Jimmy Page & Robert Plant Press Conference Australia 1994

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none of the head I didn't come around much to me today trouble you camera mate Michael again greater Robert I'm just gonna get rid of them the better that rabbit man hey mr. page please every other remix which became Jimmy yes how many here you found right x-ray Oh your helmet is on now guys hey are you daughters in one of they are you ready what's up doing something else totally some people here they're witnessing the fact that do it for me um you wanna show you Latin please keep wandering around everywhere we go it is it down because there's no one has to be tightened during the actual question period later XK he knows a girl is that you tell me you need this too I'm suing in America shroud muster last and I got fresh by MTV to do that I thought it was a bit inappropriate because obviously I would gladly do so let's go and it seemed to be although I've got a bit of a problem with my ego it would be a bit ridiculous to try and take all the glory for all those sons from 1968 to 1980 so um I said yes no no so Jimmy and I started talking about if we did do something together how we would go about you know developing a program that would try and personify what we did in the past but at the same time contemporize it enough says it didn't wasn't too jaundiced mmm-hmm and also wasn't too obvious I mean there's so many you know there's only so many ways to skin a rabbit and the one way would be to go on and be the kind of archetypal aging rock icons or the other way would be to give it a lot of some thought which is something that we've never done in the past every time we'd been approached to do anything together we've done it in the shortest amount of time without a great deal of thought and I think nervousness and adrenaline and stuff played a part in making it less of an event and more of a fiasco so by settling down and mmm and discussing how we would do it and how we would elaborate on the past and how we would present a present in the future we actually did the first practical and logical thing that we've done for many years together it was interesting well we gave you some old memories who want to give you some new ones well yeah it's not so much contemporize it's just you know the whole world has opened up in every respect since we first wrote friends and Kashmir and stuff when we did write those songs we'd already recorded in India in 1971-72 with the Bombay part of a Bombay Symphony Orchestra and we'd recorded friends and four sticks way back then but just actually just for an afternoon to see what it would sound like certainly not with a career view but as as times gone on and the whole idea of fusing music from all different parts of the world is now more feasible then it's not so much how we can accept doing it but how the people that you approach from Morocco or from Egypt or they're much more open to the whole deal now and so the doors are open to work in more or less any situation the only problem is that a lot of the work that goes on mmm I go to Morocco a lot undergone our who we worked with you can buy cassettes of the Kanawa playing jazz fusion and I mean man that's so bad I mean it's just terrible that a lot of the kind of combinations of people from the desert or from the mountains in the less populated parts of the world end up playing with Stanley Clarke type of situations which I don't understand why well music often gets tagged with this fusion thing because it's such a kind of emasculating process and and anyway how'd you get an A Tuareg Arab to take his snakeskin boots off and become a jazz ax so the thing is it's much more appropriate now and much easier the doors are open to work more or less with anybody anytime just keep away from jazz next question well shut up never doing a bad job nice guy like each other Jim I got some matches here oh thank you thanks Kristen who's Nicola pass the acid yes sir that's Mike Trevor Jackson from Radio triple um same place as him I won't hog the conference's heated just how much is there anybody not from this ready aah John a bit how much hesitation haha I told you them a man see down here look my mics packed up nice steal this ah you can have mine he must be the bloke who does the stones behave er no no you're gonna do some talkin to ya just lending a hand how much hesitation was it you first got him to the studio I mean obviously there's a little bit of apprehension there thinking well look this has been a while since we've done this and no your choreography salting I went to the toilet actually no Jim entered the toy for ages do you remember you know yeah I'm surprised you noticed Robert well I dad three shades by the time he came back hahahahaha and while I was away we started work all right over here hang on as a bloke Eve every guys sleeping all day I don't know how you stop all Thompson from the Cure oh he gave up he's mad well I'm not going to say fifth he just couldn't drink enough absinthe and he just didn't have the same capacity for excess during the concert the that Robert did and basically he said weak Merle he found out that although the cure at one point were really really making new ground and and uh contributing to good changes within inside this cocoon he found in the end of day that the cured started to looked at everybody else to make sure they weren't getting left behind and that's not really what he wanted to do so he quit and how did you guys find him well he lives in the middle of a stone circle in Cornwall next another yeah so did we go what can you hate most reading Baptists ills or hearing about yourselves in the media but we hate most yeah don't deliver II don't