Jesus’ Standard for Relating to Others | Matthew 5:33-48 | Gary Hamrick

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[Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so today we're here in matthew chapter five we're going to close out this chapter and again if you're new to our study we are going straight through the bible and in particular now straight through the gospel of matthew and specifically we're here in chapters five six and seven which happens to be the longest recorded sermon that jesus ever delivered and we've intentionally slowed things down through the gospel of matthew as we look at these important words as jesus delivers this sermon and as we look at the last few sections here of chapter 5 jesus makes three particular points about how his followers are supposed to conduct themselves in relation to other people you know a lot of the bible deals obviously with the vertical getting right with god our relationship with him but then there's a good section of the scriptures that also deals with the horizontal our relationship with one another and that's what the last part of chapter five here is all about in the gospel of matthew where jesus makes these three particular points about how his followers are supposed to conduct themselves in regards to other people and so here's the backdrop sea of galilee this is where jesus delivers the sermon on the mount on the northern coast of the sea of galilee on this hillside this sloping hillside thus it's been called the sermon on the mount and these are the three final points that jesus makes here in chapter five that we're going to be looking at today he tells us keep your word turn your cheek and love your enemies so i'm going to read here starting at verse 33 down through the end of the chapter so matthew chapter 5 starting at verse 33 jesus says again you have heard that it was said to those of old you shall not swear falsely but shall perform your oaths to the lord but i say to you do not swear at all neither by heaven for it is god's throne nor by the earth for it is his footstool nor by jerusalem for it is the city of the great king nor shall you swear by your head because you cannot make one hair white or black of course today we can you know some of you do that he says verse 37 but let your yes be yes and you're no no for whatever is more than these is from the evil one verse 38. you have heard that it was said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth but i tell you not to resist an evil person but whoever slaps you on your right cheek turn the other to him also if anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic let him have your cloak also and whoever compels you to go one mile go with him too give to him who asks you and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away verse 43 you have heard that it was said you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy but i say to you love your enemies bless those who curse you do good to those who hate you and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you that you may be sons of your father in heaven for he makes his son rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust for if you love those who love you what reward have you do do not even the tax collectors do the same and if you greet your brethren only what do you do more than others do not even the tax collectors do so therefore you shall be perfect just as your father in heaven is perfect don't you like there at the last part there where he uses tax collectors as the lowest denominator in life because you know even the tax collectors do this well anyway for those of you who are we appreciate you but in in this day it was a it was a bad connection all right let's pray together lord thanks for this time that we can open up your word study here the words of jesus as he delivers this sermon we pray that we would have ears to hear and that we would have a heart to obey and we thank you for your instruction to us lord these are some difficult things it's not always easy to live out our faith in in this world but we pray for your strength we pray lord for the empowering of your holy spirit we pray lord that we would be obedient to do the things that you've called us to do that that people would recognize us as your followers because we are living as you've instructed us so help us lord as we study your word together now and we praise you and thank you for your love and your grace toward us it's in jesus name we pray and everybody said amen so the first one we're going to look at these three being our three main points today we're going to look at the idea of keeping your word those of you who are old enough to remember will will remember that in 1988 at the republican national convention when then george h.w bush was the candidate for uh president among the republican party that he in his speech made a promise do you remember what his promise was that's right read my lips no new taxes not gonna happen you know that's what he said then he got elected and then he approved a tax hike that congress had had approved and so he signed off on that and he broke his word and some say that when he broke his word it's what cost him his re-election in 1992 to a young guy from arkansas i feel your pain your taxes were raised but i'm here to say that i feel your pain anyway i don't know if that was the reason that it cost him his re-election but george h.w bush broke his word words matter promises matter we need to say what we mean and mean what we say and while everyone else in the culture might do differently the followers of jesus are supposed to be people of our word god wants us to be as reliable with our speech as he is can can you imagine all the promises of the bible if they were unreliable you would have no hope of your salvation you would have no assurance of heaven but god's promises are reliable hear me because his character is true and what he calls us to when he calls us to be people of our word is