Jim Staley - Case for the Covenant (And the Reason for the Second Coming)

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All right well I am excited about the message that I'm going to be bringing this evening this is a new teaching that I've done I have not done this teaching before and I believe this teaching will solidify in a lot of people's minds exactly what the point of the Messiah the return is you know if you look up you'll see the final return conference the that name the father gave me has a multiplicity of meanings for the final return of his people coming back to the Covenant for the final return of the Messiah from the final return of children coming back to their parents and husbands and wives coming back and covenant with one another I mean everything in the Bible is about to shoot is it not it's about returning it's about coming back today I asked if my break out quite in my break out a session what is the word repentance mean and most everyone said you know turn their back on sin turn your back and that is the Greek definition of teshuva or repentance but the Hebraic definition of teshuva or repentance is not turning back on sin with the emphasis on sin it's turning our back towards the Creator from which we walked away from and that's what this conference is all about is the final return of all of those things and so let me ask a question to you out there what what is the entire Bible about what is the entire Bible about I mean I'm kind of a macro guy I love to kind of look from a bird's eye view and teach the Bible from a macro point of view because if you don't understand from Genesis to Revelation from a macro perspective it's impossible to zoom in and understand what it means on a micro perspective is this making sense so far good because I haven't even started so anyway here's what the entire Bible really is all about the entire Bible you can start my timer police the entire Bible is about this covenant it's what it's all about it's it not is about in more retrospect it's about a marriage contract ketubah it's all about a husband and a wife that's the way it starts ladies and gentlemen and that's the way that it ends so if we would understand what a marriage covenant is all about if we understand the whole concept of a husband and wife and spousal and everything that happens in that hold even the feast days are all about that marriage contract we'll understand our Bibles but what I want to propose is another question as we walk through here the second someone makes vowels inside of a marriage covenant what is the enemy gonna try to do what is his job the day after you get married and you make those covenant Val's what is he going to try to do he is going to try to break those marriage vows that you made see understanding that from the very beginning husband and wife when they come to me they come together in the in that wedding ceremony there was a covenant that was made and those covenants have rules you all said it you walk down the aisle you said I I Joe Joe will take Cindy Smith as my lawful wedded wife and for all and so forth when she's sick I'll be good to her and all those good things and you said I do most of you can't recall egg at all what you said except for the I do part and let me just now you'll laugh at this because for those of you the mapa mere 14 years and I know this when I got on my wedding day I didn't care about anything that was gonna happen for the next thirty years of my life the only thing I knew is I was in love with this woman and I wanted to marry her I had no clue what I was getting into I had no idea I did not know how messed up you were until you got married right all right I'll come only the guys hands around that's but that's what covenants do did you know that when you enter into covenant you are coming in faith when you were at the bottom of this aisle you came in faith you had no idea that there were gonna be covenant rules restrictions and instructions to make that covenant work until one day you wake up and your wife says honey why did you take the cap off the toothpaste and leave it off all night you realize I can't get it out now that was a Torah rule she just created but the enemy as you begin to make covenant rules and restrictions as you made that covenant you start learning those instructions the enemy wants a pull that away and break the heart of that covenant that is his job break the commandments that's what he did in heaven that's why he was thrown to earth and that's what he's trying to get every one of us to do is to break the Covenant so I'm driving this into the ground because I want you to understand that from Genesis to Revelation it's all about the wedding vows get rid of the idea of Commandments laws whatever you want to call him folks in the simplicity of jim staley who didn't go to college their wedding vows that's all he's looking for is his bride to honor her wedding vows when you came to know the Messiah for the first time that was the moment you stood in front of the Father and you said I do you are saved through faith not of works as any man should boast but like James said show me your faith without keeping the wedding vows and I'll show you my faith by keeping the wedding vows that's what it's all about the number one plan of the enemy is to keep you from keeping your wedding vows it is a fight for the bride that's what's going on right now it is a fight for the bride in history the entire Bible is about the creator and his arch rival fighting over the bride one trying to get the bride to keep the marriage vows so that she'll be protected and blessed and the other one is trying to get her to forget about the Covenant so that she'll be cursed that is just flat-out the way it works you know I've been always taught my whole life that that the law was only given on Mount Sinai when he says I set before you it's kind of 10 commandments right blessing and curse where do I get the idea that God speaks like that anyway it's gonna hold you know it's kind of strange Moses looks just like Charlton Heston I'm sure but that's not the first time he said that when was the first time he said that in the garden what did he do he said if you eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you will die if you eat from the tree of life you will live is that not the same thing as saying I set before you tree and tree eat why live don't eat live eat die it's the same thing blessing curses all throughout the wedding vow system it's a covenant so here we are in the Garden of Eden you didn't know that they this is 1980s green and purple hair garden Eden there it's a large apple but that's probably a good thing anyway God gave them personal instructions for the Covenant in the garden gave them personal instructions I set before you blessings and curses and what did the enemy say he didn't really mean that do you realize the enemy only has one trick up his sleeve we think he's a genius he's not real smart I mean he went against the Creator I mean for crying out loud he was probably there when he created the universe and he went against the creator of everything so it can't be that smart he has one trick up his sleeve what makes him appear to be so smart is he is very good at that trick anybody ever see a magician I mean they're really good at the tricks that they do it's so much so they can do it right in front of you and you come you'll swear that no no I can't be though it's right here it's under this one you watched it you watched it go around he even slows it down so that you feel real dumb you say it's here and it's never there because they're really good at making those and those balls and be invisible or whatever they do the enemy has one trick and his trick is this is to get you to believe that the Creator did not mean what he said if he can get you to believe it he has one more trick he can not only get you to believe that Yahweh did not mean what he said his next trick is to get you to believe that it was his idea to change what he said and he's done a real good job of that wouldn't you say hopefully his days of his tricks are being exposed in the light as we walked through the Bible like I said we're gonna do kind of a quick walk through the Bible and get to the the message into the the title of this message which is a case for the covenant major covenants in the Bible let's walk through the first one Idina covenant now this is not an all-encompassing again just going to hit some of the highlights of the most important covenants that are found in the scriptures the Edenic covenant in the new in the the gardening all provision came from the Lord as long as they followed his commands pretty simple Edenic covenant you do when I say everything will be provided you won't even have to work the lam Along Came the Adamic covenant here are your new roles prophecies of is destroying the curse that now entered the earth realm he gives the curses because of the fall the Noahide covenant up comes a government structure out of the Noahide covenant and a few more instructions an Abrahamic covenant promise of land a great people blessings and curses are repeated let me ask a question when the Abrahamic covenant came did it do away with the Adamic or the Edenic covenant it did not so we move along the people get to enter into it individually through personal shedding of blood a foreshadowing prophetic picture of what would be to come if the males if the males live covenant the