Jim Rohn's Life Advice Will Leave you SPEECHLESS | Jim Rohn Discipline

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did you know that hundreds of successful people have written their stories in books and told how they did it on cassettes like this and people don't want to listen how would you explain that one of the major things shof taught me when I met him he said poor thinking habits keeps most people poor not poor working habits most people work hard but they don't think hard and self taught me that the mind is like a factory a mental Factory and whatever you think about all day long pours ingredients into this mental Factory and that's what builds the economic social Financial fabric of your life our lives are mostly affected by the way we think things are not the way they are the way we think they are affects us more he quoted me a Bible phrase that says as you think so you become when he talked about poor thinking habits he had me I used to start the day reading the morning newspaper I mean you can believe that or not I'd get a cup of coffee and read the paper I'd load up on Wars and riots and murders and stabbings and killings and bank robberies and muggings and car wrecks and tragedies I'd even read the back pages I seem to like that stuff for some weird reason I'd live upon all that and then I'd start the day you can imagine the kind of days I used to have you walk around on your financial knees kids got good questions these days one of them said to me Mr own how do you build the good life I said it's simple it's not easy but it's simple here's how you build anything select the right ingredients keep out the wrong ingredients and it starts with thought everything starts with thought so you must be wise and careful what you think about because that starts everything and you decide what goes into your mental Factory don't let anybody just dump anything they want to in your mental Factory because you've got to live with the result the guy says I want to be a great leader wonderful the first thing we do is follow him to his house when we get there we walk in and check his Library number one somebody says well why check his Library the reason is because what a man reads pours massive ingredients into his mental Factory and the fabric of his life is built from those ingredients you would not believe what some people have got in their house to read you would not believe one of the best dressed up words I know for a lot of it is trash can you imagine done for the Bill of trash into this mental Factory every day and coming out with a rich Dynamic positive life it can be done now you don't have to read or listen to educational cassettes half the night although if you're broke it's a good place to start but here is all I ask just 30 minutes a day that's all stretch it to an hour if you can but at least 30 minutes half Rich isn't bad 30 minutes hear or read something challenging something instructional at least 30 minutes a day and here's the next key every day don't miss a meal but not your 30 minutes hey you can get along without some meals but you can't get along without some ideas examples and inspiration how easy is it to get up in the morning when you know you're not doing all that it takes it's not very easy at all you can just lay there awake thinking oh what's a few more minutes in bed it won't matter much anyway wrong it does matter it will matter now how easy is it to get up in the morning when you're pouring it on doing the best you can anxious to get going make progress toward your dreams it's a whole different story when you're resting to renew your reserves it's much different than resting to avoid your day when you're psyched up and excited for your life when you're excited for what you've planned to accomplish for the day it's amazing you'll wake up before the alarm clock even tries to startle you awake your successes fuel your ambition your successes give you extra energy your successes pave the way for more successes it's the Snowball Effect with one success you're excited to meet another and another and another and pretty soon the disciplines that were so difficult in the beginning the disciplines that got you going are now part of your philosophy how do you know when you're successful do you have to be a millionaire no all we ask of you is that you earn all you possibly can if you earn 10 000 a year and that's the best you can do that's enough God and everything else will see to it that you're okay the key is to just do the best you can if it's ten thousand a year wonderful if it's a hundred thousand a year wonderful if it's a million a year wonderful it doesn't matter ten thousand a year or a million a year it doesn't matter as long as you've done the best you possibly can earn the most you possibly can be the most you possibly can and here's why the essence of life is growth the essence of life is growth to do the best you can we keep growing until we're done get around successful people and listen now you can also learn from unsuccessful people take notes on both negative and positive on the negative the notes are called what not to do and you got to learn what not to do as well as what to do so learn from the negative as well as the positive find out what good people read and don't read it but now you can also learn from the positive get around successful people listen to what they say listen to how they say it it's important we've all got about 16 waking hours practice listening those 16 hours and I say practice listening because listening isn't easy I found out it's easier to talk than it is to listen but if you would practice listening the 16 hours you're awake sure enough from surprising sources comes great ideas now here's some of the best advice I've got for the whole evening it won't get any better than this this is it poor people ought to take rich people out to dinner and listen that's some of the best I got if a guy is not doing well one of the first things he ought to do is find a guy that is doing well and offer to buy him his dinner spend 50 60 80 100 go for the full nine course starting on the juices and hors d'oeuvres get him started and talking the salad takes 15 minutes keep it rolling biggest take in town takes 45. keep it rolling pour on the dessert stretch that meal out about two hours if you get a successful person to eat and talk for two hours they're liable to drop ideas in your lap change your life multiply your income by two by three by five but you're right poor people don't usually take rich people out to dinner that's the problem the guy said he's Rich living I'm not