JLPT N5 Practice Test (Vocab, Kanji, Grammar) Cram in 40 min

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hey guys today we are going to have a review test to help you prepare for the jlpt m5 so this video is for the gel ptm 5 but i will make more 4g lptm 4 3 2 so stay tuned so the jlpt is in multiple choice format so you will have four choices and you select the correct one and in japanese it will say something like ichiban ichiban the best thing so the best one is to choose please choose the best one the best choice so we're going to test your koi vocabulary kanji and boompo grammar okay okay let's not waste any more time and hajime we get this type it's literally what do you put in the brackets basically a fill in the blank question so read the question and choices on your own so pause the video and then i will be helping you so all these kanji are necessary to pass the gel ptm5 as well so i'm going to ask you the reading and the meaning of the kanji so how do you read the first kanji kaku the meaning student so the student this is the keyword mo means to the house so the answer is the number one kairi master means went home so that is a dictionary form to go home and it's in the past tense so why kairi must master because there is the word mo already so the student already went home the second one can make sense it could mean the student won't go home anymore so more plus negation can mean not anymore for example more shima sen means i won't do it anymore but this is not the best choice so we choose the first one the third one that means haven't gone home yet the fourth one de master this is not for the gel option five block this re master means could go home was able to go home pause the video try to read the kanji on your the first country means electricity and the second country means call then sha train blank again this is an irregular so kuru becomes kimasu in the mass form and which particle should we use so the answer again is the first one then i came here by train so that the particle can express the location like at in like restoran but this death can also mean by means of so by using something so buy train buy car with chopsticks with the we pen we would use their particle pande right with a pen eat with chopsticks the second one densha nikki master doesn't make too much sense it doesn't sound natural if you want to say to get on the train we'd say we use the to write to get on so the one doesn't make sense the old particle is not used with the verb kuru and the fourth one is kind of funny densha talking master i can wear the train as in like this is my company and train mr train thank you heavens or sky and ki can mean spirit or mood sky's mood heaven's mood is weather and this one is about conjugating the adjective correctly how do you say good e and when we want to negate here not good we say yokunai yokonai again this is an irregular okay so usually for adjectives you change the last e into kunai that's it becomes kawa ikunai atui hot becomes but e becomes yokunai okay can you read this kanji amen and that means rain and then when you want to say it's raining we say amegas okay the next one is about paraphrasing so you choose a sentence that means the same thing as the sentence in the question so you will see the word meaning this means do you have an umbrella okay is to hold to carry mo means to have the first choice doesn't make sense this means is the missed umbrella remember this i mean they're people i have friends okay but you can't is about objects this makes sense this is grammatically correct but the meaning is different when it's conjugated as [Music] it means is necessary is needed means do you need an umbrella this doesn't have the same meaning as the sentence right third one this is the correct answer can also mean exist to have full object right so kasaga arimas is basically the same as casau the first one when you buy an umbrella this one is about choosing the right kanji so in hiragana it says right and that means white and let's look at the choices the first one i can't even read that because it doesn't make sense so that kanji and you can read it as he or nichi but he also has more readings like b right the second one is the correct one is the noun for white white color and shiro that's an adjective white so if you want to say white something don't say shiro something unless it's again a compound noun like shiro neko that's one word for white cat but he wants to say white cup white sofa you say shiroi kop the third one that's the kanji for eyes me the fourth one does the kanji mouse kuchi they all look similar but yeah it's okay this one is also about reading the kanji correctly for these ones i didn't make choices but i want to test you guys so pause the video if you know it it means back or behind so you want to make the sentence please stand behind that man okay and we need to say behind something we always read this kanji like [Music] [Music] and now let's try with this one it's the same kanji but it has a different meaning and different breathing so you can pause [Music] again this is an important word means to take a bath so i will take a bath afterwards or later so when you want to say later afterwards we always read this kanji as a today okay you can also do the past tense simple past tense of the verb plus atode and that means after doing something so tabeta means after eating i will do my homework after eating remember all the days of the week because one of them is definitely gonna be in the test toyo on saturday and this one is so let's go to the cinema on saturday and let's look up the choices first one means so this is the correct answer the second one this means this month the third one tomorrow the fourth one this means on sunday so it's different right so let's just quickly review the days of the week monday get to your b tuesday kyobi wednesday sue your b holiday or day off dakara because today is a holiday because today is my day off shitaku is always slightly more formal than naides but they exactly the same okay the first choice means nothing remember this is important you say to me i don't want to do anything you can't say anymore it's grammatically incorrect but anyway this is the correct choice second one again this one be careful all the nanimo tokomo daremo is usually used with the negation only but it's emo this is different it's more can be used with affirmative sentences as well so it's and that means someone is always late when you want to say never we think you were like not once so we'd say ichidomo so for example so that means i've never done that not even once okay tugi again this doesn't have choices but can you read this kanji so this sentence you can read it like kono ko and la is the topic of this and this as for this park in this park there are lots of people there are lots of people so hito people person when you say there are lots of something we say something you might also see the word takusan and again this could be in the test paraphrasing the word you can say so i will borrow a book the first choice hitori means one person okay so that's the count of four people hitori so this is a tricky one you see the kanji home so you will think oh this is the correct one nope so the counter horn is used for objects that are long and cylindrical so chopsticks we would count them with hon nihon pens bananas the third one is the correct one is so sate is the counter for books and magazines notebooks the fourth one mai ichimai this my is used to count really thin objects like paper uh leaves anything that looks like a piece of paper each ichimai so a photograph as well and remember we usually put the counter after the noun but so if there is no verbal particle it's like isatu ichimai so the counter comes after the noun that you're counting unlike english right but if there is a verb and