whole family is in ordered you get that and the males are circumcised when the males get it have you ever wonder why that the way that why did it require anything from the women because Yahweh understands that if the males will get it everything gets in order because the males are the ones that he created to captain the ships it doesn't mean we're more important or means were the greatest servant and if the servants will serve everyone get served you know I was having dinner once with a friend of mine and he was a very wealthy person used to work for him and and I never been around really that many celebrities at all but he was he was one of them former Hall of Fame football player and and we were having dinner at his house once and any any I never had I've never seen a butler in real life so it's very strange for me he came around he exactly like on TV man the the black bowtie and a silver platter and it came around with these hors d'oeuvres that you know I just never seen anything like it weddings sure if I wanted to eat it you know and I mean probably a hundred dollars for every little order and he would come up and he would give it to me and I hope no no that's okay okay thank you I'm just not sure what that is you know it doesn't look like peanut butter and jelly so I'm past it so we come across and the Holy Spirit spoke to me it's clear as I'm speaking to you and said Jim that's what I want you to be that silver platter is my word and I want you to serve my people my word and as long as you walk around and you minister to people by serving them I will let you serve them because the privilege and the reward is being able to serve it's not any reward in heaven you know if I'd if there's a reward in heaven great I believe there is but we should be giving for the sake of the fact that we get to give amen just the fact that he lets us understand these things that give is amazing enough to me all right let's move forward the Mosaic Covenant we come to Mosaic Covenant written instructions for living blessings and curses are giving are given again emphasized like the Idina covenant let me ask a question when the Mosaic Covenant came along did it destroy the Abrahamic covenant did he destroy the Adamic Covenant the Edenic covenant the Noahide covenant of course not they are layered on top of each other how they are old enough to know what a transparency is okay that should not be proud of that but any case some of the young people are going transparency that's like a window or something isn't it right transparencies when we did worship man I remember you always you couldn't start worship without the guy that does the transparency and now god I always had a little chair sitting next to that little thing and they turn on the thing right and and you always everybody always got mad at the transparency guy why because he started getting into worship and won't change the words but like he's like three and a half songs off you know what I mean nobody knows even with the words art of the song but the transparencies do what thing what do they do the transparencies there's light at the base the foundation of everything that you see in the natural starts with light then the light comes through whatever is put on top of it in its way the light shines through and creates a picture on the screen then what happens if you take another transparency and put it on of it does it remove the original transparency no so our first transparency is a tree what do we have very good I got a tree so our next transparency is gonna be another tree what do we have you guys are so sharp you're not the ones that said 12:00 last night for sure when I said how many plagues were there anyway so we have two trees in the next one I put it you know a guy and a girl they don't have any clothes on what do we have two trees and a guy and a girl no clothes on then I put some fruit on the tree and a snake coming out and now we've got a picture of the Garden of Eden now we can clearly see what is trying to be portrayed from the light source this is what the covenants do ladies and gentlemen they reveal more of the father's original plan see we weren't there in the garden so we don't know what it's like so as he adds these covenant layers remember we walked away from him his whole game plan is to Shuba his old game plan is to get us to come back just just turn people came to my class today about well you know what do we do now you know and now I get it what do we do and how do I walk out all this stuff let me tell you something for 1500 people in this room and in a thousand that are watching online you know how you keep the commandments of God you just turn and let him lead you don't worry about it he's so pleased that you're concerned about whether or not you should pay money to get out of the parking garage or shouldn't you spend the night over there in the freezing cold he's just so concerned he's so blessed that you're pausing in your life to go Father are you ok with this like it like a child with her daddy that's all we're looking for it from as daddies aren't we is just for our children to try their best with what they know that's what he's looking for he's the ultimate daddy right so the Mosaic Covenant they're all just transparencies giving us and pointing us in a direction to give us an ultimate picture let's continue all the blessings of all the previous covenants are maintained the Davidic covenant his house would rule forever if they kept his Commandments forever and we know that Yeshua's coming back which means that somebody kept some covenant Commandments for him to take that throne which brings us folks to this one amazing and final covenant the new covenant and what we want to discover is what is the new covenant and how it relates to the covenants across the spectrum of rebel from Genesis to Revelation what does that have to do with the second coming of Messiah so this message I've entitled is the case for the covenant so before I get started that was all introduction by the way if you're in my fellowship you're used to that I want to ask a question that many of you probably have never thought of why is the Messiah coming back now we all love to talk about him coming back well we can't wait he's riding on the clouds Noah blah blah blah but why is he coming back why does he have to come back I mean if I'm the creator and my son dies and I had to watch him go through all that agony and finally he raises from the dead I'm saying Sikkim take over now there would have been a good time would have been a great time would you all agree that would have been the alts ideal time to set up shop right there why go away and let the whole thing fall apart why is he coming back well we need to find out what the scriptures say because I think it might absolutely surprise some of you of why he's coming back remember folks it's not all about us it's all about him Jeremiah chapter 31 we'll start in the most popular chapter dealing with the New Covenant behold the days are coming declares Yahweh anytime you see lor D and your Bibles for those of you that don't know that is the name of Yahweh when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel with the house of Judah which means he's not making a covenant with the Gentiles that's real important so either you're from one of these two houses or you're not in covenant with the Creator not like the Covenant which I made with the father's in the day I took them by the hand and bring them out of the land of Egypt my covenant which they broke although I was a husband to them declares the Lord but this is the cup which I will make with the house of Israel after those days declares the Lord I will put my law within them and on their heart I will write it and I will be their God and they shall be my people like I said in my classes afternoon recognize the direct object in point subject though everything in this verse is pointed to one thing the most important thing the our way is he's gonna put his law on our hearts much less and I ask the question how many of you have children how many of you written down all the laws in your house for your children nobody raised their hand why because you have a relationship with your children I do your children know every single one of the rules and they even know when they cross it when my five year old knows she's done something wrong we can't find her anybody having small children like that I mean you where's Maliha next question is what she do find her and you find her and she's got chocolate all over her mouth did you get into the cookie dough no daddy are you sure I'm sure I did not I promise what do you do as a dad when that happens you're doing everything you can to not laugh you know you can't laugh it'll blow everything so what do you do you just take her in you what do you do you put her in front of the mirror did you eat any chocolate honey maybe that's the humanity of our fried right there ladies and gentlemen even when we see it on our face we can't admit it and you think that's a funny story what is the Bible called it is our mirror how many recognizes that out in the outer Court of the tabernacle there was a such a thing called the brazen Laver made out of highly polished copper brass highly polished metal filled with water and the priest would look over into this brass and they could literally us what they used for mirrors back then they could see the dirt on their face in their hands and they would that's