Jessie Murph, Jelly Roll - Wild Ones (Official Video)
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Channel: JessieMurphVEVO
Views: 29,876,824
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Keywords: Jessie Murph, Jelly Roll, Got me wide wide open, Got 45 on ‘em, And he’s pushing bout 102, Always smoking something, He ain’t worried bout nothing, Cause he ain’t got nothing to lose, got thang for the, Hard liquor on ice, Short days and long nights, Marlboros out the window, Middle finger to the sky, Say you wanna get dangerous, Now you’re speaking my language, forgot what your name is, So imma call you mine, Imma call you mine, got
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 25sec (145 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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