Jim Breuer's Coronavirus Questions

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/chrisg750 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
the jurogan experience this is the greatest time in human history where there's absolutely zero thinking when i say zero thinking and or you're put in fear of thinking i'll give you a little example okay i had i came in i had to have a covert test before i walked in here right so talk to your nurse and and um i said i had it i had in december and i didn't tell anyone because i didn't put on social media and i put it everywhere because i didn't want people like oh i'm gonna cancel shows and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah is the hysteria that goes how bad was it it was like a very mild sinus infection basically it's what jamie on basically it started it started in my nose all right and then i had a little like i had one of those but i immediately from the past anytime i get sick i'm traveling so i know i've had i've been sick on the road i merely put a nose spray constant cleaning and i have a um inhaler like a steroid to get my lungs going so i started that the next day body felt like i was getting something and which i've had in the past almost if i i don't get the chills my my skin gets really sensitive and then after that a little tired but i had i can breathe but clearly i had a sinus infection that's the best way to describe it now here's the thing and i gave it to my wife and my youngest daughter and the other two brought my other two daughters like we're out of here we're getting tested they both negative soon they left the house we're out of hair and they got bubbles around the head and wearing their space outfits so they're gone my youngest one comes home from school and she has to take a test and they say you're positive and she was she clearly got sick my wife's sick i'm sick now none of us i i have an infectious disease doctor in new jersey his specialty is infectious disease as a doc my daughter is positive i clearly gave it to her he goes you need to get tested before i see you i said okay well it's a two three day wait in the meantime did you have every anything goes take vitamin c vitamin d and zinc because do you have a high fever i want no because you have trouble breathing oh no because then don't worry about it so part of me started getting infuriated so you're telling me the world is shutting down and you're telling me to take vitamin c vitamin d and zinc because i need you to get the test okay i'll get the test nah i'm a little aggravated i just want something to get rid of this right okay that's all i want right so now it's going on the second week and it's this thing's annoying because i'm taking the 2000 d's and 3000 c's and zinc and a and whatever he's telling me to do my daughter is getting better my wife still can't d can't smell or taste um and she's got stage four cancer so she's like super high she's doing great and all that nothing but she's doing great she's on the trial she's crushing it so if anything she's the most danger because of her immune system week two i get a test the same test i just took here which is a very reliable test and i told my doctor hey man it's a fistula test deposit which test did you take as i took the rapid because that i can't i don't accept that one you don't accept that infectious disease doctor and you don't accept that test what did he want the pcr test he wanted yeah whatever he's got to go to a lab now we're going on day 12. are you still taking telling me to take vitamins and stuff so finally i said i'm not doing that test because then i got to go in the state and the system and and they called looking for my daughter can we speak to your daughter no you may not well is she doing the appropriate things i have it as her father well what is she doing go [ __ ] yourself that's what she's doing you don't call my house government you just overstepped your boundaries you're just here to protect me not to come knocking on my door to ask me what i'm doing and how i'm treating my 16 year old it's a very frightening place to be now with that said i then ask hey man what can we do because i need that other test and i'm not getting the other test so i called a friend said i'll get you something by tomorrow i got stuff by the next day and in two days that stuff was clear so i started asking her why don't people and and i just left the town of chester new jersey and there was a um there's a couple there's about 15 of us a group that formed this community during the whole covid and this one woman just got it and she got hospitalized knowing whoa what happened and she said i waited 12 days and then i had a problem i started freaking out breathing went to the hospital that gave me steroids and antibiotics and it cleared right up so my question is why do you have to test positive to wait to get antibiotics or steroids if neither one of them hurt you or kill you wow you're still waiting to see what this does and she didn't have an answer and she's like that's a great question like it's a simple it's just a question so if i'm a doctor and joe rogan comes to me and says hey man my daughter's positive i have sinus are you having trouble no well i can give you this because i know it's not going to kill you and i know it's good i'll give you antibiotics and hopefully in two three days it will clear up but it's not gonna and if it gets worse then we'll take care of it then because clearly this is not gonna make you worse right so why isn't that being done and then my other question was if that doctor an infectious disease doctor doesn't allow that test how many people take that test and it counts as a number but yet it doesn't count so what is really going on is my question there's a lot of confusion a massive amount of people there's a disease that kills some folks and there's a disease that we in the beginning stages of this pandemic thought was going to be far more severe than it turned out to be and they never adjusted that's the problem the problem is it's still not good you know you don't want to catch covet but the vast majority of people who get it will be fine 78 of the people that are hospitalized are obese these people have a real hard time with it there's six percent of the people who died from kovid only had covet six percent of the people who died from covet only had coveted the other 94 had an average of 2.6 comorbidities so almost three more than two and a half comorbidities being like obesity you know there's a bunch of different things that people have diabetes is a big one um you know uh alzheimer's there's a lot of there's a lot of like comorbidities that are that are very dangerous if you get coveted i'll tell you another one so another one of our friends his name is rob he's heavy he's a mess bro gout three times he's a mess he's totally heavy dude blah blah blah yeah july he says don't come near me i have a sinus infection and we all wait rob's off limits rob's diet we're laughing rob died he's got he's done we said you should really go check that out rob we don't hear from rob next time next thing me and me and my wife went to maine where i went on a mountain we were on we we're on a lake one i felt like i was in if i die that is where heaven's gonna be is that trip with my wife i come back do you hear what's going on rob what he's in the hospital what he's trying to he's on the uh the penalty the ventilator one what now he was a crazy trump guy he was like drop drop full-blown i would go there like oh my god these guys are talking politics again please get off that every morning the liberal is a democrat as a non-stop like