how they would wash and know the dirt the Bible says if it washed you with the water of the word it is our mirror you look into it it shows you what's wrong with you sometimes we just can't admit that we got stuff on our face because we can't see it and sometimes it's gonna take someone else saying listen I'm not trying to offend you I love you but if you go out like that honey everyone's gonna laugh but no one's gonna tell you that's the job of our spouse that's the job of your good friends your close friends and that is the job of the word of Yahweh is when you look into it it's not supposed to make you feel good it's supposed to convict you to help you and point you to come back to his people he wants to write his law on your heart just like our children love to follow our lead they want to please us their law our laws on their hearts hopefully that's the way it's supposed to work so what is on my heart mean because that really kind of is like a philosophical thing so what you're gonna do is you're gonna learn a little bit how jim staley learns how to teach I didn't go to Bible College maybe that's a good thing I didn't go to a regular College I've learned that's a good thing to probably but I'm an acquisitive person I asked lots of questions and one of the questions I had when I was studying for this is what is this on my heart thing that's kind of a weird thing I mean how do you get anything on my heart I don't understand so what do we do we don't understand we ask the Bible do a simple word search and here's what we discover if we're going to define words in the Bible we've got to use the dictionary disciples use and of course that is the Tanakh Tora the sayings and the prophets original intention proverbs chapter 3 verse 1 let's just let the Bible talk to us my son do not forget my teaching but let your heart keep my Commandments Rober 7 3 buying them upon your fingers write them upon the tablets of your heart see we thought that Jeremiah 31 is the only place it's the first place in the Bible he's always about the New Covenant is what I've always been taught the New Covenant is when he's gonna write on a card and we connect New Covenant right in our hearts with Holy Spirit Holy Spirit's giving on Pentecost was not given the Old Testament now the Gentiles when the Holy Spirit came replacement theology that is when the Holy Spirit is written the law in your hearts how many have learned that but the reality is right here in Proverbs Solomon is telling us that God wants us to write his words on the tablet of our heart that is showing us original intent it was never supposed to be not written on their hearts it was given in the garden and then it was written on stone and the only reason why was written on stone is because men forgot they didn't even know the name of their God Moses showed up and me all we had to tell you about what's your name that's how far gone they were we are repeating that same pattern let's continue Isaiah chapter 51 verse 7 says listen to me you who know righteousness a people in whose heart is my law do not fear the reproach of man neither be dismayed at their revile ins whose heart is my law Isaiah said that Psalms 37 31 the law of his God is in his heart none of his steps shall fly if the law of Yahweh is in your heart if his Commandments are in your heart if his instructions and wedding vows is in your hearts none of your steps shall slide folks you can put that in your own marriage if you're married today or you plan on getting married and recognize this husbands and future husbands if you take the instructions and your wedding vows serious none of your steps shall ever slide that's how serious wedding covenants are amen Psalms xli 8 I delight to do your Will O my god yea thy law is within my heart Psalms 119 34 give me understanding I shall keep your law yeah I shall observe it with my whole heart are you getting the picture yet I don't like to just pull one or two verses out I want you to get what the Bible says in context he wants us to have his instructions his wedding vows written on our heart thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your strength who said that Yeshua said that but not this time this is Yahweh in Deuteronomy chapter 6 this is what your shoe is quoting folks think about this for a minute the Messiah the creator rabbi Yeshua the greatest rabbi that ever walked the face of the earth did not come up with his stroke of genius of love of Lord God with all your heart mind soul and strength love your neighbor as yourself oh that sounds good no he was quoting his father when his father says in context and these words which I command you this day shall be on your heart did you realize that the very verse that he's quoting you don't think that that Jewish rich boy or the Pharisees knew the next verse - one of the most important verses in all of the Torah he did not have to quote it because they knew it unfortunately we have to court it today because we don't know it Deuteronomy chapter 6 is all about the Lord reminding them that the things that I told you on mount sinai write it on your heart love me and he connects the two together Matthew chapter 22 let's find out there's any difference jesus said unto them thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all thy mind the first was written on tablets of stone truth the second it was supposed to be written on their hearts as well but they rejected it this means that they will have the desire to keep his Commandments through faith through the motivation of love that is the entire point of the Bible it's a marriage contract you come to your spouse and out of love for your spouse you Bend and surrender to their ways husbands how many of you have learned the hard way of trying to push your agenda on your wife it just doesn't work it does work the other way around but it does not work when we do it and that's what frustrates us we don't understand that I think the Lord puts it put us in charge you so that we think we're in charge you know there's a reason why the wife is called to help me is because we need help anyway that's a whole another credit back to Jeremiah so now let's go back to the New Covenant chapter vet chapter 31 verse skip to verse 34 it says this they shall not teach again each man his neighbor and each man his brother saying no Yahweh for all shall know me from the least of them to the greatest of them declares the Lord for I will forgive their of their sin and their sin I will my member no more here's a question for you today has this happened yet I'm up here that's an easy question this has not happened yet we still have teachers it says every nobody will have to tell anybody about the Lord because everybody will know him so what time on the timeline must he be talking about when everybody knows him no one has to teach cuz everyone's gonna know it come on now not a trick question and the Millennium when he comes back right so this is one misunder think sting excuse me misunderstood thing about the New Testament is because we don't understand sometimes we forget what it's like to have a marriage covenant there's always two parts there's two parts to every single government especially marriage and here's the first one Ephesians 1:13 says this having believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised Holy Spirit who is the deposit engagement guarantee he is absolutely the betrothal part of marriage guarantee our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession to the praise of his glory we have been betrothed but the marriage ceremony has not been consummated yet on tshe 1 at some point in the future when the Messiah comes back on the Feast of Trumpets according to all of history Kings could become kings in the middle of the year but they were not coordinated King until t31 exactly the way our even American system works today they come into office but they're not inaugurated until January when the Messiah get inaugurates and becomes king that's when he takes us into his bridal chamber that's when the consummation of the new covenant begins and that's when no man will have to teach because the teacher will be here in person amen so here's the point of Jeremiah chapter 31 but the this is the covenant were gonna read it again this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after these days declares Lord I will put my law within them and I and and on their heart I will write it and I will be their God and they shall be my people and out of curiosity one day I looked up to what the word law was in Hebrew and it Strong's zero eight five one can you believe it strong zero eight five one you don't have strong memorize I feel like a nerd just kidding so I'm 0 eight five one just so you know is the word Torah i will put my torah in their hearts it's what he said so what is the entire focus of the New Covenant and the real reason why the Messiah is coming back we're going to discover all of the scriptures I'm gonna go through virtually every scripture has to do with his second coming in the Old Testament and even some of the new and show you a pattern that is absolutely incredible in my opinion here's the real reason number one to redeem his people number two to teach us his instructions that is why ladies and gentlemen he's coming to redeem his people and to teach his instructions why because we have forgotten his instructions if you don't believe me let's walk through the Bible shall we we got 46 minutes