Jetson Nano + RealSense T265 Tracking Camera

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[Music] hello it's Jim from jetson XCOM today I want to show you how to integrate the intel realsense t 265 tracking camera with the nvidia jetson nano developer kit realsense comes in this attractive little box let's open it up you have a getting started guide here's the camera itself mounting points on the back and a USB cable it's a USB 3 cable and here's where it plugs it into the camera there's a nice little protective film let's take that off simultaneous localization and mapping is known as slam slam is a computational problem how does a device construct or update a map of an unknown environment while simultaneously keeping track of its own location within that environment let's say this up front it's a difficult problem the intel realsense t26 5 is a standalone simultaneous localization and mapping device the camera is typically for use in robotics drones and augmented and virtual reality applications the realsense t 265 contains two fisheye cameras one here and one there a mil videos ASIC and an inertial measurement unit which is known as an IMU combining the output of these sensors allows for navigation using visual features in the environment to track its way around even in unknown spaces with good accuracy if you've ever tried to implement slam on your own you know it can be quite challenging with the t26 5 we can have precise and robust tracking that has been extensively tested in a variety of conditions and environments so here's the amazing part the power requirement is only 300 milliamps at 5 volts the camera is a hundred and eight millimeters wide by 24 by 50 high and then it's twelve point five millimeters deep and it weighs about 60 grams the camera provides post data at a sample rate of 200 Hertz if you are only using post data you can run it over USB - if you use the visual streams from the cameras USB 3 is required is simple to integrate just plug in the USB cable load the software and start streaming closed data it looks like the cable plugs in here then this goes into our developer kit let's install like real sense on the Jetson hacks and a new account on github there is a repository named install live realsense it even has some handy instructions let's scroll down a little bit during the compilation process the memory is a little tight here on the Nano in order to run the script it's best to enable the swap file so let's do that first here's your little warning you could also go in and modify the script to only use one job in the make file but we are going to install the swap file we are still in the Jetson hacks and a no-account install swap file repository let's clone that repository we'll switch over to that repositories directory and we will install the swap file and you can see our swap file showed up here in the system monitor let's hop back up a directory clear this off now we are ready to install live realsense okay let's grab the repositories address and clone it switch over to that repositories directory and let's install live realsense installation complete and here's where it installed everything the libraries the header files and the demo so let's close up the web browser for the t26 five that's all the installation that we have to do we do not need to recompile the kernel or modules let's test it out clear this off switch over to our in directory let's plug our camera in and run real sense viewer we turn on the tracking module and we get a five pane window we get the fisheye camera views let's take a look at one of those gives you a sense of lag from the image this is a good result considering we're going through the USB port the camera has a little 3d bracket that I printed has a GoPro mount the cameras are 30 frames per second reduce this then we have the gyro stream and the accelerometer stream and the stream that we pay the money for which is this pose stream so it's almost like magic it tracks the X Y Z coordinate from the origin that we started the camera at as well as the pitch the roll and the yaw the realsense viewer has a 3d feature look at that it starts here at an origin let's pick it up forwards backwards up and down and we can look at this in 3d now and now you know why it so clever you can tell where you are XY and Z in space as well as the orientation of the camera thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: JetsonHacks
Views: 63,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JetsonHacks, Jetson Nano, Jetson Nano Developer Kit, NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit, jetson nano tutorial, jetson nano dev kit, nvidia jetson nano, Intel RealSense, librealsense, librealsense SDK, RealSense T265, RealSense Tracking Camera, nvidia jetson, intel realsense jetson nano
Id: NonBlt-wKCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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