oh my gosh want to have a muffin and relax so with that and i dude i got caught up too right i would be a liar if i said i wasn't caught up in some stuff for a while i was on the internet like dude my dude jfk is coming back i was holding my of course makes all such a while i was i i was in right but this guy was like if i ever get i'm taking hydrochloroquine all right that was that's so now and this is all still going by the way he gets admitted to the hospital and here comes my next question and there is an ending to this story um he gets admitted they say he's got brain damage from coven his brain damage well this is the information we're getting like what never what do you mean he's brain down yeah he's he's not gonna he's not gonna be able to walk what he says brain damage then it turned out he had strokes the cove had caused strokes then it turned out no he asked for a specific drug they said we can't give it to you in the state of jersey and we're gonna have to do testing before it could do stuff next thing you know the guy's on high blood pressure pills and all that they didn't give him his meds he stroked out oh cut two he's brain dead his wife can't his wife and 11 year old 13 year old half have to say goodbye to him before they pull the plug they're not allowed to be with him they have to facetime so here's a question for you no this is going somewhere bro right thank god one of our crew said please send this person there just to one last one last look the specialist shows up said he's not brain dead he's dehydrated who's been taking care of this patient and who said he was covered i want everything gets everything said i need the wife and children in here oh well it's against our foot again what's keeping you safe what's keeping you safe bring his family in here his family talks to him his heart rate starts going up in a week he opens his eyes and communicates for the first time it's six weeks later he now stands up for the first time it was uh it was october he finally got out and he's still taking physical rehab i got pictures of him videos of him and all that jazz but he's recovering so the point of my story is two things they were ready to let him die they were willing they already said he's dead and you can't visit him jesus christ so what where kind of [ __ ] hospital is this it's in new jersey that's crazy so i'll so but my question is this when it comes to not being able to see elderly in elderly homes you got a quarantine and all that what keeps the workers safe what keeps the quote heroes safe and what why can't you allow someone with a human touch because when you're when you're at your weakest moment in time you need a human you need pure love you need that child you need your mother to come visit you they're the ones even if you're in your house and the fact that they are stopping that is pure evil in my mind i don't it has nothing to do with safety and if it is safety then stupidity and if i and at i think in the general sense they're trying to protect people from getting infected well what keeps the people that works there infected nothing well then what what they're going to do the tightest masks that you can but there's other things you can give it to the child and the mom and dad exactly no i'm with you i'm with you 100 if your kid was dying joe yeah you're going to allow them to keep you from seeing them no no i'm going to do my best right you're gonna smash that door down bro i'll tell you that right now you're gonna have to arrest me yeah you're gonna have to rest me so i i feel the same way i know what you're saying you gotta question everything there's but you're right about the touch about love and about having hope and having someone come visit you despair is terrible for the immune system all that stuff is do you know what a nocebo is you know what that means no it's the opposite of placebo a placebo effect is they give you a sugar pill and it makes you think that you're doing well and you're like oh and then all sudden your symptoms improve and you actually get better because your body is on a positive trip right your body's like oh jim got the medicine ah we're healing up and it literally has a an actual physical measurable effect and it's called the placebo effect well there's also something that they believe is more powerful than the placebo effect and that's the nocebo effect the nocebo effect is telling someone that they have a disease telling someone that there's an incurable disease or that they're sick and then they [ __ ] panic now here's a perfect example in 2007 there was a guy that was a part of a trial that they were doing a double-blind placebo-controlled trial on antidepressants so they're trying to find the efficacy of antidepressants and they give this guy um these pills and he shows up at the hospital he's got an empty bottle of pills and he goes help me help me i took all the pills i took all the pills and this guy collapses all right they bring him into the emergency room his [ __ ] hot blood pressure is dangerously low his heart rate is jacked up he's pale he's sick they're like oh no and so they they find the guys uh he the guy has a pill bottle they brought in with him they find the guy's physician that's a part of the clinical trial and they bring the physician in the physician tells him you got the placebo there's no medication here this is these are [ __ ] pills there's nothing in them all of a sudden the guy gets better like that his his heart rate balances his blood pressure balances 15 minutes later he's fine the power of your mind he was convinced that he was [ __ ] if you have someone in a hospital bed and you're telling them they're going to die and you're not going to see your family and the amount of stress and the pain your symptoms will crash everything will get more [ __ ] up your body will go into a total state of shock there's been people that have died because they were incorrectly diagnosed with cancer and they went into this this shock where they can't believe that they're not gonna and then their their immune system crashes their body crashes and then they've done autopsies and they found out that it was benign and this is what drives me nuts where nobody questions you just go uh that's what they say that's where that's what they said so that's what we're doing that's what voodoo is you know like people think that voodoo is [ __ ] what voodoo is is you tell someone if you're a charismatic person you have white paint on your face and [ __ ] feathers and skulls and on sticks and you tell them i put a curse on you and you believe that [ __ ] you'll be in a full terror yeah you'll be in full terror and then your life will fall apart my hand to god when i start my show i say and i've been saying this is the greatest voodoo trick i've seen in humanity in my entire life because that's what it is it's the greatest voodoo trick in history i it's mind-boggling now i'm able to i'm able to sit and watch it and and dodge from it but at the same time i i'm i'm baffled how many people just don't question anything it's mind-boggling catch new episodes of the joe rogan experience for free only on spotify watch back catalog jre videos on spotify including clips easily seamlessly switch between video and audio experience on spotify you can listen to the jre in the background by using other apps and can download episodes to 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Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 3,013,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Id: 3FHRe3ISh5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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