coming up with any money the words we have are the only words available to us the words we know are the only tools available to us to number one interpret what's going on to interpret what's being said and to express your heart and your mind now if you can't interpret well and if you can't express well you can imagine what a deterrent that is to the good life and the extra Treasures the extra feelings awareness riches power influence so it's very important to have a good vocabulary it's very important now to be able to translate it learning to say it well now this is a whole subject in itself this is worth a weekend of study let me just give you a short list of suggestions on learning to say it well number one repetition it just takes practice I don't know any substitute for the practice to learn any skill you just got to go through it again and again and again you just do it over and over and often next is vocabulary saying it well is proper choice of words to build my early vocabulary I used to put three or four words I didn't know on a card put it up on the sun visor on my car back in those days I traveled a lot by car sure enough by the end of the day I'd mastered two or three words vocabulary vocabulary is a way of seeing one reason for vocabulary is to interpret what we see to interpret what we hear the vocabulary of the Mind grapples with the words and the images that come to our mind now if you've got a poor set of words and skills and tools with which to interpret you can imagine the errors and the mistakes you'll make in judgment and since vocabulary is a way of seeing if you can't see well you can imagine the errors you can make and how they compound as life unfold we do two things with vocabulary we interpret and we express here's some other parts to saying it well sincerity from the heart with Noble intent wishing to bring value that adds immeasurably to your ability to speak well communicate well there's no substitute for sincerity I can forgive you for a mistake in judgment but I can't forgive you for a mistaken intent next key part to saying it well brevity part of the key is to be brief you can't linger too long I've discovered in mind lecturing and speaking around the world can't linger too long on any one point I used to tell stories too long too long I get involved in a long long story On and On by the time I hit the punch line people forgot how it started now it doesn't make sense too long here's why brevity is important the human attention span is short you haven't got long to get it said before you lose your audience sometimes we try to make up in words what we lack in self-confidence so part of the key to being brief is personal development personal growth personal awareness understanding self-worth now you can use the economy of words and this is a good position to be in that what you are adds so much weight to what you say that you don't have to say very much but brevity is a good point on saying it well here now starts the power of what we say intensity part of the strength of what we say is the words we choose the greater part of the strength of what we say is the emotions that are loaded into the words here's what has power unmatched words loaded with emotion there is no greater power words have an effect but words loaded with emotion have an incredible effect my words may reach you but if I can't touch you with my spirit if I can't touch you with my emotions my feelings my beliefs then I probably haven't affected you very much the feelings the belief the commitment all that I am if I can put more of what I am into what I say no telling what miracle I can rot no telling how much of an effect I can be real persuasion comes from putting you into what you say but now here's part of the clue and we call these extra refinement of leadership skills learning to measure your emotions that's very important to learn to measure your emotions you don't need an atomic explosion for a minor point enough but not too much we call this understanding how to measure the flow of your emotions to cover a point okay but if it needs heavyweight stuff you reach and get it if it needs a milder approach you learn how to measure it in milder easier terms it's very important to measure your emotion your feelings now what do we mean by intensity and emotions here it is all of your experiences and how they've affected you that's the sum total of your emotional content where you've been and what you've heard and what you've seen and who you've met in this whole Panorama of Life Experiences for you up until now and how you felt about all that that we call the sum total of your emotions now the key is to learn how to measure all that and put it in effective amounts into the words you choose so here's the key to effective communication well-chosen words loaded with well-measured emotion next to style and there's all kinds of parts to style from body language and gestures to facial expressions and eyes and emotion but style is very important here's part of the clue it's not just the matter you cover it's the manner in which you cover the matter style is important to attract someone's attention emphasize the point now I've got a couple of good points here on style be a student of style but don't just copy someone's style make sure that the study of style becomes distinctly you but it is also important to be a student of style how people speak well be a student of that and then borrowing bits and pieces from people you admire and the way they can communicate then make sure that all of that blended into you becomes your own distinctive style but style is very important now there's a variety of styles but it's important to study your own style and say how am I coming across in style should I learn to emphasize more should I learn to be more emphatic all these things concerning Style read your audience it's very important to read and to pick up the signals of what's happening with your audience so let me give you some Clues on reading simply to listen part of reading is listening you pick up a lot of Clues as to what else to say what all to say by being a good listener from Early times I think we've learned to be a good speaker you've got to be a good listener that's where you pick up the information is to listen well especially in a private conversation a more informal conversation good listening habits that's part of reading there's a Bible phrase that says humans cannot live on bread alone or food alone it says the next most important thing to bread is words words nourish the Mind words nourish the soul humans have to have food and words to