Jim Carrey Stars In The Conan O'Brien Story

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what's amazing to me is that you know I was thinking about this when I saw the movie man on the moon that it's a very unusual thing about this movie it makes you think wow don't just walk out of the theater and walk into traffic you know you're thinking thinking about stuff yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna cross with the light cuz of this film diffusion you stumble in yeah yeah that's great no I now say what's what's odd about this and what's very unusual about is it's a famous comedian playing a famous comedian Andy Kaufman right passed away but you're it has that I mean that hasn't really happened before I don't know it's it's tough it's it's always a challenge and and but that's that's the thing is I've actually done another biopic since then about another famous comedian in or peed myself or anything but I thought this was an important story and it's a brilliant guy and and I actually I brought a clip tonight you did so you play a different comedian in this yeah yeah and and I you know it's it's always hard especially when they're still living right but uh but I think I did a pretty good job I think I think I did a pretty good this is an amazing scoop if you've actually got the clip I don't think anyone's seen this yet this movie is pushing everything tonight you know what I mean let's take a look at the other / she hits it fit go ahead it's Jeff please open up please how do you son of a [ __ ] Liz Taylor refuses to do the interview in a thong bikini does she know who I am I am Conan O'Brien dammit she just had hip replacement surgery I'm wondering that thumb and I water in that thong tonight do you understand cold and O'Brien has spoken get me you're talking mr. Brian thank you hey did you just make eye contact with me you piece of crap get out get me another one before you leave mr. O'Brien Andy Richter's coming in what Andy okay I have some sketching again I wanna show you really yeah well that's terrific that really is terrific I had some ideas of my own yeah yeah really funny sketch oh yeah you being real yeah it's a sketch where you get out get the hell out your parents ate your pilot fish don't let the door hit you on the way out I can't hear the laughter Jim Carrey is on line one hey Jim oh good to hear from you I think you're hilarious no no I'm just laughing just just laughing I'm a happy guy hey I love the Cable Guy I don't care what anybody says to watch the 50 times on DVD yeah well great I can't wait to see you on the show okay all right ciao Jimbo okay what's he got that I haven't got once it got what's the secret I can do all that stuff all right again smokin very nice to meet you I swear my hair is not that red everything else pretty much nailed yeah uncanny what's the name of that one no aspirant measures yes all right all right well that's gonna be a big hit nice Oscar buzz I think Oscar buzz
Channel: 20 Years of Conan O'Brien | TEAMCOCO.com
Views: 3,202,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conan O'Brien (Celebrity)
Id: x-NiLuHiRQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2015
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