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well hello you amazing beautiful people and welcome back to another freaking son LEL reaction F they need to invent a new word for the level of excitement I am feeling right now cuz I feel like hype just doesn't do it justice my word my word how the last episode ended you know what I'm done I'm going to keep this intro super short like subscribe and let's go let's do this for they quite bad so is he it's been it's just been really lucky it's really lucky super lucky man not just lucky this bro can see that that's not looking good for our boy Jim wo if he can see that I don't know that's that's kind of bad you know he can't really hide it a no man I'm just super lucky today I can see your aura dude you're not F your eyes totally messed up this guy gives me like Levi Vibes it's got the same sort of like attitude you know that our boy Levi has you know the sort of like I don't really care I'm badass I'm a some sort of stuff you know and he's got purple hair everyone knows you got purple hair you're secretly badass you see anyone purple hair with the streets you you be careful right that so excited I don't know what's going to happen but I know it's going to be amazing I also have to blame you guys because you guys keep telling me you're like oh come next week next week going be hype hype hype and now I'm hype I don't even know what's going on last time the dungeon wasn't easy and you all spit up what the [ __ ] happened no one lefted but then again if he got off for the prison it's cool that he can tell this can he tell as well can he tell as well he why did he smile what is that smile what that smile what was that he gave like a little he [ __ ] what was that about look at this look at this look at that little smile what is what is that [ __ ] that's no no he's so dead he's dead he's dead he's dead that's that's he's dead he's dead don't say that you [ __ ] you made the horror movie mistake no I've made up my mind when we're done here when we get back to our hometown I'm going to retire I'm going to go to Spain I'm going to finally open up that Vineyard I always oh yeah yeah yeah when we get back from this Mission this last mission that is how you know someone is dead I made up my mind after this dungeon I'm apologize to him oh yeah yeah once we get done with this dungeon this really easy definitely no issues dungeon I'm going to apologize bro dead dead dead [Music] dead I mean you were a dick it's understandable you had family right yeah he's a cool dude of course he'll forgive you bro chill I wonder if he's going to kill the prisoners maybe this was like a ruse to like kill the prisoners maybe they want like maybe there's a reason they want these prison is dead spe spee fore foreign fore speech speee this guy reminds me so much of another character like maybe from jiujitsu Kaizen or chainsaw man he's got this aura about him I can't work it out maybe it's his voice actor is he got like a similar voice actor his voice actor sounds really familiar too can't work it out there's a there's like I'm getting like familiar vibes from him and I it's bugging me um this makes a lot of [ __ ] sense this makes so much sense everything about this felt weird and this like clicks it all together everything I was saying it last everything felt weird this makes sense this is this is not good um for the for the convicts it's good for this guy also super messed up when you think about it actually especially what happened to this guy's daughter so I'm 100% on his side [ __ ] those guys be really cool if he didn't take the money as well just like super chat oh man he did like that stare he did like the look down the nose like that reminds me of another character that does that stair from like another anime watching like that classic anime like I'm going to kill you that maybe it's like Hunter Hunter or something yeah I knew they were going to see it I [ __ ] knew it no no no no ah he was the one who visited him I had a feeling he did no no I was really hoping I was going to be wrong oh no he's got daugh and everything please please please anime anime Jesus please just but he's got a family man come on he's alive he him he him [ __ ] heal him heal him come on come on oh all right okay okay it's okay did you not heal him the whoever used it avoided finishing him off did this sadistic son of a [ __ ] want these two to slowly suffer I can understand the people who assaulted a a a girl but these guys did nothing wrong why he reminds me a lot of another character from another anime I can't out who that the guy but why why do why why finish these guys off slowly what B yes he got to say sorry please don't let him die please oh [ __ ] cuz you're not healing what [ __ ] healer man [ __ ] sake fore foreign speech foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] fore spee spee please jinu right if there's ever a moment to reveal your abilities it's now don't let him go against him this this episode is really stressing me out guys I'm going be honest I'm not going to make it to the end of this one boys oh my God just [ __ ] me oh man all right we're pressing play We're Going Back In everybody for what up m what was that was that supposed to like represent uh like his shadow or was because for a second like a double game fore foreign J W bro please whoop his [Music] ass [Applause] why is K not doing [Music] anything please please oh oh my God I'm so happy I'm so happy a Reawakening yeah oh this is so cool guys that's right [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh how indeed oh my God I'm super confused because he was asked by the father of the their victim right he's literally saying it right now which makes sense why did you kill him I was asked I you know I'm I'm a nice guy you know the the father of the victim asked me I me being the nice guy I am I was like I got you bro I'll avenge your daughter you know what keep the money I'll just avenge your daughter anyway you know that's the picture I like to paint then why is he this [ __ ] evil I don't like it seems like a nice kind of move you know ah these 600 [ __ ] how dare they do that to your daughter I will avenge them and you know what I'm smile while I do it like a crazy person and I'm going kill these other two guys I'm going do it slowly and I'm going kill everybody that you see why you see where we kind of go a bit off the off the roads there why did he go how did he go from being kind of cool Chad you know avenging daughter to being absolute [ __ ] creep belland who just wants to kill everybody in a really slow way yeah yeah exactly slowly as well yeah these the questions I'm asking too this what I'm saying I bet he doesn't take the money and it's not for the cool guy reason I was hoping it's for the bellend reason he likes doing it yeah I keep it money I'll do it anyway oh my God this is so cool man oh my God oh my God this is pretty awesome guys H what what there are people present who want to kill the player defeat them all and ensure your safety warning if you do not complete this Quest you will be punished what number of enemies disas I don't understand what does he mean I I don't even I don't even know what's he [Applause] doing this episode