J.J. McCarthy – Episode #1 | Kurt Warner Breaks Down the Game Tape | College Series '24

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all right today or this week I'm finishing up my college football study Ball series top six quarterbacks um just staying with six for the most part because I think these are the six guys that could possibly go in the first round of the draft what I'm covering for the NFL Network I've watched some of the other guys probably won't do a study ball on them but uh happy to have discussion over Twitter on some of the other guys but today we're looking at JJ McCarthy and I know a lot of people have him in different places some people I've heard all the way up in the top five other people maybe a first rounder um you know and you understand why there's some arguments obviously a great winner at Michigan but was never asked to carry the football team with his right arm so that can be something that can scare you a little bit we've never seen him have to you know throw you know looking through the stats it was hard to find a game where he threw more than 30 times in a game and so that's going to be common place in the NFL so is he that kind of quarterback is I think what everybody is trying to figure out so this first game I pulled out the Purdue game because it was the one time that he threw for over 300 yards he threw 30 some plus times so it gives us a chance to kind of dive into a game where he was asked to do more than other games so let's dive in and let's uh let's take a look at what we see so one thing that I really like about JJ McCarthy is his technique is solid you know sometimes he can overextend himself what we call overstride and kind of attack things uh more than he needs to but for the most part you're going to see nice balance right you're going to see the shoulders that are even uh good spacing of his feet this particular play they get manto man coverage across the board we got one high safety that's 50 yards deep not sure why he's so deep but uh we're going to come back and we're going to sling this thing I don't think there's a question on does JJ McCarthy have the arm to push the ball down the field and make some of these second level throws you see that quite often Jim harball more of a pro style system which is something that I like okay right here is going to be a commonplace what we call a stick concept so we've got a stick and a flat and this is usually just uh an outside release go to kind of clear it out for those two routes that are coming into it I'm not sure what he saw here or what made him say hey I'm going to go for the go shot um but you like the aggressiveness get back put the ball out there boom great throw on the money I like the distance you know I always talk about 42 to 45 that's right on that range right there gets the ball up and down right on the money so here we are a lot of questions about him but but he comes out the first two plays bang bang two plays down the field aggressive with his throws why not make it three and I love this right here so they're going to run a shallow route here and then they're going to run what I call an influence post over the top so um I'm always talking about this when you come out and you see everybody down low on the backside okay so the backside cover guys uh backside safeties whoever are down low come on off the play action always want to Peak the backside if those guys stay down low this always has to become your first read to the backside so you see you come off the play fake see everybody stays down there's nobody dropping back to take this deep third to playing manto man here again so go find that throw that's the easiest throw over there cuz it's in front of you and there's a whole bunch of space to lead your guy so let's go three for three Bang Bang Bang three great throws three three second level throws so when we're talking about protype throws you know we've talked about these other five guys and some of the guys the last one we looked at B Knicks was a guy that threw a lot of underneath routes which is fine there's a lot of teams in the NFL that throw underneath routes but I believe the differen making throws are the second level what I call chunk throws well we've seen three chunk throws already by JJ McCarthy in this one love the patience in the pocket right they're bringing pressure bringing pressure Stands Tall doesn't panic right here okay they're going to run this little pivot to go along with the inside Fade Out Here would love to see him come out and kind of peak that inside fade I think he's got a shot at it right there nobody else back behind it but not a bad decision right here recovering underneath with soft coverage and we could say this is an and throw I'm not really sure I think he expects his receiver to bounce outside his receiver decides to stop there so this Miss I think is more communication than it is just a Miss physically now never hurts when a team is going to play manto man with you across the board and you feel like you're more talented than they are so we've seen that a lot right manto man on all of these throws manto man again nice little play design here where they're just going to run this guy to the flat he's got a guy chasing him from behind that's your first read come out and take it but again another nice throw out in front of him good timing boom and we're rolling good decision good throws pushing the ball down the field nice Pace on the football okay the first one where he had to kind of move off of the route so we've got the out here then then we've got the mesh concept which everybody runs back to the inside so he's looking left now he's trying to come