Jewice Confronts Sharp for Yelling at Women During Interviews

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[Music] I I almost didn't want to come up here at first because my album is called love without conditions and I've been following you for a minute and lately I come on here and you are trashing these [ __ ] chicks out here and and and you would probably say it as maybe they deserved it maybe they not handle ourselves we call it do we call it blessing or Enlightenment that's why I say you're going to call Enlightenment for me I am so sens towards that [ __ ] because I'm on a movement right now where it's like maybe some of those women are like that because of what we put them through as men in society not you specifically or me specifically but yeah I I have definitely done some [ __ ] and I'm so off of that so it hurts to see infidelity these days and crazy ways of hurts to even see the conversations you have with people I don't know exactly what was said at this point is the way it made me feel at the time and that [ __ ] and and it hurts because I'm on such a love movement and and women need to be free I'm in like control I think a problem men have is they want to control women if that's your L of business work that business but when it's a relationship status don't control your [ __ ] wife to that degree or your girlfriend sometimes if you're out here playing play but don't lie too don't lie and play too but what were you going to say you know okay love women love women sharp I know you love women but love women we're going to Let's unpack the lunch here okay just so you can have a better understanding yeah what I do with some of these women bro I just try to help them catch up to speed that's all it is I I miss the the the that that old school strong woman man the woman with a good mindset a strong mindset like I know that I can lean on her sometimes maybe not all the time but I if the going gets tough and it gets [ __ ] up I want to know that a chi that I'm with or I'm around can make a sound decision MH not move out of emotion not just run your mouth just to be running your mouth but know how to make a sound decision I miss those kind of women people can sit there and say that I and and this is real bro I want to put this on the record people can say that I hate women I don't like women dog I gave my life to women for 20 years that's what I said business I gave my I gave my life I could have been anything M I could have did anything but I chose I had to choose to it's all a choice I chose to give my life to women man so when I see women that are doing disappointing [ __ ] or saying [ __ ] that doesn't make any sense I'm going to speak up on it bro it has to be said whether they like me or not and a lot of these chicks man some of the ones that I've interviewed so you don't know like behind the scenes still talk to me to this day you know what I'm saying have still hey thank you for everything like for real you helped me see like really wake my game up one girl Kazumi she was like man I've been meaning the than sharp you really help me step my game up like I ain't gonna lie like you know what I mean like it's not the well I get it number one it's my voice my voice is raspy and then I'm passionate you mix those together especially for the the the the the modern day Society they is soft so they're going to take it as aggression not passion you know what I'm saying not somebody who's really standing on their principles and standing on who they are I'm a person that stands on who I am when it comes to females I just want to see them have a bed come on like catch up babe I don't I don't like sitting around dumb women or women that lack intelligence or knowledge I like a strong woman man like teach me something too if we're going to sit at the round table and you're going to sit with me you better bring something to it and we're not talking about money we're not talking about drugs we're not talking no bring something to it bring something that I can carry with me for the rest of my life yeah well you said teaching and teaching a substance so bring bring substance bring some substance to it you know and like I said I love women to death man I just don't like like the mouths like if you're going to talk like a man that's unattractive to me walking and talking like a man is you don't like New York woman I love you know what to be honest with you I actually am very fond of New York Women it's the [ __ ] that I Ain't So I'mma keep it real which y'all don't even like each other out there so [ __ ] why the [ __ ] like you know what I'm saying like the chicks actually be them they're actually strong them is the type of women that be talking about like they'll let their man lead I like a strong woman that's allowing me to lead so do you believe though that um with all that being said Do you believe though that men are detrimental to the growth of women sometimes and we are kind of holding them back and they can kind of w out because we W out and we put them in those positions to W out it could can you at least agree on that it can be yeah for sure just depends on the situation depends on the situation it depends on the situation and the person that she's dealing with but see this is when I hop into the part of the conversation that I let her know like baby this is your choice you got to be smart enough you have to be smart enough to make the right decisions you cannot choose the wrong person and then blame them well they can choose the wrong person once or twice a little bit let make some mistakes we got make mistakes but when I constantly keep sitting there [ __ ] with the same [ __ ] right or like I'm having problems with the like different chicks and I'm having these I'm going through these rigar when do I start to re-evaluate the situation and say hey maybe this was me maybe it's something that I'm doing women got to be able to do that too you got to be able to critique your character too baby don't just leave it to the man cuz you'll always find yourself pointing fingers you'll live a life of pointing constantly so we're going to do the the new um no jumper session love without conditions and we just spread love to everybody that's the conclusion I listen I spread love to him I just spread love differently my love is tough love I believe in that so you know what I'm saying and because you know why tough love work for me you know how many people you'll you'll see they be like man I wish I had somebody to be on my ass coming up you know what I'm saying like really like care about me like kept a foot in my ass and kept me on a straight narrow man there's people they kids that's why kids act out cuz they them for that people want to be around like let me tell you something man there's some people that lead there's some people that follow unfortunately we have a world that where there's more followers than leaders essentially you want more women leaders and and more women we need to balance it man we need to find the balance I just want so some women just some so how do we how do we teach how do we teach these women to catch up to speed in a way where it don't look like by embracing themselves truly and genuinely not waking up to look at Instagram and Facebook to tell you how to live oh [ __ ] that or trying to you know you see somebody else going on a vacation or they're having money and they're spending money and they're they're living their life and you see all this and then you roll over to see your [ __ ] he might you know what I'm saying y'all might not be fortunate but [ __ ] he just worked a 14 hour shift like he's trying trying to put