and 56 seconds here we go if this is true then why isn't it prophesied in the Old Testament that his law is the reason why the Messiah is coming back Jim if this is true he's coming to teach us his Torah and he's coming to redeem his people then why isn't in the old testament they say that the reason why he's coming back is to teach us his law well if we read the front of the book maybe we'll discover a few of those verses so let's do so tonight his word is forever amen Psalms a lot 111 five through seven says as he provides food for those who fear Him he remembers his covenant forever he has shown his people the power of his works giving them the lands of other nations the works of his hands are faithful and just all his precepts are trustworthy before I go into the prophecy scriptures I want you to see what he says about his covenant and I want you to also understand that when he says covenant he's lumping them together it's one covenant from his perspective one picture of multiple transparencies what about Hebrews Jim we'll get to it Psalms one at eleven continuing they are steadfast forever and ever done in faithfulness and unright now and uprightness he provided redemption for his people he ordained his covenant for how long holy and awesome is his name continuing Psalm 132 Yahweh's sworn oath to David as sure or that he will not revoke one of your own descendants I will place on your throne if your sons keep my covenant and the statutes I teach them then your son shall sit on your throne for ever and ever for the Lord has chosen zone he has desired it for his dwelling this is my resting place for ever and ever here I will sit and throne for I desired and I want you to connect one thing two things the Messiah when he comes back he chooses mal seoane for what he chooses Mount Sion for his resting place forever and he connects that to keeping of the Covenant in the same context I want you to see this pattern all to the scriptures Malachi 3:1 see I will send my messenger who will prepare the way before me then suddenly the Lord who you're seeking will come to his temple the messenger of the Covenant whom you desire will come says Yahweh Almighty but who can endure the day of his coming who can stand when he appears for he will be like a refiners fire or a laundress soap the Messiah's coming will be a day that no one will be able to stand matter-of-fact a kind of representation of every knee will bow no one will be able to stand in his presence and he says what is he the messenger of the Covenant what is this covenant that he's talking about malachi 3:13 you have said harsh things against me says Yahweh yet you ask what have we said against you you have said it's futile to serve Elohim what did you gain by carrot what are we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before Yahweh Almighty basically you've offended me says Yahweh because you've stopped keeping my Commandments because you think that there's nothing to gain by it again connecting a fence with keeping of covenant malachi 4:1 says this this is amazing surely the day is coming it will burn like a furnace all the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble and the day that his coming will set them on fire says Yahweh Almighty not a root or branch will be left to him I'm showing you context before I get to the verse I want you I want to prove to you this is about the second coming right before he comes but for you who revere my name the Sun of righteousness will rise with healing in his wings and you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall then you will trample down the wicked they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I do these things says Yahweh almighty remember the Torah of Moses the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel ladies and gentlemen the context is the tribulation the Great Tribulation he's telling the people at the end of time before the Messiah comes back no one will be able to stand every knee will bow the earth is going to melt my people you better keep my Commandments and remember the tour that I gave Moses or you will fail no way around it the Covenant of Moses the Covenant of Abraham the Covenant of Isaac and Jacob all the way back is connected to the return of our Messiah Armageddon Isaiah 24 1 behold the Lord makes the earth empty and makes it waste just at surface and scatters abroad its inhabitants the land shall be entirely emptied and utterly plundered for yahweh has spoken this word the earth mourns and fades away the world languages and fades away the haughty people of the earth languish the earth is also defiled under its inhabitants because they have transgressed the laws and the Hebrew word there is Torah they have transgressed the Torah changed the ordinance and broken made void the everlasting covenant does this sound just eerily familiar let me read this again so you can understand the gravity of what we just read for some of you that are watching online maybe this is the very first time or you're watching this you know on video this is the very first time that you've ever connected the Torah to the second coming of Messiah this is it he says that he let me read this again verse five he says the earth is also defiled under its inhabitants why is the earth defiled because they transgressed the Torah change the ordinances and broken down the everlasting covenants and he's talking to who the people that are alive at the end of time the ones that are defiling the earth right before the Messiah comes up if the Torah is done away with ladies and gentlemen we can't defile the earth by breaking us you can't break something that doesn't exist he's coming to judge those who have broken his wedding vows number one who changed his laws made it void in waged war against the Almighty some of those will spend eternal life away from the father making war against the Almighty some will be least in the kingdom how many remember Matthew chapter 5 verse 17 through 21 he she was said I did not come to destroy the law but I came to fulfill the word is plural the very same word used two chapters earlier when you she was said I have fulfilled all righteousness certainly he did not do away with all righteousness he came to fill it up and give it great meaning has a couple verses later anyone that teaches that the law of God has done away with will be least in the kingdom of heaven because he defines he defines keeping the covenant is loving him and if anyone's teaching my people it's my Shepherds I know there's a lot of shepherds in this room tonight take this serious God says that if you teach my people to disobey me and you teach them it's okay you will literally be teaching them not to love me and you won't know it he doesn't say it's a Salvation issue he says you'll be least in the kingdom you might say oh I'm okay living down by the river in a man I am too but I'm I'm shooting for that trip of wine I'm okay I'm shooting for that stripper why I want to please my father amen I'm gonna do it the best way that I can I'm gonna trust him at his word I'm not gonna take man's word for I'm gonna take his word and if his word says do this I'm gonna err on the side of caution because let me put this out for those of you that are out there that are still completely disagreeing with the fact that we have to keep his Commandments for anything let me put this on your lap I win both ways if I'm wrong then I would bless all my life and he goes Jim you really didn't have to keep that old Sabbath thing and relax and enjoy your family you didn't have to do that you realize that was told legalism you lived your whole life if I'm wrong man I there's no consequence amen but if if Yahweh's word is way I read it there's a major consequence for eternity no way to turn it around we better make sure we better make sure isaiah 50:6 1 says this is what you always says maintain justice and do what is right force my salvation is close at hand and my righteousness will soon be revealed blessed is the man who does this the man who holds it fast who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it and keeps his hand from doing any evil again connecting the Messiah the one that will reveal righteousness it's connected to telling us those who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it doing the best that you can in 2000 in the 21st century to follow the father according to his word couple verses later let no foreigner check this out but let no foreigner who has bound himself to the Lord say the Lord will surely exclude me from his people because I'm not a native-born Israelite he says let not any eunuch complain I am only a dry tree for this is what he always says to the eunuchs who keep my Sabbath who choose what pleases me and holds fast to my covenant to them I will give within my temple and its wall as a memorial and a name better than the sons and the daughters I will give them an everlasting name that will not be cut off in for news Huub are buying themselves to the Lord to serve him to love the name of Yahweh and to worship Him all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it and who told fast to my covenant for everyone kind of blew this one verse kind of blows the whole idea that it was given to the Jews he's specifically saying anyone in the world that attaches themselves to me if they'll just do what I asked me to do I will make them sons and daughters these I will bring to my holy mountain and this is