to be people of our character because to be a man or a woman of your word is really an indication of your character that's why in verse 37 if you look again at verse 37 that's why jesus says but let your yes be yes and your no no because there should be enough strength in our character that we don't need to add additional words to try to bolster our statement this is why he was saying don't don't swear by god in heaven don't swear by the earth don't swear by the temple because people were going around without a strong enough character making statements and then saying i swear to you by the temple i swear to you by god i swear to you by the earth and jesus is trying to teach us that if your character is right the people should be able to accept yes when you say yes to mean yes and know when you say no to me no if your character isn't right then you have to start adding all these other things yes i i swear it cross my heart hope to die stick a needle in my eye you know all that other stuff why do you have to say all that other stuff i mean shouldn't your character speak enough for itself that you should just be able to say yes and people know you mean yes and you say no and people know that you mean no and so here are some tips that the bible gives us in order to help us to be men and women of our word three little sub points to this and here's the first sub point don't speak rashly see sometimes we fail to keep our word because we speak rashly before we have really thought it all the way through maybe it's because we overestimate our ability to deliver on a promise and we underestimate what it will take to make good on our word sometimes honestly it's because we want to appease someone you know maybe they're they're badgering us and we just when we throw out a promise just to try to get them off our backs or maybe we're trying to impress somebody and so we make a promise maybe it's because we have a personality that tends to speak first and think later you know some of those people right peter was that kind of a guy you know peter was the guy who was always saying stuff and then thinking through it after he had said it you know jesus at the last supper he's talking about how you're all going to betray me and peter speaks up and says all these other guys might but i will never betray you and jesus is like oh pete pete pete feet if you only knew before the rooster quotes you're going to deny knowing me three times see he would say things impulsively and not really think it through the bible cautions us about rash words in ecclesiastes 5 2. it says do not be rash with your mouth and let not your heart utter anything hastily before god for god is in heaven and you were on earth therefore let your words be few so one of the reasons we don't often keep our word is because we speak rashly another important point to remind us is to number two weigh words carefully words carefully avoid exaggerations and superlatives like always and never and absolutely you know we get ourselves in trouble i i will never forget to take out the trash yes you will yes you will so just say i'll try my hardest to remember to take out the trash or maybe more honestly i'll get around to it when i get around to it you know i mean just but be honest with your words don't make these exaggerated statements i will always drive the speed limit you broke it coming here what are you talking about you know maybe just say something like i'll attempt to watch my speed or i don't give a rip you know and then and then just suffer the consequences for it somebody invite you to some place i will absolutely be there how about you just say i'm going to try my hardest to come i mean just don't don't offer more than you than you absolutely need to i'm i'm going to buy you the best gift ever you know you're just going to get them a gift card in the end of the day i mean just don't don't even say stuff like that and so it's important that we that we make sure we don't overstate uh because that can get us in trouble uh yesterday uh terry and i went over to watch a couple of our grandkids tyler's two girls and she had gone ahead of me and then had texted me hey riley wants a pepperoni pizza can you pick up a pepperoni pizza on the way and i'm like yeah sure but i was just finishing mowing the lawn and i was just looking at my watch by the time i finish up here call it in it's ready to go get over there it's gonna be about 45 minutes she said well she texts can you make it 30 like you know riley's hungry like okay 30. and so like i i just agreed to 30. and then so i order at the little pizza hut over here by home depot you can get the carry out and i i get over there and i'm already trying to get there quick enough because i'm behind scheduled i get there get the pizza on my way and i'm like good to go like all right i'm going to be there 30 minutes good to go hit battlefield parkway heading over to tyler's house and then you know you know the deal with battlefield parkway that i forgot right it's you can't pass through it now and so it's a detour so i had to go all the way back around town to get over there and i wasn't there in 30 minutes now i i didn't get a degree for it in fact i don't even think either terry o'reilly knew how late i was but the point is i should have just said something like i'm gonna pick up the pizza and i will be there sometime before tomorrow i mean you know that that's that's a safe a safer way to go if you really don't know what's going to happen just you know weigh your words carefully you know the old saying like under promise and over deliver proverbs 13 3 says he who guards his mouth preserves his life but he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction abraham lincoln once said better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you were a fool than to open your mouth and remove all their doubts so don't speak rashly weigh your words carefully and thirdly underneath this point about keeping your word it's a good reminder