Job 3: Breaking the Silence | Pastor Roger Jimenez

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do so so so so [Music] [Applause] do do [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so so so so so [Applause] so [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] so so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so so do [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] do [Applause] so [Applause] so so so so do so so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] do [Applause] so so hey thank you foreign good evening and welcome to verdi baptist church let's find your seat sticker song books turn to song number 66 song number 66 at calvary song number 66 let's sing it out on the first years my lord was crucified was for me he died on calvary mercy there was great and grace was free mercy there was great and grace was free pardon that was multiplied to me bear my burden oh the love that drew salvation's plan for the grace that brought it down to men oh the mighty gulf that god did mercy there was great and grace was free heart and there was multiplied to me there my burning [Applause] multiplied to amen let's pray dear jesus we come to you this evening lord we ask you to meet with us here tonight bless the service the preaching the fellowship afterwards jesus name we pray amen for the song 215. heaven came down and glory 215 let's sing it out on the first oh what a wonderful wonderful day i will never forget after i'd wandered in darkness away jesus my savior i met oh what a tender compassionate he made all the darkness deeper heaven came down and glory filled my soul when at the my sins were washed away and on the second born of the spirit with life from above into god's family divine justified fully through calvary's love oh what are standing is mine and the transaction so quickly was made when as a singer i came [Applause] praise his dear name heaven came down and glory filled my soul when at the cross the savior my sins were washed away and my night was turned to day heaven came down and glory filled my soul you guys are singing well let's sing it out on the last now i have a hope that will surely endure after the passing of time i have a future in heaven for sure there ain't no mansion sublime and it's because of that wonderful day when at the cross i believed which is eternal and blessings from his precious hand i received heaven came down and glory filled my soul when at the cross the savior made me whole my sins were washed away amen good singing amen all right well welcome to the most encouraging service of the week we're glad you're with us if you need a bulletin just raise your hand and one of our ushers can get one for you if you need a bulletin just put your hand up and we'll get one for you the verse this week psalm 62 1 truly my soul waiteth upon god from him cometh my salvation he only is my rock and my salvation he is my defense i shall not be greatly moved and that's a good verse there we like that i want to say thank you to uh all of you who are praying for my wife and as we were traveling in west virginia this last week we had a good time we're glad to be back and of course want to say uh thank you to brother jeff and brother matt for preaching uh for me this weekend they did a great job if you open up your bulletin you'll see our service time sunday morning service 10 30 a.m and we do invite you to be with us on sunday morning on the lord today for church and then of course we have our sunday evening service at 6 p.m and our wednesday evening bible study at 7 pm we're glad you made it out to the wednesday night bible study if you look at our sowing times uh saturday morning church white's opening at 10 a.m and then we have thursday soul winning at 2 p.m and some of you have asked about uh soul winning tomorrow of course with the smoke uh we had to postpone uh soul winning for a little bit uh so as far as tomorrow i'm not really sure okay we'll have to wait till tomorrow afternoon if you check the uh air quality index um brother oliver can they just google that you just google air quality index if it's unhealthy we're not doing it all right so just if it's back to moderate then we're doing it so just kind of know that but we don't want to have you out there if it's unhealthy so just just know that if you if you can be looking out for that and we can send out a text and all of that as well uh and then of course on sunday we have soul winning at 2 pm as well if you are a soul winner if you have any salvations make sure you add them on your communication card so we can add it in the bulletin uh you can turn in your maps make sure you properly mark what was not done what was done if you finished the map you don't have to turn it in and if you're running late you can call us at 916-868-9080 let us know your plan on being there but you're running late that way our partners our captains can partner you uh with somebody if you're a first time guest it's your first time here at brady baptist church we're glad you're with us we have a little gift for you as you walk out of the church building this evening as you go through the foyer you'll see a little table set up on that table you'll see his gift bags please grab one on your way out as a gift from us to you for being our guest this evening there are several resources in this bag that we'd like you to have but the one i like to highlight is this documentary it's called ming baptist it's a documentary that our church made it's very well made very interesting and we think you'll enjoy it wanna give us you guys a gift so please make sure you grab this on your way out and also we ask that you please take a moment and fill out the communication card which is inserted in your bulletin and if you need a pen just raise your hand and one of our ushers can bring you by a verdi baptist church pen we're not gonna do anything odd with your info we'd just like to have a record of your attendance we actually want to be a blessing to you but we need your information to do that so please take a moment to fill the card out and you can drop it uh in the offering plate as it goes by we of course are a family integrated church children and infants always welcomed in the church service and we do have mother baby rooms and daddy rooms throughout the entire building if you're not sure where those are at you can look at the back of the bulletin and you'll see a layout of our church building you'll see the mother baby rooms the daddy rooms and the restroom so please make sure you take a look at that if you need to be baptized please let us know we'd love to baptize you we've got the baptist refilled and the water is warm and we've got everything you need all you need to do is at the end of the service well after the preaching while we're singing the last song you step out that door one of our staff guys will meet you there and we'll get you situated for baptisms if you look at the announcements and upcoming events uh just some big announcements number one we've got our family and friend day coming up on sunday september 20th this is our church's 10-year anniversary that we are celebrating and uh we hope that you'll uh just you know mark your calendar make sure you're here this is not uh time to uh you know miss out we're gonna have the anniversary mug for every family we're gonna have the candy suckers for all the kids and we're gonna have a good time so make sure you are here uh for that make plans for that we've got our coronavirus precautions there if you want to take a look at that and then this uh coming sunday this weekend is our church plant we have a church plant in fresno that we started and it's their one year anniversary so we're excited about uh verity baptist church fresno they're gonna have a sewing marathon on saturday august 29th uh which is this saturday and then the anniversary service there uh i'll be preaching in the morning and then brother jared who's the satellite leader will be preaching that evening so we're celebrating one year of bbc fresno this sunday and then 10 years of bbc sacramento on the 20th and it's been a good 10 years the lord is blessed and we've seen many church plants and all of that so we're excited about that who already knows you know i'm going to fresno this weekend just could you raise your hand if you already know you're going all right good so there's going to be a good crowd from our location there so what that means for the rest of you who didn't raise your hand is you need to be in your place all right be in your place and help you know uh be where you need to be uh make sure that you support the guys that are preaching and these guys do a good job preaching so make sure you are excited about that after that i don't have any traveling scheduled for the rest of the the year on a sunday so uh just be in prayer for that adult choir uh they have practice at 5 pm on sunday uh cleaning crew you can look at the dates there or the the teams if you're part of that don't forget to turn your cell phones off or place them on silent during the service so that they're not a distraction