know loveliness oh dear huh oh great it's a bearable in any particular country cuz media is different all the way everywhere well I don't know what you what you're thinking about so I can't really answer the question what's always look at my age wrong some people see air actually inch there was a review in England where Robert was his age and I was 60 which I thought was father time you know that's good that's good and somebody said I once without regime angrier uh-huh there's lots of things but it doesn't matter it's only a game you in it are you doing better or sure up then doesn't matter does it really nah I'm Rumplestiltskin was the exclusion of John Paul Jones an obvious sort of yeah no obvious no are you thank you well because I like the way you hold the bike Tony Bennett thing yeah haven't you heard my album if it goes much plays my last one take that microphone office man no I just wanted to basically clarify the fact that just you two working together would try and stop people from labeling it a Led Zep reunion do you know lazy river no oh it don't matter it's just that Jonesy was busy and we're busy and yeah well when we started working we came up with a lot we were writing a lot of well right from day one or day two we had four things written then we started working with Charlie and Michael the rhythm section and we've got like nine numbers that you haven't heard yet and we were you know moving along at such a rapid pace and momentum moving due to the point where you're not responsible for you know I mean you don't if you want to go and have a romance on a Friday or a Saturday you don't have to go having your wife or your ex-wife you know you don't have to do you have to be completely chained to the kind of what was the modus operandi all those years before you know I don't think it's important I just think that if you if there's anything left of some kind of existentialist great moment in time in this completely contrived environment then it ought to be that you do what you want to do when you want to do it do it as long as you like and then off you know and just leave it forget it if it doesn't if it doesn't feel good one morning you don't have to bring buddy back in and all get on the same gear you know chanted with the onions on the wearing the wig in song remains the same I mean he's still got the same wife he doesn't need us next question nice question for Jimmy how much future well as I'm saying earlier when we got together we started writing in Indian and it was just that was the idea really to see whether we could get on together after all the amount of time 14 years is a long time to to pass and in actual fact you know we did a lot of writing right from the kickoff and I don't know about you know writing of the whole process people aren't say you know what is the writing process I guess it's just inspiration but and that's it you know I mean today I'll write this two more I'll write something else to them and at the moment is it enjoyment polishing that's rather interesting it's a it's a lotus let me get a day off yeah that's about it really that's um well we go home one day and about four days after dad it'll be a good idea to start recording but probably be the middle of December it'll be good to see Paul can play you know make it extend it electrically because right now Paul Thompson from The Cure has only been playing and acoustically but you know that katakana personality of guitar playing that he's got you know could be really really great against Uli's arpeggio work it stands to be electrically something quite dumbfounding yeah absolutely well we've nearly done it now Ms McCabe hello I don't know whether it's that good but mmm I think the most important thing about it was was that our channels were open I think although I think we've missed each of we can create mood and stuff which pleases us if it and that's the really what's the most important thing it always was and it should always remain that way and that's what Paul's argument was about when he left the Cure was once upon a time they they did it there you know they always had their own mood and their own creation if you listen to some of the stuff on kiss me kiss me kiss me it's absolutely brilliant but then they started becoming weenie weenie Bob Bob and then it was almost better to play to 70,000 people and be weenie Bob cool the album the chorus yeah yeah no course what a great gentleman in the back on the right and what's the chance of seeing you guys play low is there any chance comes back sure sure okay I mean that's the whole you know that's what it's all about really is playing it and people hearing it what we're doing and his show will be back then the old songs are not the old songs anymore I mean they aren't the old songs because they're so different when that guy hits when Hossam Ramsay starts the rhythm percussion in Kashmir they're dying the old song and when the man stands up in place for his fall he's God in his country with the violin that's not an old song that's a whole new and if n't ballgame you could you could actually take those segments and put them somewhere else and they're totally different than totally new and very inspired I think hmm and will the old fans like it I doubt it they're already OD'ing on Chris Rhea I'm sorry Chris my manager if he was here there would be scowling saying don't knock anybody but I've had my valium so I'm right back row I'm the you're right gentlemen with pleasure something must be nice one one day official the song remains the same to start actually if you've only got 250 Ontario just been to Japan and I've got more than that the whole funk frog he didn't pay for mother absolutely not no that's I think there's about a thousand