it together you know what I'm saying and you wake up I want to do this now you're tripping out on him you're not even telling them the reason really you're just kind of tripping out on him you know what I'm saying you're not even open like hey I really would like to take a trip you know and then once he says well we can stack up and do well I want to take one now they're are they're doing it we can't live to somebody else life man it's tough It's music um it's it's not only us men it's music too they see like you said on Instagram they're seeing all this instant gratification everywhere you know it's hard for for those strong real relationships to girl it is music sucks these days juice the music sucks these days like the the we're not we we're not trying to sound like old [ __ ] no we're not but I'm just saying the music from what I've seen it evolve like it's different it's not about being old it's different when you've seen the music evolve you I'm saying and what it's evolved into you know when have you heard somebody actually genuinely cut an R&B track like a real like that old feel you know what I'm saying like really brought some R&B to we do say it's missing every day but then there are dope artists that have a great tone like a giveon or something that will give you those reminiscence but that whole R&B feels gone um partially which what we're talking about a little bit the love frequency not to sound like [ __ ] Diddy Jesus Christ maybe that's the problem the love frequency is missing in a sense so you're answering the you're answering it pretty much yourself the love frequency is gone it's not around you know so people don't even know how to even it it's not being spread that's not the main thing that they're teaching no they teach [ __ ] to go to be ratchet and to come up and to come up and to get yours you know whether you got to and if you got to step on people to get there do it and we need the balance we need the balance we need both sides yes we do hey man structure and balance is key yeah I struggle with that [ __ ] every day um I'm struggling with every day what do you struggle with struggling between being an enlightened [ __ ] and a [ __ ] cuz here I am trying to tell you to love women more and not be so harsh on them but then it's like I've done [ __ ] too but it's like we have to just shine light on that [ __ ] we have to I love them no I know I love them to death I love women I have women around me wrong word to say I have women around me all the time I love them to death you know and like I said I've had [ __ ] I won't even speak on no names but some of the chicks that I roasted man [ __ ] they done sent to the gra Vine hey tell sharp I think he's fine and I want to [ __ ] so I I I want I'm just keeping it real with you dog we're going to throw it out there like just so some people can get some [ __ ] Clarity of what's really going on sharp loves woman you brought me somewhere hold on all right me personally my mother died when I was a few months old I'm very curious did you have both of your parents growing up no just my mom wow were you guys like best friends yeah we were to a point yeah for sure you know for me it felt like uh my mom was more like as I got a little older like kind of like a sister you know kind of [ __ ] up but you know what I'm saying I guess you got to find that within you know your parent you got to find something you know what I'm saying to connect with him and I a feel like it was a parent aspect I felt more like it's like like my older sister wow you know what I'm saying but [ __ ] shout out to her for me any I I'm just always trying to I feel like my mission is to get back to that place that I'm missing that I never had yeah that that motherly love Yeah Yeah that's the place I'm trying to get to so that's why these days I'm so cautious and and aware of the trauma that I've caused to women and again I said the wrong word he loves women I'm sorry about that I do I listen love wom I just listen man I just try to tell them what's good not what they want to hear for right now like I want to tell you what you need to hear I would want somebody to do that to me yeah I'm only giving you what I would want somebody to give me like I feel like that's the way it goes give me what I need MH not what I want to hear cuz probably what I want ain't going to do [ __ ] for me and it's going to keep me in a [ __ ] up mind mindset anyway a [ __ ] I wanted to say something that's too much [ __ ] words and talking about too much for other people but I'll say down break it down do you like that fresh and fit podcast you think do you think that [ __ ] is kind of weird you think do you think they kind of prey on women a little bit little bit okay little bit my [ __ ] be genuine like man listen and for people to know I don't come in to um purposely get into it with a chick if she says something that I disagree with or I feel like hey I'm only telling you that [ __ ] ain't right nine times out of 10 from experience I'm not a young kid so I've I'm well traveled well experienced you know what I'm saying when it just comes to life maybe not being a [ __ ] multi-millionaire maybe not [ __ ] on a Fortune 500 business but I'm well experienced in life so when I hear something that's hey I've probably traveled down that road or have been around people that are like that here I don't think this the way you should ay move like this nobody wants to accept knowledge anymore man M they take it you can give people knowledge if they can't spend it right now at the mall if they can't go on their car and listen to it they don't want it they put it in a closet they let it collect dust or post it yeah you know what I'm saying I hate when uh people say they don't want to learn or have too much they don't want to learn or you got to learn every day to your to your dead you learn every day to your dead you have to people that shut it off I I hate when people shut it off yeah all walks of life juice you got to learn from all walks of life whether we never if if we pass if we're passing paths I feel like it's a reason it's never just because you have to pull the message out of it you know and I feel like that's where a lot of people should get smarter even chicks pull the message out of what I'm saying [ __ ] me [ __ ] who I am [ __ ] what I look like [ __ ] what I'm wearing doesn't matter pull the message out of it and I promise you you you're going to feel 10 times better about being you when you can take things like that throw in your own Melting Pot and apply it that's real man we're supposed to learn it's like [ __ ] you're not I'm not supposed to tell her nothing cuz she's pretty I've had many pretty [ __ ] bro and some of them be pretty bums so that part doesn't even matter you know I don't look at it as prettiness I look at it as like man if you're an idiot you're a [ __ ] idiot good Lord and you got to say it you got to you got to say it if I'm being [ __ ] dumb I'd want to chck tell like sharp that ain't right will tell me why it's not right well this is how goes but for you I want to dive enough of me man cuz I see where you're trying to go down this rabbit hole and we can go down it for hours oh God
Channel: No Jumper Clips
Views: 147,376
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Keywords: No Jumper podcast, No jumper interview, No jumper Adam22, Adam22 interview, no jumper clips, no jumper tiktok, viral clips, no jumper reacts, no jumper beef, no jumper news, new music reaction, akademiks, flakko akademiks, adam22 lush
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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