Jester just got buffed.. its op.. | TDS (Roblox)

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all right so in my just a review video I've already said that this thing is pretty overpowered it's absolutely fantastic for speedr running and uh it's just overall a good Tower but just as I was thinking that's the end of it you know it's just going to be a great tower they buffed it and uh made it basically the best at least by what it sounds like so today I'm going to try and beat some very very hard map using some Loadout that uh yeah has Jester in it all right this is the loadout I've came to the conclusion to use and how about we go play on uh lby layby just absolutely sucks what can I say look at this map man just a straight line nobody will ever be playing on this map uh to have fun playing on this map they're they're just going to play this map because uh they want to win and prove that they're very very good at the game but Jester however should make this a lot easier now now I haven't stated what the Buffs are I'm going to I'm going to get to those later but yeah judging by these Buffs a Jester is probably going to be more useful than toxic Gunner was unrelease I don't want to say anything for certain yet oh also what am I doing playing on two Graphics oh that's so much nicer that's probably why the enemies were laggy but if this thing is actually like as good if not better than the toxic Gunner was on release uh like like nah they they're going to have to Nerf it are you kidding me leaking three quicks on one HP well that's annoying time to get back to farming oh yeah P's just going to keep leaking that stuff all right so let me just um kind of rephrase some points I said in my uh revieww of this Tower uh basically fine Tower don't use it early game early game this thing is going to lose you the game it does two damage every 1.5 seconds we're talking somewhere close to one DPS you can get a single golden Scout for $2 and it's going to be better value than that however later on in the game once you start getting like poison pools at and just start starting to spawn kill everything yeah that's when it's good also abnormal boss I'm going to leak it because I think um I kind of want to make some extra money by farming extra hard all right but now there's another one I I don't want to lose HP to that other one so I'm just going to put a mini down uh right here I think that should uh if not kill it it'll get it really low but I think yeah that just barely gets it and then on this wave there's a bunch of Shadows which I think uh yeah pyro mini are going to have no issue killing and there you go I got down all of my Farms I accidentally upgraded this one too much but that's fine so there's Breakers next round uh I have two options I can either upgrade my pyro or I can get down uh the jester I think I'm still going to go with pyro upgrade cuz Jester is just expensive you have to really you have to Max it in order for it to start showing some really good performance and I don't really have the money for a Max Jester so I think I'm just going to roll with what I've got uh now hopefully this wave is not overwhelming a lot of Breakers but just fine this wave there's a necromancer I think I'm going to get a Jester uh maybe level three and and put some poison ah well I forgot it's it's fire that's not good that's really not good I'm going to skip put down a mini back here okay yeah that's risky uh we definitely need this Jester to have some confusion bombs because the confusion is about to be uh very necessary look at this Fallen look how long it goes backwards it they go back for freaking ever now and the thing is they go back more often as well so so this Jester is about to be redirecting these enemies back into the start for like yeah it it'll just be doing that oh and also let's give it a let's give it a good old fire rate boost shall we look at this boss boom and he's gone backwards now let's see how far he okay so he's made it back to to that point where he was originally sent backwards and let's see uh boom sent backwards again boom reached this point okay so this thing is getting us like well a very long time per throw my God like it's actually hard to say what I'm trying to say uh basically this thing makes the enemies get stalled out for like what 5 Seconds stalls them out for 5 seconds and uh you know can apply the confusion every 8 seconds so the enemies in total end up moving like how much do they end up moving like 60% slower you understand that toxic Gunner un relase was by far the best Tower in TDS there was no other power that could compare I've already made a video talking about this so isn't it kind of crazy that uh Jester as it is right now is actually comparable to that that doesn't seem very right does it and considering the event is uh pretty much borderline impossible it's not exactly the most fair oh my God the necromancers get sent back to the start yeah the confusion Jester isn't as good at the front because at the front of the map um the while the enemies are going to walk into the entrance and then just turn around it's kind of stupid how that happens uh but it does okay uh now come on here let's not die to these glitches I'm getting a Max golden mini we don't end up dying anyways which is fantastic but uh yeah I I definitely need to boost up my commander here