now anybody nice man now I'm gonna make a compilation of bootlegs action put it out officially well I think that I think it's a live is live and when lives finish being live it's gone you know I mean I can't stand listening to what happened you know I remember now I don't I remember um dark hour do where's John Anderson and all that they used to plane yes and they used to go back to the hotel room Rick the Reebok sir get some brown rice and sit there for another three hours listening to what they just played I mean what the the point of that I mean it ain't that good ever anyway you've got to be there feel it and then and then go into something else live is well is it self-indulgent you know sort of knock over all the self-indulgence Wow pointless self-indulgence it's not let's face we do to say that I've got some dodgy tracks you've been bought by off me in the boy a Stirling down here the phone on your guard Rex when winds but that's now see we know what we're doing so we get a multi-million dollar management organization for later next year will you be taking the same musicians that you have with the no quarter film that we saw last night well we see those on the tour with you or most of those or obviously you enjoy the experience of working with them will we have the chance to see them as well well we sincerely hope so that's the idea of dispos eternal mother baiz nestled seemed a struggle getting through I know me too then I got yours yeah you mentioned the influence of traveling on your music any plans to six minutes it's a bit more to it there's a bit more to it than that it would be a wonderful experience especially this time of the year but the answer is right now know there's many time 9:30 to 11:00 is promotion - I just think the Jimi's guitar work with a didgeridoo in the background we had we had two didgeridoo movie idea a lovely this sort of daily initial lungers of numbers news and I wanted the cover featuring new players into one of us and for the violent was we had to do didgeridoo players playing on Fred as an issue but that's the way the things where we changed things well and even better the other way that you've heard but you know we were rather experimenting in many different areas general release and open the finance just on the the album you just recorded sounds like you put a hell of a lot of effort and into reworking the songs real yes sir when you're making a record and most importantly the film because of those when you see that you get the clock if you don't see maybe in this that's pretty self-evident something like almost all this inverter the Egyptians it depends on pressing my buddies II a lot less people do but I'm shooting a crash course no there's a man you do what you do what you want to be I didn't think I would sink I iced up but I can but if you play with people who don't inspire it it's also you're going to be incredibly careful with that whole idea behind there being some kind of currency as if you buy any heavy metal magazine you see loads looking a bit weird like heck stressful they're doing it all the time and they're going to get on vest sometime whenever they call so I think the whole hmm as long as we make sense then this is it and and if we didn't make sense I don't think I'd want to make a solo album again anyway I'd like to do duets with Elton its lady here sorry oblivion Parvati teacher well as far as the blueprint I mean it was a certain aspect of a blueprint in the past that people put it that way the fact of playing with with you know other other you know personalities and musically so to speak can be an inspiration and you take it in an organic sense the same way that we got here at this point now you're working with video with the Egyptians the Moroccans and you know the Celtic arias and Nigel even for instance on the early gurdy I mean you can be inspired by working with these people and that's basically what it is if you know if you're in a room and you get to this there's a like a particular sort of like identity of sound coming from somewhere and you can get inspired by but who knows what comes next but up to this point it's been pretty good we always dealt with drones when we made music a lot of the time we we were using drones one kind or another either big guitar layered drones or keyboard or and I think the hurdy-gurdy as an instrument gives allows you to have this kind of um pad of sonic mystery this kind of mysterious you know sand that goes along which means that you can sing anything from a Beatles song to you know burn up begin songs when we played friends they came up and said look we've got a way of starting it and it was the drone and it was amazing and the drones so moving and every time you get out of the anglo-saxon world the drones there and that's all you need Kenny McCabe in a center on your left guys listening the music this music now no it's awful what how did you get up I know you feel yes of course it's exciting it's because I mean you're selling very logical about it had to make sense what it had to make sense because if it would have been a absolute waste of time I don't think either was one of waste that time I mean if and Miss is as good as a mile if you don't get it right you know there's a lot of cohesions there's a lot of people who get together from different cultures and religious backgrounds and ethnic backgrounds who try and make music together and they and it's marketed in a certain way and it doesn't work because it's too polite or it's not it's not real the thing is that these guys were giving us as much as we were giving them they were contributing quite vividly to what we were doing and and the excitement was for Jimmy and I to stand there dumbfounded because