Jitsie - Master Tip - Trials Basics Part 3 - Splatting a Step

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[Music] hello i'm jan and today i'm going to try to explain to you how to split or jump up a step for beginners so this is our kicker it's go it's our ramp to jump and it's about 10 centimeters high and what we are going to start with is we are going to roll over the kicker normal speed ride over it don't move at all just stay relaxed on the bike and you feel like boom boom and you feel the hits of the of the rock i'm in second gear now and i just roll okay now you start you lift the front wheel when it hits the rock all i did was compress a little bit then i stood up with the bike and when my back wheel hit the rock i came off the pax a little bit i do this automatically do this 500 times you lift the front wheel but it's like one movement you lift the front wheel from the low position you go up and then when you oh try to be cool here when your back wheel is here at the rock just touching rock here it's important that you use the rock so when you compress the bike and you jump off your packs but your back wheel is be before the rock here then you will not use the rock as a kicker you will over jump it or roll over it worst case that's why we did this first thing where you realize what actually is the time between front wheel and back wheel hitting the rock we did this to get the timing right here on this part so you need to stand up when your back wheel hits the rock now the speed doesn't matter because there's no step this is only to get the timing right off the jump actually so this is to get it dialed okay right over a couple of times lift your front wheel with the first with the rock here here you lift the front wheel and normally this is where you let the clutch go so it's like you know doing a splat with the kicker is actually not a very complicated technique it's important where your body is when the back wheel hits the rock when you when there's too much pressure on the foot rests it will kick you too much and you will like nose dive and when you jump off the ground before the rock then you will not be able to use it as a kicker so you will only roll over it when there is a real step your body position needs to be here after the jump so it's like you start from here push the bike down and then you let the clutch go and that is this is when the bike travels underneath your body and you go from here or here it depends on the speed on the gas on the step on the height on everything so back to the technique you compress the bike it travels because you you rev it you let the clutch go and then it accelerates underneath you warp and this is why you end here okay and then the step breaks you but ideally you have the foot on your brake and uh you you can stop on top of the step but here this is only for jumping now is the point where i would go to go to a step and practice this but i already filmed it so uh yeah we are finished here so the biggest difference to any other technique is that you really jump from one spot it's not that you lift your front wheel and then you go on it's like it's one movement here we have a massive kicker and a small step that's a good combination um you roll you want to compress the bike here you are crowd you crouch down into the bike then you stand up and you let the clutch go or and this makes you jump up the step okay so roll compress extend your legs and let the clutch go it feels like the bike travels under your body your body is here you let the clutch go and then the bike travels under you here's the kicker here's the kicker bomb and it travels here and the back wheel hits the step first and then you follow so it feels like the bike travels under your body back wheel hits the step and then the front wheel comes down i'll try to demonstrate yeah it comes handy for example an undercut step or when you need a lot of speed after step a splat is a good option because you can actually go pretty fast splattered and very important to learn [Music] you
Channel: Jitsie
Views: 15,277
Rating: 4.9523811 out of 5
Keywords: Jitsie, trials, moto, tutorial, howto, how to, training, splat, jump, step, technique, trial
Id: nwJ3wQHRyRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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