to the shallow the shallow runs into the official here so now he's got to try to make a play puts the ball in a position for his third guy to get it nice defense right there okay so we got the see process a little bit I like that not just coming out first few was coming out boom first read first read first read still got to make those row still got to make those reads I get it but you like to see guys processing there he goes 1 2 3 gets through his process in the pocket there all right so we're coming back with the play action we just got a little Shake route right here now probably could take this throw and again I want to see these guys at the next level take some of these throws and it's all because this corner here see he's in the middle of the numbers his numbers you see the number one on his back right here so he's turned to the inside lay this thing outside attack this thing down the field but I get it Corner's dropping with some depth no problem just replace underneath that's still a good decision okay so not saying that oh you got to throw the Deep one I see what he sees in terms of this guy getting depth although this throw right here got the safety already spun around that's an n L Type throw right there want to see him make that at the next level okay so coming out staying aggressive so this is that same mesh concept again here here here it looks like they put a go on it instead of an out here and so it's kind of like hey if you like this oneon-one down here take it and I like the aggressiveness here come out put on the back shoulder give your guy a chance oneon-one you got space drive it another good throw down the field guy's not able to make the catch there but still a good throw good position of the ball okay so this is something okay you have questions about all these guys this is one of the questions I have about JJ McCarthy everything comes out 100 miles an hour so when it comes out 100 miles an hour it's easy to miss you almost have to be perfect or you miss so he comes out and he's going to take his one-on-one on the backside okay I like it this guy's going to run little comeback will stop to the backside but you're going to see throws it 100 milph misses okay so there's some little accuracy things a lot of it is because you're driving it but he misses back to the inside and we're going to miss it we're going to miss the catch right that's going to be really hard his receiver is coming out of it he throws it back to the inside boom trying to adjust to it contact there so again the decision is good just something to pay attention to with that velocity that he throws with all right so little concept here not really sure double goes and then you've got the in and the shallow so I suppose you're reading this area right here another nice job stepping in you see the nice base keeping his feet apart short little hits right there to attack the throw bang right on top of his guy beating the safety with the throw so I love how definitive he has been in this game coming out playing football not trying to be a complimentary piece but playing football all right right here we got kind of that same idea that we saw earlier influence shallow they're staying down on the back side so come out kind of think that same thing right so now he's looking it looks like he's looking for this and pretty decent coverage uh would love to see him kind of lay this thing up over the top once he finds out the position of that DB if that DB wants to settle underneath throw him a little bit higher into that space right there but I haven't seen a lot of those kinds of throws from him that one leads to a sack right there but when I say those kinds of throws kind of those touch throws those up and over um laying the ball out there as opposed to kind of muscling the football there okay nice little slide in the pocket similar concept to what we're talking about hitch inside fade right everybody in college football is running it then they're going to come back with the shallow and the in and then the back check in there so again another Pro type concept that big in on the back side nice job here gets pressure to the inside let me slide and again slide no pressure slide no Panic okay so he's going to slide away from pressure going to see down the field gets this guy to pull down on the shallow that in is coming got pressure in his face stands in there and delivers a second level throw again so I like that a couple times we've already seen it no Panic in the pocket right he's not taking off and running too quickly he's able to slide in the pocket settle back in and make throws that is defin a trait that needs to be used at the next level another nice read another nice second level throw now these reads are obviously much easier when you're getting man-to-man coverage every single time so it's kind of come out in more of what we call pitch and catch pick and stick pick a guy stick it but you still got to make the throws nice throw good Pace ball out a lot of really good things in terms of the timing and getting the ball out not holding the ball in the pocket all right I like the read here it comes out play action looks like we got maybe a post route here uh and then they're bringing the shallow over here covered covered Works back to number three right here ah Little Miss right there so again these are the throws that I'd love to see a little bit more touch and just kind of lay it there could his receiver have caught it yes he could have still hits him in both hands but you can make this easier there's nobody out here if you get that read and you can kind of just lay that ball and let your guy go get it make it easier on him so we'll