to anybody if you look at the back of the bulletin you'll see the birthdays and anniversaries for the month of august this week we have rick ferreira's birthday uh was yesterday on the 25th today is miss kelly mitchell's and miss kenji gonzalez's birthday on the 26th and tomorrow is justice usher's birthday on the 27th so praise the lord for that uh you can look at the praise report the money matters it's all there for you i think that's it for all of the announcements uh so we're gonna go ahead and sing one more song as we prepare to receive the offering tonight i'm not too familiar with this one i i know it but i haven't sang it a lot a lot so i'm gonna apologize in advance if i mess it up but let's go to page number 455 page number four five five and we're going to go ahead and sing this as we prepare to receive the offering oh perfect love 455 singing out on the 1st oh perfect the all right good let's sing it out on the second 455 oh perfect my trust the fears obey and grant them the joy which brightens earthly the glory on the jesus christ all things amen all right while the guys come up and help us uh with the offering at this time and let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer heavenly father lord we come to you tonight asking that you would bless the offering lord we i thank for this group that we show up on a wednesday night and lord we pray that you would be with the preaching tonight lord we ask that you'd uh be with the time that we have set aside for prayer and lord we pray that you would help us to draw closer to you in the matchless name of christ we pray amen so so so so so so so amen all right well let's go ahead and take our prayer sheets tonight if you did not get a prayer sheet on your way in just raise your hand and one of our ushers can get one for you if you need a prayer list just put your hand up and we'll get one for you we want to remind you that the way you add a request to the prayer sheet is through your communication card on the back of the card there's a place for you to write a request you can mark whether it's private or public if it's private then only i will see it if it's uh public then we'll put it on the sheet if you don't mark it we'll do our best to figure it out but we uh may not put it on there so i i think we might be out of prayer sheets so i apologize you may have to share with somebody but let's go ahead and take these requests uh to the lord i'll pray out loud as you follow along in your mind in your heart and uh let's pray together heavenly father lord we come to you with these requests from our church family lord and we want to start by praying for some just physical needs and lord we pray for the pompa family praying for their vehicle situation lord asking that you would help and direct in that situation lord also praying for brother nate's brother-in-law and his job situation and that he would not be required to take a shot in order to keep his job and start praying for brother brandon uh in his work situation asking that uh you would help him to get a job in the area that he trained for and or praying for el salvador and his work and his finances asking that you would help him and bless him lord we pray for these uh requests asking that you would answer according to your will and lord we pray also uh for uh health uh those that have health requests and praying for miss laura beth that she would have complete healing after uh childbirth lord and asking uh of course for brandon for his health and uh giving you the glory for the the medical uh consultation he had that went well and asking for brother salvador for his health and asking for little yaretzi that you would continue to keep her healthy and strong lord we ask for the ladies in our church that are expecting we pray for miss julissa who should have a baby here any any moment now any day now just praying that you would be with her and the zuniga family asking for miss selena and miss alexandra lord praying that you would give all these ladies healthy pregnancies and uh healthy deliveries with no problems and no complications lord we pray for ms tamara uh praying for uh her husband to be able to come home as soon as possible as soon as it's your will lord we pray that it would be your will that he would come home uh soon we also pray for these that are uh praying for their families salvation and we ask for brother ron praying for his mother and his family's salvation and brother brandon praying for his family and his relative salvation as well and lord we pray that you would please uh answer according to their will lord we pray that you would help these individuals to come to the place where they'd be willing to hear the gospel and we pray that you would move circumstances around in their lives to bring them to that place lord we pray that a soul winner would communicate the gospel clearly to them but we also pray for uh just people praying for their family uh situations and brother brandon praying for his family matters and for the salvador praying for his uh family as well lord we pray that you would help there that you would uh be with that with those situations lord and that you would move in regards to that we do ask for the salvador lord praying that you would just continue to help his walk with you his faith or we ask for the unspoken request as well brother brandon brother salvador and the cruz family all having unspoken requests and you know what their petitions are you know what they're praying for lord we pray that you would please answer according to your will and lord we pray for uh just our church and not just our church here in sacramento but we pray for our current church plants in manila and pampanga and in fresno lord we pray that you would be with these situat these locations lord that you would protect them that you would help us to continue to do what you've called us to do and more specifically we ask for the ron praying for the anniversaries uh fresno's one year anniversary this weekend and our uh 10-year anniversary coming up in a few weeks lord we pray that you're and that these uh celebrations would just be bring glory to your name and lord we uh pray that you would help us to use these times as a time to rally together and uh to love each other and to just determine to continue to serve you with our lives lord we pray that you would meet with us tonight as we study the book of job lord i pray that you would fill me with your spirit help me to preach what you've uh want me to preach lord help us to be able to learn from the bible in the matchless name of christ we pray amen let's open our eyes to job 3. job chapter number three if you need a brother put your hand up and a nutritional might bring your bible job chapter number three if we need abroad keep your hand up unless you all come by job three wrote the entire chapter as our custom job chapter three beginning verse number one after this opened job his mouth and cursed his day and job spake and said let the day perish when i was born and the night in which it was said there is a man child conceived let that day be darkness let not god regard it from above neither let the sh let the light shine upon it let darkness and the shadow of death stain it let a cloud dwell upon it let the blackness of the day terrify as for that night let darkness cease upon it let it not be joined unto the days of the year let it not come to the number of the months lo let that night be solitary let no joyful voice come therein let them curse it that curse the day who are ready to raise up their mourning let the stars of the twilight thereof be dark let it look for light but have none neither let it see the dawning of the day because it shut not up the doors of my mother's womb or hid sorrow from mine eyes why died why died i not from the womb why did i not give up the ghost when i came out of the belly why did the knees prevent me or why the breasts that i should suck for now should i have laying still and been quiet i should have slept then had i had been at rest with kings and counselors of the earth which built desolate places for themselves or with princes that had gold who filled their houses with silver or as in hidden untimely birth i had not been as infants which never saw light there the wicked cease from troubling and there the weary be at rest there the prisoners rest together they hear not the voice of the oppressor the small and great are there and the servant is free from his master wherefore is light given to him that is in misery and life unto the bitter and soul which long for death but it cometh not and dickford more than for hid treasures which rejoice exceedingly and are glad when they can find the grave why is light given to a man whose way is hidden and whom god hath hedged in for my sign cometh before i eat and my roarings are poured out like the waters for the thing which i greatly feared has come upon me and that which i was afraid of has come unto me i was not in safety neither had i rest neither was i quiet yet trouble came let's pray heavenly father thank you for tonight you got to thank