm the financial controller i've been in the finance game for the last 15 years i started my career at pricewaterhousecoopers and then i transitioned out to work in private industry as a financial analyst and then a corporate accounting manager and then a corporate controller which is what i do today hence the name of the channel and i'm also a licensed cpa in the great city of new york and this channel is all about giving you the summary of my experience over the last 15 years so that you can apply it towards your own career and finance so if you're in finance or if you own a business and you want to hear more about financial topics go ahead and subscribe to the channel all right so a quick overview of this video so you know what to expect so first we'll go over the things that you should never be saying in a job interview so i'll give you a couple of examples of the things that you should not be saying and then i'm gonna give you uh examples instead of things that you could say that will make you sound powerful and confident and then we'll go over things you should never ask or questions that are forbidden we call them garbage questions you should never be asking these questions at the end of a job interview and instead i'm going to give you an example of a good question that you can say that will give you a chance to sound powerful and confident and then at the end of the video i'm going to give you the mindset or the theme so the way that you should be thinking at the end of a job interview instead of remembering point by point the things that i'm talking about today how you should be thinking in the mindset so that you can sound you come across as powerful and confident because we all heard the saying give a man a fish you'll feed him for a day but teach a man how to fish you'll feed him for an entire lifetime so this is just a quick overview of today's video all right let's begin with the things that you should never be saying at the end of a job interview and i'm going to give you a couple of examples from actual interviews that i've conducted as a hiring manager so one example that i've heard is one candidate said i just really want to let you know that i won this job and i hope that you pick me so even though this is nice i really want the candidate to want the job however this sounded a little bit desperate so you never want to sound desperate or really needing the job you want to make this more about the company and about the job and not about you so i really i know that you want the job that's why you're here that's why you're interviewing i know that you want the job but you want to make this about the company so don't focus too much on yourself don't sound desperate you want to sound more like other companies want you that you are sought after by everyone else sounding desperate and sounding that you need the job is not good and just doesn't show confidence right you want to show that you're confident in yourself and your abilities the other thing that i've said a candidate say once was the commute to this job will be great so i really want this job because the commute will be awesome and that might be might very well be the case if the commute is awesome good for you that's great the computer is awesome however it's not a talking point don't bring this up this is something that you can discuss with someone at home some a colleague uh the commute for the job you're interviewing for is great very good uh but bringing this up is just trivial right the the interviewer or the hiring manager is looking for things of substance about you about your personality your abilities um so bringing up the commute is just not a great idea um so instead here are some of the things that you could be saying instead a great example of what you should be saying at the end of a job interview that will make you sound confident and powerful and to wrap it all up and bring it all together you could be saying something like this i just want to say that my background and skill set matches the job perfectly and that i bring a high level of energy and adaptability to this job that will help me add value from day one so you see how this uh what you just said now will make you sound much more confident and powerful and make you sound less desperate you don't want to sound desperate you want to sound confident and powerful and also admitted about the company and about the role and bringing value to this role right more than just focusing on yourself you're focused on the company and the role so this will sound much more confident and powerful so we don't want to mention things like i really want this job i hope you pick me uh talking about commute and talks about talking about things that are trivial you really want to focus on the job and what it needs and how your skill set will complement and be a perfect match for this job if you or anyone you know is preparing for a job interview in accounting be sure to download my accounting interview checklist it's 100 free and an amazing summary of the most common accounting interview questions i'll leave a link in the description below okay now we'll talk about questions you should never be asking at the end of a job interview so some examples of these questions are when are you going to get back to me so again it's the same idea this sounds desperate you don't want to sound desperate so asking when are you going to get back to me it's not a good question to ask at the end of a job interview similarly when can i expect to hear back from you this is not a question you should be asking at a job interview this could be a follow-up in an email but you don't want to wrap up an interview by asking this question it just makes you sound weak when you are sounding like you can't wait to hear back from them so this is not something you should be asking at the end of a job interview also another example how many candidates are interviewing for this job so why do you think this is a bad question how many candidates are interviewing for this job well simply because this is not really your business right this is the company's business right so uh what this question can do if you ask about how many candidates are interviewing for this job is that you could put the interviewer in an awkward spot right this could be a confidential a piece of information that's confidential or strategic that they don't want to share with with the candidate so if you're asking how many candidates are interviewing you're asking this question you are putting them in a bad spot and that will give them a bad feeling about you and in turn this is just not going to play well for you uh so this is not a good question to be asking another example of a bad question is asking about money at the end of a job interview so the question of salary usually uh nowadays companies advertise the salary up front so a lot most of the time you'll know the salary range before you even interview for the job but if you don't know that salary range up front i want you to avoid asking questions about money in the phone screen so don't ask any money questions in the initial phone screening right and in the initial in person um interview also avoid asking about money uh the question of money should count should come in the final round of interviewing when you've already established to the company that you are a perfect fit for the job do you love you