Jimi Hendrix on Performing The National Anthem at Woodstock | The Dick Cavett Show

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Beautiful mind. Beautiful sentiments. Beautiful man.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JellyButtBaby 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/santacruisin 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
so it's really you at last how are you I'm pretty tired it's been recording so much you know you're tired now yeah I haven't had a sleeping about all night working on the last LP how much sleep do you need to be alert alert I guess eight eight hours yeah I had about eight minutes so you know I've slept longer than that in my monologue when it cut the and racket off on the sound here okay nice gentlemen what is that my sound that we hear irritating is so dreadfully saw something like the New York Street I don't know it's like a today there is our static so the amplifier is esthetic music as well the air is loud you know we're trying to settle things down a little bit there's no take it like a rest you know I asked a practical question and got a philosophical answer yeah well it's trying to get a phone across before we don't you know take our ass I'm sorry we're gonna both sack at mr. young will you me ask you anything what really happened to you that night at Woodstock could you stay on so long you just really we're always late in the morning yeah and I was announced that it was canceled the show at the dick Cavett's was canceled and so and then later on was announced that it was on oh really now you know what's happening I was so exhausted you know yeah I was like a booty calls things nervous breakdown or whatever you know physical breakdown you don't suppose it was real you didn't have you ever had a nervous breakdown yeah three of them since I've been in school this is a bit of this business you know really I didn't mean to pry but since you brought it up they said that everyone was amazed at the absence of violence it's become a cliche now about that big festival and about the others were you surprised at it do you think that most well I was glad that's what it's all about you know try to keep violence down you know keep them off the streets and like a festival 500,000 people was a very beautiful turnout you know oh we have more of them you know be nice yeah what was the controversy about the national anthem and the way I don't know all I did was play it I'm American so I played it I said the same in school they may be singing the school song this man was in the hundred and first Airborne so when you write your nasty letters in that is when you mention the national anthem and talk about playing it in any unorthodox way you immediately get a guaranteed percentage of hate mail it isn't knowing they're in the know I thought it was beautiful living there you go don't you find that there's a certain mad beauty in an orthodoxy I knew you'd do that someday do they ever send that shirt back with too much starch in the collar that's the mr. day I've seen in a long time where did the supergroups keep breaking up their ores their ores rumors that your group is breaking up and Big Brother broke up and well probably cuz like they want to get into individual things on their own or maybe you might want to get into other things beside music you know you mean guys in your group would be would want out of the business out of music business and in this but not necessarily maybe they might want to get into their own music cuz like what I was trying to do like was I could do it today's type of Blues like manic depression and so forth and like no reading he's like isn't too more harmonic thing you know when you're singing and so forth and like you were too angling to get its own group together know already in the base and already yeah okay Billy Cox playing bass this time mm-hmm and I think it's the less Java do until you know take a rest it's like we've been working very hard for three years you know can you tell some nights you're just not making it at all you know you're used to just walk off and that's like compliments you know government's is so embarrassing sometimes cuz you know really the truth of stuff and sometimes people don't really try to understand you know it's like a circus that might come in town so watch that you know and then Susie fadeaway wouldn't they go on and feed upon the next thing you know but it's alright it's part of life I'm digging myself you're considered one of the best guitar players in the world well one of the best in this studio and how about some of the best sit in this chair yeah do you have to practice every day the way a violinist doesn't mean if you're not working so you're off in England and you're just have to keep shape every day yeah I like to like play to myself and I can go in the room before we go on stage like this or whatever I feel like whenever I feel down or depressed or whatever you know it's gonna play and I can't practice so it's always constantly what do you call it like a jam you know it's hard for me to remember any notes because I'm constantly trying to create other things that's why I make a lot of mistakes you read music you ever run into any of the guys from the old hundred and first yeah do they do they wonder who think your life is strange compared to what they're in you know but I wouldn't matter really because you know there's so many different things going on you know I can't you can't take time out to say oh I don't do they think about me they're all you know and all this kind of stuff you know I can't go through all that if I go through it for three years I think I think there are pretty pretty well off if they ever get out of that stuff you know to see me again it's for me to see them feel very lucky about that you're still looking for that certain girl certain girl what girl the certain one you yet you're not married no do you see yourself married ever no but you'll never get a situation comedy on television by the time I think of the absolute [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Dick Cavett Show
Views: 2,304,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Dick Cavett Show, Talk Show, Musician, Celebrities, Dick Cavett, United States, Chat Show, Interview, jimi hendrix, jimi hendrix woodstock, woodstock festival, woodstock 1969, dick cavett woodstock, jimi hendrix national anthem, jimi hendrix star spangled banner, star spangled banner, national anthem versions, jimi hendrix interview, rare interview, classic interview, jimi hendrix dick cavett, jimi hendrix the dick cavett show, jimmy hendrix, jimmy hendrix interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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