you for your award and for the book of job i see you please give us a tender heart to your word i see you please be there pastor god strength lord from your spirit we love you jesus pray amen amen all right we're there in uh job chapter number three and several weeks ago we started uh on a wednesday night wednesday night is our bible study uh night when we go verse by verse chapter by chapters through books of the bible and we started the book of job and uh tonight we find ourselves in chapter three we've already went through chapter one and chapter two and if you miss those i would encourage you to check those out on our youtube channel or on our website uh because they really lay the foundation uh for the book of job job chapter 1 and chapter 2 really gives us the narrative the story of the book of job and then starting in chapter 3 actually begins a conversation between job and his friends and this conversation is going to go on for the next 36 chapters so for the next 36 weeks we're going to be eavesdropping a little bit on this conversation between job and his friends and they go back and forth and they talk about different things and uh tonight we're going to look at chapter three here but before we do that i'd actually like you to flip back to chapter two just real quickly and look at the last few verses just to give you the context about of this conversation if you remember job's friends and we beat up on job's friends a lot and we should they uh did a lot of said a lot of negative things inaccurate things and we're going to spend the next 36 weeks looking at that not just what job said and what his friend said and and learning what was true what was not true but i want you to notice that these really were his friends and i don't i don't i think sometimes we beat up on them a little bit but we need to realize that they actually came to comfort job job chapter 2 there and look at verse number 11 the bible says this now when job's three friends heard of all this evil that was come upon him notice the next two words the bible says they came now you've got to at least give them credit for that you know job is going through the most difficult time of his life he's lost all of his children he's lost all of his uh financial security he's lost his health he is the bible says he's taking taking a pot shirt and scraping himself with it just to relieve the pain that he's in and his three friends heard of the evil that came upon him and they came everyone from his own place eliphaz the team knight and bildad the shoe height and so far the namethat for they had made notice these words an appointment together to come they had gotten together and said hey our friend is going through a difficult time and they decided to come and to comfort and to mourn with job notice it says they made an appointment together to come to mourn with him and to comfort him and here's what's interesting if you notice verse 12 and when they lifted up their eyes afar off they knew him not i mean they they didn't even recognize job and and you would you could understand this after everything job had gone through they didn't even recognize him they knew him not they lifted up their voice noticed and wept so i want you to notice that they really cared about job they had empathy for job the bible says about jesus when lazarus died that jesus wept and here we're told that his three friends they wept and they they had the ability to understand and share in the feelings of their friend that's what empathy is and they rent everyone his mantle and sprinkle dust upon their heads toward heaven so they begin to enter into this morning phase with job notice verse 13. i think this is probably the most interesting part of his friends before the conversation in verse 13 the bible says so they sat down with him upon the ground seven days and seven nights notice they sat with him before the conversation even started because the conversation doesn't begin till chapter three and it goes on for the next 36 chapters but before they even began to talk the bible says that they sat down with him upon the ground seven days and seven nights notice these words and none spake a word unto him for say for they saw that his grief was very great so just know going into this conversation because it's going to get kind of nasty between them you know and and and and it's they're going to start kind of taking passive aggressive jabs at each other and then just aggressive jabs at each other and and they start kind of arguing and defending themselves but i want you to know that these really were his friends and in fact they came the bible says to comfort him they made an appointment together to come and mourn with him to cover him and they sat there they sat there with job for seven days and uh uh seven nights and none spake a word now keep your place there and job that's obviously our text for tonight go maybe what's the book of ezekiel ezekiel chapter number three if you are there in job you're going to go past the book of psalms into proverbs ecclesiastes song of solomon isaiah jeremiah lamentations ezekiel if you can find the major prophets at the end of the book you have isaiah jeremiah lamentations ezekiel ezekiel chapter 3. and we're gonna learn a lot of negative things about what not to do as a friend uh from job's friends but i do wanna just show you one positive thing of what we should do as friends uh that we can learn from job's friends and it is this that they were there for him they were there when their friend needed him them when their friend was going through trials when their friend was going through troubles they came they sat down they were with him notice ezekiel chapter 3 and verse 15 the bible says the same thing about the prophet ezekiel with the children of israel when they go into captivity when the children of israel went into captivity this was a difficult time for them and i want you to notice what ezekiel did as he ministered to them ezekiel chapter 3 and verse 15 the bible says this then i came to them of the captivity of tel aviv so this is ezekiel he noticed the words came to them of the captivity notice of tel abi that dwelt by the river of key bar notice the words and i sat where they sat and remained there astonished among them seven days i want you to notice the similarities because job's friends they were astonished as well they were amazed and they sat for seven days with job and the bible says that ezekiel that he sat where they sat and remained there astonished among them seven days so you know you got a good friend when they're willing to just sit next to you for seven days and say nothing and and there's a lesson here that we can learn about being a friend go to first corinthians chapter number 12. if you would first corinthians chapter number 12 you have matthew mark luke john acts romans 1 corinthians first corinthians chapter 12. and you know a good friend will just be there and and let me say this because oftentimes people will ask me and they'll ask my wife over the last 10 years of ministry we've uh have had to spend time with people who were going through trials and struggles and and and needed comfort and sometimes what happens is and i'll just tell you this is the wrong move uh friends whenever their friend is going through a difficult time because they don't know what to say they don't know how to counsel they don't know what they should say a lot of times they try to avoid uh that person and and let me just tell you as a friend you know you should just be there and you say well i don't know what to say let me let you in on a secret oftentimes you don't have to say anything it's just good to be there here we see that job's friends they were there for seven days this is why they were still good friends they were there for seven days and they spake not a word here we see ezekiel that he sat where they sat and remained there astonished among them seven days sometimes when it comes to being a friend and and being a friend to our fellow uh brethren and uh brothers and sisters christ it's good to just be there to be there for them that's why i i love one of my favorite ministries that we have here at eddie baptist church which is a ministry that my wife runs is how we will supply meals and and ladies in our church will will volunteer to bring meals uh to individuals that i either ladies who had babies is usually the most common thing for us but even if people go through surgeries or difficult times where they're not able to feed themselves you know it's good for our church family to come alongside others and just be there and help them and you don't have to have all the right words it's just good to be there it's good to be a part of that and this is part of church life first corinthians 12 are you there look at verse 25 first corinthians chapter 12 and verse 25 the bible says this that there should be no schism in the body and that's referring to the fact that there shouldn't be any separation in the body notice but that the members notice these words should have the same care one for another and whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it or one member be honored all the members rejoice with it and as a church family this should be our goal that we when one of us is suffering we all suffer with them and when one of us is rejoicing we all rejoice with them and we should just take this uh you know one positive lesson from job's friends to just be there they were there they sat there for seven days and spake not a word like ezekiel he sat there where they sat and he was with them so it's a positive thing that we learn about job's friends and if you go back to job chapter 3 and i just wanted to give you that positive thing before we get into a lot of negative chapters um over the next several weeks and and let me just say this because we're going to beat up on job's friends a lot because they said a lot of bad things that they shouldn't have said but but you know in their defense for whatever it's worth i don't know how long they were going to sit there and not say anything we know they sat there for seven days and didn't say anything and in their defense it was job who broke the silence and it was job who began the conversation and i think job you know 30 chapters into this probably regretted even saying anything but notice job chapter 3 in verse 1 the bible says this after this opened job his mouth and of course job begins uh to to to express the emotions that he's going through we're going to walk through this passage and i'm going to give you three thoughts and i'd encourage you to write these down and just kind of outline this passage for you i want you to notice that what we're reading in job chapter 3 is a man who is going through a very difficult time it's very hard time for him and he's very discouraged and and he is just kind of laying it all out there and he's not doing what he's saying he's not saying it to teach us things but he does teach us some things um through uh this chapter so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to give you what what job is saying and then what we can learn from that chapter if you're taking notes i encourage you to write these down number one job curses the day that he was born job begins this chapter by cursing the day that he was born but in that he teaches us that it is okay to mourn job curses the day he was born and teaches us that it is okay to mourn notice verse number one there job curses the day of his birth job chapter 3 verse 1 after this job open uh after this open job his mouth notice the words and cursed his day and his day there is a reference to the day of his birth he cursed his day notice verse 2 and job spake and set so again notice again that job is the one that begins this conversation with his friends verse 3 notice what he says he says let the day perish wherein i was born and the night in which it was said there is a man-child conceived he said the day that i was born the day that the announcement went out and said there was a man-child conceived he says i wish that that day would perish i wish that that night would would not exist notice verse 4 he says let that day be darkness let not god regard it from above neither let the light shine upon it let darkness and the shadow of death stain it let a cloud dwell upon it let the blackness of notice the day terrify it as for that night let darkness cease upon it let it not be joined unto the days of the year let it not come into the number of the months he says lo let that night be solitary let no joyful voice come therein let them curse it he says let them curse it that curse the day who are ready to raise up their mourning let the stars of the twilight thereof be dark let it look for light but have none neither let it see the dawning of the day so we see here that job is obviously going through a very difficult time in his life and he begins to curse his day he begins to curse the day of his birth but i want you to notice something i want you to understand something that we can learn from this that it is okay to mourn it's okay to go through a time of mourning it's okay to to go through a time of discouragement when you're uh maybe feeling blue or you're feeling down it was okay obviously joe just lost all his children he just lost all his finances he just lost his health and his wife said why don't you curse god and die he's in a very low place in his life and here he is cursing his day and look i'm not saying it's okay in the sense that obviously it's not okay for you to just walk around and say you know i wish i was never born i wish the day that i was born never happened but what i'm saying is that when you're going through a difficult time in your morning sometimes in counseling my wife and i we have to tell people look you've got to mourn a little bit sometimes when you're going through a difficult time it's okay to mourn and we see job that he curses day but i want to remind you it's fine if you need to to curse the day you were born but it's never fine to curse god and that's what job uh what he did was that he never cursed god in fact just quickly go back to job chapter one look at verse 22. job chapter one and verse 22 the bible says this job chapter 1 and verse 22 and all this job sinned not notice and all this job said not nor charged god foolishly we talked about this a couple weeks ago but the word charge there it's like when someone gets charged with a crime it's an accusation he did not accuse god foolishly go to job chapter 2 and verse 10 the bible says this but he said unto her thou speakest he's talking to his wife who just told him to curse god and die he says thou speak us as one of the foolish women speaketh he says what shall we receive good at the hand of god and shall we not receive evil notice the words and in all this did not job saying with his lips look if you go through a difficult time go to the book of ecclesiastes if you would ecclesiastes chapter 3 you're there in job keep your place in job we have psalms proverbs ecclesiastes job psalms proverbs ecclesiastes if you go through a difficult time in your life and i'm not saying that living in a state of discouragement is a it's a good thing that's it's not a good thing and and some people they live in a state of discouragement they're always discouraged they're always going through something you know type of people you ask them how you doing and it's like ah you know the sky's falling and you know coronavirus and whatever you know and everything's bad and nothing's good hey we shouldn't try to be those those types of people we should try to rejoice in the lord we should have the joy of the lord says the joy of the lord is your strength but when you're going through a difficult time it's okay to take some time to to mourn it's okay to take some time to to just you know let that out that's what we see job doing and i want you to notice that god says hey job didn't sin at the beginning and at the end god says that job was a good guy he went through this well and we see here that he's cursing his day so what we can learn is that job was not only cursing his his in his mourning but job was allowed to mourn job was allowed to hurt job was allowed to go through a difficult time and look in your life and in my life when things are not going well uh it's okay to mourn in fact the bible says it's a good thing tomorrow are there any ecclesiastes three look at verse four ecclesiastes chapter three and verse four the bible says this a time to weep and this is of course that famous passage where it gives us all those different there's a time for this and a time for that and a time for this and a time for that and in verse four the bible says there's a time to weep and a time to laugh a time to mourn and a time to dance so he says look there's times in our lives there's seasons in our lives where it's okay to weep where it's okay to mourn look at ecclesiastes chapter seven and verse two in chapter seven and verse two he actually takes it a step further than that ecclesiastes chapter seven and verse two the bible says this it is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting i mean think about that god he says would you rather go to the house of mourning would you rather go to a funeral or would you rather go to a birthday party would you rather go to the house of morning or would rather go to the house of feasting and i think all of us would say well i'd rather go to the birthday party i'd rather go where they're gonna have you know i've never seen a funeral where they had balloons in a jump house and a nice cake you know maybe had a cake but we're never saying you know i'd rather go where it's going to be fun but god says hey it's better to go to the house of morning than to go to the house of feasting you say how can that be well notice for that is the end of all men please understand this especially if you're a young person please get this life is not about having fun that's right life is not about just having fun and people today you know we've got adults that don't want to grow up i just want to be happy you know why why can't i just be happy i you know let me tell you something the bible