Jimmy Fallon revela que hará una sorpresa con Peso Pluma muy pronto

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Tonight Show Jimmy jimy I said so many nice things about you there you it was thank you for inviting and allowing tundo to be here with you and you're always welcome at The Tonight Show always welcome in our house it's wild it feels like we just started because uh we love what we do NBC called me they said Jay was getting ready he's going he wants to transort it over in the right way and give it to you uh would you like to host the Tonight Show and I was like I I would I would love to I go can we bring it to New York and it was just silence we'll call you back we'll call you back no seriously yeah we'll call you back yeah well I had it's a big deal to bring the Tonight Show back to New York but this is my building that I've been in for now 25 years I've been at NBC uh in this building walking through the same doors from Satur live to late night and then Tonight Show 25 years wow more than half of my life I've been working here my mom you know you got to she's so proud you know so she was my biggest fan when Co happened you know I I didn't know what to do and I had no plan and my wife actually said what are you going to do I mean what's the plan I go we don't know we be back in 2 weeks I didn't know what it was she goes oh no no no no you're going to get a tripod you're going to put your phone on the thing and you were going to put a show on for everybody cuz people need you now more than ever they need to feel like you're on the same boat you're feeling the same way they're feeling and they need you to make them laugh you know that's your job ma what a beautiful family you have they're cre they're funny they're uh so cute they're 10 and nine now and they're just curious they're nice kids they're polite uh I'm so proud of that they're just good kids I love them so much I'm so lucky let's talk about [Music] let's let's talk about Latino what would we what where would we be without the Latino Community The Tonight Show you had JLo of course one of our favorites one of our absolute favorit Shak she's turn it on by the way she's phenomenal bu I mean come on that's my gu was awesome that's my guy youum you Le yes like that own that was giant my God went viral too peso pluma that was he that was one of the coolest performances incredible he's he's coming back he's coming back Really is this an exclusive he's got something he's got something good he's got something yeah he's we're working on something um gamechanging for us I mean when we have uh someone from the Latino community on the the the Their audience it's such a great fan base and they support uh each other so much I don't even know if there are bigger fans of anyone that support each other like that Latino Community does oh you haven't told me about the 10year special anniversary we have a giant Prime Time special two hours The Best of The Tonight Show you know it's really it's really fun it's really good there's so many uh great moments on the show uh there's musical moments there's uh comedy sketches there's uh crazy interviews
Channel: Al Rojo Vivo
Views: 35,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Al Rojo Vivo, Jimmy Fallon, arv, al rojo vivo, Jimmy Fallon arv, lourdes stephen, arv telemundo, noticias en vivo, al rojo vivo noticias de hoy, telemundo noticias, al rojo vivo telemundo, noticias de hoy Al Rojo Vivo, Noticias Al Rojo Vivo, al rojo vivo hoy, noticias al rojo vivo, Noticias arv, Telemundo, Jimmy Fallon revela que hará una sorpresa con Peso Pluma, sorpresa con Peso Pluma, entrevista con Lourdes Stephen, Jimmy Fallon abrió su corazón, comunidad latina
Id: C8VA-yLDKow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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