to us to avoid unrealistic promises ecclesiastes 5 5 says better not to vow than to vow and not pay another translation said it this way it is better not to promise anything than to promise something and not do it you know i i cringe whenever i watch a movie where some dad or or mom is is going off to war and they turn to their kid and say you know daddy or mommy uh i'll be back i promise and i cringe you know at that kind of a thing because i think man i hope you do come back because otherwise this this child was just given a promise that you're going to return and how damaging is it to that little boy or girl if daddy or mommy doesn't come home i know the reasons why we say things like that we want we want somebody to feel better we want somebody to be given hope but we can't give people false hopes or misleading optimism now i'm not i'm not saying be negative i'm not saying you know say something discouraging i'm just saying that it's dangerous to make promises when they are dependent on circumstances that are beyond our control and so when when we say things but yet it you know we're saying things based on other factors other people other situations that are beyond our control it's harder for us to fulfill our promise so we have to be careful to avoid unrealistic promises maybe it would be better to say you know it doesn't make for as good of a movie i guess but it would be better to say something like i'm going to do my best to come home just as soon as i can james chapter 4 verses 13 to 16 reminds us of this very thing james writes come now you who say today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city spend a year there buy and sell make a profit whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow for what is your life it is even a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away instead you ought to say if the lord wills we shall live and do this or that but now you boast in your arrogance all such boasting is evil so jesus calls us to be men and women of our word that's one thing here at the end of chapter five the second thing at the end of chapter five he tells us turn your cheek that's between verses 38 and 42 where jesus addresses a series of mistreatment by others and how we should resist retaliating and he's going to say here when we're insulted when we're sued and when someone tries to take advantage of us look again here at verses 38 to 42 jesus says you've heard that it was said now notice this in each of these three sections as we close out chapter five jesus says you have heard that it was said and he's quoting or referring to some old testament scripture that was either quoted or misquoted and he's going to say this is what it really means and he's going to set the record straight so he says in verse 38 you have heard that it was said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth which by the way is exodus 21 24. and he says if anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic let him have your cloak also and whoever compels you to go one mile go with them two give to him who asks you and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away now in this section here when he talks about turning turning the cheek he he's not saying just roll over and let people mistreat you you know sometimes you might read a section like this and think to yourselves well are christians just supposed to be passive and let people just walk all over them and let people take it because the christian thing to do is just you know turn the other cheek and you know it sounds all the sugary it sounds really sugary doesn't it like christians are just supposed to be really super sweet let everybody take it that's not what he's saying here okay he's not saying just roll over and let people mistreat you he's just saying that we need to take the steps necessary to make sure that we don't try to get even and that we go the extra mile to make sure that bitterness doesn't set in our hearts as it relates to the way that people might treat us again the closing part of chapter five is about the horizontal how are we to relate to other people how are we to respond to other people when people aren't as nice to us or or they might mistreat us and what is the way that jesus wants us to behave how is it he wants us to conduct ourselves and the first thing that jesus does here is he quotes again from the old testament exodus 21 24 where the mosaic law did say an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth but in the mosaic law that statement was given for the government the civil government of the nation of israel was to impose a penalty consistent with the crime an eye for nine a tooth for a tooth you do the crime you're gonna serve the time over time however religious leaders hijacked that as a as a phrase reserved for civil government and the threat of penalty which would then discourage people from committing crimes and religious leaders said well no it's actually a personal verse for you in relation to how other people treat you or mistreat you so if somebody does something wrong to you an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth get revenge get revenge and jesus is going to set the record straight here he's going to correct that um the you know the the religious leaders of the day basically applied that old testament verse and say and said to people when you get wronged get even and jesus is going to be like no no no no it was not intended for people to take in a personal way this is civil government imposing a penalty and justice when crimes are committed and it would be a great deterrent to crime by the way and so jesus says they're in verse 39 but i tell you not to resist an evil person but whoever slaps you on your right cheek turned the other to him also now jesus did not mean that a physical attack cannot be resisted or defended against he's he's not saying if somebody happens to come up to you with a baseball bat hit you on the right side of the head as a