be healthy and prosperous make sure you have a good diet of words every day wanting to excel in all of the skills and settling for nothing less than an outstanding performance if you're willing to be the best in your field if you're willing to demand of yourself excellence in skills to be the best that you can possibly be in the training do the best you possibly can in doing a workshop do the best you possibly can developing the skills of using your personality developing the skills of language developing the skills of influence developing the skills of organizing if you're willing to be an expert in all of the skills and not only make a handsome living not only make a lot of money but if you would so desire and if it would be your purpose a chance to make your fortune expertise excellence in skills making a powerful contribution to you the variable and that is preparation well prepared and preparation of course involves a whole lot of things a big share of our life is preparing getting ready when we go to the first grade in School we're just preparing for the second grade after we've finished two grades the two grades prepare us for number three sometimes it seems like a long excruciating time and the time will just seemed likes it'll never come when we can finally have the performance that we really want but it takes time to prepare takes time to get ready and the decisions you make in the preparation time those are the decisions that last for a lifetime preparing to have a good day it's that preparing maybe the night before maybe the couple of days before the day that you're going to put everything together the preparation for a meeting means that you've taken it serious the preparation for doing a workshop means you're serious about the workshop you want to make the best contribution that kind of preparation is important but here's preparation that's very vital and that is to prepare yourself for success life seemingly does not wish to waste success on the unprepared life says why waste a fortune on this person they're not prepared to do the right things with it they're not prepared to use it wisely if a fortune was bestowed upon this unprepared person it would probably be wasted the people that could have been touched won't be touched what could have been done will be done because this Fortune will have been wasted on the unprepared person so not only look for Fortune not only look for the promise but prepare yourself and ask of yourself what can I do to make myself ready because remember life was designed not to give us what we want not to give us what we need but life was designed to give us what we deserve every value in life must be paid for and those that pay are the ones that get it it says those that give receive someone says I wish to receive I wish to receive you don't have to concentrate on receiving just become a good Giver it says those that search will find someone says well I need to find some good ideas to help change my life for the future then to find good ideas that doesn't come because you need them because it comes because you search for them if you want good ideas you got to go after them you got to go to the class you got to go to the workshop you got to go to the training go to the book right you've got to go to the journal right go where good ideas are being taught go searching go looking because good ideas are not going to be wasted on those that are not seeking searching well prepared so prepare yourself to be ready for Fortune when it comes to be ready for challenge when it comes to be ready for opportunity when it comes that's my goal I'm sure it's your goal now here's another one it's called self-discipline self-discipline all of us have a challenge with that because sometimes it's easy and especially if you're working hard doing the best you can it's easy sometimes to let up and let it go but remember so many people especially now that we're as big as we are around the world are counting on what we do at home office they have to be careful they have to be disciplined it's easy for the person who ships the product from Herbalife says oh well I'll wait until tomorrow to ship it and then they go home and sleep like a baby but the distributor who's waiting for that product doesn't sleep that night or doesn't sleep when the product doesn't show on time but if everybody will have the discipline to say I will do the best job I can I will make mistakes of course because we're all human but I'll try to remedy those mistakes and do the best job I can that kind of self-discipline that understands how important your part is in all of the functions that work coming to work on the set here hbn there's so many people that play A Part and each one of the parts that are played is necessary to put on the broadcast make it viable make it real make it powerful any couple of them missing and it would be a disaster but all of it put together and it works like a chiller each person developing the self-discipline to do their part do their job here's the next one self-confidence where does self-confidence come from and this is the best advice I can give you on that not neglecting first of all the small daily discipline self-confidence really comes from feeling good about yourself and one of the best ways to feel good about yourself is at the end of the day to know that you poured it on you did your best if you conducted a meeting you did the best you could if you made a phone call it was the best phone call you could possibly make if you wrote a letter it wasn't a casual letter it was your best letter at the end of those kind of days when you feel good about yourself self-confidence starts to rise you know that if you can have this kind of a good day you can have another one the next day and those days become the weeks the weeks become the months and the months becomes a powerful year self-confidence comes from the lack of neglect if you will not neglect to do the small daily disciplines that's where self-confidence comes from part of good health is self-confidence I know I'm going to be healthy I eat the apple a day I walk around the block I do the jogging on the beach at the end of the day when you've really poured it on and you've done all the stuff self-confidence grows that self-confidence affects your health it affects your future it affects your psyche though this is true one of the great Powers is self-confidence self-confidence means willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve some people say well I'll do it for a little while and see what happens you know I'll try a couple of things if that