see that at times that the way he throws the football the way he drives the football not something that you can't learn but the way he drives the football makes it harder on the back end all right here's one right here just running the go with kind of the little choice in the hole got to see this corner falling off put this ball right on the body of your guy put it right on the body especially when that corner is peeking back to the inside you see his tight end kind of settling there for him he lays it out in front bit more into Harm's Way again so there's a few things when it comes to throwing the football some you know inaccuracies that show up at times in his tape okay love how he steps in again okay would love the pacing of his drop to be a little bit deeper because you always want to try to time it where you have one hitch to the end route so he gets there a little bit early and he's already hitching right here and so he kind of hitches into pressure but again nice job kind of manipulating the pocket not panicking setting up and again making that second level throw on the end the ball's going to be a little bit behind his guy as he steps up right so that's all that timing idea if he's back there and he's seeing it and he's one hitching it now he can lay this football right here the slide throws him off inaccurate there with the throw so another one right here again you know just take it all with the grain of salt don't exactly know what they're going to be doing or what they expect uh from each other this guy comes in and now he settles right here maybe JJ expects him to bounce out once again as we saw earlier cuz he throws this to the outside or is this a bit of an errant throw you guys tell me me what you think but there's going to be a lot of those that are just a little bit off by JJ but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that I thought on both of those plays those receivers should have bounced out as well or kind of started to bounce out and then slowed down tough to do for a quarterback never fooled a quarterback so I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt there nice little feel right here boom got this safety down and then on the snap he's going to run back voids this area right here great recognition find it get it out find it boom quick set get the ball out nice accurate throw for the first down so you can see there's a lot to like here with JJ McCarthy okay tough concept here not sure what he's thinking as he goes to the right hand side now you'd love for this guy to go outside the corner but with this guy running back to cover two I really wouldn't think that side as much as this hook and shallow off of this guy not one of my favorite Concepts CU everything's running into each other but looking at that go shot okay okay you're looking at it okay no problem you go over there maybe you're fooled whatever see it and now just dump it down right in front of you just dump it down right in front of you have a plan if you're coming out here to throw the go or they run back to cover two uh I can't get back to the other side just dump it to the guy right in front of yet or scramble and create nice job moving up nice job flipping his hips right there I love it flip your hips find the guy down the field I don't know if JJ's really known for his creativity they didn't ask him to do that a lot he didn't have to do that a lot in this offense but it's nice to see every once in a while that he's got that in his game okay tough concept right here got two guys kind of going to the same area here uh I don't really know don't know what he's throwing who he's throwing to um I'm going to guess he's probably throwing it to this guy here and again the drive throw it's a little bit behind his guys out in front of his guys whoever he's throwing it to little accuracy issue once again okay like it come out double quick outs make the throw again throwing these things hard you see this ball once again on the back shoulder okay not horrible right we can still catch that but you want to see the ball placement be a little bit better on these throws and what can help is taking some of the Velocity off not trying to throw it 100 miles an hour and kind of lay the ball to your guys another nice little avoid right here here coming out looking for the flat don't have it looking for the shallow coming here doesn't come quick enough because of the pressure nice job buying some time avoiding and making a throw on the Move okay they've been running this stuff against man coverage a lot of this stuff coming open against man coverage oh now they're back to Zone got the big in with the hook here they got bodies everywhere over here no place really for JJ to go with the football getting no checkdowns out on this particular play dangerous throw trying to throw it late over the top but all those things help us with our evaluation to see guys creating and trying to make plays and big plays down the field tough to throw that back across your body late down the middle but we've seen a couple creative plays from him already here we go we're back to man same play okay finds this guy once again bang bang bang Ball's a little bit behind him okay not saying it shouldn't be caught let's go ahead and go to the back copy you guys tell me what you think but again this is the theme that continually shows up with JJ good decision maker Ball's just kind of low on his guy kind of driving the ball instead of laying it out there probably should have been caught but all those little things I I know it doesn't look like much yes it's on the receiver I get it but we can help our receivers out by playing with touch laying the ball