have this Jester throw even faster look at that glitch did you see it go all the way back to the start let me get down my commanders and get down a few more Jesters to actually start like doing some crazy work we've also established that Jester's uh poison on last is extremely overpowered oh what the heck is happening to these bosses their defense is being melted by oh my God these values are gross here let me get down the rest of my golden mini Gunners because I think I'm going to need them my commander abilities are oh I forgot to get them but yeah basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to wait for the tank I'm going to set these to some random I don't know poison when the tank comes out I'm going to wait for him to get like over here close to the end of the range of uh this Jester I'm going to switch the bombs to confusion and I'm going to send that tank right back okay let's switch it to confusion drop the confusion bomb yes it's working oh my God and now thanks to that I think we're going to no oh we're not going to exactly finish the tank off but well maybe now yep yep yep yep yep the tank is uh please die holy yeah that that got burned by the Pyro man that was scary but yeah for this very reason uh this thing is going to be over freaking powered so let's do that again set it on poison get ready for another tank and then at the last moment set it to confusion and please they it didn't throw the potion hold on hold on hold on all right here we go the tank again I know I'm on Dead Ahead this time but trust me don't don't go anywhere uh lby is uh pretty much glitched so I have a much better strategy here anyways I have the jester right here so instead of having to switch the bombs now once the tank gets to the jester it's going to be turned around and uh it's going to stay in the minig Gunner's range longer that way look at that oh that that's so much nicer that's so much nicer than having to just hope that you live let me Max this pyro I need to get this maxed anyways and probably get a wait Max Commander doesn't really affect minis so yeah I I don't need to worry about that but you know now that I actually have this thing to like help me survive that's going to it's going to come in super handy still going to get down a few more golden mini Gunners just to really you know be able to defend from more of these big guys also uh yeah big Breakers those not very fun until of course uh get some poison Jesters in fact I think it would be pretty good time to start working on those poison Jesters right now let's start with this last one set both of his bombs to the poison set him on last and uh yeah just keep getting more of these oh my God the the big Breakers are being absolutely wiped out right now let's get some more of these bad boys last poison oh my God uh even when my stuff is stunned no no problem cuz the poison pool is going to kill everything that comes out let's see this the the breakers oh my God I love this Tower keep in mind what like the tower is just this good without even using the thing that it got buffed to do oh God this is this is great isn't it this is great uh well I mean at least that only stunned my pyro uh seems like yeah the the poison pools are going to do just fine killing the stuff on their own well that's enough gestur I mean one more isn't going to make the biggest of differences but maybe I should get one more like right here and set it to confusion yes that's a good idea because what it's going to do is as soon as the enemies get like here they're just going to get turned right back around into the poison let's see this tank it look watch it get sent back in there never mind because this thing had uh fire stuff but yeah just like that the tank oh God everything on the map is stunned right now this Jester boom turns the nean boss around and it spawns hopefully long enough for my um gold min needs to be able to kill it off after yes yes they turn it turned it around again oh my God this thing is a lifesaver I definitely need more more um Min Gunners because I don't want everything to get stunned and I just die next time yeah boomers are definitely a big counter on a map like this oh you've got to be kidding me right oh well that's not even that much of a problem cuz we just send the stuff right back oh that's a lot of stuff on this round honestly uh yeah this is going to be hard to win yeah what is the warden doing bro why is that Necromancer boss on 700 HP oh GG's but yeah you basically saw how this thing works now that Necromancer boss from before that we just kept sending back that makes it super useful to use Jester now unfortunately you can't just completely hope that it carries your game because it won't do that and even with all the golden minis I still lost because well first of all this map just sucks and second this is definitely much more of a support Tower you'll get much better results using this in like a duo or a trio then using it in Solo so hopefully that's some useful information and maybe you wouldn't mind liking subscribing and using star Cod please
Channel: Elite
Views: 243,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tds, tower defense simulator, jester, update, review, solo, fallen, strategy, op, act 3, act iii
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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