doesn't work I'm out of here and all of us know that that kind of person doesn't have much of a future but if you're willing to do whatever it takes if I have to learn a couple of things I will learn those things if I got to learn five or six things I'll learn all six if I have to take an extra class I'll take an extra class if I've got to read the books I'll read the books if they have to consult with people who know more than I know I will do the necessary Consulting whatever it takes I will do that starts to develop unbelievable self-confidence self-confidence also comes from the ability to rise above your circumstances to rise above what happens the petty little things the discouraging things that would sink everyone else's ship except yours it would cause someone else to quit early in the day but you keep going that kind of willingness to overcome all circumstances whether it's the little challenges or the big challenges if you're willing to do that I promise you this kind of power will work for you and in you the variable it'll make a difference now here's another one in my rather short list the next word is character becoming a person of high values a person of principles a person of honesty a person that earns respect that kind of character it took character when Mark started to put the Marketing System together how can we have a system that will build in the integrity that people will know that if this happens then this will happen and if this goes wrong here's the way to fix it unless you have the principles and the character and the integrity to put together a viable plan for a wide variety of people then the system is not going to last very long and I've been around long enough and I'm sure you have been around long enough to see a lot of systems that got started but they failed and the reason is because they were not constructed with integrity they were not constructed with character they were not constructed with doing the right thing they might have been constructed to take advantage you know cash it out as quickly as possible and leave Mark was involved when others took advantage of him all those years ago before Herbalife when someone took advantage and didn't have the character didn't have the principles and didn't have the the character to stay the character to see it through the character to do the right thing so this is important to develop the character within yourself that people see you as honest as Fair willing to do the right thing willing to be helpful but always willing to walk the center line not to pass the line it is so Dynamic it is so powerful and it is so possible in Fortune making that sometimes people want to speed up the process by cutting the corners by neglecting to do the right things you know to cheat a little here cheat a little here you know cross the line just a little bit because then you know it'll grow faster and you can cash in quicker not necessary here building and developing your own character here's the next key power and that's image that is your image of your self the way you dress the way you talk the way you think your capacity for learning all of that is an important image that you have of yourself the image that you have that if it needs to be learned you could learn it if there's a book that needs to be mastered you could Master it if there's a skill that needs to be learned why couldn't you get busy now and learn that skill that kind of self-image that I am continually trying my best to be the best I can because one of the most important places you have to look is into the future yes you got to look into the past yes you've got to look around yes but one of the most important places you have to look is in the mirror you know how I appear to other people that's important but how I appear to myself is the ultimate importance that kind of image to where you'll develop the self-confidence you'll develop the self-reliance now here's the next one there's great power in self-reliance self-reliance means you simply look mostly to yourself it would be nice if someone just gave you this gave you this gave you this it would be nice if everyone did their job exactly as they're supposed to do it but here's what you've got to do primarily rely on yourself primarily say I'm the person responsible and I will learn the necessary skills so that I can help people learn their skills if I need lots of people to do certain things to build my organization that is what I must have but I've got to be the final backstop I've got to be the final one that people can rely on so that if this is missed and this is missed I can catch up I can fill the Gap I can do the job we have to do it when we conduct meetings we have to do it when we conduct training we have to do it when we're in a class of just a few what someone might have missed we're there to fill in self-reliance primarily relearning to count on yourself so that you can do this never complain and never explain and here's what I wrote about enthusiasm enthusiasm that's powerful is mostly enthusiasm that is enthusiasm inside ninety percent ten percent outside we all know what the enthusiasm is like when somebody lets us see their enthusiasm which is the like the 90 and only 10 percent of it is inside but the enthusiasm that really affects people is not just being loud but the enthusiasm that runs deep the enthusiasm that comes from deep inside created by self-confidence created by purpose created by genuine willingness to help other people that kind of enthusiasm knowing that you're going to get the job done knowing you're going to affect people knowing you're going to have testimonials flowing in from all kinds of directions that kind of enthusiasm a lot of it is quiet a lot of it is unheard and the 10 percent that's heard it rings a bell people call it genuine enthusiasm because they know that what you say in the outward display of your enthusiasm is only a small tip of the iceberg of the enthusiasm you feel inside that really motivates you to do the best job you can a person who has purpose in their life they have something to go for some meaning one writer described it for some people it becomes a Magnificent Obsession and for you and I maybe it doesn't need to be that dramatic as a Magnificent Obsession but it has to be something that does something to us something that pulls us especially into the future you know there are many influences on this one is the influence of the past some people are always pulled back back back by the past some people are always pulled aside by the distractions the distractions but here's what's powerful if you