christian turn to him or her the left side of your head and let him bash that side in too okay that is not what he is saying here when jesus speaks of a slap on your right cheek it was culturally understood in the day as referring to a deep insult not a physical attack all right now walk this through with me most of the people in in that time no doubt because the same is true today are right-handed most ninety percent of the world's population is right-handed if you're left-handed you're a part of a slim minority about 10 or less of the of the world's population is left-handed right-handed people okay if you're gonna slug somebody if you're right-handed and you're gonna throw a right hook and someone is facing you okay a right hook is going to go to their left cheek everybody follow me if you're facing someone you're going to get a right hook you're not somebody's not going to give you a right hook on the right side of your face so a right-handed person is going to give a right hook and hit you on the left side of your face so when jesus speaks here about being hit being struck on the right cheek it's a picture of not a right hook but the backhand to get your right cheek it would be a backhand it's it's an idiom we use it today too if somebody pays you a backhanded compliment they are insulting you disguised with a compliment so to be hit on the right cheek was an idiom in the day that meant a deep insult not a physical attack and so what he's saying here is if someone deeply insults you i want you to just turn the other cheek the idea is endure the insult let god defend you don't retaliate that's what he's saying here it has really nothing to do with defending yourself physically because he's not literally talking about being punched he's talking about taking a backhand which is an expression of the day in regards to being deeply insulted so that's what he means by turning the other cheek he says i don't want you to return insult for insult i want you to be better than that he's saying as my followers if you bear my name as christian you have christ's name as a christian i don't want you to return insult for insult i want you to be better than that i want you to be bigger than that so somebody insults you just turn the other cheek in other words just walk away let god defend you don't try to defend yourself in this way now don't think that jesus meant that evil should just be tolerated either by what he says here jesus demonstrated with his own life you know and he turns over the tables of the money changers in the temple courtyard i mean he he's not going to tolerate when something is is being done in an evil way but as it relates to the way he was personally insulted think about how he responded to insults because in the bible through the gospels he was insulted on various occasions where he was called a glutton he was called a drunk he was called an illegitimate child he was called a blasphemer he was called a madman and many other different examples and jesus just he allowed the insults to be spoken and he didn't retaliate you know the bible says in first peter 2 23 when they hurled insults at him he did not retaliate when he suffered he made no threats instead he entrusted himself to him who judges justly let him say what they might want to say you you don't need to respond in a like manner let him let god who judges justly defend you follow the example of jesus now in in the same point here about turning the other cheek he says also in verse 40 if anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic let him have your cloak also now under the mosaic law in exodus 22 the outer cloak could not be taken from you legally so in other words if you're being sued for your tunic which would have been like you know the shirt on your back so to say um and you and and no one could could therefore legally get your coat if you turn to the person and say okay you want my shirt fine take my shirt and here's my coat also what you're doing is you're disarming them you're not giving them the power over you to control or to manipulate you're basically you're basically killing them with kindness at this point you now again he's not suggesting today somebody sues you for money just throw in your house too for good measure he's not saying that this is a principle the idea of the principle is to protect our hearts from retaliation and bitterness and in other words jesus is saying here in effect i would rather you suffer the loss of all your property than to suffer the effects of vengeance and retaliation he's saying to us that it is better to be empty of possessions than to be full of bitterness so what do we have to do to make sure we're guarding our hearts against bitterness and vengeance and retaliation it's it's doing things that are out of the ordinary same kind of principle in the next couple of verses verses 41 and 42. he says and whoever compels you to go one mile go with him two give to him who asks you and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away now as most of you know during the time of jesus ministry israel was under roman occupation the roman empire ruled this territory was part of the roman empire and under the law the roman law a roman soldier could tap a jew on the shoulder living in israel and demand that you carry his supplies for a mile i don't want to carry them i make you carry them but under the law they could not require you to carry it further than a mile so it would be a resentful thing for you to be made to carry a soldier's gear for a mile you feel taken advantage of and you're saying okay now listen here's what happens if you're asked if you're asked to go a mile just go another why would you want to do that well because when you do such a thing in in this way you're doing something out of love rather than out of spite and you're preventing resentment from getting the upper hand in your heart so again you know all this stuff is counter-intuitive there's a lot of things that jesus says is like