gonna be a familiar verse and give them joy in my house of prayer their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar from my house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations do you realize that verse that every single person in this room has heard before you probably could have quoted it off the top of your head but that verse is connected to those who keep the Covenant and don't defile the Sabbath for those people he brings into calling them this a house of prayer it's the context and connection that we're always looking for part of our problem that growing up in religious circles is we do we're really good at pulling things out of context amen this is why I'm going through 982 point six million verses so you can't accuse me of doing anything out of context Isaiah 59 19 from the West men will fear the name of Yahweh from the rising of the Sun they will revere his glory for he will come like Pinta flood the breath of the Lord drives along the Redeemer will come to Zion to those in Jacob who repent of their sins declares the Lord so the question is is what is sin because I don't want to do that again I've got five small children and I'm thinking from their perspective I read that verse to my daughter and she goes I definitely don't want to do that sin thing what's in discovering what sin is we can find that very simply John tells first John 3:4 says whoever so commits sin transgresses also the Torah for sin is the transgression of the law that's what sin is so when we back up and we look at this scripture it becomes a little bit more clear when he says that like a pent up flood the Redeemer will come to Zion those in Jacob who were pent of breaking his law again you broke the wedding vow why was Israel divorced to begin with because they broke the covenant wedding vows the very fact that he used the word divorced shibi be a big red flag that they broke wedding vows I'm not making this up the law is nothing but wedding vows he wants his bride to come back and repent of her adultery is this making sense okay I'm giving you ammo for some of you that know this stuff this is the kind of thing that you should be knowing so that when you were able to explain this to friends and family you could say the whole return of the Messiah revolves around the Covenant and here is a list of verses that you might be able to look at him my minister to you isaiah 59:21 my spirit he said as for me this is my covenant with them says you weren't yahweh my spirit who is on you and my words that i have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth or from the mouths of your children or from the mouths of their descendants from the time this time on forever so the next question becomes from a five-year-old is what words they put in my mouth the greeks just go wow that's an awesome verse but that you know put your word in my mouth hallelujah hallelujah and what's hallelujah mean come on now you know but don't make fun I didn't know what hallelujah meant either for thirty years and neither did you because we don't think you Breaka li we think we like the way sounds of our lips hallelujah Hosanna is a good one what's Hosanna mean save us how many did not know that don't be ashamed come on it's time to learn Hosanna means father save us I didn't know that and I'm not afraid in a minute because I'm always learning Joshua 1:8 listen to this do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth meditate on day and night so that you may be careful to do everything that's written in it then you'll be prosper prosperous and successful you want to be prosperous and successful then keep your heart turn towards the commandments because when you turn your heart towards the wedding vows you're turning your heart back to the Messiah every time if you focus on the wedding vows ladies and gentlemen and take this home with you it's from the Lord because this is one of the biggest mistakes that I see when people begin to understand about the wedding vows and the tour and the instructions of God is they focus on the instructions does your wife want you to to focus on the instructions or does she want you to look into her eyes and read her thoughts does she want to have to write it down for you or does she want you to think of it before she asked you to do it what means more to her okay yes you did the list but it means a lot more if you do the list that she's thinking and you do you do it anyway cuz you know her because you love her the father wants you to pursue him for the relationship not for a checkbox off of your obligation list the Torah is not so you can just check it off folks that's legalism that's religion I don't want any part of that that's what the Pharisees did am I gonna keep the Sabbath just so I can keep the sod did it not buy anything on the Sabbath yes I stayed in the parking garage all night long cuz they were gonna make me pay to get out and I wasn't gonna do there's probably somebody just now on their way over call the paramedics zekiel chapter 36 24 for I will take you out of the nation's I will gather you from the countries and bring you back in your own land I will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from your idols listen to this I will give you a new heart and I will put a new spirit in you amen and I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh easy because they're continuing I will put my spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws wait a minute this is Jeremiah 31 type of stuff I'm gonna I'm gonna write my word on your heart and hear Ezekiel's tell me this exact same time that he's gonna write my word on my law heart he says you're gonna follow my laws does anybody connecting the two here it's all about the Covenant you will live in the land I gave your forefathers you will be my people and I will be your God let me go back through this one more time in context he's saying that all of the people that I've scattered in all four corners of the earth I'm gonna bring you fry them back from the dead I'm gonna bring him for all four corners of the earth I'm gonna bring you to back to my Messiah and then when all of them get together and then my bride is ready I'm gonna come back I'm gonna pull them out of the earth I'm gonna catch them up in the air and I'm gonna bring them over on the greatest jumbo jet that's ever existed in humanity and I'm gonna land that puppy down in Israel my people will be in my land and they will follow my law his heart my friends is for us to love him that's all he's trying to say if we read it in Hebrew we'd have never read long we just said and they're gonna follow my decrees and careful to keep my instructions because it brings life how many knows if you don't follow how many know if you don't follow your wife's instruction it does not bring life man that was your opportunity to say Amen but that was probably smart that you didn't continuing to 37:21 and said and yahweh says to them this is what the sovereign Lord says I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone I will gather them from all around and bring them back into the land I will make them one in the nation in the land on the mountains of Israel and one king will be over them and never again will they be two nations are dividing the two kingdoms you're getting the heart of Yahweh coming out right now folks he is displaying and showing you what his point and his mission and his purpose is for your life what he's doing behind the scenes and Oh Steve stood up here and said you guys have no idea what's happening behind the scenes we need to pray what's happening in the spiritual realm let me say it the way it says in the bernetta sha the New Testament it says we do not fight against flesh and blood but against spiritual darkness of this present darkness and against principalities and powers of this present darkness that you can't see how many realized that Daniel only got his vision win when did Daniel start to get the vision when he started praying did you realize that angel was released the second he started praying and that angel got held up for 21 days think about that for just a moment the next time you discount that time when you stop and you pray in the elevator or wherever you're at you can't see what's happening in the spiritual realm this is what's happening in the spiritual realm he says I am doing something that you can't see in the earth but at some point you're gonna wake up in the morning and you're gonna see all of your prayers answered in one moment and let me just say like this and the twinkling of an eye you're gonna see what the Spirit has been saying to the churches let's see it and hear it now so we can rejoice now and be a part of this phenomenal wave that is happening in this world today amen all right anybody tired of looking at the Scriptures yet all right you want some more let's just keep reading Ezekiel 37 23 they will no longer defile themselves this is talking about in the Millennium now in the Millennium this is what he's saying you don't need to talk about Galatians and Romans and Hebrews in all of those scriptures that are Mis understood that I used to teach people that you can you can eat whatever you want because right here mark seven it says therefore he declared all food clean I never thought what's the definition of food to a Jewish person it's a good question whatever the father said was clean all the clean animals right are clean and they were saying you can't