have a list of high purpose in your life it pulls you toward the future and the more powerful the purpose is the stronger it pulls and here's the other great Advantage if you have purpose for the future it pulls you through all kinds of challenges and all kinds of difficulties if you don't have these strong purposes for the future it's easy to get swallowed by a bad day it's easy to be almost annihilated by a poor months and it's easy sometimes to almost disappear beneath the waves of a a year that goes backwards if you don't have something to pull you beyond that year so if you want something to pull you through all kinds of challenges all kinds of difficulties and things that come at you you got to have something on out there Beyond Today Beyond next week Beyond next month Beyond this year that pulls you into the future and the clearer it is the stronger it pulls the more the more Dynamic it is the more it affects your life your spirit your heart your soul it also creates imagination it gets your mind working on how to achieve that purpose and if your mind will work and if your heart works and if your spirit works and if you have good input like good ideas I'm telling you there isn't anything you can't accomplish so that's one of the great powers that'll make a variable of you and that is purpose here's one more and that is the power of extraordinary performance and demanding of yourself excellent results this is so important if you want to live extraordinary you must do extraordinaire if you want an extraordinary income you must do extraordinary things if you want an extraordinary Fortune you must go with the demands of what it takes to have that fortune you have to demand it of yourself Society doesn't demand that you jog around the block every morning but if you want good health you must demand it of yourself Society doesn't demand that you read a couple of books a week and improve your intelligence and your knowledge that you must demand of yourself Society does not demand that you build a financial wall around your family nothing can get through that's not a demand of society but you must demand it if you wish it you must demand it of yourself Society doesn't demand that you learn a list of 10 skills in order to ensure your own future in the future of your family Society doesn't demand it doesn't require it it is not a law but if you want the benefit you must demand it of yourself I'm asking you to dedicate yourself to a new level of learning you know study learn grow change develop never let it be said you didn't learn right if you want to solve your problems you got to learn you want to take advantage of an opportunity you got to learn we can't come here and just give you the marketing plan give you the product send you home we got to stay for a while learn stay for a while right put on those cassettes and stay for a while right we asked you to come here for a couple of days and stay for a while do some learning take it back home don't miss the opportunity to learn take a good key phrase home use it in your training don't be lazy and learning don't be casual and learning if you've had a bad week just sit down and ponder that for a while study it see if you can't pick up some ideas from a pool week and then make a better week learn from your own experience call didn't go well all the stuff guess what they did when they finished that call they made another call what else could we do to make it better how could we possibly improve this is called the possibility for life change starts with education don't be lazy and learning don't be lazy in picking up the ideas don't be lazy learning from your own experience that's why you've heard from some people that have shared their testimonial here and given you some of their ideas Ways and Means of taking this product to the marketplace making it work for you we've devoted most of our time for that and well we should learning is the beginning of well learning is the beginning of Life change you have the ability to develop these disciplines that create value in your life the disciplines learning how to sell learning how to get customers learning how to build that customer base the skills of learning how to recruit you can learn to do that you have the power to do that learning how to serve your organization well learning how to communicate learning how to organize the people that you put together learning how to keep in touch all of that is within your personal power and just think about it a little more now than you have maybe in the past there's no reason why you can't have all of the business you want all of the success you want there's no reason why you cannot dramatically this year especially affect your own life and by that affect the lives of the people that you want to touch in the years to come each person's income is determined primarily by their philosophy not by the economy once I understood that then I said well I don't have to go to work on the economy and the answer was no you only have to go to work on yourself to make yourself more valuable so now here's things I want to share with you and the first one is your personal philosophy what could get you more prepared and ready for cashing in on the opportunity of the 21st century and here's the first one personal philosophy your personal philosophy is like a guidance system that helps you make decisions what to do what not to do from the information you get and what you learn and what you know we decide maybe your philosophy would have been five years ago never to attend seminars like this you just didn't go now five years later here you are something happened along the way to change your mindset saying hey for the money and the time if I just get one good idea and walk away it certainly is worth the money in the time so now that little amendment in your philosophy you now say I'm gonna regularly go because it doesn't take but a few ideas to make a great difference in your income personal life social life and all the rest so now you know that's valuable a change of mind a change of idea so that's what personal philosophy is all about the more we learn the more we know the better we're able to make better decisions about two major things your philosophical guidance system does two things for your notes number one helps you to see the dangers on one side so you can avoid those but here's what else your guidance system does personal philosophy helps you to see the opportunities on the other side so that you can expand those maximize those and here's what that's called The Game of Life is to minimize the dangers and maximize