says you can be blessed the bible says you can be blessed but but this whole pursuit of happiness thing you got that from the you know declaration of independence but you didn't get that from the word of god god never promised you you know i'm just going to give you a happy life in fact god said hey you can be blessed but you know the bible says the bible says blessed is the man that endured temptation so you can be live a blessed life and still go through trials you can live a blessed life and so and i'm not saying you can't be happy but i'm just telling you something god says it's better to go to the house of mourning you say why because this is the end of all man and the living will lay it to his heart notice verse three sorrow is better than laughter sorrow is better than laughter be careful about being the guy and being the gal who's just always laughing and everything's a joke and nothing serious i think it's good to laugh and i think it's good to to have a good time and i'm not talking about having a good time with your friends but be careful about being the person who's just everything's a joke nothing's ever serious nothing's ever important he says sorrow is better than laughter he says notice you say how can sorrow will be better than laughter how can the house of mourning be better than the house of feasting here's here's why notice what he says for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better now the bible says that going through difficult times actually makes you better he says by this he said there are things see here's what job uh uh maybe doesn't understand in chapter three but he will understand later on in this book because later in the book he's the one that says that that god is putting him through this to refine him to make him better the truth is this when everything is happy and and fun and things are all going well there's very little we learn in fact when things are going well we usually don't learn anything because we think we're doing everything right but when things become difficult when things begin to fall apart when things begin when we begin to go through a difficult time usually usually as human beings when things get difficult we try to run from that we try to not be exposed to that we try to limit that and say no i don't want to go through that but god says actually it's better for you to go through difficult times because those are the times it'll make you a better person see the truth is that job became a better man for the trials that he went through he says the bible says that by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better notice verse four the heart of the wise is in the house of mourning but the heart of fools is in the house of myrrh go back to job and by the way let me just say this there are some great characters in the bible before before you look down on job too much there's some great characters in the bible who wish they had died who wish that they had never been born who asked god to kill them you know we see job of course who's a great godly man in chapter three saying i wish i'd never been born but you know moses in numbers chapter 11 verse 15 asked god to kill him elijah in first kings 19 and verse 4 ask god to kill him job in job 3 11 wish he'd never been born jeremiah in 20 in jeremiah chapter 20 verse 14 uh uh wish he had never been born jonah in jonah chapter four and verse eight asked god to kill him so look it it's a normal uh thing to go through times of life where you you wish you know you just you think i always think think of the song we're saying you know life seems um uh uh a worse than useless and i were better than sometimes you think man it'd be better if i was just dead it'd be better if i'd never been born and this is what we see with job job curses the day he was born and it teaches us that it's okay to mourn because the truth is this and go back to job if you would if you didn't have all the chapters that people don't like to read from the book of job who knows what i'm talking about you know everybody loves chapter 1 chapter 2 of job and everybody loves chapter 38 39 40 41 42 of job right everybody loves the beginning and everybody loves the end but usually you know you don't hear a lot of you hear a lot of preaching out of the first two jobs of the joke you hear a lot of preaching out of the last few chapters of joke you don't hear a lot of preaching out of you know job 30 uh chapter 3 to 38 or 37 or 36 you don't hear a lot of preaching because people often they don't like that they don't want to hear it they don't want to learn that but let me tell you something those it is those chapters that actually encourage us because if you would have seen you know job chapter one and two where job is just you know worshiping god the lord giveth the lord taketh away blessed be the name of the lord where god where job is rebuking his wife and saying thou speak is this one of the foolish woman speaketh shall we you know receive uh good at the hand lord and shall we not receive evil if you would have seen that and then you would have seen just god bless him and give him everything back that would have been discouraging for us because we would have been like man jobs was like a superman job just like you know he just took this like like a like like a like a champ but you know in chapter 3 we begin to see that job yes job was a godly man job was a perfect and upright man job never wavered he never cursed god he never quit on god he never accused god uh foolishly but you know what job did go through a difficult time and sometimes we as humans we go through difficult times and it's okay it's okay to mourn it's okay to hurt it's okay to weep so we see number one that job curses the day that he was born and that teaches us that it is okay to mourn let me give you a second thought tonight that we can learn here from job's monologue in chapter three not only do we see that job curse the day that he was born but we see number two that job wishes he had never been born and we already kind of talked about that a little bit but let me show it to you even more clearly i want you to notice this and i'm going to spend a little bit of time on this so i want to make sure you you get this job wishes that he had never been born and in that he actually teaches us a very important doctrine which is this that babies go to heaven when they die in fact job chapter 3 is probably one of the clearest passages in scripture that teaches us that babies go to heaven when they die and it happens from this monologue of jobs let me give you some reasons why we know that babies go to heaven when they die and you know this is this is something that we we should know i mean here here at radio baptist church we've buried a baby and and and and many of you ladies have had uh miscarriages my wife is that miscarriages and i know uh many of our church people several of our church people have had children die uh young children and the bible teaches look uh these babies these toddlers these little ones when they die they go uh to heaven you say how do we know that well number one because the bible clearly states that the bible clearly teaches that and we see it here in the book of job notice uh chapter three in verse 10 he knows what job is saying he says he's talking about he wishes he'd never been born right he says because because it shut not up the doors of my mother's womb nor hid sorrow from mine eyes he's talking about the fact that he's cursing the day that he was born and he's cursing the day because the day went well because the day did not shut up the doors of his mother's womb because it did not hide sorrow from mine eyes notice 11 he says why died i not from the womb why did i not give up the ghost when i came out of the belly and he's talking about dying at birth he's talking about he says he wishes he would have been born and then just died right then and there and and of course he's grieving here he's mourning he's speaking uh uh in a morning tone notice verse 12 he says why did the knees prevent me or why the press that i should suck he says for now should i have lane still and been quiet and again he's just you know mourning here and speaking in a mournful way but he is speaking under the inspiration of the holy ghost and the holy ghost takes this opportunity to show us something and it is this that job says hey if i would have just died at birth if i would just died from the womb if i would have been a miscarriage he says in verse 13 now should i have blaine still and been quiet he says i should have slept then had i been at rest he's talking about the fact that his physical body and i'm not going to get into this tonight later on the book of job job talks about the resurrection of the dead in the old testament and he has a very clear teaching on the resurrection so he says my body would have slept but he said i would have been in heaven i would have been at rest notice verse 14 he says with the kings with kings and councillors of the earth which built desolate places for themselves or with princes that had gold who filled their