out in front of them letting them run underneath it instead of feeling like we got to drop it in between their numbers every single time it's part of accuracy guys that can anticipate guys that have touch uh guys that can lay the football out are going to be more accurate because it allows their receiver the ability to adjust to the football okay so here we go again right same sort of thing nice read finds his guy in manto man coverage again but the ball back to the inside we missed another opportunity little pressure there I get it he's got a slide in the pocket a little bit but You' like to see him make that throw good timing right here they're going to come out little pivot and kind of a rub I really like this play on third down expect a man demand coverage get the little rub nice anticipation here now this one's got a little bit more touch on it good ball allows guy to run after catch great process right here right we're always looking for the process well how many times have we seen this from all the other guys kind of pure progression type plays where we're going to go uh one to two got something coming across here then the end coming across there three and four nice job here he comes out to one and two nope nope Here Comes number three right here maybe you like it and then number four coming from the outside nice job look at them pocket walking moving setting no Panic boom gets all the way back to number four and hits that second level in route another really good throw right here we're going to fake the bubble screen post fake and then run the the shoot down here good coverage manto man coverage again don't really have him out run maybe you could lay this ball up and over if you want to let your guy run under it but we're going to put on the back shoulder good placement of the football away from the defender really really well done right there really nice find again not sure the full concept cuz we got somebody coming here and then somebody sitting and then the shallow here so lots of bodies in the middle of the field but does a nice job holding in the pocket sorting it out looking at the shallow first this guy jumps down find that second level hook back behind it boom good read good find good throw nice run after catch ah all right so we've seen this play four times I think already here here shallow coming manto man again all this space lay it up there lay it up there don't have to be perfect lay it up there right just lay it out here lay it out to your guy let him adjust and run under this trying to put this thing on the line again boom miss a throw try to be perfect miss the throw back to the side another great second level throw got the same stick hitch inside fade concept you get your manto man boom lay it out there right on the money to his guy good drive throw down the field ah love the idea love the idea right I always want to see one of these or each of these guys have one of those hot situations bringing pressure got to have an answer to it they're going to run a shallow right here that's his answer to the hot we got free hitters coming boom get the ball out ah put it on your guy I like it doesn't quite look like the guys ready for the football take a look at it from the back I love it got a hot fall away right again like to see a little bit more control a little bit more control with the football a little bit more touch with the football but I like the idea and the process of going I know what my hot is I got to get it out quickly here's the process again out Corner sit we ex off the two on the back side we don't like it nope bad leverage work in here to number three even though there's a lot of bodies find that window bang balls out good timing on the process not wasting a lot of time on covered routes all right so there's our first look at JJ McCarthy and you can see there's a lot of things to really like I can understand why people are continuing to raise him on the board a lot of big second level throws so if you've got a team that can run the football like think about teams like Tennessee uh that used to run the football and then the heavy play action off of it the throws down the field I think that's something that J JJ McCarthy could do really really well if you're going to ask him to throw it 35 times he's got to clean up his ability to throw a touch right so many of those balls that we saw in this game a lot of good ones a lot of good throws down the field but then so many of them on a line and we're going to miss miss back behind Miss low out in front got to be able to increase that accuracy and touch moving to the next uh next phase and to that next level in the NFL but I like guys that can throw the ball down the field I like guys that can make those second level throws we saw a bunch of them in this game when he was given the opportunity good decisions wasn't throwing the ball up wasn't putting the ball In Harm's Way was going through its process all things that I really really like about JJ McCarthy
Channel: Kurt Warner x QBConfidential
Views: 51,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: QBConfidential, QB Confidential, football analysis, kurt warner, StudyBall, quarterback, american football, NFL, national football league, qbconfidential.com, 2024 nfl draft, 2024 nfl draft prospects, qb prospects, nfl draft, college qbs, 2024 draft class nfl, nfl combine, college football, 2024 nfl draft class, nfl pre draft, nfl pre draft analysis, nfl news, jj mccarthy combine, jj mccarthy highlights, jj mccarthy, jj mccarthy scouting report, Michigan football
Id: k56Y6Qq0j-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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