wash your hands and so on and so forth and so you schewe said no no forget about what the rabbi's say anything my father said you can eat you can eat you don't have to wash your hands if you don't want to but caveat in the Latin which you can't read is you probably should wash your hands anyway but this is in the Millennium folks you don't need to even go to the New Testament to discover about what is required of us the Torah tells us and Ezekiel chapter 37 the Prophet says this when the Messiah comes back right before he comes back they will no longer defile themselves with the idols and vile images or with any of their offenses for I will save them from their sinful backsliding from the breaking of the law and I will cleanse them they will be my people and I will be their God in other words they will stop breaking my heart they'll stop breaking my heart every time ladies and gentlemen I can't help do this because I love marriage I love the Covenant of my wife every time you break and disrespect your spouse you're breaking her heart she may not tell you it may came out it may come out in the ugliest ways it may not come out hardly at all from what you see but it's breaking her heart in the same way unfortunately we cannot see the heart of Yahweh if you knew every time that you transgress what he's doing what he's asking us today we're breaking his heart praise the Lord we have grace and mercy amen because we can't be perfect let's continue Ezekiel 11 verse 17 therefore say thus says the Lord God I shall gather you from the peoples and assemble you out of the countries I did not intentionally by the way do these avert these a lot of verses all having to do with the the two houses of Israel coming to be one in the land it's just just so happens that every prophetic version the scriptures that talks about the second coming of the Messiah is connected the regather nur the people go figure I shall give you the land of Israel when they come there and they will remove all the detestable things and all the abominations from it and I shall give them one heart they shall put in I should put a new spirit within them and they shall take the hardest stone out of their flesh and give you the heart of flesh they will walk in my statutes and keep my ordinances and do them that then they will be my people I should be their God if then statement if they walk in my ordinances in the making right before the millennial reign then they will be my people do you recognise that the bride's dress is stained with the world if you think that you're not gonna be here for the tribulation I highly recommend that you buy yourself a tent now because the tribulation is not ladies and gentlemen for the wicked he didn't pull Israelite eyes out of Egypt and throw them into the Promised Land and say good job thanks for calling on my name over there they were in there for 40 years for one purpose to get to Egypt out of them and folks we may know the Messiah but we got a lot of Egypt inside of us and he's gonna show us the Egypt because that's what the tribulation is for it is only the very last part of the tribulation the great wrath of God that is for the nations and the judgment for the nations and we will miss that but that holds tribulation that three and a half years is to wake us up so that we will turn from our wicked ways and believe or not even the Great Tribulation is in the Old Testament we're gonna walk through some of those verses and we've already walked through some of them already Jeremiah 50 in those days at that time declares the Lord the sons of Israel come both day and the sons of Judah as well they will go along weeping as they go weeping I thought we were already gone raptured out of here before it even started what would be weeping for and it will be the and it will be the Lord their God they will seek they will ask for the way to see own turning their faces in its directions they will come that they may join themselves to Yahweh in an everlasting covenant that will not be broken you see she's coming back to the marriage supper of the Lamb she's coming back to the covenant and she is going to recommit her life to her spouse and she's the reason why she's crying is because she realizes she missed it she realized that she broke the covenant matter of fact let me say it the way Paul said it in Romans chapter 7 she read the law and it killed her meaning it broke her heart to realize she's been offending her God all these days and she needs a savior Jeremiah 50 verse 6 my people have become lost sheep their shepherds have led them astray they have led them to turn aside on their mountains they have gone along from mountain to Hill and forgotten the resting place we started off on what hill scene I know Mount Sinai and unfortunately we went from dwelling in the tabernacle of Yahweh so now we're settling for Hills and shall I say it the way the prophets did we're settling for every high hill it's time to go back to the mountain amen where the air is fresh and the stream is pure in the end days Ezekiel chapter 20 I will bring you out from among the people I will gather you out of the countries where you were scattered with a mighty hand again it's over and over I'm not saying the same verses these are different verses with the fury poured out and I will bring you into the will of the people and then I will plead with you face to face he takes his people out of the people into the wilderness does that sound familiar he's gonna meet with us face to face like I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt so I will plead with you says Yahweh I will cause you to pass under the rod and I will bring you into the bond of the Covenant I don't know about you but this doesn't sound like he's real happy with us at this point he's bringing us into the wilderness to have a little daddy time he's gonna do exactly what he does did as he did with our forefathers in the wilderness he's going to get us ready for our maker revelation 12:6 just to connect the two and the woman fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared by God so that there might be a nurse for 1260 days this is that moment that was prophesied in the Tanakh the woman will come to get clean redemption process so what do we learn from what from before all this so far here's the redemption process never won but he brings trials tribulations and plagues curses for breaking his law to bring us to the point that we will call out his name number one second he responds by calling us out of our ways Egypt and out into the desert where he can teach us his ways and number three we submit to his ways and then we go into the land this is the pot that the prophetic picture in the process of how Yahweh cleanses his people first we break his law second he brings trials and tribulations you better consider it pure joy because if you didn't you would never be able to have the opportunity to respond by repentance which draws you to the point where you could submit to his ways and be clean and be counted worthy to enter into the land that should bring a whole new meaning to James chapter one my friends James gets it if you don't have a trial you don't have a tribulation you have no opportunity to realize that you are in sin and recognize what the father's friend to teach you so you better be happy the next time something happens to you because it's a cleansing process he disciplines those he loves what is the most popular prophetic verse in all of the scriptures what is the most popular prophetic chapter in all the scriptures somebody L now you prophesy people everybody knows this it's in Daniel chapter Daniel chapter 9 is the most prophetic chapter in all of the scriptures so walking through Daniel chapter 9 I just pointed out a few verses can I want to show you everybody stops in verse 27 no question about it everybody wants to stop 127 and about the Antichrist and all that good stuff let's find out in context what this entire chapter is all about verse 4 says this and I pray to Yahweh my Elohim and confessed and said a loss o Lord the Great and awesome God who keeps his covenant and living loving-kindness for all those who love him and keep his Commandments we have sinned we have broken your law we've committed iniquity acted wickedly and rebelled even turning aside from your Commandments and your ordinances most prophetic chapter in the entire Bible and it's all about the breaking of his Commandments it's all about the breaking of his Torah let's continue verse 11 indeed all Israel transgressed thy law and have turn aside and now you understand all Israel's all 12 tribes not obeying your voice so the curse has been poured out upon us along with the oath which is written in the law of Moses the servant of God for we have sinned against him we're still in gen Daniel 9 now we can move to Daniel 9:27 that you understand the context when it says this he will confirm a covenant with many for one seven in the missile in the middle of the seven he will put an end to sacrifice and offering and on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes Denis desolation until the end that is decreed is poured upon him I put the version on here on purpose because the nearly can you put that back up on the screen for just a second the nearly inspired version I mean the New International Version is very close but very far off because that's not what the Hebrew says would you be interested to know that because this verse has been read