the opportunities and the more we know and the more we learn the more experience We Gather in sessions like this from the sermon on Sunday morning to the books we read and all the rest helps us to keep continually adjusting our philosophical guidance system so that we minimize more dangers maximize more opportunities that's really the game of life I couldn't put it much more simply or affected by what we know now how do we know more things and learn more things that'll help us readjust our thinking so we can avoid the dangers maximize the opportunities here's number one learn from personal experience one way to learn to do something right is what first do it brawl right mess up and then you say wow that was costly I'm never going to do that again so one way to learn to do it right first do it wrong sometimes a negative experience turns out finally to be positive here's what my mentor said that some of the best advice I ever got he said Mr Olney if you will change everything will change for you if you'll start making personal changes your income will change your health will change your future will change everything will change if you're willing to start making the change so sometimes a negative experience now causes us to really make a sudden shift in our philosophical guidance system that says hey I'm never going to let this happen to me again now here's the next way to learn and that is to learn from other people's experiences whether they are negative or positive it's too bad failures don't give seminars like wouldn't that be good information now we don't want to pay them so they don't lecture so but their information would be valuable if you know a guy that's messed up his life for 40 years you have to say John would you spend a day with me and I will bring my notebook and take good notes a good looking guy like you beautiful family every reason to do well threw it all away teach me how for the last 40 years you messed it all up and he tells you and you take good notes learning from the negative side of someone's experience so learn number one from your own experiences learn number two from other people's experiences if you want to live a dynamic life multiplying your income multiplying your future be a good student if a good idea Comes Your Way write it down then ponder it then perhaps go do it okay now your philosophy comes from what you learn comes from what you know comes from other people's experiences three ways now to learn from other people here's number one learn from what you see one of the great watch words of these early years of the 21st century pay attention if you just watch you can pick up Clues successfully is Clues and if you'll be a better Observer of the winners and the losers those that are doing well and those that are falling behind and just take mental notes and good notes and say I'm going to adjust what I'm doing based on what I see here's number two we learn so much from other people based on what we hear 's good advice on that be a selective listener listen to voices of value that have experience ideas reputation something valuable to share now here's number three read all the books now there's millions of books so you can't read all the books but make this note read all the books you need to read to make you as wealthy as you want to be as healthy as you want to be as prosperous as productive as unique a human being as you want to be to be read all of those books don't leave those books go unread Mr Shelf got me started on my library I've got one of the better libraries haven't read everything in it but I feel smarter just walking in it my library at least I was smart enough to buy it now I got to be smart enough to read it then of course I got to be smart enough to decide what's valuable and then do it but this one is very important become a good reader some books that help change my life was to show off recommended of course the Bible and my parents made sure I was a pretty good scholar by the time I was 18. that's been so beneficial for me drawing from those illustrations uh reading about those stories people who made it and people who didn't make it and what the difference was and then other books that help to really change my life one called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and then a book to help me become financially independent by the time I was 31 and that book is called the richest man in Babylon but I started reading the books attending the classes making sure that I got in front of people that had something good to say and then I started keeping a journal one of the major things my teacher taught me was to keep a journal he said don't trust your memory if you hear something good just make a little note write it down now at first I took you know notes on pieces of paper and torn off corners and backs of old envelopes and it didn't serve me well you know thrown in a drawer then I learned to keep a journal A bound copy of all my notes so I would suggest you do the same things that impress you a poem that impresses you when you attend a class some of the ideas that impressed you jot them down uh you read something in a magazine right some ideas take those out put them in your Journal keep a good journal the rest of your life this will serve you well my journals make up a significant portion of my own Library and if you saw my library and saw my journals I tell you what you'd have to say this is the library and these are the journals of a very serious student no wonder Mr Owen is invited to lecture and speak on his experiences around the world so I want the same thing to happen to you value captured that you can resort to later go back over it and review it and let it become valuable to you work harder on yourself than you do on your job develop the skill learn the lessons take the classes absorb all that is being taught to you these days and then later on of course you can sort it out what's valuable to you and how to refine it for your business and for your life and for your future the main thing is to get it and start this process of personal change personal development and let me say it one more time if you will take Everything Will Change for you you'll never be the same you'll keep growing as you look back on a few months look back on a few years you won't believe the progress you can make economically your relationship with your family your friends and whether you're in sports or economics or whatever and telling you that whole process of committing yourself for personal change personal value can really make your life unique and worthwhile now jot this down when