do you want you then you can talk about the money and if what you hear from them is lower than what you expected then you could say that you are expected a higher range of salary to match your what your skill set is worth uh and if they want you and they love you they'll stretch the budget to to come and meet you in your higher range right so leave the money question toward the end or the final round of the interview not at the initial phone screen or the first in person rather leave it to the final round so to summarize the bad questions are um when are you going to get back to me when can i expect to hear back from you how many kansas candidates are interviewing for this job and how much does this job pay the money question should be at the final round of the interviewing so instead of asking these terrible questions that can potentially destroy the entire job interview and leave the interviewer with a sour and a bad taste in the mouse from these questions here's a good example of a question that you could be asking you could say something like hey what are the things that if accomplished in the first six months of the job would add the most value to the organization so this question is great because it gets the interviewer to talk about the the things that are strategic that are needed for this job and then it gives you an opportunity after they're done talking to then bring in some of your skill set talk about some of the things that you know you've done in the past that are equal to the things that they're trying to accomplish right so talk to these uh goals of the company uh with your skill set and your knowledge and the things that you can bring to the table so this is a great question because it first lets the interviewer know that you're focused on the company and the role and also gives you a chance uh to then uh respond to this by saying bring in some of your skills some of your knowledge to match what will make this role successful so this is a good example of a good question you could be asking at the end of a job interview all right so as i promised i'm gonna give you the mindset or how you should be thinking in any job interview so if you forget all the things that we talked about today forget about all the questions and the things the bad questions and the bad things that we said you should never be saying in a job interview here's the mindset just remember this mindset when you enter any job interview so first you want to show confidence right and power so you don't you don't want to sound desperate you don't want to sound that you need the job right the interviewer already knows that you want the job that's why you're here right so you don't want to be saying that um you want to sound uh confident in your abilities to the point where uh there are maybe 10 other companies that are seeking you right you want a sound that you are sold after by other companies don't say that but just sound you're confident um show that you're powerful right it's similar to dating right when a girl knows that there are so many other girls out there are wanting you and want to date you um then all of a sudden that will change the way they look at you right so you want to show that you're confident you want to show that you are powerful the second thing with the mindset here is that you should be going into the job interview thinking about the role and the company and not about you so the reason why this interviewer is sitting there is because they want to fill a position a role with the company this is not necessarily about you right so this is about the role itself so you should be focused on the job description what the job needs and how your skill set and background uh what it will bring to the table and make you successful at this role so that's why you should steer away from saying things that you really want this job or that you uh you hope that they pick you and all these things this is not about you this is about the company so focus on the job description focus on uh how your knowledge of quickbooks will match what they need in terms of you know having somebody that is an expert in quickbooks focus on your experience with uh closing the months if you're going in with like a higher level position like an accounting manager or so so focus on how your skills will make you successful in the job and um focus on the job and the company and its goals right and that will show that you care when you show that you care about the company then the interviewer will feel that you're someone that you want to work with and someone do you want to hire and then also finally with the mindset is the questions about money so think about it this way if you are the interviewer if you are the hiring manager and then you get someone who sits in front of you for the first time and for an interview and they ask you about the money is this the thing that you want to hear or do you want to discuss money in the first meeting this just leaves a bad taste in the mouth it's not the thing that you want to be talking about so again with the money leave the money till the final round don't bring up the money and the phone screen don't bring up the money in the first in person um even if that in person is an actual like a video like a zoom interview don't bring up that question leave it to the final round when you've established that you are in this narrow list or the short list of candidates that you want to hire then maybe then you can ask about the money um and if they really want you they'll come up and meet you at what you're asking uh so the money question should be left till the end so again to summarize the mindset is you want to show power and confidence in your abilities right um you never want to show desperation when are you going to get back to me um you know when can i expect to hear back from you i really want this job you want to sound powerful and confident in your abilities and if not this job there are just so many other jobs out there right so you want to sound that you're confident and there are so many other companies that would love to hire you right don't say that but it's just come on come across this way so this is the mindset the second thing in the mindset is that you want to make this about the company and not about you make it about the role um talk to the actual job description talk to how this uh to be successful in this role you've done xyz in the past that will help you be awesome and crush this role here and then finally with the money make the money a question for the final round of interviewing not for the phone screen not for the first in person but for the final round when you've established that the company wants to hire you all right go out there and crush that job interview and if you have any questions leave it in the comment section below i would address it and if you like this video if you added value to you go ahead and hit that like button if you haven't subscribed subscribe down below and i'll see you in the next video [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Financial Controller
Views: 139,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What questions to ask at job interview, how to pass job interview, finance job interview tips, accounting job interview tips
Id: Xb91jy2dvK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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