houses with silver notice verse 16 he says or as a hidden untimely birth i had not been as infants which never saw light and he's talking about the fact that he wishes he would have been a a miscarriage and and i'm gonna uh go in into these verses in more detail here in a minute but i want you to notice he's referring to the fact that these babies go to heaven look verse 17 he says they're the wicked sees from troubling they're the weary be at rest he's talking about where these babies go when they die they're the wick uh he says uh the the wearer be at rest there the prisoners rest together they hear not the voice of the oppressor they're the prisoners rest together they hear excuse me they hear not the voice of the oppressor he says the small and gray are there and the servant is free from his master he says wherefore is light given to him that is in misery and life unto the bitter soul he says look if i would have just died in the womb my body would have been asleep in the grave waiting for the resurrection and i would have been where the wicked seized from troubling where the prisoner and the weary rest together where uh they don't hear the voice of the oppressor where their servant is free from his mastery talk about the fact that he would have been in heaven and this shows us that babies go to heaven when they die this is just one example let me give you another example go to second samuel chapter number 12. second samuel chapter number 12. and second samuel chapter 12 is probably the most famous of these examples if you find the one and two books they're all clustered together in the old testament there first second samuel first second kings for second chronicles second samuel chapter number 12 and this is of course david speaking after the death of his newborn baby and notice uh what david said the bible says in 2nd 12 and verse 22 and he said while the child was yet alive i fasted and wept for i said who can tell whether god will be gracious to me that the child may live notice verse 23 but now he is dead wherefore should i pass can i bring him back again because his servants are asking him you know he was weeping and fasting while the child was alive then when he heard that the child died he rose up and he and he and he ate and they're asking him well why aren't you you know crying now why aren't you fasting now he says he says but now he is dead wherefore should i pass can i bring him back again and notice the words he says i shall go to him but he shall not return to me so here david says david says look the child is not coming back the child has died the child is dead i'm not going to be able to bring the child back but he says you know what i'm going to go to the child and he's referring to the fact that david one day he says one day i'm gonna die and i'm gonna go to heaven and the baby's there so he says i shall go to him but he shall not return to me. go to the book of romans if you would romans chapter number seven if you kept your place in first corinthians i'm not sure if you did but it's right before the first corinthians you have the book of romans if not you have matthew mark luke john acts romans romans chapter seven matthew mark luke john acts romans saying pastor mattis why do you believe that babies go to heaven and by the way let me just say this you know there's lots of people out there who don't believe this and and and a lot of calvinists who don't believe uh that babies go to heaven tonight we believe that babies go to heaven without you you say why well number one we believe it because the bible clearly states it because job said hey if i had died in the womb i would be in heaven i would be in a place of rest i would be in a place where there's no oppression and there's no wickedness and and there's not any of these negative things and then david said when his child died david said i uh he says i shall go to him but he shall not return to me so we see david's confidence that though the child was not uh coming back to him in this life david would go to see him in the next life you say but you know how can this be theologically you know how does this work as far as salvation and obviously in order to be saved you must believe the lord jesus christ you have to be able to understand what salvation is and accept it or reject it so how does this work as far as babies and the way that it works doctrinally is because of the fact that babies are not condemned see not only our babies you know babies go to heaven when they die because the bible clearly states that but babies go to heaven when they die because they are not condemned are you there in romans chapter 7 i'll show this to you quickly from the bible and and then i want to give you another point in regards to this romans chapter 7 and verse the bible says this this is paul speaking and of course romans is a book that's filled with a lot of theology and doctrine and paul says this he says but sin taking occasion by the commandment so here paul states that the commandments uh or the law of god is used as a weapon by sin he says sin taken occasion by the commandment he says wrought in me all matter of concupiscence and this is talking about lust or a desire to to do evil to do wrong notice what he says he says for without the law sin was dead he says sin does not have power without the law because sin is the transgression of the law so there is no law then sin has no power over you and this is why he says for without the law sin was dead and you say well that doesn't make any sense because there's always a law god has given us a law so uh you know paul in this theoretical world you're stating a world that had no law would be a world that we would not have to be afraid of death because the power of sin is in the law and you say but we live in a world of law but yet there are uh there are some people who don't live in a state of conscience law you say what do you mean notice verse 9 paul says this he says for i was alive without the law once he says look i was alive without the law once and please understand this paul's speaking here spiritually not physically he says i was spiritually alive without the law once he says but when the commandment came sin revived and i died he says i was alive without the law once but when the commandment came sin revived and i died he said when the commandment came i uh the the the sin took the occasion of the commandment and it killed me and he said i died you said what are you talking about what what is this referring to go to the book of genesis if you would genesis chapter number two let me just explain this we are made in the image of god and in the same way that god is a is a trinity we believe in a god that exists in three persons god made us in our image in the sense that we were created in three in three parts and three sections we are a fit there's a physical side to us which is our body there's a spiritual side to us which is our spirit and then there's our soul which is just our essence who we are uh and and we're created in those three parts and here's the thing when a child is born they are born with all three parts they are born with a soul they are born with a spirit and they are born with a body but when children get to the place where they can understand the commandments where they can understand the difference between right and wrong where they can understand the law the bible says that their spirit dies and in fact this is most clearly taught in the story of adam and eve let's look at it if you would uh genesis uh chapter number two if you remember god created adam and god told adam well let's look at it look at verse 17. genesis 2 and verse 17. but of the tree remember god told adam you can eat of any tree of the garden but there's one tree you can't eat them now notice the tree that he wasn't allowed to eat of there was a very important reason why he wasn't allowed to eat of that tree notice genesis 2 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it he says god told adam i don't want you to eat from the tree that gives you knowledge of good and evil for in the day that thou eat us thereof thou shalt surely die now wait a minute when adam and eve ate of that tree did they die that day physically no they lived for hundreds of years but they did die that day spiritually their spirit died when they partook of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you say how can that be here's why romans 3 20 says therefore whether this is the law there shall no flesh be justified inside for by the law is the knowledge of sin see the point is this when you and i get saved right when we go out and preach the gospel to an unbeliever we we talk to an unbeliever you're talking to someone who has a soul and has a body but their spirit is dead the bible says that we were dead in our trespasses in sins that is not god being poetic that is literal the unsaved people out there have a spirit that is dead when they get saved they are regenerated they are quickened they are made new the bible says that therefore when we when we're in christ we are a new creature we we that that