you do read do you have to sort through what you read and decide which is valuable to try that's part of the process of learning gathering information and sorting through it one the information that would apply to you and what you think would be valuable based on your current philosophical opinion so read all the books our lives are greatly affected by what we learn and what we know then here's another one you have the ability and the power to decide decision making can be the beginning of a new growth period for you not only personally but a growth period for your business your skill levels your ability to reach out and touch other people the ability to decide what a long list of personal power you have that I have that all of us have we just need to be reminded now here's another one and that's the ability to act the ability to put into action what you see what you comprehend what you imagine what you believe and then what you have faith for that ability to act is unprecedented in creating the miracle because it's not imagination that creates a career it's not imagination that creates a business it's not an imagination that creates a customer base it's using your imagination and finally putting it to work but you have the ability to do that if you have to get started with limited time you just make the limited time pay you know before you go to work during your lunch hour in the evenings on the weekends little pieces of time that you find something to do that will start your career keep it going and keep the momentum High your ability to act can develop all of the disciplines because you cannot learn the disciplines unless you actually do the work unless you actually do the action it's like learning to communicate way back in those early days I had a tough time you know I described it one time my first meeting I stood up my mind sat back down left me standing there I opened my mouth and nothing came out my knees are banging together the sweat's pouring off my face I'm scared it's called Terror right those first few times but sure enough I did it again I worked up the courage to do it the third time and the fourth time and that was about 35 36 years ago I'm glad you were not in on my first presentation and now much more confidence all these years later because I have acted on practicing my skills to communicate but you've got the ability to do that you've got the power and the ability to create a career a career that will serve you well for whatever lie time you want to spend in developing this career you have the ability to develop an Enterprise a business to be in business for yourself learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job learning is the beginning of Life change learning is the beginning of well value you become this can make you a living this can make you a fortune I learned that little economic outline when I was 25 years old really changed my life now here's something that changed my life forever when I found out at age 25 that my income was primarily determined by My Philosophy not the economy so make that note now and if you if you know it that's a wonderful if you teach it that's even better your income is primarily determined by your philosophy not the economy I had no concept of that when I was 25 years old I would have sworn to you because when my mentor said to me how come you're not doing well I showed him my paycheck said look this is all the company pays he said no that's all the company pays you I thought well that's a new way to look at speaking of philosophy how would you go from five dollars an hour to six dollars an hour let me give you some examples on philosophy that can get you from five dollars an hour to six dollars an hour here's number one wait for the government to change the minimum wage that's simple and easy right if you wait long enough sure enough the government will change the minimum wage let's say to six dollars Now by law the company must pay you six dollars so you're home free you say yes but how long will it take answer I'm sure much longer than you want to wait but that's the first philosophy wait for the government here's number two wait for the company to pay you six dollars how long will that take how often is a review six months one year let's say you don't make it second year say well that's a long time to go from five to six it is a long time but that's the next philosophy wait for the company here's the third philosophy and that's to go on strike we call it the philosophy of demand I demand six dollars or I won't work now if you're by yourself this is a risky philosophy if you've got a thousand people now to take with you to the company and say all thousand of us will not work unless we get six dollars now you might have a chance but by yourself this philosophy doesn't work very well the philosophy of Demand only works by Collective bargain we call it and it does work however it's very limiting you might get an extra Penny or two you might get an extra dollar you might get an extra benefit but it's very limiting the philosophy of demand and here's what for sure jot this down using the philosophy of demand you cannot get rich if getting rich is of interesting you can't get rich using this philosophy gosh it's so sad when somebody is in the right country and they got the wrong philosophy so you can't get rich by demand so now what would be the next philosophy that might work better for all of us and I'm sure is one of the reasons why all of us got here to this room today here it is the philosophy of performance the philosophy of performance simply States I will perform so well arriving early staying late doing all the extra things that the company would easily be justified in paying me six dollars my father gave one of the greatest seminars in a simple little sentence here's what Papa said I wish she was here to say it always do more than you get paid for to make an investment in your future these are philosophies follow your income is determined primarily by your philosophy see that changes ever now jot this down to climb this ladder as high as you wish and you got to underline the word wish because part of your future now is what you wish and what you want to climb this ladder as high as you wish in terms of bringing value to the marketplace and becoming valuable to the marketplace as high as you wish here's all you have to do and learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job some of the things Mr shelf taught me starting at age 25 some things came quickly some things came easily setting goals that was easy but this one I had to struggle with