well that doesn't seem to make sense you know because in our flesh we want to get even in our flesh we want to settle the score in our flesh we want to make sure nobody takes advantage of us again and we go to great lengths to protect ourselves or to exact vengeance on somebody else who has wronged us and jesus is saying i want you to be better than that i want you to be above that i want you to go the extra mile it'll help to guard your heart against bitterness i want you to do something out of love it'll disarm them from having power and control over you i want you to do things that may not be popular and it'll be counter intuitive but i want you to do these things as a way of honoring me and in the process of honoring me you're going to protect your own heart from becoming resentful and bitter towards others the third thing that he tells us here in chapter five is to love your enemies this also is hard between verses 43 and 48 he says you have heard that it was said again he's quoting old testament you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy well actually the old testament didn't say the second part in the old testament leviticus 19 18 it says love your neighbor as yourself it never said hate your enemy the religious leaders again took an old testament verse and they misapplied it saying well if we're to love our neighbor the person we get along with and i guess that means we get to hate our enemy and jesus is going to come along here and say no i don't want you to hate your enemy he says in verse 44 but i say to you love your enemies bless those who curse you do good to those who hate you and pray for those who who persecute you who spitefully use you and persecute you that you may be sons of your father in heaven for he makes his sun rise in the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust for if you love those who love you what reward have you do not even the tax collectors do the same and if you greet your brethren only what do you do more than others do not even the tax collectors do so therefore you shall be perfect just as your father in heaven is perfect so first the mosaic law did not say you could hate your enemy just said love your neighbor as yourself secondly the word enemy here is a broad term but it basically means people who might malign you or mistreat you and also i want you to notice in verse 44 when he tells us to love our enemies the word love in the greek is agapeo noun form is agape it is the highest and most supreme kind of love that we only can know and experience and offer when we have a relationship with jesus because that's where this kind of love comes from so when he tells us to love our enemies love people who malign us and mistreat us he's calling us to this highest kind of love and in order to love someone who mistreats you or maligns you in some way it will require a love that will not come from yourself this is a love that can only come from a relationship with jesus because when you experience this kind of love from god toward you you will then be able to express this love of god toward others you have to experience it before you can express it and this is the kind of love that he calls us to again it's not going to be easy but this is the kind of thing we can only do once we have experienced his love then we can express his love now the idea of loving our enemy is not loving what he or she does against us it is the idea of loving his or her soul i want you to think of it this way this is important for us to all understand at one point before any of us became a christian if you're here today and you are a christ follower before you became a christian you were an enemy of god now you might say well wait a minute i wasn't i wasn't really an enemy of god i was just kind of neutral no no you're either for him or against him there is no gray area you're either with him or you're opposed to him all of us before coming to know christ all of us were opposed to god and yet god loved our souls enough to send us on jesus died on a cross so while we were enemies toward god he still loved us loved our souls didn't love what we did didn't love our behavior didn't love our actions died for all of that but loved our souls that's the kind of love he calls us to you don't have to love the way other people behave you don't have to love the way that they've mistreated you or maligned you in some way but we need to love their souls in the same way that god loved our souls and sent jesus to die for us they are still people who can be redeemed but in the moment when our emotions are raw we're not really thinking that way so god calls us to this high standard of i want you to love them loving their souls in the way that i've loved your souls even though you were an enemy of mine at one time and so he gives us three directives here three little sub points about how we can actually love our enemies here's the first one he says i want you to bless them he says they're in verse 44. but i say to you love your enemies bless those who curse you now the word bless in the original greek language of the new testament is eulogio eulogy oath two words the eu the prefix to the word eu means well logayo means to speak so you yolo gayo means to speak well of someone that's the idea of the word blessing speak well of someone from that greek word yologyo we get our english word eulogy when you eulogize someone at a funeral for the most part you speak well of them okay you say nice things about people that's a eulogy and that's the idea behind eulogio that's the word that is used here jesus is saying to us i want you to speak well of people and even if they've opposed you mistreated you behind you i don't want you to speak evil of them i don't want you to slander them i don't want you to gossip about them i don't want you to ask your friends to join with you against them i want you to speak well of them i want you to bless them that's what he calls us to you say well i don't i can't really come up