we had the kernel of an idea but they took it and they went okay now we'll show you what we do because we are the supreme players of the Middle East because all music in the Middle East comes from Cairo and every time I mentioned Morocco which is my second home they were going there nothing walu nothing at all we carried the music of the Middle East everybody comes to us Fairuz from Lebanon she uses Egyptian players you know she plays in Sydney a lot I saw her last time I was here and everybody the whole musical center of the Middle East gravitates from chiron from the one Carlson School of Music if you like so it's so exciting because we around we just wear like a pair of amateurs really with a little bit of money not a freedom well yeah you can make mistakes it doesn't matter does it song somebody else is paying for it on your right and you guys will be talking about Australia you are different well there's Led Zeppelin tributes and tributes is and we're it's like what you mean it like that stairway to heaven stuff where other that's hilarious actually yeah hey wait Stephen that's right um well I have not you know not absolutely au fait with all the bands you're talking about but I'm aware of that I thought it was a lot of fun I like the big fat Elvis version yeah no no no no the one are from that the program yeah you know the one that the guy who does it to the tune of Viva Las Vegas man that was cool and also my mom cried when the big choir sang is dead in heaven you know but then again she had had a cup of Sherry's how old you son haven't you heard the legend anybody who says that word more than twice a day gets sent to Canberra besides photographers only to ask questions to relaxer like lady in the front row on your left guys I wasn't there do you feel are you responsible for any conception to next yeah they will never immaculate anyway right row I like when I go through the motions of conception right I faked it you know but I still like massive attack I thought that did the job front row the terms of now 15 minutes five minutes or what do you mean I've been famous what do we literally like pressure very relative to that so we're you know this love RTS is bloody hopeless know what it eases you have to have it three times a day it's like medicine you have to be adored yeah and if you're not dord then you have to go off and do and say love me love me now it's true I mean no I don't know why you say that because it's absolutely true you know hmm people make pitiful gestures just to keep the adoration can to go it on though I'm not gonna mention ooh what they do and you're only a photographer only front row on your right guys forgot the words and the whole sound the American version so that is Wow straight on one extra track well this is our first romance with Pony Bram there's all sorts of cock-ups everywhere I mean you know so well that's great yeah thank you I love it I don't know you know fate of Nations was with phonogram and pound there are moves that are made in London which which Indian moved right across the world decisions that are made after a heavy lunch corporate lunch I don't know things happen the tea you know and then you can't actually send a copy of Wawa on a cassette in the post to everybody he ever left off there's no logic behind it it might be the difference between the cost of Records in Europe and the cost of Records in America I mean it could be some corporate ploy I think we should have a set along behind it I don't know we should have an ombudsman looking into this it's hey hey hey hey hey hey hey keep up I don't know it wasn't that great actually nobody's fault but mine work better than that of the two go to the hand up there on your left guys the babies well uh yeah he said yeah what new bands do you like um I think Beck Beck is good I mean the new one not the Jeff one the Jeff one is good too but I'm talking about you told my new band I think the material on this album is really really imaginative Soundgarden you know that'll do for the moment with him I like Portishead I think that come out here yeah yeah yeah I think she sings great nothing by like Blind Melon I think the kid who sings in Blind Melon takes a lot from Blake place Grace Slick strange teeth I love the Black Crowes because they're there they're great they just they're real Magpies but they're really good they think if anything they they're one of the few bands that actually doesn't give a flying hoot and just has a great time and they don't go out to make records that are going to fit perfectly and they you know following Jon Bon Jovi around that sort of thing now you put like Rollins but you won't let me the big Led Zeppelin fan back row right head telling what to do with that and this is what was in favor turn well I'll tell you about the guitar did it was actually and I was self painted at the time little like flames and things and and I went away on to members you know like about 1971 something like that and a friend of mine thought he'd redesign it while I was away and repainted it so sort of yeah that's right so it's sitting around with like a totally new sort of modulating pattern on it I've still got it anyone knows on a brown one well the ones where I didn't have like injured fingers for start yeah yeah I enjoyed all of them as much as I still enjoy what I'm doing now but they're all good you know I always put everything I had into what I was doing then so at least you know I still got that much motivation here to tell a man you messed your finger up satellites actually other to to Hearst remember in San Diego Airport there yeah drumming fences hmm yeah but I didn't I wasn't going up the same fence as - which - which killer was the best I don't know how I