spirit is revived it is brought back to life it is quickened again this is what happens at salvation but a baby is not condemned their spirit's not dead they don't need salvation you say well how does it work when does somebody come to the point where they need to be saved well when they get to the point where the sin taken occasion by thy law kills them spiritually when they come to the point where they understand the difference between right and wrong when they can understand the law then they come to the age which is often referred to as the age of accountability where they are now held accountable for their sin and for their actions go to deuteronomy chapter one let me give you an example of this deuteronomy chapter number one now in deuteronomy chapter 1 i'm going to have you look down at verse 39 this is not a salvation passage i just want to you know state that clearly but this passage does show us how god looks at children who are too young to be held accountable for their actions he looks at them different than he looks at other people deuteronomy 1 39 moreover your little ones god says which ye said should be a prey and your children deuteronomy 1 39 notice which in that day and this is god speaking to children of israel when they chose not to obey him not to go into the promised land and they use their kids as an excuse it's funny how often we use our kids as an excuse to not serve god well i can't come to center night church pastor you know we're having family time either there's like hundreds of hours in the in the week you can't have family time on saturday night it has to be sunday night has to be sunday morning he says moreover your little ones which she said should be a prey and your children which in that day had no knowledge between good and evil they shall go in hither and unto them will i give it and they shall possess it god says i'm not going to hold your kids accountable because in that day they had no knowledge of good and evil see the age of accountability is in a a time in someone's life when they are able to understand the difference between good and bad between good and evil they can comprehend the laws of god go to genesis chapter 3. genesis chapter 3. so i hope that's clear and let me just give you some some thoughts the age of accountability is not a set age it's not like you know at this age you know now you're condemned you know i believe that that age comes at different times for different individuals and it could be at different times for different people but here's what i'm saying is before a child is able to understand between the difference between good and evil their spirit is alive sin taken occasion by the law has not killed them and if they die they go to heaven because they have a spirit that is alive so you know if you look at a a baby we we have a two-year-old hannah and hannah she she doesn't know the difference between good and evil she doesn't know anything he's a baby you know and and i can i can sit there and tell uh you know hannah now listen hannah i can put her out in the front yard and say now listen hannah you better stay off that road because that you know the cars are gonna come they're gonna run you over she yeah yeah okay daddy she doesn't understand anything she doesn't know anything she doesn't know she doesn't she doesn't know you know babies often they'll do something bad they'll break something and they'll come showing it to to mom like look what i did the good china not the cheap stuff you put out when you invite pastor the good stuff you know look what i and they think it's a good thing and you're like you know they don't know they don't hide it they don't know what you say you know how do i know once they kind of reach the age accountability when you're when your kids start hiding things you know they know they did wrong that that's a that's a good uh indication that they're coming into that age where we can begin to preach the god we should probably start trying to preach the gospel to them um here's another good rule of thumb and it is this when a child becomes aware of their own nakedness because you remember adam and eve were in a state of innocence and god said when you eat of the tree of knowledge good and evil in that day you shall surely die and when they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil when they ate of the tree that gave them knowledge between good and evil the first thing they became aware of was the fact we're naked you remember the story and they went and sowed fig leaves and they sold leaves and and made aprons notice genesis chapter 3 verse 6 and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and trees to be desired to make one wise she took the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat and the eyes of them both were open and they knew that they were naked and they sowed fig leaves together and make themselves aprons so you know here's a good indication because the truth is this you can put a little two-year-old baby uh you know you as a mom you can go in and start a bath and sit there and put a two-year-old baby and and a three-year-old or a four-year-old uh toddler and they'll just have a grand old time right and and and you can bathe them both and and and it's fine but you know you throw a nine-year-old kid in there they're like hey give me my privacy you know so when a child starts hiding things from you that's a good indication that they're getting to a place where they can understand the difference between good and evil or when a child begins to understand their negative because you know you can have a little baby you you have to put clothes on them you know because if you let them run around naked they'll run around naked all day it won't even it won't bother them at all because they're not self-aware so a baby does not understand even a little toddler does not understand and i by the way i would take it to the point you you could have uh uh uh maybe even an older kid and you know they have down syndrome or some reason why they might not be able to understand or comprehend you know they might still be in a state of innocence as far as god is concerned you say well when should we try to give the gospel people when it's clear that they understand the difference between good and evil when they come to that age of accountability and that age could be different for uh different uh people but we see that babies go to heavenly diet number one because job told us they do because david told us to do because the bible says that it is not until you understand the difference between good and evil that you are held accountable for your sins i hope that makes sense go back to job chapter three and let me give you the third point we got to finish this up i said number one job cursed the day that he was born and he taught us that it was okay to mourn i said number two job wish that he had never been born and he taught us that babies go to heaven when they die number three job longs for his own death and in that he gives us a description of heaven we'll just go through this real quickly job chapter 3 verse 17. the bible says this and i'll give you just some some things here about heaven he begins to describe heaven for us because he's wishing he was dead right he was wishing he was never born so he gives us some things in regards to heaven maybe you can write these down number one in heaven there is a restraint of the wicked notice verse 17 there the wicked sees from troubling you know here on earth the wicked don't see us from troubling here on earth we have to deal with the wicked especially right now you know there seems to be a heavy attack upon churches and the people of god and and and wicked people are constantly attacking us and trying to make things difficult for us but let me tell you something there's a place called heaven he's he's talking about a place he says there the wicked sees from troubling he says there there's a restraint uh to uh the wicked and then he says this not only is is heaven in heaven is there a restraint of the wicked but in heaven there is rest for the weary and for the prisoner notice verse 17 the last part of verse 17 he says and there the weary be at rest and the prisoners rest together he says those that are tired they get to rest there those that are prisoners they get to rest he says that in heaven there is a restrain of the wicked and he says that in heaven there is a rest for the weary and the prisoner then he says this in heaven there is restoration for the oppressed notice 18. he says at the end of verse 18 he says they hear not the voice of the oppressor here on earth people are trying to oppress you people are trying to to put you under but he said in heaven they hear not the voice of the oppressor so he says there's restoration for the oppressed then he says that in heaven there's a release for the servant the servant is made free notice verse 19 he says the small and great are there hey aren't you glad that heaven heaven is not it's an equal opportunity place anybody can go there whosoever will may come the bible says all you have to