JJ's FAMILY VS Mikey's FAMILY Challenge - Minecraft Maizen JJ Mikey

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[Music] there's been a killing spree in the city oh that's scary we should be careful mm the culprit has been put on the most wanted list huh they already know who the criminal is huh I wonder what this Killer looks like H this is the culprit huh huh huh this image was taken from a security camera the culprit a turtle name Mikey is holding the chainsaw used in the crime the Bounty for his capture is $1 million if you find him contact the police huh I'm the culprit no no no way Mikey they placed a Countrywide bounty on your head for going on a killing spree why me I didn't do anything they do have a picture of you holding a chainsaw from the security camera though oh you mean this chainsaw so this is what that's about why do you have that chainsaw Mikey this I was going for a walk in the city [Music] yesterday when someone passed by and gave this to me after he handed me the chainsaw he told me to look up at the security [Music] [Applause] camera I didn't do it trust me I'm innocent oh I see so that's what happened I believe you Mikey this is just my guess but the culprit must have handed you the chainsaw to try and frame you for the crime all right let's catch the criminal and prove your innocence huh someone's here Mikey hold up you probably shouldn't open that door what why not I have a bad feeling about this for now uh excuse me I'll use my computer to look outside using the security cameras mhm okay huh uh-oh huh sheesh the situation outside looks bad we're surrounded by police hold on wait a sec how how how my they're planning on breaking into our house it's like they're here too crazy they're knocking at the door they're over here they're knocking so hard what now they want to arrest me and I didn't even do it oh for now let's close these okay Mikey Mikey they're going to arrest you for a crime you didn't commit let's make a tactical Retreat for now but how are we supposed to get away from here we're Sur did no I've got this Mikey come here here this is our toilet but we can escape through here let's use the sewers to head to the city Mikey got it let's go [Music] go the sewer I'll never forgive that guy for framing me we're definitely going to catch him that's the spirit but first we should probably disguise you uhhuh you're a wanted criminal now Mikey oh that's right put these clothes on these should be enough to disguise you oh huh well you look like a completely different person I don't think anyone will know it's you all right Mikey let's go search for the culprit H let's follow the sewers until we reach Town let's go first let's go to the scene of the crime H they say criminals often return to the scene of the crime come on huh let's go wow there are wanted posters all over with your face on them but it wasn't me oh why me it wasn't me well Mikey for now let's head to the scene of the crime this way this way follow me come on hold on it's the police ah it's okay Mikey you're in Disguise now the police are more likely to suspect you if you look nervous try to act casual oh got it h let's go as long as we act casually no one should notice us okay they haven't got on H yes yes yes go go go let's go there's the scene of the crime let's hide in the shadows look look there's the victim the poor guy we can't let this go hm is the person who handed you the chainsaw here do you remember what he looks like I remember his face oh oh that person that one so that clown looking person is the culprit let's catch him sneak in closer [Music] hm oh hey hold on he ran away after him we got to catch him we can't let him get [Music] away the culit ran into this Tower H there's something that looks like a hideout at the top of that Tower you can just barely see it h let's go still to reach the tower we need to make it through this lava parkour course lava hm let's do our best to cross it wo close one you okay I'm okay go go go made it okay what's with this door H it's pretty creepy it is creepy but we have no choice but to press forward I'll open it open what's this huh H oh hang on there's a ladder up there but we can't reach it oh H just a moment check this out H it's a TNT elevator wa this device uses TNT to launch you into the air oh let's use it to reach the ladder huh okay let's head to the top and catch that criminal here we go I wonder what's up there wao yes I reached the ladder nice hurry up Mikey here I go okay W I made it I made it incredible Mikey let's go let's go let's go let's go what's through here I think this ladder might take us to the top of the tower it's the enemy Hideout so be ready for anything be careful okay H oh look oh this is the enemy Hideout still I think it might be trapped it's pretty sus still let's hurry up and catch the co let's break in come on no Mikey I feel like if we go through the front entrance we're sure to lose instead I'm going to start by trying to hack The house's Network H okay how's this I'll set my computer up here mhm time to hack The house's Network I'm going to access the security