Jesse Ventura’s tips to Navy Seals in training

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I want to take you back to your time as a Navy SEAL your parents both served but interestingly they weren't that I don't believe initially fond of the idea of you know my song skipping college no my father he had six my mother and father I have a rare either both World War two veterans my mother served as a nurse in North Africa and my father had six bronze Battlestars he served in North Africa he served at Normandy the battle of the bulge on Remagen bridge Anzio and Berlin all of them and my father was as anti-war as you would find and so my father's only advice to me was this he said look if you got to go in the service and he was biased because he was in the army he said join the airforce of the Navy because he said they'll at least teach you something that you can use but my dad didn't literally realize I would become brown-water Navy which essentially I'll put it this way when I got out I could go on in years unemployment when I went to the unemployment office they asked me what I was qualified to do and my buddies told me how to answer who got out before me when they ask you what you're qualified to do as a Navy SEAL or frogman it's I'm qualified for diving demolition and parachuting so what kind of civilian job are you gonna get red hand me my unemployment check how would you best explain what seal training entailed it's difficult it's not for everyone 300 kids were in the room in boot camp when they gave us the screen test probably thirty stayed to take it out of the 300 that were originally in the room and the 30 that took the screen test to qualify only for passed four out of 300 then when you get the training you've got all guys that have passed that screen test your average class will start with about a hundred 125 guys and you'll probably graduate at about 25 well so it has a 75 to 80% attrition rate so it's not for everyone and it doesn't make you a hero making and it's just a certain job that you're highly qualified to do what made the training worse than you were even expecting going into it all of it as a whole because during the entire time you're there you're not allowed to walk what do you mean you have to run you run to run you run the chow you run everywhere you go walking is not allowed during the training cycle of the day so imagine how far you actually do run and I swimming was my strong point in training truly what makes it tough you're a triathlete that's the best way to describe it plus harassment you're harassed by the instructors constantly they try to make you quit I know this is an insignificant story but what happens shortly after you enlist when you admit to having blisters on your hands oh no no that was the first day I ran the old course I didn't get any pre training I got there on Friday and class started Monday and my hands weren't toughen and so when I ran the old course normally you do it in about ten minutes when you get good at it that day it took me 45 the first day of training and I ended up at the end of the day with about four big flapping blisters on my hands because they weren't toughened I just come from a school you know I had mad I'd never run the old course before where some guys got there a month ahead of time and we got to practice on him toughen up for it in that day we at the end of the day Terry Moy instructor Moy he was a good friend of mine today were close friends he was my first phase instructor the most terrifying man I'd ever met on the earth and he came out with a table in the first aid kit and he looked at offices okay which one of you pukes has flappers and I looked at my hands until god I need medical attention and I made the mistake I raised my hand something you don't do don't bring any attention to yourself you learn that I learned mine that day so he called me in front of the class and said let me see and I held him on so you got flappers then he said are you right-handed or left-handed and I said I'm right-handed he said okay hold your right hand out so I held my right hand out I thought he was going to take mercurochrome alcohol whatever I figure I needed it he grabbed every flap and ripped him off so I'm standing on our tears running down my face now nothing hurt that bad in my life then he made me turn to the class and he said okay now you do the other hand so I had to stand in front of the class and rip off my own flappers and then he looked at me says now get back in line you big dummy what did I learn from that don't bring any attention to yourself blend in do not allow the instructors to focus on you they will at some point everybody but don't bring it on unneeded for more clips from this interview visit Graham bensinger calm you
Channel: Graham Bensinger
Views: 799,003
Rating: 4.8498359 out of 5
Keywords: Graham Bensinger, In Depth with Graham Bensinger, Sports, Sports Video, Sports Interviews, Sports Journalist, jesse ventura, navy seals, Navy, SEALS, training
Id: pfQweZnarAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2015
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