with good words for the people i'm thinking of right now i really can't think well then take the advice of your mother if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all it's better to say nothing than to go around slandering gossiping and speaking evil to people just say nothing but if you're gonna open your mouth speak well of them find something to say well of them the second thing that he says here in verse 44 is i want you to do good to them in other words don't mistreat them the way that they've mistreated you be better than that don't stoop to their level but instead the old saying goes kill them with kindness do good to them paul writes in romans 12 17-18 repay no one evil for evil have regard for good things in the sight of all men this is an important verse romans 12 18 if it is possible as much as it depends on you live peaceably with all men you know as far as it depends on each of us we have to be at peace with people so do good to them and then thirdly the last subtitle under this last point is to pray for them he says they're in verse 44. pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you now i know some of you some of you might say oh yeah i pray for my enemies oh yeah yeah yeah i pray for him yeah i know you do but the kind of prayers you're praying for them is like sick of god you know like get them god you see what they do to me kill all my enemies lord death to my enemies you know that's the kind of prayer that sometimes we pray that we're not supposed to now i know some of you might say well david prayed like that in the psalms and yes sometimes he did actually but not as a model prayer but rather as just an expression of his raw emotion so okay we understand we can have raw emotion about things but the idea here is when we pray for those who mistreated us or maligned us we should pray for them in a way that just releases them to god release them to god release them to god this is why jesus says there the last part of verse 45 for he makes that is god makes his son rise in the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust god doesn't only cause his son to shine on good people and reign to water the crops of only righteous people you know he he blankets the globe with his sunshine he blankets the globe with rain without discriminating between the righteous and the unrighteous even though there are people on the planet some of whom genuinely love god and others who but nevertheless until that day when when god will separate the righteous from the unrighteous on a day of judgment his favor and his grace is poured out upon all people and we need to act in the same way we can't just discriminate in the sense of just showing honor to those who are honorable and showing love to those who are lovely we are called to love people who aren't all that lovely and to honor people who aren't all that honorable because in the end of the day what we're doing is we're just exemplifying god god showers the planet with rain and showers the planet with sunshine without respect to the righteous and the unrighteous and we need to be careful that we are demonstrating the same love of god in a similar way and so we pray for their souls we pray for their souls pray for god to have his way and just release them into his hands let god do what god wants to do that's why god says vengeance is mine saith the lord we're not to take that into our own hands and we should pray that we would guard our own hearts against bitterness and anger let god deal with them and jesus ends all of this in verse 48 by saying therefore you shall be perfect just as your father in heaven is perfect well talk about setting a bar high that's how he ends this chapter but the word perfect here can mean sinless but not in this context obviously god is without sin but what he's calling us to the word perfect can also translate complete whole or mature that's what he's calling us to he's saying i want you to be complete in me i want you to be whole in me i want you to be mature in me and those who are complete and whole and mature in christ will live their lives this way we will keep our word we will turn the other cheek when insulted and we will love our enemies because this is the standard that jesus calls us to won't always be easy this is what he calls us to amen let's pray together father we thank you for your word and jesus as you gave this sermon we we thank you that you tell us the things that we need to hear not always is easy to live these things out but we pray that we would be men and women who keep our word if we make a promise we'll do our very best to keep it we pray that we would learn how to just take the insults without trying to return with insults and we pray lord that we would have a genuine heart that loves our enemies in the same way that you loved us when we were once enemies of yours not retaliating lord please guard our hearts from vengeance or bitterness we just entrust people to you and pray for their souls and we're grateful for the mercy you've had over our own souls let us continue lord to fight the good fight of faith in a world that won't always understand why we behave the way we do but we want to behave the way we do because we want to live a life that exemplifies jesus so help us lord to do that we love you and we thank you it's in your name that we pray and everybody said amen and amen god bless you all you
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 24,460
Rating: 4.8899083 out of 5
Keywords: Cornerstone Chapel, Calvary Chapel, Gary Hamrick, Biblical sermons, leesburg va, cornerstone chapel leesburg virginia, great sermons by great preachers, the book of matthew, Turn the other cheek, jesus standard for relating to others, matthew 5:33-48, Keep your word, ing, keeping your word, how to bless your enemies
Id: PlTrNU_woEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 3sec (2343 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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