cameras inside the house oh I've gained access to the security cameras hold up H the culprit is waiting for us with a pitfall trap behind the door also he has a chainsaw Mikey that criminal is sure to catch us if we try to break through here what are we going to do H what now let's try entering from the back of the house right this way through the back H I brought a really good item along with me huh oh look it's dynamite wow nice nice nice I'll attach the dynamite to this wall mhm now to destroy this wall and break in from here let's push the culprit into the pitfall trap as soon as we're inside it's set okay get ready we're going to catch him okay now now let's go yes nice wo we did it we did it we caught the criminal call the police huh what's this a hostage situation if you want the hostage returned prepare to give me $1 million otherwise I'll blow myself up along with the hostage save me this guy's crazy just do what he [Music] says that was Mikey that must mean the hostage situation is it Mikey's house oh man this is terrible a hostage situation in my own village and Mikey is the hostage huh this is unreal besides I don't have a million dollars are those explosives on Mikey's house [Music] what no way I'm getting past the police barricade sheesh this leaves me no choice but to save Mikey on my own H if I'm not careful the criminal will press the Detonator here and Mikey will be toast first things first I need to know what's going on in there before I can make my plan let's see I'm going to need my computer for this one let's get it set up all right then I'm going to try and hack the security cameras in Mikey's house I'm in now I should have access to his camera feed please why are you doing this hey stop that that hurts please not the cookies anything but my snacks a that's just cruel why are you doing [Music] this it's worse than I thought Mikey's being tormented in there I need to act fast huh let's see here's what I know for sure the criminal is acting alone so if I can take him out with a sniper rifle then problem solved okay I just need to sneak up oh there's a window I'll use it to line up the shot I can't let the criminals see me out here let's get set up among the trees nice and stealthy and find the perfect position okay I think this is my best bet yeah there he is I can covertly take out the criminal from here carefully we won wa he actually blew himself up no way wow my house if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe thanks for watching see you next time so here we are again today we want to have a security house battle it's a security battle huh security battle sounds fun here are the rules I'm going to create my security house and you're going to come up with a strategy to deal with my security systems does that make sense I got it okay there we have it for the next little while I'm going to build my security while you go somewhere to kill time okay I'll go over there bye now that Mikey's gone I need to start building some security let's see first I want to use a dispenser I'm going to use a dispenser with a few Fire charges I'm going to make the most powerful trap in the world how should I do this I'll make it really long that's probably good we'll set up security at the entrance to the house like this and I'll turn all the blocks into dispensers [Music] just like that good now I need to load up these dispensers with fire charges and on top I'll lay out the stone pressure plates by doing that the instant he steps on his trap the Fire chargers are emitted from beneath the floor now to fill the other dispensers done now what I need to do next there it's complete this is full of fire charges if you step on it the Flames will instantly set you on fire it's an incredibly powerful trap W really powerful now I want to surround the first trap with an infrared laser fence something like [Music] this I'll leave it like this just like [Music] this okay I'm all finished I call it burning floor assuming that Mikey makes it past here I should build another security system I'm going to build a house in this area like this I'll design the building like a long narrow house like this yes and like this there with this trap I'll capture Mikey and lock him in a house with a bunch of zombies just a bit more I'll make the building about this High first I'll make the basic frame then I'll cover the entire building with really thick blocks of tempered [Music] glass good good and now I'm going to make a device that will capture Mikey something like this when what I need now is red stone and a few Stone pressure plates like this Maybe by installing the pressure plates here even if he tries to get outside the doors will close on him which means as soon as he enters he won't be able to escape I'll put one on the other side too this way I'll lay Redstone here and pressure plates with that once he's caught in here this will look like a switch to deactivate the pressure plates but it's actually another trap maybe here right [Music] here I'll install the lever here it appears to be a lever that lets you outside but in fact it's something completely [Music] different something like this like like this here's a redstone [Music] lamp like [Music] here H I'll use Stone [Music] here and there good [Music] next right here I'm going to install a [Music] dispenser zombie spawn eggs will appear from inside here I think I'll load it with about five all done the trap to have Mikey locked in a house with zombies is complete I'll set up lasers to make sure he stays on course [Music] okay it's complete I'm finally finished building my security house I guess that means it's time to bring Mikey [Music] over hey Mikey you ready yep I'm all done good job I got prepared too look you did Tada Tada Tada taada I made armor wao I'm sure I'll win so you gathered diamonds and made diamond armor huh that's right I'm going to win against your security house are you ready ready you need to get past my security see there it's your goal to get to my security house at the top of the stairs now without any further Ado start is this a battle JJ what do you do first huh yeah and here I go no matter what huh I'm on fire help help wait a second what's going on what is this Mikey this is the burning floor Flames come up from beneath you I've got no choice but to push through oh Mikey you forced your way through good job Mikey I'm glad I'm properly prepared for this I safely passed through it oh no I need to get through here fast huh what's this there okay you're quick huh wait what's going on oh no I have a bad feeling about this hey how do I get out of here huh how come you could get out but I can't well Mikey this is a Mikey capturing device you've been captured and you can't escape no matter what I'm sorry to say what but I know JJ there must be some way of getting out of here that's pretty clever of you do your best huh oh I knew it look there's a lever here I know this this if I pull it I can get out just like you did here's the thing you see I think you're going to regret it if you pull that lever I'll be fine I won't regret it I'm prepared I'm wearing armor okay I'll pull it 3 2 1 H did it work there's zombies I can't get out Mikey I'm trapped in here too bad for you that was a zombie generator what however Mikey you should be fine because you're wearing the diamond armor you'll survive wait wait good luck no I can't you're destroying the pressure plates I want to destroy the pressure plates but the little zombies are too quick you'll have to defeat the little zombies then I'll try they're way too strong well I do feel sorry that the little zombies appeared they're really tough they are and they don't seem to get tired wow yeah yeah yeah the little ones are gone oh man I thought I'd be able to get out come a little closer if you lure them away you might have a chance yeah you got it please please I'm cutting it pretty close really close come on I'll do this then Dash you got it this time I'm close he I did wao you're free I got out oh a bridge I can escape uh Mikey huh what what was that wait wait Mikey you'll find this bridge to be a lot of trouble huh how what is this JJ is right there huh what the I figured it out out huh what I see a wire I imagined you would figure it out I'll do this oh no he got past it uh-oh you know this is easy I should run wait up perfect I'll sneak in through here I'm coming after you okay Mikey huh you've made it pretty far Mikey huh there's no security here why if you enter this house that that means I lose what but it's just a door there's something suspicious going on huh what is it there's nothing I wonder if I Dash in I'll be fine right okay I'm well prepared so I'll be fine 3 2 1 go what the he success I did it what happened oh Mikey there was only the one door well the truth is the oak doors were a trap I disguised the real entrance with a painting I can't even see it from here well Mikey I lost my security succeeded a complete defeat I thought I'd prepared enough I got to hand it to you you made it through the other traps so I'll set you free oh thank you you made a great security house JJ that was fun huh it was and it was tough too there you have it everyone we did a Mikey versus security house battle and somehow I was able to beat Mikey in the end even though Mikey put up a pretty good fight I tried my best and I came prepared if you found this video interesting don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and leave a like please do goodbye bye-bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: JJ and Mikey
Views: 23,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft funny, minecraft, minecraft but, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, mikey maizen, noob vs pro security house, maizen raft, maizen security base, maizen volcano, jj and mikey, mikey turtle, maizen fnaf, maizen security house, maizen challenge, maizen, maizen minecraft, maizen escape, mikey, maizen base, maizen prank, cash and nico, maizen pranks, maizen became, maizen battle, maizen jj, maizen scary, longest portal maizen, JJ's FAMILY VS Mikey's FAMILY Challenge
Id: BX4nYvCioaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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