personal development it was hard for me to give up my old blame list it was so comfortable blaming the government and blaming my negative relatives and the company company policy unions wage scale economy interest rates prices and circumstances and all that that was difficult for me to give up it was quite a transition for me to make and blaming myself but Mr show started out with something very very important let me give that to you he said it's not what happened that determines the major part of your future it's not what happens what happens happens to us all said the key is what you do about it it's not what happens it's what you do about it and he said if you will start that process of cheating do something different the next 90 days than you did the last 90 days like picking up the books to read do something different like the new health disciplines relationship with your family whatever it is doesn't matter how small it is if you'll start doing different things with the same circumstances since we cannot change the circumstances but we can change ourselves we can change what we do and then he gave me another secret to success when he said what you have at the moment Mr Owen you've attracted by the person you've become what you have at the moment you've attracted by the person you've become few little simple principles here once you understand these it starts to explain so much sometimes it's a little tough to take blaming yourself instead of the marketplace taking responsibility instead of putting it off on someone else those that transition sometimes is a challenging mission and this one was a little tough for me he said Mr you've got pennies in your pocket you've got nothing in the bag the creditors are calling you're behind on your promises he says here's how that occurs you've attracted up until now you've attracted the things to you because of the person you become now I said well how can I change all that he said very simple if you will change Everything Will Change for You you don't have to change what's outside all you've got to change is what's inside to have more you simply have to become more and then he said don't wish it was easier wish you were better don't wish for Less Problems wish for more skills start working on yourself making these personal changes he said it'll all change for you so let's talk a little bit about personal development that extraordinary Adventure I undertook starting at age 25 and I've never ceased that Adventure I'm still going for it in the 90s I want to get better and better I want my craft to get better my business operations to get better the things I do to get better because once I picked up the simple formula telling you it's easy to figure out where the problem is if you go to work on it now let's talk about personal development and in helping kids understand personal development I always start with money now money's not the only place to start money certainly isn't the only value but we've all got to start somewhere and money's something you can count right kids are interested in money okay a lot of things are a little tougher to measure but economics is pretty easy right because you can count okay somebody says how are you doing he said I don't know let's count now this is not the only kill I understand that there's a lot of other things to kill but to see if there may be some errors in your judgment and lack of disciplines in your life we might as well start with money because it's so easy to kill so let's just start there and see whether or not maybe we have messed up we get paid for bringing value to the marketplace G to understanding economics we get paid for bringing value to the marketplace Marketplace is also described as reality reality the marketplace now it takes time it takes time to bring value to the marketplace but we don't get paid for tonight it's very important for kids to understand as well as adults we don't get paid for time mistakenly the man says well I'm making about twenty dollars for an hour not true not true if that was true you could just stay home have him send your money no it's not true you don't get paid for the hour you get paid for the value you put in the time so we don't get paid for time we get paid for value now since that's true here's one of the key questions of the afternoon is it possible to become twice as valuable and make twice as much money in the same time is it possible to become three times as valuable as you know are and make three times as much money in the same time is that possible of course if you want to really emphasize something that's a good phrase to it of course of course now all you have to do to earn more money in the same time is simply become more valuable but that's kind of a pitiful way to Live start and not grow start and not change start and not become more valuable hey the whole scenario of life is to start number one and what become more valuable number two so America is a ladder to climb starts at four dollars an hour and the more valuable you become you just keep moving up the ladder top income last year what 52 million guy that runs Disney would a company pay somebody for one year's work 52 million dollars and the answer is of course this is one of those of course places of course if you help a company make a billion dollars would they pay you 52 million yes there is of course it's chicken feed I mean it's not much lovely now why that maturity because he has become sold valuable now why would we pay somebody only four dollars an hour they're not very valuable to the marketplace now we got to make that distinction to the marketplace might be a valuable brother a valuable member of the community valuable member of the church valuable member in the sight of God to the Human family of course those kind of values but to the marketplace which is called what reality reality is if you're not very valuable you don't get much money those are called the facts well then how do you get more money simple answer somebody says log on strike for more here's a major problem with that you can't get rich by demand somebody says well I'm waiting for a raise I'm telling you it's easier to climb than to wait for a raise why not just become more valuable rather than wait I'm telling you that's the key to All Good Things becoming more valuable
Channel: Educational Fuel
Views: 112,540
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Id: RixNtEzsIO4
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Length: 59min 37sec (3577 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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