there is an object you say object or counter verb so okay to this one is about choosing the correctly conjugated verb saka is fish we will have to say the fish is swimming fish are swimming okay the first one oyonde mas doesn't make sense at all the second one oyomimasu again doesn't make sense it sounds more like yomimas to read the third one oyotemimasu this can be a common mistake when the verb has goo ending perform the verb would have ending is the dictionary form to swim or you're and the form of it is okay ending changes into it everyone makes mistakes on this so be careful kaku to write becomes and then the first one is the correct one oyoyma you have to choose the correct verb so also remember this word gogo pm afternoon kozen means am so if you say kozen and that means 11 a.m and if you say go go giuli that means 11 pm at 3 pm and the choice is ichi mas will do the bank will do at 3pm doesn't make sense the second one shimarimas this is the correct answer we'll close so when you want to say something closes not like i close something but something closes on its own or you don't say who is closing it so usually about stores closing with these this verb shimadi mas shi marimasu the third one shi mei mas this is the verb you want to use when you close something like you closed doors where you specify who is causing something or when you say can you close the door you say please close the door so it's like you close the door so the person who is closing is important whilst when you want to say the stores close the restaurants are closed doesn't matter who's closing it so in this case we use this intransitive verb the fourth one shimaimasu might have heard this somewhere for example with the teflon test and that means like to do something although you didn't mean to but it's not for the gel pedian part okay so yeah now try listening to what i'm going to say try taking notes if you need to so i'm the teacher sensei and you guys are the the listeners are the students okay sugar okay so this was about time nine we usually say q yeah but when it's nine o'clock against an irregular verb so kuru becomes kite so it will open at 8 30 but please come at 9. and the question was what time does the teacher want the students to come so the answer is choose the correct kanji so inky organizers means right this is pretty difficult okay so the first one is the correct answer migi the second one is hidari left okay so migi right hidari left then the third one is ishii rock or stone so the only difference is the line above to migi this line goes through right was the ishii nope and the fourth one again similar but it's the kanji that means old for example is adjective old aoi [Music] [Music] do you remember this that's for the comparison so when you would say a is more we say for example that means i prefer ramen i like ramen better misa no sega means misa is taller so we want to make the sentence which one do you prefer the white shirt or the blue shirt okay the first one means the second one yes this is the correct one which one you can say again there is no choice but can you read these two sentences okay okay so thank you remember from densha train electricity right thank you together again this is important you should remember thank you together is to turn on the lights to turn off the lights it's not exactly a person it's like this do you remember exit you want to remember this whole phrase as well means there is or something is the switch is near close to the entrance it's it's the same kanji but can you choose the correct reading um this is the correct one please come in please enter hi the fourth one you should remember this one too but is written like this means to put in so this kanji if it's as entrance we really like idi gucci when you want to say to putin as the verb we say and when you say to enter to go inside you say hi okay sugi because because the because these socks are dirty eerie ma sam do you guys remember this it means not needed not necessary okay so i don't need or i don't want these socks anymore because they are dirty so we want to say any more remember ichi so the first one is the correct one more more it has um but we pronounce it more the second one mo means also okay and you always see this mop after a noun like watashimo then i also me too this one too this also the third one means until mother for example yoji made until four o'clock yo the fourth one takusan [Music] office that's the dictionary from to work ku becomes but you will also see the verb and you use the new particle with the verb and i might work for sony i work for sony i work for apple looks like an adjective but it's actually an adjective beautiful or clean so kira becomes kirei in negation please speak ichi means very totem doesn't make sense please speak this is the correct answer do you know what that means slowly please speak slowly some means i don't speak at all remember to use the negation after denzel you could this is just wrong can you hear the difference you could e correct one you could eat without the small tsu choose the best adjective who you are who you means winter so who you are again you want to remember all the adjectives hurry old but old about objects only okay not about people so you can't say nope sounds weird old newspaper semaii usually about space so semaine that's a very common combination semi hair small choose the correct kanji mas i'm listening to music that kanji is used in the word for example mondai question or problem so it's wrong the second one is the correct one ki teimasu the third one that kanji means between aida means between a and b i this is the correct answer means making that's the dictionary form to make the second one this means i'm using okay so this is a very common mistake or it could mean has arrived means we won't define the sentence with the same meaning so although japanese people now say cafe more often kisaten is the word you need for the jailbidding five so ki satan is coffee house coffee shop konoki satan no ko hee this coffee shop's coffee takai desu is expensive so let's look at the choices not delicious this is the correct one not cheap you will see this kind of christian as well takai becomes yasuko and i expensive not cheap so can you guess for example how we would paraphrase the word and we can say kirei jannai not clean instead so that's very popular in the gel pitting five okay third one hi this so takai means expensive accounts mean tall and hiku is the opposite means cheap yasashi means kind i see in this case it can mean easy but it's not really fun when someone says it usually means uh kind but for the jlpt they often use the word yasashi to mean easy watashi masho means to the doctor so let's go to the doctor together so this is the correct one let's go together that means on the 5th means is so do you guys understand the words to help so i'll help my sister with her homework so which particle is the correct one it's so you say something to help with something so in english you can say help someone with something but in japanese you just say someone know something or that last one will cry doesn't make sense i will cry vegetables in this country means will come in this kanji means we'll wear either way it doesn't make sense the third one tsukimasu if you say onaka means um i get hungry ona kagasuite but you don't just change your into mass but you have to change becomes kiri mas all right that's it for the gel ptm5 i hope this helps you study for the jlptm5 if you got everything right congratulations i think you'll be fine if you didn't study all the words that i used in the video very important and you will be fine anyway i'll be rooting for you good luck bye
Channel: Japanese Ammo with Misa
Views: 248,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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