by the most popular version out there which is the NIV in our generation we have completely botched what happens at the end of time watch what actually the right translation says now what was the entire context in Daniel chapter 9 the keeping of the Covenant and the breaking of the Covenant when he said the word covenant what was he referring to the Torah no question about it it makes it abundantly clear the problem is we don't want to start at Daniel chapter 9 verse 1 and actually read the context to discover what the word covenant means because we read it in the NIV and everybody told us that it's a seven-year peace treaty can anybody tell me where it says seven-year peace treaty I'm not seeing the whole seven-year peace treaty because watch what it says in Hebrew Daniel chapter 9 verse 20 says 27 we're gonna read it again in the King James Version it says and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he if you read verse 26 verse 25 that he is referring to Yeshua the Messiah he will confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease and for the overspreading of dominations he shall make it desolate even until the consummation and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate when a friend of mine and our fellowship but he's actually written running the camera this evening are one of the nights he's been running the camera he showed me this it blew my mind I begin to tap into this a little more and dig a little bit deeper and recognizing that we have two massive different versions here I mean one says that the Antichrist eludes the Antichrist sets up the desecration and the temple and one is alluding to because of the sin he is going to allow the the sacrifices to cease and because of the overspreading of abominations he shall make the temple desolate now you tell me based on context what makes more sense because when the Messiah came about three and a half years after he was baptized the sacrificial system was done according to the Father but let's not believe me let's read it in Hebrew the word covenant is Gabbar strong zero 1396 for the those that are keeping notes and the word Gabbar does not mean treaty at all or confirm excuse me in Hebrew it means to strengthen it does not me make a covenant it means to strengthen to prevail to make strong Zechariah 1012 uses the exact same word that we have been translating make a treaty and it says I will strengthen them in the Lord didn't say I will make something new I will strengthen and so we have the context of Daniel chapter 9 that is all about the covenant of yahweh is all about the torah it's all about the instructions in the Torah of Yahweh and how we've broken it and then he finally gets the end of time our time and he says the Messiah is going to strengthen his Torah how many realized that when the Messiah was baptized he began to strengthen the matauri if that his entire ministry was strengthening the Torah as all he did for three year that's all he did for the term of his ministry was strengthen his father's words but halfway through that he was he was killed the Messiah sacrificed himself and the sacrificial system from the perspective of Yahweh was done away with and that Scarlet thread never turned white according to the rabbi's from that moment on we're missing the other half of that week and that's where Daniel chapter 11 picks up verse 28 the king of the north will return to his own country with great wealth but his heart will be set against the holy Covenant you see this the whole end days is about the holy Covenant the Antichrist why on earth with the Antichrist be against something that's done away with that doesn't even make sense the Antichrist is against the holy Covenant ships of the western coast lands will oppose him and he will lose heart then he will turn back and vent his fury against the holy Covenant he will return and show favor to those who forsake the holy Covenant timeout stop think about what I just read the Antichrist shows favor to those who break the Torah ouch are you sure ladies and gentlemen that the tour is done away with the Antichrist is siding with those who break the Torah let's continue Isaiah chapter 51 verse 6 says this lift up your eyes to the heavens and look upon the earth beneath for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke and the earth shall wax old like a garment they show that dwell therein shall die in like manner but my salvation shall be for ever and ever my righteousness shall not be abolished so the question becomes is what is his righteousness what is righteousness because I don't want it to be abolished I want to be righteous so let's just let the Bible define what righteousness is it does a really good job you don't need a Bible dictionary you need a Bible Isaiah 51 7 hearken unto me ye that know righteousness my those P in whose heart is my law zero eight four eight four five one by the way again Torah and whose heart is my Torah those are the righteous people fear ye the reproach of men neither you'd be afraid of the riot or reviling after the death of Yeshua Cornelius was called righteous did you know that and he didn't believe in Yeshua at that time how is that possible according to my even Christian theology how is that possible for him to be righteous righteousness is only found in Christ because the Bible defines righteousness as loving the Creator and he would soon learn the power that you must have the Messiah connected to that for you to have full righteousness that cell diffic righteousness ladies and gentlemens keep is defined as keeping God's law and I know some of you are not gonna believe me so in keeping with my reputation I'm gonna show you some more scripture Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 8 and what nation is there so great that has statutes and judgments so righteous as this law which I set before you this day 6:25 and it shall be all TV as our righteousness if we observe and do all these Commandments before Yahweh our God as he has commanded us Psalms 119 62 at midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of your righteous judgments my tongue shall speak of your word for all your Commandments are righteous in psalm 119:172 isaiah 40:8 18 oh that thou has hearkened to my commandments then had thy peace been on like a river and your righteousness as the waves of the sea and in the New Testament the word righteousness is des cailloux so I'm not a Greek scholar so I don't even know if I just said that wrong but it's something like that that's why we put numbers for people like me number 13 42 is the Greek word for righteousness you won't believe what the definition of righteousness is in the New Testament you can look this up for yourself in the Strong's it says this I just copied and pasted observing divine laws virtuous upright keep the commands of God I copied and pasted this ladies and gentlemen I did not make this up somehow our Greek mentality has taken the New Testament and we've taken the word righteousness is that Jesus is our righteousness hallelujah he kept the law so I don't have to that's like saying my wife took out the trash once so I don't ever have to do it again that'll go over real well righteousness is observing divine laws according to every scholar of the Bible somehow philosophy has taken over the basic definitions of our Bible do you realize that the definition of righteousness if it's this is true if this is true drastically changes how you read your New Testament go back now and read every New Testament verse as a righteous or righteousness in it and you will not believe how it changes everything almost finished Matthew 5 verse 6 is blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled didn't I tell you would change does that not radically change the the entire interpretation of that verse when you do when you define it is blessed are they which Homer and thirst after keeping my divine laws for they shall be filled with blessing Luke 532 I came not to call the righteous the ones who are keeping my divine laws but sinners to repentance those who are breaking the law Micah chapter 4 says this and they will come about in the last days that the mountain of the house of Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains it will be raised above the hills and the peoples will stream to it so the end days in the millennium and when nations will come and say come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord into the house of yahweh our jacob that he may teach us about his ways that we may walk in his paths for from Siong will go forth the chara this is in the Millennium Yeshua is already on the throne in the temple the light is showing forth from the temple he is the light no more light is needed and it says in the Millennium that from mount C on the Lord will go forth and bring his law are you telling me see I'm just a simple guy are you telling me that he gave that he didn't have the Torah in the beginning then he gave it on Mount Sinai took it away when the Messiah came back and then decides to bring it back again in the middle somewhere he says it is bondage I'm confused I thought Yahweh doesn't change when he set forth his wedding vows I can assure you he meant it for all time and when he comes back he's taking his bride spotless and clean look up clean and spotless and find out what those two words mean it will astound you as well it's all connected Zechariah 14:6 and he says that I come to pass that