Jesus Of Nazareth (Young Jesus)

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bless God who has given us the Torah the Lord God will go before you be strong and of good courage fear not nor be afraid for the LORD thy God will go with you he will not fail you or forsake you now you're truly a man Jesus by Joseph as a new adult member of our community you have exercised your right to read and comment upon the Scriptures that is your heritage it's the heritage of the children of Israel but remember that God's Word is spoken in tons of light and in times of darkness and persecution may you always read from the law in a time of joy may God protect you may God bring blessings on the board Oh Oh oh yeah Oh so the room is hostess here Jewish bread better than nothing to off this quartermaster an army must eat and is a long way from Damascus to Jerusalem the gallon is in Roman territory the whole world is Roman territory hey I just saw back ignore them we'll meet with plenty of those in Jerusalem they're called zealots they're mad religious fanatics you're there remember this the Roman army is not a pack of bandits and we'll deal with the likes of you in our own good time may the curse of God on upon these murders how long must we wait Oh Lord for you to help us God has abandoned us
Channel: toml71
Views: 1,109,067
Rating: 4.7990432 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Of, Nazareth
Id: VfhzNtD0nuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 02 2008
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