do is believe on lord jesus christ it doesn't matter how important you were it doesn't matter how successful you were it doesn't matter he says look there he says the small and the great are there he says the smaller and greater are there he says and the servant he said on earth you may be a servant you may have a boss you may be a slave you may have have someone over you but in heaven the servant is free from his master he says in heaven there's a release there's a freedom that is given uh in heaven then he says in verse 20 he says in heaven there is a relief to the miserable he says wherefore is light given to him that is in misery job's saying i'm in misery right now but in heaven light is given to him that is in misery and he says and life unto the bitter in soul so he gives us this description of heaven and i believe that job is speaking under the inspiration the holy ghost and i think it's interesting that the holy ghost kind of leads him in this direction because as job is throwing a pity party for himself right and justifiably so i'm not going to judge him for throwing himself a pity party if there's anybody that ever you know deserved a pity party it was job but as he's going through this and say i wish i had never been born i wish i had never lived i wish that i would have died in the womb i wish i would have died right after then he said because then i would have been in heaven and then i would not hear the voice of the oppressor and i wouldn't the sermon is free from his mastery and those that are in misery and bitter and those that are weary can rest and he begins to say these things and really he begins to talk about these things that should be what encourages all of us because listen to me in this world things get hard but just remember this that we're not of this world and the truth is this that our worst day on earth it's really no big deal because what's the worst that they can ha that can happen they take i mean they take our stuff they take our money they take our lives we're gonna put you in prison that's all right i'm gonna be free the servant is free from his master for all eternity in heaven uh uh we're gonna take all all your uh all your wealth well no big deal because in heaven the great and the small are there oh you know we're gonna oh oppress you yeah but i'm going to a place where you don't hear the voice of the oppressor where the serpent is free hey you can put me in misery here on earth but i'm going to a place that is better see the truth is this in this world the troubles and the trials of this world are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us so job longs for his own death and in that gives us a beautiful description of heaven and here's the truth this is what you and i should live for is heaven we are pilgrims on this earth we are sojourners this whole this world is not my home i'm just a passing through and i'm headed to a better place called heaven i'll finish up this chapter quickly job is obviously in a low place in his life i think you understand that verse 21 he says which long for death because he talks about the fact that there in heaven light is given to them that are in misery and there in heaven life is given unto the bitter but he says here on earth job says the miserable and the bitter they long for death but it cometh not and dig for it more than for hit treasures which rejoice exceedingly and are glad when they can find the grave and of course he's in a really low place in his life he's saying i would rejoice if i could just find that if i could just die why is light given to a man whose way is hid and whom god hath hedged in for my sign comes before i eat and my roarings are poured out like the waters for the thing which i greatly feared has come upon me and that which i was afraid of has come unto me and he's referring to the fact that he's saying this this was my biggest fear what has happened in my life was my biggest fear and of course job is going through a very low place in his life but then he says this he says i was not in safety neither had i rest neither was i quiet yet trouble came and like job we can learn this that the truth is this that trouble can come at any moment you can sit there and say oh i've got it all i i've got it all situated pastor i got no problems i mean if you look at my bank account and you look at my 401k and you know i've got everything i need and uh in fact i bought property out in the middle of nowhere and i got a big old fortress and i'm ready to go hey you know what the truth is this at any point in your life you say you say i i'm all successful you are not as successful as job was you were not as secure as job was you did not have it all put together like job had it you did not have everything that job had but one thing that job learned was this he says i was not in safety he said i thought i was in safety i thought i had success i thought i had everything i needed but he says you know what i was not in safety he said i thought i was doing okay i mean i could go on any vacation i wanted i could go on any trip that i wanted i could take any day off that i wanted but you know what the truth is neither had i rest he said neither was i quiet he said i had this this idea that i had quietness and peace and safety and rest but the truth is this that on this earth you and i have nothing and trouble could come at any moment you can sit there and go run off in your fortress and go run off in your property and go you know put put as much money as you want in your 401k and in your bank account and the truth is this at any moment god can put his finger on your life and trouble can come this is why jesus said these things have i spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world you know what job learned job learned this that the only place that we can find peace in is the lord jesus christ the only place you say i got money you got nothing i got strength you got nothing i got success you got look the only place you and i can have peace that in me jesus said ye might have peace because in the world you shall have tribulation in the world you're gonna have trouble but he says be of good cheer i have overcome the world that's why i heard that i've ordered prayer heavenly father thank you lord for the book of job they were this man who went through this difficult time went through this hard trial and lord he taught us something he taught us the fact that no matter how successful we are no matter how lined up we've got our ducks in a row the truth is this that in this world we have nothing we can think we're at rest we can think we have quietness we can think we have security and it can all be taken away in a moment lord help us to learn to find our peace in you help us to learn to find our contentment in you thank you for job thank you for the fact that we can listen in on his conversations and watch a very godly man be broken and lord help us to learn that we can be broken too and when we come to that place if we come to that place we can mourn when we come to that place we can mourn but we can always have the confidence that this world is not my home lord we love you in the matchless name of christ we pray amen whenever matt come up and lead us in a final song i do want to just encourage you a couple of things number one if you are not on our text message list please make sure if you're not getting text messages from us you know letting you know about different things make sure you don't leave here tonight without writing it on a communication card hand it to me hand it to one of the staff guys so we can put you on our list we'll let you know about soul winning tomorrow but if you just want to check it if the if it's unhealthy we don't want to put you in a place where you're going to uh you know get sick or whatever so if it's unhealthy we're going to postpone it again same thing on saturday uh but you know a lot of you are probably gonna be at the sewing marathon in fresno uh so you know that's great praise the lord for that and for those of you that are not gonna be in fresno make sure you're in your place make sure you're here and we're gonna need you to help us to greet guests all those things so so make sure you are faithful to the house of god uh god bless you thank you for being here tonight why brother matt come up and lead us in the final song turn the song 185 song number 185 my savior's love 185. i'll sing it out on the first i stand amazed in the presence of jesus he had no tears for his own grease but sweat drops is is is shall see my joy the ages to sing of his love for me amen good seeing if anybody has questions about salvation church membership or baptism pastor will be at the door he'd love to talk to you or direct you someone's trained to talk to you about that i'm going to ask brother joe would you close the prayer uh amen
Channel: Verity Baptist Church
Views: 2,006
Rating: 4.9304347 out of 5
Id: 1BXirIruCeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 26sec (3206 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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