everyone that is left of all the nations by the way that hole that is left party that's he's serious about that - there won't be very many left which came up against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the king the Lord of hosts the so vote he always said and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles and it shall be whoever will not come up for families of the earth to keep the Feast of Tabernacles he's not gonna send any rain in the Millennium the next time somebody says you don't have to keep the Feast of Tabernacles you say well maybe maybe not but I'm gonna learn how to practice coz one day I'm gonna be I'm gonna have to keep it so I'd rather practice now moving to the new testament revelation 1119 i love the book of revelation then god's temple in heaven was opened and within his temple was seen the Ark of the Covenant why what's the Ark of the Covenant what is in the Ark of the Covenant the very book of the Torah it is the Ten Commandments representative of the ten sayings of everything that is hung off of that and love sits on top think about it that way love sits on the mercy seat his commands are underneath him and encompass everything that brings life and bread inside of that box what's it doing there in the Millennium if it's not needed there came flashes of lightning rumbles and pearls Thunder earthquake in a great hailstorm revelation 12:17 one of the most really unbelievable scriptures is this and the dragon was enraged enraged with the woman and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring catch this those who keep the commandments of Yahweh and have the testimony of Yeshua not those who keep the testimony of Jesus not those who say I believe in Jesus they Amen that's great that you believe in Jesus but the enemy's not concerned about you he goes after those who are keeping the commandments why because he only wants to destroy the bride and we don't have time to go into this teaching but the Bible teaches that not all of God's people are the bride you have the parable of what the wedding guests and the bride Abraham went and sent his servant Holy Spirit to find a bride for his son and he sent them to his people and pulled the bride out of his own people there is a difference ladies and gentlemen between the greatest and the least and I don't know about you I just want to live close enough to see the fireworks at night at least almost done I promise revelation 14:12 here is the patience of the saints here are those who keep the commandments of Yahweh and the faith of Yeshua if I haven't given you enough scripture already I'm gonna give you more the sad rich man Matthew 19:16 and the whole one came to him and said teacher what good thing shall I do that I may it turn alive you know this and what's remarkable is the Messiah he always says this why are you asking me about what is good there is only one who is good but if you wish to enter into life keep my Commandments and what did he say after that I've done that I've done all that I've kept the commandments what do I do now and he said go sell everything you own because he was teaching him you are not keeping him through faith he didn't intend for him to go sell everything I can assure you he's testing his heart and proved that he would not sell everything that he owned which means that he was keeping it and check boxing it off how many of you are literally keeping the commandments and you're just so proud of yourself shame on you you should be proud of nothing that you do and proud of everything that he's done that you don't even know that you're offending him still the grace that he gives us is off the charts at some point we've got to start learning how the grace and the mercy of God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit fit into this Torah thing the pendulum we've been on the gifts of the Holy Spirit for so long we come over here we say oh wow we've got truth and we left the Holy Spirit the door oh no your Christian well we want to learn the truth at some point we've got to ask the Holy Spirit to say teach us the truth and how to apply it to our life so that the two can be connected another awesome time to say Amen if you love me John 14:15 says if you love me keep my Commandments the New Testament was not existence at this time he can only be talking about the only scriptures and Commandments that existed which is the Torah Matthew 5:17 we already talked about this verse and yushua says just listen I did not come to destroy came to fulfil completely fill up to the brim skipping through some of this because we were running short on time Romans chapter 3 31 Paul kept a Torah I hear this all the time Paul never kept the commandments really in verse 31 of chapter 3 he says do we then nullify the Torah by this faith of Yeshua may it never be this Greek word is the strongest word that you can use to say no way rather we uphold the Torah he says in a few verses earlier now we know that whatever the law says it says to those who are under the law so that every mouth may be shut in all the world and become guilty for God you can't the whole world can't become guilty unless the whole world is subject to the law of God this is why we tell people about your shoe and my friends this is why we have missions all over the world because the whole world has fallen short of the glory of God everyone has sinned and fallen short everyone's broken the law the law exists for one reason to show you how you've offended the Lord God and then he shows you the gospel the good news to bring you back to the garden that's why it's there first John 2:1 can't believe there's this many scriptures my little children these things I write to you that you may not sin break the law and anyone that breaks the law of God we have an advocate with the father you shoo them aside Amen for that because I don't have it figured out but what about the book of Hebrews folks what was changed this was waxing away but now he has obtained a more excellent ministry as much as he is the mediator of a better covenant which was established on better promises for if the first come to have been faultless then no place would have been sought for a second because finding fault with them he did not find fault with his own covenant his own covenant is his Messiah nothing the Messiah did wrong we're the problem that's why he got rid of the natural high priesthood and he sent his own Messiah to be the high priest and because he sent the high priest he changed that because there was a change in the law the entire covenant is done away with that doesn't mean that every law has done away with that means it's brand spanking new but the only thing has change is the one that's mediating it if you're a business owner and you have a contract like I used to be I had employees that work for me when they sign their contract and they have percentages of their Commission if I change their Commission according to law I have to completely tear up that contract and they have to get a brand new contract even though the only thing I change with their Commission schedule it's a new covenant it's a new covenant with a new mediator amen James says when he looks into the tent of the perfect law of Liberty and buys by not and become forgetful here but effectual doer this man is righteous and everything it is Timothy says all scripture is worthy I mean everything that we see I can't believe I got 900 million scriptures this is how awesome the Word of God is if you just read it in context it says what it is you recognize I'm not giving you a whole lot of commentary the Bible makes it very clear I'm just gonna skip through a lot of these scriptures here tonight because I want you to wake up Romans chapter eight verse seven this is amazing scripture that I had never read in my life it seems because the carnal mind is enmity towards God for it is not subject to the law of God is anybody ever read this verse think about this you believers out there that have been doubting whether the law of got it for today because you've always been taught maybe yours pastor a Shepherd or a ministry leader you've been teaching people the law has gotta been done away with your whole life don't be embarrassed just stop pause repent admit you're human go back to your congregation like people have in our own local area and say this folks this is what the Bible says we have to subject ourselves to the law to be spiritual because it says that if you don't you're carnal and I'll end with this Yahweh is sending his son Messiah I end with what I asked you to the beginning why is the son of the Living God coming he's coming to take his bride and teach us how to love him that is why the Messiah is coming thank you
Channel: Jim Staley Teachings
Views: 15,571
Rating: 4.8163266 out of 5
Keywords: Jim Staley, Passion For Truth, Truth or Tradition, Yeshua, Torah, Christian Roots, Hebrew Roots, Judaism, Jewish Feasts, The Lord's Feasts, God's Prophetic Calendar, Christian, End of Times, Jim Staley in prison, Israel, Messiah, Christ, Messianic, Jewish Messiah, Mashiach, Church fathers, early Christians, death, blessings, curses, the Law, Old Testament, worship, Millennium, Eternity, Second coming of Christ, Messiah coming, Jesus' return, wedding vows, Bridegroom
Id: aUC0Vli1mBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 18sec (4878 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2017
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