is [ __ ] awesome this episod is awesome this epod is amazing oh my God for my God is the [ __ ] guy man he's fu oh my [Music] god did he say there's there's that's another of my emotions gone does he the more he fights the wait what does he mean by that is that a permanent thing fore I mean great [Music] [Applause] for oh my God oh my God this episode is amazing this has been one of the coolest [ __ ] things I've ever seen in my life guys God damn man this is being a very this anime rules oh my God this been such a good season already we got three more episodes please just extend it to like 40 episodes of season please [ __ ] me I got tears in my freaking eyes guys oh my God Jim I I'll tell you right now I've got such a man crush for J that guy I love him the fights are so cool foree speee fore this guy this guy is is really interesting like even in death he seems like more curious about Jin Wu than he is about the fact he's [Music] dying what this guy's got Mega main character energy by the way stealth wait stealth has he just has he just gained the ability that that guy has what does it mean runstone [Music] [Music] stealth yeah he he's becoming less like emotional he's going to fight the boss he put he's just gone for the [ __ ] boss he just walked off for the bus we know this guy right it's interesting how everyone's linked because obviously we know this dude we know who he works with he's well connected he was the supervisor of Kang who is all both of them together went and saw jimu in the hospital and now Kang is doing this in secret all every all the pieces that we've been seeing in the background are slowly connecting and it's all through this [Music] guy well Kang didn't [ __ ] recognize him but is bro straight away don't say J don't say jimu don't say jimu don't say jimu say all three of you did together my God my [Music] God he was the cream of the crop among B ranks so are we saying that Kang is the like in one punch man terms he was rank number one in B ranks so he was like one step away from being an a rank is that what they mean by that does that mean because he beat Kang he's now maybe like right at the bottom of a ranks [Music] Maybe this guy's a legend man is it s Mr song is that his name love him what sweetheart man love that guy I really don't want this episode to end that's good I really like her as well she seems really sweet what is that I don't remember that but I feel like the way the episode ended going hey do you remember this means that's a big deal I'm just saying kind of feels like a big deal right there's no after credit scene all right I don't think so anyway now episode 10 what is this a picnic is episode 10 just going to be him going for a picnic with her I forgotten her name they're in the Park already solar leveling solar leveling loves doing this doesn't it it goes like hype now we just chill we go from an episode like that and episode 10 is going to be a picnic do you know what the funny thing is I don't even care because I really enjoy the cown episodes as much as the epic episodes I feel like the pacing is really nicely done we've had like if you think about how it opened as well the first two episodes being like an absolute blood bath and then we got reintroduced to like the characters and the world and everything like that and we've had moments of complete epicness since then it's been really fun but what's crazy is although we've seen Jin Wu battle Dungeons and stuff most of the action has come from Jin Wu actually fighting other Hunters which is really interesting as well when you think about it because that has shaped jimmu's character when it comes to fighting humans which is why he's becoming so cold it seems like he's learning more from actually fighting his fellow Hunters than he is from completing dungeons which is so weird it's a very weird thing um I'm interest to see where his ranking is now what that stone means I'm liking this girl I like her attitude as well she seems kind of sweet um and now he's defeated Kang as well is is like Jim's progression and and like how he is and he fighting the boss so the thing is jinu the thing I love about jinu is whenever he has a fight you know that once he's won he is now stronger than he was when he had that fight and I find that so interesting about about him because he just fought Kang and he beat Kang and he actually did it pretty convincingly as well and if Kang is the cream of the crop amongst B ranks there wasn't really a time where Jin Ru looked out of his depths you know what I mean so even though he says this guy is an a rank he I'd be nothing against him I find it interesting how jumo was actually able to dispatch a b rank fairly I would say easily but well at no point did he seem like he was going to lose comparatively to some of the dungeon bosses he's fought in the past so I don't know I I would be very curious to see where he ranks but in my head the way I've sort of governed the rankings is similar to how people have told me but also to how it works in like games where in my head e- rank is like this and then d rank and then C Rank and then B Rank and then a rank and you know what I mean like the level like when you play a game you can go from like level one to 20 really quick but then go from 20 to 30 takes ages and invite and then that continues you know 30 to 40 takes even longer because it takes longer to level up and that's how I imagine this is so even if jimu is right at the bottom of a rank now if that guy's near the top he is a whole different world to Jin Ru and that's how I'm looking at that situation so let me know if I'm right on that one I must admit Nine episodes in Solo leveling is brilliant it is brilliant I've loved every single episode every single moment I love the characters love the world I love the story I love it there's not one thing I changed about this anime I've enjoyed this season immensely I am so sad that we've got episode 10 next week we only got three episodes left I want more but I've really enjoyed it anyway I'm going to end the episode there I hope you guys have enjoyed this reaction if you have please consider pressing that like And subscribe button support this channel I'd really appreciate it have yourself an absolutely amazing weekend and don't forget tonight 8:30 p.m. UK time we're going to be watching Sword Art Online live on Twitch so make sure you don't miss that link in the description anyway I'll see you guys tonight on Twitch have an awesome freaking weekend and as always my friends you will see me in the next [Music] video
Channel: G.O.T Games
Views: 20,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solo Leveling Reaction, Solo Leveling Reactions, Reacting to Solo Leveling, Reaction to Solo Leveling, First time watching Solo Leveling, Solo Leveling Anime Reaction, Solo Leveling Anime, Solo Leveling Webtoon, Solo Leveling Opening, Solo Leveling Opening Song, Solo Leveling Ending, Solo Leveling Ending Reaction, Solo Leveling, Anime Reaction, Anime Reactions, Anime Series, Anime, Solo Leveling Episode 9 Reaction, Reacting to Solo Leveling Episode 9, Solo Leveling Episode 9
Id: JhDKQNmW40g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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