can't remember him but I do know I look quite happy in about 1973 won all them t-shirts you know so you have that so so do you it's amazing what you can do you know what a good night's sleep there's a lot of energy that at that time we just came back from Morocco to me we were pretty young we'd experienced quite a few extremes just prior to going on stage for the whole of that year so it was it was more exciting than then as she went to Morocco after that they will be in here good lord and why would I like that then I don't know it was a lot of energy a lot of happiness then I don't know whether it was that great playing mice because you can't be that happy and play good can you really please eventually the personal favors personal face time and well it was done in three weeks but then again so is in through the out door hmm first time was done in 36 hours so it's all it's all oh it's all a matter of time and a race against time really and it takes that long now to get in the limo that's right you know the time Zeppelin finished nobody can enter the lobby because they were always wait for the next blade to go down because they knew he wouldn't go down to the lobby so in the end it could take hours to even get out of the hotel once we left New York two hours after the crowd were ready for us to go on stage in Philadelphia and we were still in the lobby in New York I didn't make it to the lobby oh you pass gone went straight to jail yes anybody else that hasn't asked any questions but feels the burning desire okay then yeah like your ages shining as opposed to the music well you know you jealous you're not short of the odd cliche oh yeah you know I mean I don't know with you are you a journalist yeah yeah you look quite young pretty really but I mean I think you know journalism is there's nothing not all these cliches are what they are we're old blokes you know I don't think me dinosaurs coz you know we can procreate a line isn't finished yet you know but we're definitely not real and certainly not normal it's not disheartening though it's rather nice okay we got one more minute to go and gentleman right here goes gonna do 7,000 TV shows now over here on the right aren't you rockin about it failing this project at all you man okay let's have somebody who hasn't said a word the gentleman with the beard the Biss athletes great yeah what's that with another cousin and now with recording now well it's still imagination isn't it that's what comes down to the end of the day is that vibrant I I think the more on the more options that you have the more you explore and the longer it takes than the and and you tend to lose what was the kernel of a really good or original organic idea I think a lot of it sells you don't do that that's right and I think a lot of it if you listen to them some of the more create really really creative times in music especially like toward the end of the 60s what was happening in San Francisco and in London and stuff like that would and the kind of time the process of writing with the airplane Grateful Dead and all that whole movement which is a social movement to if you if it took you more than two days to make an album Lewis something radically wrong you know pick Withers an old friend of mine from dire straits who left dire straits and didn't team up with he said it took two weeks in New York to get a snare drum sound Verdi stretch because they were going through all the samples you know and in the end nobody knows I'd much rather listen to Gene Vincent anyway so I think the more choices you've gotten the more options you become so studio FA but everything it becomes first started working again together was there were two of us in a room with with five drum loops which were concocted in Paris by a producer and there was a guitar amp and a microphone and it and I we just pressed a button and recorded the stuff and what we got warts-and-all was the most amazing sound and when I played at home it sounds like if you did anything technical to it now it's and it would diminish its power so technology has a lot to answer for really the opposite is 180 but whatever it is main part of it is you don't lose the initial spark of what what is there within the number thinks I was saying about you know pick with us and he's you know trying to find a snare drum sound by the time he's got the snare drum sound you've got spa yeah I think that's a more important that you don't lose that and we work conceptually a four-piece or band when we started and how much more can you do then our four pieces really you know a bird at time went on and we got more opportunity there was more guitar overdubs and stuff but that was all you needed I think the eighty is the beginning of the eight is the techno era when keyboards came to the fore and before MIDI interface in the Howard Jones time Nick cursor all that sort of posting your romantic thing I think everything got I think the actual soul of music was substituted for you know Human League and I bought that love unlimited orchestra thing okay Louis curiously with no vocals think of that but some of this guitars before this loss yeah I got you know the others just some really innovative made some really innovative musical statements and each of the guitars have involved at their own part you know thank you very much everybody let's do it and hopefully we'll get turn what's a verse there is no tonight television stations
Channel: Mark Zep
Views: 52,168
Rating: 4.9157214 out of 5
Keywords: Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, Page & Plant, Press Conference, 1994, Unledded, No Quarter
Id: YIbs6tQkJ6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2015
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